// System.Globalization.PersianCalendar.cs
// Authors:
// Roozbeh Pournader (roozbeh@farsiweb.info)
// Ulrich Kunitz
// Copyright (C) 2002 Ulrich Kunitz
// Copyright (C) 2004 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com)
// Copyright (C) 2005 Sharif FarsiWeb, Inc. (http://www.farsiweb.info)
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
namespace System.Globalization {
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
/// This is the Persian calendar of Iran, also known as the Iranian
/// calendar or the Jalaali calendar. The Afghan calendar may or may
/// not be different, as different sources disagree about it.
/// The implemented algorithm is the simple 33-year arithmetic
/// calendar, which is not the same as the official Iranian calendar.
/// But this arithmetic calendar has been confirmed to produce the
/// same results as the official Iranian calendar at least
/// from 1925 C.E., when the calendar was officially introduced,
/// to 2088 C.E. This is the same algorithm that is used in .NET.
/// The Iranian law explicitly mentions that the true solar year
/// should be used, which requires astronomical calculations of the
/// March equinox and the solar apparent noon. The exact locale for
/// observation of the apparent noon is not mentioned in the 1925 law,
/// but the current practice is using the 52.5 E meridian, which is
/// the meridian defining the official timezone of Iran.
/// Also, please note that implementing the Persian calendar
/// using the 2820-year arithmetic algorithm, as suggested by
/// Ahmad Birashk and others, is less accurate than the 33-year
/// calendar: first, it fails earlier than the 33-year cycle in
/// matching the official astronomical calendar (first failure is
/// in 2025 C.E.), and second, the 2820-year suggested rule is based
/// on the mean tropical year, not the mean March equinoctial year.
public class PersianCalendar : Calendar {
/// Constructor.
public PersianCalendar() {
M_AbbrEraNames = new string[] {"A.P."};
M_EraNames = new string[] {"Anno Persico"};
if (twoDigitYearMax == 99)
// FIXME: the .NET documentation does not mention the default value,
// This is the value mentioned in the .NET documentation example result.
twoDigitYearMax = 1410;
/// The era number for the Anno Persico (A.P.) era, called
/// plain PersianEra.
public static readonly int PersianEra = 1;
/// The
/// ticks for first day of
/// year 1 A.P.
internal const long M_MinTicks = 196036416000000000L;
/// The minimum year in the A.P. era supported.
internal const int M_MinYear = 1;
/// Overridden. Gives the eras supported by the Persian
/// calendar as an array of integers.
public override int[] Eras {
get {
return new int[] { PersianEra };
public override int TwoDigitYearMax {
get {
return twoDigitYearMax;
set {
CheckReadOnly ();
M_ArgumentInRange ("value", value, 100, M_MaxYear);
twoDigitYearMax = value;
/// A protected member checking a
/// value.
/// The
/// to check.
/// The exception is thrown if the
/// parameter is before the
/// year 1 A.P.
internal void M_CheckDateTime(DateTime time)
if (time.Ticks < M_MinTicks)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
"Only positive Persian years are supported.");
/// A protected method checking the era number.
/// The era number.
/// The exception is thrown if the era is not equal
/// .
internal void M_CheckEra(ref int era)
if (era == CurrentEra)
era = PersianEra;
if (era != PersianEra)
throw new ArgumentException("Era value was not valid.");
/// A protected method checking calendar year and the era number.
/// An integer representing the calendar year.
/// The era number.
/// The exception is thrown if the era is not equal
/// .
/// The exception is thrown if the calendar year is outside of
/// the allowed range.
internal override void M_CheckYE(int year, ref int era)
M_CheckEra(ref era);
if (year < M_MinYear || year > M_MaxYear)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
"Only Persian years between 1 and 9378," +
" inclusive, are supported.");
/// A protected method checking the calendar year, month, and
/// era number.
/// An integer representing the calendar year.
/// An integer giving the calendar month.
/// The era number.
/// The exception is thrown if the era is not equal
/// .
/// The exception is thrown if the calendar year or month is
/// outside of the allowed range.
internal void M_CheckYME(int year, int month, ref int era)
M_CheckYE(year, ref era);
if (month < 1 || month > 12)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("month",
"Month must be between one and twelve.");
else if (year == M_MaxYear && month > 10)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("month",
"Months in year 9378 must be between one and ten.");
/// A protected method checking the calendar day, month, and year
/// and the era number.
/// An integer representing the calendar year.
/// An integer giving the calendar month.
/// An integer giving the calendar day.
/// The era number.
/// The exception is thrown if the era is not equal
/// .
/// The exception is thrown if the calendar year, month, or day is
/// outside of the allowed range.
internal void M_CheckYMDE(int year, int month, int day,
ref int era)
M_CheckYME(year, month, ref era);
day, 1, GetDaysInMonth(year, month, era));
if (year == M_MaxYear && month == 10 && day > 10)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("day",
"Days in month 10 of year 9378 must" +
" be between one and ten.");
internal const int epoch = 226895;
// FIXME: this may need a "static". I don't know enough C#.
internal int fixed_from_dmy(int day, int month, int year)
int k = epoch - 1;
k += 365 * (year - 1);
k += (8 * year + 21) / 33;
if (month <= 7)
k += 31 * (month - 1);
k += 30 * (month - 1) + 6;
k += day;
return k;
// FIXME: this may need a "static". I don't know enough C#.
internal int year_from_fixed(int date)
return (33 * (date - epoch) + 3) / 12053 + 1;
// FIXME: this may need a "static". I don't know enough C#.
internal void my_from_fixed(out int month, out int year,
int date)
int day;
year = year_from_fixed(date);
day = date - fixed_from_dmy (1, 1, year);
if (day < 216)
month = day / 31 + 1;
month = (day - 6) / 30 + 1;
// FIXME: this may need a "static". I don't know enough C#.
internal void dmy_from_fixed(out int day, out int month,
out int year, int date)
year = year_from_fixed(date);
day = date - fixed_from_dmy (1, 1, year);
if (day < 216) {
month = day / 31 + 1;
day = day % 31 + 1;
} else {
month = (day-6) / 30 + 1;
day = (day-6) % 30 + 1;
// FIXME: this may need a "static". I don't know enough C#.
internal bool is_leap_year(int year)
return (25 * year + 11) % 33 < 8;
/// Overrideden. Adds months to a given date.
/// The
/// to which to add
/// months.
/// The number of months to add.
/// A new value, that
/// results from adding to the specified
/// DateTime.
/// The exception is thrown if the
/// return value is not in the years
/// between 1 A.P. and 9999 C.E., inclusive.
public override DateTime AddMonths(DateTime time, int months)
int rd = CCFixed.FromDateTime(time);
int day, month, year;
dmy_from_fixed(out day, out month, out year, rd);
month += months;
year += CCMath.div_mod(out month, month, 12);
rd = fixed_from_dmy(day, month, year);
DateTime t = CCFixed.ToDateTime(rd);
t = t.Add(time.TimeOfDay);
return t;
/// Overridden. Adds years to a given date.
/// The
/// to which to add
/// years.
/// The number of years to add.
/// A new value, that
/// results from adding to the specified
/// DateTime.
/// The exception is thrown if the
/// return value is not in the years
/// between 1 A.P. and 9999 C.E., inclusive.
public override DateTime AddYears(DateTime time, int years)
int rd = CCFixed.FromDateTime(time);
int day, month, year;
dmy_from_fixed(out day, out month, out year, rd);
year += years;
rd = fixed_from_dmy(day, month, year);
DateTime t = CCFixed.ToDateTime(rd);
t = t.Add(time.TimeOfDay);
return t;
/// Overriden. Gets the day of the month from
/// .
/// The
/// that specifies a
/// date.
/// An integer giving the day of months, starting with 1.
/// The exception is thrown if the
/// parameter is not in the years
/// between 1 A.P. and 9999 C.E., inclusive.
public override int GetDayOfMonth(DateTime time)
int day, month, year;
int rd = CCFixed.FromDateTime(time);
dmy_from_fixed(out day, out month, out year, rd);
return day;
/// Overriden. Gets the day of the week from the specified date.
/// The
/// that specifies a
/// date.
/// An integer giving the day of months, starting with 1.
/// The exception is thrown if the
/// parameter is not in the years
/// between 1 A.P. and 9999 C.E., inclusive.
public override DayOfWeek GetDayOfWeek(DateTime time)
int rd = CCFixed.FromDateTime(time);
return (DayOfWeek)CCFixed.day_of_week(rd);
/// Overridden. Gives the number of the day in the year.
/// The
/// that specifies a
/// date.
/// An integer representing the day of the year,
/// starting with 1.
/// The exception is thrown if the
/// parameter is not in the years
/// between 1 A.P. and 9999 C.E., inclusive.
public override int GetDayOfYear(DateTime time)
int rd = CCFixed.FromDateTime(time);
int year = year_from_fixed(rd);
int rd1_1 = fixed_from_dmy(1, 1, year);
return rd - rd1_1 + 1;
/// Overridden. Gives the number of days in the specified month
/// of the given year and era.
/// An integer that gives the year.
/// An integer that gives the month, starting
/// with 1.
/// An integer that gives the era of the specified
/// year.
/// An integer that gives the number of days of the
/// specified month.
/// The exception is thrown, if ,
/// ,or is outside
/// the allowed range.
public override int GetDaysInMonth(int year, int month, int era)
M_CheckYME(year, month, ref era);
if (month <= 6) {
return 31;
} else if (month == 12 && !is_leap_year(year)) {
return 29;
} else {
return 30;
/// Overridden. Gives the number of days of the specified
/// year of the given era.
/// An integer that specifies the year.
/// An ineger that specifies the era.
/// An integer that gives the number of days of the
/// specified year.
/// The exception is thrown, if
/// or are outside the
/// allowed range.
public override int GetDaysInYear(int year, int era)
M_CheckYE(year, ref era);
return is_leap_year(year) ? 366 : 365;
/// Overridden. Gives the era of the specified date.
/// The
/// that specifies a
/// date.
/// An integer representing the era of the calendar.
/// The exception is thrown if the
/// parameter is not in the years
/// between 1 A.P. and 9999 C.E., inclusive.
public override int GetEra(DateTime time)
return PersianEra;
public override int GetLeapMonth (int year, int era)
return 0;
/// Overridden. Gives the number of the month of the specified
/// date.
/// The
/// that specifies a
/// date.
/// An integer representing the month,
/// starting with 1.
/// The exception is thrown if the
/// parameter is not in the years
/// between 1 A.P. and 9999 C.E., inclusive.
public override int GetMonth(DateTime time)
int rd = CCFixed.FromDateTime(time);
int month, year;
my_from_fixed(out month, out year, rd);
return month;
/// Overridden. Gives the number of months in the specified year
/// and era.
/// An integer that specifies the year.
/// An integer that specifies the era.
/// An integer that gives the number of the months in the
/// specified year.
/// The exception is thrown, if the year or the era are not valid.
public override int GetMonthsInYear(int year, int era)
M_CheckYE(year, ref era);
return 12;
/// Overridden. Gives the number of the year of the specified
/// date.
/// The
/// that specifies a
/// date.
/// An integer representing the year,
/// starting with 1.
/// The exception is thrown if the
/// parameter is not in the years
/// between 1 A.P. and 9999 C.E., inclusive.
public override int GetYear(DateTime time)
int rd = CCFixed.FromDateTime(time);
return year_from_fixed(rd);
/// Overridden. Tells whether the given day
/// is a leap day.
/// An integer that specifies the year in the
/// given era.
/// An integer that specifies the month.
/// An integer that specifies the day.
/// An integer that specifies the era.
/// A boolean that tells whether the given day is a leap
/// day.
/// The exception is thrown, if the year, month, day, or era is not
/// valid.
public override bool IsLeapDay(int year, int month, int day,
int era)
M_CheckYMDE(year, month, day, ref era);
return is_leap_year(year) && month == 12 && day == 30;
/// Overridden. Tells whether the given month
/// is a leap month.
/// An integer that specifies the year in the
/// given era.
/// An integer that specifies the month.
/// An integer that specifies the era.
/// A boolean that tells whether the given month is a leap
/// month.
/// The exception is thrown, if the year, month, or era is not
/// valid.
public override bool IsLeapMonth(int year, int month, int era)
M_CheckYME(year, month, ref era);
return false;
/// Overridden. Tells whether the given year
/// is a leap year.
/// An integer that specifies the year in the
/// given era.
/// An integer that specifies the era.
/// A boolean that tells whether the given year is a leap
/// year.
/// The exception is thrown, if the year or era is not
/// valid.
public override bool IsLeapYear(int year, int era)
M_CheckYE(year, ref era);
return is_leap_year(year);
/// Overridden. Creates the
/// from the parameters.
/// An integer that gives the year in the
/// .
/// An integer that specifies the month.
/// An integer that specifies the day.
/// An integer that specifies the hour.
/// An integer that specifies the minute.
/// An integer that gives the second.
/// An integer that gives the
/// milliseconds.
/// An integer that specifies the era.
/// A
/// representig the date and time.
/// The exception is thrown, if at least one of the parameters
/// is out of range.
public override DateTime ToDateTime(int year, int month, int day,
int hour, int minute,
int second, int millisecond,
int era)
M_CheckYMDE(year, month, day, ref era);
M_CheckHMSM(hour, minute, second, millisecond);
int rd = fixed_from_dmy(day, month, year);
return CCFixed.ToDateTime(rd,
hour, minute, second, millisecond);
// FIXME: Calendar.cs and HebrewCalendar.cs are different in
// how they handle this. I have randomly chosen the
// HebrewCalendar.cs implementation.
public override int ToFourDigitYear (int year)
M_ArgumentInRange ("year", year, 0, 99);
int baseExtra = this.twoDigitYearMax % 100;
int baseCentury = this.twoDigitYearMax - baseExtra;
if (year <= baseExtra)
return baseCentury + year;
return baseCentury + year - 100;
public override CalendarAlgorithmType AlgorithmType {
get {
return CalendarAlgorithmType.SolarCalendar;
static DateTime PersianMin = new DateTime (622, 3, 21, 0, 0, 0);
static DateTime PersianMax = new DateTime (9999, 12, 31, 11, 59, 59);
public override DateTime MinSupportedDateTime {
get {
return PersianMin;
public override DateTime MaxSupportedDateTime {
get {
return PersianMax;
} // class PersianCalendar
} // namespace System.Globalization