* ADO.NET 2.0 Data Provider for SQLite Version 3.X
* Written by Robert Simpson (robert@blackcastlesoft.com)
* Released to the public domain, use at your own risk!
namespace Mono.Data.Sqlite
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Globalization;
/// This abstract class is designed to handle user-defined functions easily. An instance of the derived class is made for each
/// connection to the database.
/// Although there is one instance of a class derived from SqliteFunction per database connection, the derived class has no access
/// to the underlying connection. This is necessary to deter implementers from thinking it would be a good idea to make database
/// calls during processing.
/// It is important to distinguish between a per-connection instance, and a per-SQL statement context. One instance of this class
/// services all SQL statements being stepped through on that connection, and there can be many. One should never store per-statement
/// information in member variables of user-defined function classes.
/// For aggregate functions, always create and store your per-statement data in the contextData object on the 1st step. This data will
/// be automatically freed for you (and Dispose() called if the item supports IDisposable) when the statement completes.
public abstract class SqliteFunction : IDisposable
private class AggregateData
internal int _count = 1;
internal object _data = null;
/// The base connection this function is attached to
internal SQLiteBase _base;
/// Internal array used to keep track of aggregate function context data
private Dictionary _contextDataList;
/// Holds a reference to the callback function for user functions
private SQLiteCallback _InvokeFunc;
/// Holds a reference to the callbakc function for stepping in an aggregate function
private SQLiteCallback _StepFunc;
/// Holds a reference to the callback function for finalizing an aggregate function
private SQLiteFinalCallback _FinalFunc;
/// Holds a reference to the callback function for collation sequences
private SQLiteCollation _CompareFunc;
private SQLiteCollation _CompareFunc16;
/// Current context of the current callback. Only valid during a callback
internal IntPtr _context;
/// This static list contains all the user-defined functions declared using the proper attributes.
private static List _registeredFunctions = new List();
/// Internal constructor, initializes the function's internal variables.
protected SqliteFunction()
_contextDataList = new Dictionary();
/// Returns a reference to the underlying connection's SqliteConvert class, which can be used to convert
/// strings and DateTime's into the current connection's encoding schema.
public SqliteConvert SqliteConvert
return _base;
/// Scalar functions override this method to do their magic.
/// Parameters passed to functions have only an affinity for a certain data type, there is no underlying schema available
/// to force them into a certain type. Therefore the only types you will ever see as parameters are
/// DBNull.Value, Int64, Double, String or byte[] array.
/// The arguments for the command to process
/// You may return most simple types as a return value, null or DBNull.Value to return null, DateTime, or
/// you may return an Exception-derived class if you wish to return an error to SQLite. Do not actually throw the error,
/// just return it!
public virtual object Invoke(object[] args)
return null;
/// Aggregate functions override this method to do their magic.
/// Typically you'll be updating whatever you've placed in the contextData field and returning as quickly as possible.
/// The arguments for the command to process
/// The 1-based step number. This is incrememted each time the step method is called.
/// A placeholder for implementers to store contextual data pertaining to the current context.
public virtual void Step(object[] args, int stepNumber, ref object contextData)
/// Aggregate functions override this method to finish their aggregate processing.
/// If you implemented your aggregate function properly,
/// you've been recording and keeping track of your data in the contextData object provided, and now at this stage you should have
/// all the information you need in there to figure out what to return.
/// NOTE: It is possible to arrive here without receiving a previous call to Step(), in which case the contextData will
/// be null. This can happen when no rows were returned. You can either return null, or 0 or some other custom return value
/// if that is the case.
/// Your own assigned contextData, provided for you so you can return your final results.
/// You may return most simple types as a return value, null or DBNull.Value to return null, DateTime, or
/// you may return an Exception-derived class if you wish to return an error to SQLite. Do not actually throw the error,
/// just return it!
public virtual object Final(object contextData)
return null;
/// User-defined collation sequences override this method to provide a custom string sorting algorithm.
/// The first string to compare
/// The second strnig to compare
/// 1 if param1 is greater than param2, 0 if they are equal, or -1 if param1 is less than param2
public virtual int Compare(string param1, string param2)
return 0;
/// Converts an IntPtr array of context arguments to an object array containing the resolved parameters the pointers point to.
/// Parameters passed to functions have only an affinity for a certain data type, there is no underlying schema available
/// to force them into a certain type. Therefore the only types you will ever see as parameters are
/// DBNull.Value, Int64, Double, String or byte[] array.
/// The number of arguments
/// A pointer to the array of arguments
/// An object array of the arguments once they've been converted to .NET values
internal object[] ConvertParams(int nArgs, IntPtr argsptr)
object[] parms = new object[nArgs];
IntPtr[] argint = new IntPtr[nArgs];
int[] argint = new int[nArgs];
Marshal.Copy(argsptr, argint, 0, nArgs);
for (int n = 0; n < nArgs; n++)
switch (_base.GetParamValueType((IntPtr)argint[n]))
case TypeAffinity.Null:
parms[n] = DBNull.Value;
case TypeAffinity.Int64:
parms[n] = _base.GetParamValueInt64((IntPtr)argint[n]);
case TypeAffinity.Double:
parms[n] = _base.GetParamValueDouble((IntPtr)argint[n]);
case TypeAffinity.Text:
parms[n] = _base.GetParamValueText((IntPtr)argint[n]);
case TypeAffinity.Blob:
int x;
byte[] blob;
x = (int)_base.GetParamValueBytes((IntPtr)argint[n], 0, null, 0, 0);
blob = new byte[x];
_base.GetParamValueBytes((IntPtr)argint[n], 0, blob, 0, x);
parms[n] = blob;
case TypeAffinity.DateTime: // Never happens here but what the heck, maybe it will one day.
parms[n] = _base.ToDateTime(_base.GetParamValueText((IntPtr)argint[n]));
return parms;
/// Takes the return value from Invoke() and Final() and figures out how to return it to SQLite's context.
/// The context the return value applies to
/// The parameter to return to SQLite
void SetReturnValue(IntPtr context, object returnValue)
if (returnValue == null || returnValue == DBNull.Value)
Type t = returnValue.GetType();
if (t == typeof(DateTime))
_base.ReturnText(context, _base.ToString((DateTime)returnValue));
Exception r = returnValue as Exception;
if (r != null)
_base.ReturnError(context, r.Message);
switch (SqliteConvert.TypeToAffinity(t))
case TypeAffinity.Null:
case TypeAffinity.Int64:
_base.ReturnInt64(context, Convert.ToInt64(returnValue, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));
case TypeAffinity.Double:
_base.ReturnDouble(context, Convert.ToDouble(returnValue, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));
case TypeAffinity.Text:
_base.ReturnText(context, returnValue.ToString());
case TypeAffinity.Blob:
_base.ReturnBlob(context, (byte[])returnValue);
/// Internal scalar callback function, which wraps the raw context pointer and calls the virtual Invoke() method.
/// A raw context pointer
/// Number of arguments passed in
/// A pointer to the array of arguments
internal void ScalarCallback(IntPtr context, int nArgs, IntPtr argsptr)
_context = context;
SetReturnValue(context, Invoke(ConvertParams(nArgs, argsptr)));
/// Internal collation sequence function, which wraps up the raw string pointers and executes the Compare() virtual function.
/// Not used
/// Length of the string pv1
/// Pointer to the first string to compare
/// Length of the string pv2
/// Pointer to the second string to compare
/// Returns -1 if the first string is less than the second. 0 if they are equal, or 1 if the first string is greater
/// than the second.
internal int CompareCallback(IntPtr ptr, int len1, IntPtr ptr1, int len2, IntPtr ptr2)
return Compare(SqliteConvert.UTF8ToString(ptr1, len1), SqliteConvert.UTF8ToString(ptr2, len2));
internal int CompareCallback16(IntPtr ptr, int len1, IntPtr ptr1, int len2, IntPtr ptr2)
return Compare(SQLite3_UTF16.UTF16ToString(ptr1, len1), SQLite3_UTF16.UTF16ToString(ptr2, len2));
/// The internal aggregate Step function callback, which wraps the raw context pointer and calls the virtual Step() method.
/// This function takes care of doing the lookups and getting the important information put together to call the Step() function.
/// That includes pulling out the user's contextData and updating it after the call is made. We use a sorted list for this so
/// binary searches can be done to find the data.
/// A raw context pointer
/// Number of arguments passed in
/// A pointer to the array of arguments
internal void StepCallback(IntPtr context, int nArgs, IntPtr argsptr)
long nAux;
AggregateData data;
nAux = (long)_base.AggregateContext(context);
if (_contextDataList.TryGetValue(nAux, out data) == false)
data = new AggregateData();
_contextDataList[nAux] = data;
_context = context;
Step(ConvertParams(nArgs, argsptr), data._count, ref data._data);
/// An internal aggregate Final function callback, which wraps the context pointer and calls the virtual Final() method.
/// A raw context pointer
internal void FinalCallback(IntPtr context)
long n = (long)_base.AggregateContext(context);
object obj = null;
if (_contextDataList.ContainsKey(n))
obj = _contextDataList[n]._data;
_context = context;
SetReturnValue(context, Final(obj));
IDisposable disp = obj as IDisposable;
if (disp != null) disp.Dispose();
/// Placeholder for a user-defined disposal routine
/// True if the object is being disposed explicitly
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
IDisposable disp;
foreach (KeyValuePair kv in _contextDataList)
disp = kv.Value._data as IDisposable;
if (disp != null)
_InvokeFunc = null;
_StepFunc = null;
_FinalFunc = null;
_CompareFunc = null;
_base = null;
_contextDataList = null;
/// Disposes of any active contextData variables that were not automatically cleaned up. Sometimes this can happen if
/// someone closes the connection while a DataReader is open.
public void Dispose()
/// Using reflection, enumerate all assemblies in the current appdomain looking for classes that
/// have a SqliteFunctionAttribute attribute, and registering them accordingly.
[global::System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission(global::System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Assert, AllFiles = global::System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermissionAccess.PathDiscovery)]
static SqliteFunction()
SqliteFunctionAttribute at;
System.Reflection.Assembly[] arAssemblies = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies();
int w = arAssemblies.Length;
System.Reflection.AssemblyName sqlite = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().GetName();
for (int n = 0; n < w; n++)
Type[] arTypes;
bool found = false;
System.Reflection.AssemblyName[] references;
// Inspect only assemblies that reference SQLite
references = arAssemblies[n].GetReferencedAssemblies();
int t = references.Length;
for (int z = 0; z < t; z++)
if (references[z].Name == sqlite.Name)
found = true;
if (found == false)
arTypes = arAssemblies[n].GetTypes();
catch (global::System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException e)
arTypes = e.Types;
int v = arTypes.Length;
for (int x = 0; x < v; x++)
if (arTypes[x] == null) continue;
object[] arAtt = arTypes[x].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(SqliteFunctionAttribute), false);
int u = arAtt.Length;
for (int y = 0; y < u; y++)
at = arAtt[y] as SqliteFunctionAttribute;
if (at != null)
at._instanceType = arTypes[x];
catch // SQLite provider can continue without being able to find built-in functions
/// Manual method of registering a function. The type must still have the SqliteFunctionAttributes in order to work
/// properly, but this is a workaround for the Compact Framework where enumerating assemblies is not currently supported.
/// The type of the function to register
public static void RegisterFunction(Type typ)
object[] arAtt = typ.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(SqliteFunctionAttribute), false);
int u = arAtt.Length;
SqliteFunctionAttribute at;
for (int y = 0; y < u; y++)
at = arAtt[y] as SqliteFunctionAttribute;
if (at != null)
at._instanceType = typ;
/// Called by SQLiteBase derived classes, this function binds all user-defined functions to a connection.
/// It is done this way so that all user-defined functions will access the database using the same encoding scheme
/// as the connection (UTF-8 or UTF-16).
/// The wrapper functions that interop with SQLite will create a unique cookie value, which internally is a pointer to
/// all the wrapped callback functions. The interop function uses it to map CDecl callbacks to StdCall callbacks.
/// The base object on which the functions are to bind
/// Returns an array of functions which the connection object should retain until the connection is closed.
internal static SqliteFunction[] BindFunctions(SQLiteBase sqlbase)
SqliteFunction f;
List lFunctions = new List();
foreach (SqliteFunctionAttribute pr in _registeredFunctions)
f = (SqliteFunction)Activator.CreateInstance(pr._instanceType);
f._base = sqlbase;
f._InvokeFunc = (pr.FuncType == FunctionType.Scalar) ? new SQLiteCallback(f.ScalarCallback) : null;
f._StepFunc = (pr.FuncType == FunctionType.Aggregate) ? new SQLiteCallback(f.StepCallback) : null;
f._FinalFunc = (pr.FuncType == FunctionType.Aggregate) ? new SQLiteFinalCallback(f.FinalCallback) : null;
f._CompareFunc = (pr.FuncType == FunctionType.Collation) ? new SQLiteCollation(f.CompareCallback) : null;
f._CompareFunc16 = (pr.FuncType == FunctionType.Collation) ? new SQLiteCollation(f.CompareCallback16) : null;
if (pr.FuncType != FunctionType.Collation)
sqlbase.CreateFunction(pr.Name, pr.Arguments, (f is SqliteFunctionEx), f._InvokeFunc, f._StepFunc, f._FinalFunc);
else {
GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc (f);
sqlbase.CreateCollation(pr.Name, collation_callback, collation_callback16, GCHandle.ToIntPtr (handle));
sqlbase.CreateCollation(pr.Name, f._CompareFunc, f._CompareFunc16, IntPtr.Zero);
SqliteFunction[] arFunctions = new SqliteFunction[lFunctions.Count];
lFunctions.CopyTo(arFunctions, 0);
return arFunctions;
[Mono.Util.MonoPInvokeCallback (typeof (SQLiteCollation))]
internal static int collation_callback (IntPtr puser, int len1, IntPtr pv1, int len2, IntPtr pv2)
var handle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr (puser);
var func = (SqliteFunction) handle.Target;
return func._CompareFunc (IntPtr.Zero, len1, pv1, len2, pv2);
[Mono.Util.MonoPInvokeCallback (typeof (SQLiteCollation))]
internal static int collation_callback16 (IntPtr puser, int len1, IntPtr pv1, int len2, IntPtr pv2)
var handle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr (puser);
var func = (SqliteFunction) handle.Target;
return func._CompareFunc16 (IntPtr.Zero, len1, pv1, len2, pv2);
/// Extends SqliteFunction and allows an inherited class to obtain the collating sequence associated with a function call.
/// User-defined functions can call the GetCollationSequence() method in this class and use it to compare strings and char arrays.
public class SqliteFunctionEx : SqliteFunction
/// Obtains the collating sequence in effect for the given function.
protected CollationSequence GetCollationSequence()
return _base.GetCollationSequence(this, _context);
/// The type of user-defined function to declare
public enum FunctionType
/// Scalar functions are designed to be called and return a result immediately. Examples include ABS(), Upper(), Lower(), etc.
Scalar = 0,
/// Aggregate functions are designed to accumulate data until the end of a call and then return a result gleaned from the accumulated data.
/// Examples include SUM(), COUNT(), AVG(), etc.
Aggregate = 1,
/// Collation sequences are used to sort textual data in a custom manner, and appear in an ORDER BY clause. Typically text in an ORDER BY is
/// sorted using a straight case-insensitive comparison function. Custom collating sequences can be used to alter the behavior of text sorting
/// in a user-defined manner.
Collation = 2,
/// An internal callback delegate declaration.
/// Raw context pointer for the user function
/// Count of arguments to the function
/// A pointer to the array of argument pointers
internal delegate void SQLiteCallback(IntPtr context, int nArgs, IntPtr argsptr);
/// An internal final callback delegate declaration.
/// Raw context pointer for the user function
internal delegate void SQLiteFinalCallback(IntPtr context);
/// Internal callback delegate for implementing collation sequences
/// Not used
/// Length of the string pv1
/// Pointer to the first string to compare
/// Length of the string pv2
/// Pointer to the second string to compare
/// Returns -1 if the first string is less than the second. 0 if they are equal, or 1 if the first string is greater
/// than the second.
internal delegate int SQLiteCollation(IntPtr puser, int len1, IntPtr pv1, int len2, IntPtr pv2);
/// The type of collating sequence
public enum CollationTypeEnum
/// The built-in BINARY collating sequence
Binary = 1,
/// The built-in NOCASE collating sequence
NoCase = 2,
/// The built-in REVERSE collating sequence
Reverse = 3,
/// A custom user-defined collating sequence
Custom = 0,
/// The encoding type the collation sequence uses
public enum CollationEncodingEnum
/// The collation sequence is UTF8
UTF8 = 1,
/// The collation sequence is UTF16 little-endian
UTF16LE = 2,
/// The collation sequence is UTF16 big-endian
UTF16BE = 3,
/// A struct describing the collating sequence a function is executing in
public struct CollationSequence
/// The name of the collating sequence
public string Name;
/// The type of collating sequence
public CollationTypeEnum Type;
/// The text encoding of the collation sequence
public CollationEncodingEnum Encoding;
/// Context of the function that requested the collating sequence
internal SqliteFunction _func;
/// Calls the base collating sequence to compare two strings
/// The first string to compare
/// The second string to compare
/// -1 if s1 is less than s2, 0 if s1 is equal to s2, and 1 if s1 is greater than s2
public int Compare(string s1, string s2)
return _func._base.ContextCollateCompare(Encoding, _func._context, s1, s2);
/// Calls the base collating sequence to compare two character arrays
/// The first array to compare
/// The second array to compare
/// -1 if c1 is less than c2, 0 if c1 is equal to c2, and 1 if c1 is greater than c2
public int Compare(char[] c1, char[] c2)
return _func._base.ContextCollateCompare(Encoding, _func._context, c1, c2);