// // MetadataReader.cs // // Author: // Jb Evain (jbevain@gmail.com) // // (C) 2005 Jb Evain // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // namespace Mono.Cecil.Metadata { using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; using Mono.Cecil.Binary; sealed class MetadataReader : BaseMetadataVisitor { ImageReader m_ir; BinaryReader m_binaryReader; MetadataTableReader m_tableReader; MetadataRoot m_root; public MetadataTableReader TableReader { get { return m_tableReader; } } public MetadataReader (ImageReader brv) { m_ir = brv; m_binaryReader = brv.GetReader (); } public MetadataRoot GetMetadataRoot () { return m_root; } public BinaryReader GetDataReader (RVA rva) { return m_ir.Image.GetReaderAtVirtualAddress (rva); } public override void VisitMetadataRoot (MetadataRoot root) { m_root = root; root.Header = new MetadataRoot.MetadataRootHeader (); root.Streams = new MetadataStreamCollection (); } public override void VisitMetadataRootHeader (MetadataRoot.MetadataRootHeader header) { long headpos = m_binaryReader.BaseStream.Position; header.Signature = m_binaryReader.ReadUInt32 (); if (header.Signature != MetadataRoot.MetadataRootHeader.StandardSignature) throw new MetadataFormatException ("Wrong magic number"); header.MajorVersion = m_binaryReader.ReadUInt16 (); header.MinorVersion = m_binaryReader.ReadUInt16 (); header.Reserved = m_binaryReader.ReadUInt32 (); // read version uint length = m_binaryReader.ReadUInt32 (); if (length != 0) { long pos = m_binaryReader.BaseStream.Position; byte [] version, buffer = new byte [length]; int read = 0; while (read < length) { byte cur = (byte)m_binaryReader.ReadSByte (); if (cur == 0) break; buffer [read++] = cur; } version = new byte [read]; Buffer.BlockCopy (buffer, 0, version, 0, read); header.Version = Encoding.UTF8.GetString (version, 0, version.Length); pos += length - headpos + 3; pos &= ~3; pos += headpos; m_binaryReader.BaseStream.Position = pos; } else header.Version = string.Empty; header.Flags = m_binaryReader.ReadUInt16 (); header.Streams = m_binaryReader.ReadUInt16 (); } public override void VisitMetadataStreamCollection (MetadataStreamCollection coll) { for (int i = 0; i < m_root.Header.Streams; i++) coll.Add (new MetadataStream ()); } public override void VisitMetadataStreamHeader (MetadataStream.MetadataStreamHeader header) { header.Offset = m_binaryReader.ReadUInt32 (); header.Size = m_binaryReader.ReadUInt32 (); StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder (); while (true) { char cur = (char) m_binaryReader.ReadSByte (); if (cur == '\0') break; buffer.Append (cur); } header.Name = buffer.ToString (); if (header.Name.Length == 0) throw new MetadataFormatException ("Invalid stream name"); long rootpos = m_root.GetImage ().ResolveVirtualAddress ( m_root.GetImage ().CLIHeader.Metadata.VirtualAddress); long curpos = m_binaryReader.BaseStream.Position; if (header.Size != 0) curpos -= rootpos; curpos += 3; curpos &= ~3; if (header.Size != 0) curpos += rootpos; m_binaryReader.BaseStream.Position = curpos; header.Stream.Heap = MetadataHeap.HeapFactory (header.Stream); } public override void VisitGuidHeap (GuidHeap heap) { VisitHeap (heap); } public override void VisitStringsHeap (StringsHeap heap) { VisitHeap (heap); if (heap.Data.Length < 1 && heap.Data [0] != 0) throw new MetadataFormatException ("Malformed #Strings heap"); heap [(uint) 0] = string.Empty; } public override void VisitTablesHeap (TablesHeap heap) { VisitHeap (heap); heap.Tables = new TableCollection (heap); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader (new MemoryStream (heap.Data)); try { heap.Reserved = br.ReadUInt32 (); heap.MajorVersion = br.ReadByte (); heap.MinorVersion = br.ReadByte (); heap.HeapSizes = br.ReadByte (); heap.Reserved2 = br.ReadByte (); heap.Valid = br.ReadInt64 (); heap.Sorted = br.ReadInt64 (); } finally { // COMPACT FRAMEWORK NOTE: BinaryReader is not IDisposable br.Close (); } } public override void VisitBlobHeap (BlobHeap heap) { VisitHeap (heap); } public override void VisitUserStringsHeap (UserStringsHeap heap) { VisitHeap (heap); } void VisitHeap (MetadataHeap heap) { long cursor = m_binaryReader.BaseStream.Position; m_binaryReader.BaseStream.Position = m_root.GetImage ().ResolveVirtualAddress ( m_root.GetImage ().CLIHeader.Metadata.VirtualAddress) + heap.GetStream ().Header.Offset; heap.Data = m_binaryReader.ReadBytes ((int) heap.GetStream ().Header.Size); m_binaryReader.BaseStream.Position = cursor; } void SetHeapIndexSize (MetadataHeap heap, byte flag) { if (heap == null) return; TablesHeap th = m_root.Streams.TablesHeap; heap.IndexSize = ((th.HeapSizes & flag) > 0) ? 4 : 2; } public override void TerminateMetadataRoot (MetadataRoot root) { SetHeapIndexSize (root.Streams.StringsHeap, 0x01); SetHeapIndexSize (root.Streams.GuidHeap, 0x02); SetHeapIndexSize (root.Streams.BlobHeap, 0x04); m_tableReader = new MetadataTableReader (this); root.Streams.TablesHeap.Tables.Accept (m_tableReader); } } }