using System;

namespace MonoVirtuals
	class X { }
	class Y : X { }

	class A
		public virtual int f (X o)
			System.Console.WriteLine ("In A for X");
			return 5;

		public virtual int f (Y o)
			System.Console.WriteLine ("In A for Y");
			return 10;

		public virtual int this[X o]
				System.Console.WriteLine ("In A for X");
				return 5;

		public virtual int this[Y o]
				System.Console.WriteLine ("In A for Y");
				return 10;

	class B : A
		public override int f (X o)
			base.f (o);
			throw new ApplicationException ("should not be called");

		public override int this[X o]
				base.f (o);
				throw new ApplicationException ("should not be called");

	class C : B
		public override int f (X o)
			System.Console.WriteLine ("In C for X");
			return base.f (o);

		public override int f (Y o)
			System.Console.WriteLine ("In C for Y");
			return base.f (o);

		public override int this[X o]
				System.Console.WriteLine ("In C for X");
				return base.f (o);

		public override int this[Y o]
				System.Console.WriteLine ("In C for Y");
				return base.f (o);

	class MainClass
		public static int Main ()
			var o = new Y ();
			var c = new C ();
			if (c.f (o) != 10)
				return 1;

			if (c[o] != 10)
				return 2;

			return 0;