using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; #if !MONOTOUCH_WATCH using Mono.Net; #endif namespace System.Net { class AutoWebProxyScriptEngine { public AutoWebProxyScriptEngine (WebProxy proxy, bool useRegistry) { } public Uri AutomaticConfigurationScript { get; set; } public bool AutomaticallyDetectSettings { get; set; } public bool GetProxies (Uri destination, out IList proxyList) { int i = 0; return GetProxies (destination, out proxyList, ref i); } public bool GetProxies(Uri destination, out IList proxyList, ref int syncStatus) { proxyList = null; return false; } public void Close () { } public void Abort (ref int syncStatus) { } public void CheckForChanges () { } #if !MOBILE public WebProxyData GetWebProxyData () { WebProxyData data; // TODO: Could re-use some pieces from _AutoWebProxyScriptEngine.cs if (IsWindows ()) { data = InitializeRegistryGlobalProxy (); if (data != null) return data; } data = ReadEnvVariables (); return data ?? new WebProxyData (); } WebProxyData ReadEnvVariables () { string address = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("http_proxy") ?? Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("HTTP_PROXY"); if (address != null) { try { if (!address.StartsWith ("http://")) address = "http://" + address; Uri uri = new Uri (address); IPAddress ip; if (IPAddress.TryParse (uri.Host, out ip)) { if (IPAddress.Any.Equals (ip)) { UriBuilder builder = new UriBuilder (uri); builder.Host = ""; uri = builder.Uri; } else if (IPAddress.IPv6Any.Equals (ip)) { UriBuilder builder = new UriBuilder (uri); builder.Host = "[::1]"; uri = builder.Uri; } } bool bBypassOnLocal = false; ArrayList al = new ArrayList (); string bypass = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("no_proxy") ?? Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("NO_PROXY"); if (bypass != null) { string[] bypassList = bypass.Split (new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string str in bypassList) { if (str != "*.local") al.Add (str); else bBypassOnLocal = true; } } return new WebProxyData { proxyAddress = uri, bypassOnLocal = bBypassOnLocal, bypassList = CreateBypassList (al) }; } catch (UriFormatException) { } } return null; } static bool IsWindows () { return (int) Environment.OSVersion.Platform < 4; } WebProxyData InitializeRegistryGlobalProxy () { int iProxyEnable = (int)Microsoft.Win32.Registry.GetValue ("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Internet Settings", "ProxyEnable", 0); if (iProxyEnable > 0) { string strHttpProxy = ""; bool bBypassOnLocal = false; ArrayList al = new ArrayList (); string strProxyServer = (string)Microsoft.Win32.Registry.GetValue ("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Internet Settings", "ProxyServer", null); string strProxyOverrride = (string)Microsoft.Win32.Registry.GetValue ("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Internet Settings", "ProxyOverride", null); if (strProxyServer.Contains ("=")) { foreach (string strEntry in strProxyServer.Split (new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) if (strEntry.StartsWith ("http=")) { strHttpProxy = strEntry.Substring (5); break; } } else strHttpProxy = strProxyServer; if (strProxyOverrride != null) { string[] bypassList = strProxyOverrride.Split (new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string str in bypassList) { if (str != "") al.Add (str); else bBypassOnLocal = true; } } return new WebProxyData { proxyAddress = ToUri (strHttpProxy), bypassOnLocal = bBypassOnLocal, bypassList = CreateBypassList (al) }; } return null; } static Uri ToUri (string address) { if (address == null) return null; if (address.IndexOf ("://", StringComparison.Ordinal) == -1) address = "http://" + address; return new Uri (address); } // Takes an ArrayList of fileglob-formatted strings and returns an array of Regex-formatted strings static ArrayList CreateBypassList (ArrayList al) { string[] result = al.ToArray (typeof (string)) as string[]; for (int c = 0; c < result.Length; c++) { result [c] = "^" + Regex.Escape (result [c]).Replace (@"\*", ".*").Replace (@"\?", ".") + "$"; } return new ArrayList (result); } #endif } }