; NOTE: don't use \", use ' instead
; NOTE: don't use #, use ; instead for comments
; NOTE: leave the [strings] alone
MaxLengthAttribute_ValidationError=The field {0} must be a string or array type with a maximum length of '{1}'.

## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException
MaxLengthAttribute_InvalidMaxLength=MaxLengthAttribute must have a Length value that is greater than zero. Use MaxLength() without parameters to indicate that the string or array can have the maximum allowable length.

MinLengthAttribute_ValidationError=The field {0} must be a string or array type with a minimum length of '{1}'.

## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException
MinLengthAttribute_InvalidMinLength=MinLengthAttribute must have a Length value that is zero or greater.

## ExceptionType=ArgumentException
ArgumentIsNullOrWhitespace=The argument '{0}' cannot be null, empty or contain only white space.

RequiredAttribute_ValidationError=The {0} field is required.

CompareAttribute_MustMatch='{0}' and '{1}' do not match.

RegexAttribute_ValidationError=The field {0} must match the regular expression '{1}'.