// ==++== // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // ==--== // There are cases where we have multiple assemblies that are going to import this file and // if they are going to also have InternalsVisibleTo between them, there will be a compiler warning // that the type is found both in the source and in a referenced assembly. The compiler will prefer // the version of the type defined in the source // // In order to disable the warning for this type we are disabling this warning for this entire file. #pragma warning disable 436 // NOTE: This file should not be included in mscorlib. This should only be included in FX libraries that need to provide switches using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Threading; namespace System { internal static partial class LocalAppContext { private delegate bool TryGetSwitchDelegate(string switchName, out bool value); private static TryGetSwitchDelegate TryGetSwitchFromCentralAppContext; private static bool s_canForwardCalls; private static Dictionary s_switchMap = new Dictionary(); private static readonly object s_syncLock = new object(); private static bool DisableCaching { get; set; } static LocalAppContext() { // Try to setup the callback into the central AppContext s_canForwardCalls = SetupDelegate(); // Populate the default values of the local app context AppContextDefaultValues.PopulateDefaultValues(); // Cache the value of the switch that help with testing DisableCaching = IsSwitchEnabled(@"TestSwitch.LocalAppContext.DisableCaching"); } public static bool IsSwitchEnabled(string switchName) { if (s_canForwardCalls) { bool isEnabledCentrally; if (TryGetSwitchFromCentralAppContext(switchName, out isEnabledCentrally)) { // we found the switch, so return whatever value it has return isEnabledCentrally; } // if we could not get the value from the central authority, try the local storage. } return IsSwitchEnabledLocal(switchName); } private static bool IsSwitchEnabledLocal(string switchName) { // read the value from the set of local defaults bool isEnabled, isPresent; lock (s_switchMap) { isPresent = s_switchMap.TryGetValue(switchName, out isEnabled); } // If the value is in the set of local switches, reutrn the value if (isPresent) { return isEnabled; } // if we could not find the switch name, we should return 'false' // This will preserve the concept of switches been 'off' unless explicitly set to 'on' return false; } private static bool SetupDelegate() { Type appContextType = typeof(object).Assembly.GetType("System.AppContext"); if (appContextType == null) return false; MethodInfo method = appContextType.GetMethod( "TryGetSwitch", // the method name BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public, // binding flags null, // use the default binder new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(bool).MakeByRefType() }, null); // parameterModifiers - this is ignored by the default binder if (method == null) return false; // Create delegate if we found the method. TryGetSwitchFromCentralAppContext = (TryGetSwitchDelegate)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(TryGetSwitchDelegate), method); return true; } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] internal static bool GetCachedSwitchValue(string switchName, ref int switchValue) { if (switchValue < 0) return false; if (switchValue > 0) return true; return GetCachedSwitchValueInternal(switchName, ref switchValue); } private static bool GetCachedSwitchValueInternal(string switchName, ref int switchValue) { if (LocalAppContext.DisableCaching) { return LocalAppContext.IsSwitchEnabled(switchName); } bool isEnabled = LocalAppContext.IsSwitchEnabled(switchName); switchValue = isEnabled ? 1 /*true*/ : -1 /*false*/; return isEnabled; } /// /// This method is going to be called from the AppContextDefaultValues class when setting up the /// default values for the switches. !!!! This method is called during the static constructor so it does not /// take a lock !!!! If you are planning to use this outside of that, please ensure proper locking. /// internal static void DefineSwitchDefault(string switchName, bool initialValue) { s_switchMap[switchName] = initialValue; } } } #pragma warning restore 436