using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; namespace System.Web.ModelBinding { public sealed class ControlValueProvider : SimpleValueProvider { public string PropertyName { get; private set; } [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Globalization", "CA1304:SpecifyCultureInfo", MessageId = "System.Web.ModelBinding.SimpleValueProvider.#ctor(System.Web.ModelBinding.ModelBindingExecutionContext)", Justification = "SimpleValueProvider Constructor specifies the CultureInfo")] public ControlValueProvider(ModelBindingExecutionContext modelBindingExecutionContext, string propertyName) : base(modelBindingExecutionContext) { PropertyName = propertyName; } protected override object FetchValue(string controlId) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(controlId)) { return null; } Control dataControl = ModelBindingExecutionContext.GetService(); //Following code taken from ControlParameter - code duplicated because ControlPrameter throws exceptions whereas we do not. string propertyName = PropertyName; //Bug Fix # 280051 : First try to find it on dataControl as DataBoundControlHelper.FindControl only walks up starting from dataControl's NamingContainer. Control foundControl = dataControl.FindControl(controlId) ?? DataBoundControlHelper.FindControl(dataControl, controlId); if (foundControl == null) { return null; } ControlValuePropertyAttribute controlValueProp = (ControlValuePropertyAttribute)TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(foundControl)[typeof(ControlValuePropertyAttribute)]; // If no property name is specified, use the ControlValuePropertyAttribute to determine which property to use. if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName)) { if ((controlValueProp != null) && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(controlValueProp.Name))) { propertyName = controlValueProp.Name; } else { return null; } } // Get the value of the property object value = DataBinder.Eval(foundControl, propertyName); // Convert the value to null if this is the default property and the value is the property's default value if (controlValueProp != null && controlValueProp.DefaultValue != null && controlValueProp.DefaultValue.Equals(value)) { return null; } return value; } } }