// // Mono.Documentation/exceptions.cs // // Authors: // Jonathan Pryor (jonpryor@vt.edu) // // (C) 2008 Novell, Inc. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Linq; using Mono.Cecil; using Mono.Cecil.Cil; namespace Mono.Documentation { [Flags] public enum ExceptionLocations { Member = 0x0, Assembly = 0x1, DependentAssemblies = 0x2, AddedMembers = 0x4, } public class ExceptionSources { internal ExceptionSources (TypeReference exception) { Exception = exception; Sources = new HashSet (); } public TypeReference Exception { get; private set; } internal HashSet Sources; } public class ExceptionLookup { SlashDocMemberFormatter xdoc = new SlashDocMemberFormatter (); // xdoc(MemberRef) -> xdoc(TypeRef) -> ExceptionSource // where ExceptionSource.Exception == xdoc(TypeRef) Dictionary> db = new Dictionary> (); ExceptionLocations locations; public ExceptionLookup (ExceptionLocations locations) { this.locations = locations; } public IEnumerable this [MemberReference member] { get { if (member == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("member"); var memberDef = member.Resolve (); if (memberDef == null) { ArrayType array = member.DeclaringType as ArrayType; if (array != null && array.Rank > 1) { // Multi-dimensional array; the member is runtime generated, // doesn't "really" exist (in a form that we can resolve), // so we can't do anything further. return new ExceptionSources[0]; } throw new NotSupportedException (string.Format ( "Unable to resolve member {0}::{1}.", member.DeclaringType.FullName, member.Name)); } string memberDecl = xdoc.GetDeclaration (member); Dictionary e; if (!db.TryGetValue (memberDecl, out e)) { e = new Dictionary (); db.Add (memberDecl, e); var bodies = GetMethodBodies (member); foreach (var body in bodies) { if (body == null) continue; FillExceptions (body, e); } } return e.Values; } } MethodBody[] GetMethodBodies (MemberReference member) { if (member is MethodReference) { return new[]{ (((MethodReference) member).Resolve ()).Body }; } if (member is PropertyReference) { PropertyDefinition prop = (PropertyDefinition) member; return new[]{ prop.GetMethod != null ? prop.GetMethod.Body : null, prop.SetMethod != null ? prop.SetMethod.Body : null, }; } if (member is FieldReference) return new MethodBody[]{}; if (member is EventReference) { EventDefinition ev = (EventDefinition) member; return new[]{ ev.AddMethod != null ? ev.AddMethod.Body : null, ev.InvokeMethod != null ? ev.InvokeMethod.Body : null, ev.RemoveMethod != null ? ev.RemoveMethod.Body : null, }; } throw new NotSupportedException ("Unsupported member type: " + member.GetType().FullName); } void FillExceptions (MethodBody body, Dictionary exceptions) { for (int i = 0; i < body.Instructions.Count; ++i) { Instruction instruction = body.Instructions [i]; switch (instruction.OpCode.Code) { case Code.Call: case Code.Callvirt: { if ((locations & ExceptionLocations.Assembly) == 0 && (locations & ExceptionLocations.DependentAssemblies) == 0) break; MemberReference memberRef = ((MemberReference) instruction.Operand); if (((locations & ExceptionLocations.Assembly) != 0 && body.Method.DeclaringType.Scope.Name == memberRef.DeclaringType.Scope.Name) || ((locations & ExceptionLocations.DependentAssemblies) != 0 && body.Method.DeclaringType.Scope.Name != memberRef.DeclaringType.Scope.Name)) { IEnumerable memberExceptions = this [memberRef]; AddExceptions (body, instruction, memberExceptions.Select (es => es.Exception), memberExceptions.SelectMany (es => es.Sources), exceptions); } break; } case Code.Newobj: { MethodReference ctor = (MethodReference) instruction.Operand; if (IsExceptionConstructor (ctor)) { AddExceptions (body, instruction, new TypeReference[]{ctor.DeclaringType}, new MemberReference[]{body.Method}, exceptions); } break; } } } } void AddExceptions (MethodBody body, Instruction instruction, IEnumerable add, IEnumerable sources, Dictionary exceptions) { var handlers = body.ExceptionHandlers.Cast () .Where (eh => instruction.Offset >= eh.TryStart.Offset && instruction.Offset <= eh.TryEnd.Offset); foreach (var ex in add) { if (!handlers.Any (h => IsExceptionCaught (ex, h.CatchType))) { ExceptionSources s; string eName = xdoc.GetDeclaration (ex); if (!exceptions.TryGetValue (eName, out s)) { s = new ExceptionSources (ex); exceptions.Add (eName, s); } foreach (var m in sources) s.Sources.Add (m); } } } static bool IsExceptionConstructor (MethodReference ctor) { return GetBases (ctor.DeclaringType) .Any (t => t.FullName == "System.Exception"); } bool IsExceptionCaught (TypeReference exception, TypeReference catcher) { return GetBases (exception).Select (e => xdoc.GetDeclaration (e)) .Union (GetBases (catcher).Select (e => xdoc.GetDeclaration (e))) .Any (); } static IEnumerable GetBases (TypeReference type) { yield return type; TypeDefinition def = type.Resolve (); while (def != null && def.BaseType != null) { yield return def.BaseType; def = def.BaseType.Resolve (); } } } }