<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project DefaultTargets="Build" ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
  <PropertyGroup Label="UserMacros">
    <!-- Change this to custom build tree location to enable out of source tree builds, example c:/mono-build/ -->
    <!-- Change this to custom distribution tree location to enable out of source tree distribution, example c:/mono-dist/ -->
    <!-- GC in use, sgen or boehm, default is sgen. -->
    <!-- When true, build targets will get a suffix based on used GC. Makes it possible to have builds using different GC's in same build folders, sharing common targets. -->
    <!-- When true, build will get a separate build folder based on various configuration parameters. Makes it possible separate builds into different output folders under the same build prefix. -->
    <!-- When true, all binaries and libraries will link using static c-runtime. When false, all binaries and libraries will link using dynamic c-runtime.  -->
    <!-- When true, mono binaries will link using static libmono. When false, mono binaries will link using dynamic libmono.  -->
    <!-- When true, mono binaries will link and include llvm. When false, mono binaries will not link and include llvm.  -->
    <!-- When true, enable LLVM asserts for internal LLVM build. When false, disable LLVM asserts for internal LLVM build.  -->
    <!-- When set, use an alternative LLVM source location for internal LLVM build.  -->
    <!-- When set, use an external pre-build LLVM library instead of internal one.  -->
    <!-- When true, ported mono projects will build using C++ instead of C compiler. When false, all project will be build using the default compiler.  -->
    <!-- When true, mono binaries will link and include BTLS. When false, mono binaries will not link and include BTLS.  -->
  <PropertyGroup Label="MonoDirectories">
    <MonoSourceLocation Condition="'$(MonoSourceLocation)' == '' ">..</MonoSourceLocation>
  <PropertyGroup Label="Static-C-Runtime" Condition="$(MONO_USE_STATIC_C_RUNTIME)=='true'">
    <MONO_C_RUNTIME Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Debug'">MultiThreadedDebug</MONO_C_RUNTIME>
    <MONO_C_RUNTIME Condition="'$(Configuration)'!='Debug'">MultiThreaded</MONO_C_RUNTIME>
  <PropertyGroup Label="Dynamic-C-Runtime" Condition="$(MONO_USE_STATIC_C_RUNTIME)!='true'">
    <MONO_C_RUNTIME Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Debug'">MultiThreadedDebugDLL</MONO_C_RUNTIME>
    <MONO_C_RUNTIME Condition="'$(Configuration)'!='Debug'">MultiThreadedDLL</MONO_C_RUNTIME>
  <PropertyGroup Label="MonoSGEN" Condition="$(MONO_TARGET_GC)=='sgen' Or $(MONO_TARGET_GC)!='boehm'">
  <PropertyGroup Label="MonoBOEHM" Condition="$(MONO_TARGET_GC)=='boehm'">
  <PropertyGroup Label="Static-Mono-Libraries">
  <PropertyGroup Label="Static-libmono-Library" Condition="$(MONO_USE_STATIC_LIBMONO)=='true'">
  <PropertyGroup Label="Dynamic-libmono-Library" Condition="$(MONO_USE_STATIC_LIBMONO)!='true'">
  <PropertyGroup Label="MonoProfiler">
    <VTUNE_INCLUDE_DIR>$(ProgramFiles)/Intel/VTune Amplifier XE 2013/include</VTUNE_INCLUDE_DIR>
    <BuildMacro Include="MONO_BUILD_DIR_PREFIX">
    <BuildMacro Include="MONO_INSTALL_DIR_PREFIX">
    <BuildMacro Include="MONO_TARGET_GC">
    <BuildMacro Include="MONO_USE_TARGET_SUFFIX">
    <BuildMacro Include="MONO_USE_SEPARATE_BUILD_DIR">
    <BuildMacro Include="MONO_USE_STATIC_C_RUNTIME">
    <BuildMacro Include="MONO_USE_STATIC_LIBMONO">
    <BuildMacro Include="MONO_ENABLE_LLVM">
    <BuildMacro Include="MONO_EXTERNAL_LLVM_CONFIG">
    <BuildMacro Include="MONO_COMPILE_AS_CPP">
    <BuildMacro Include="MONO_ENABLE_BTLS">
  <PropertyGroup Label="MonoDefaultPreprocessorDefinitions">