// XmlElementTests
// Authors:
// Jason Diamond (jason@injektilo.org)
// Martin Willemoes Hansen (mwh@sysrq.dk)
// (C) 2002 Jason Diamond http://injektilo.org/
// (C) 2003 Martin Willemoes Hansen
using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace MonoTests.System.Xml
public class XmlElementTests
private XmlDocument document;
public void GetReady ()
document = new XmlDocument ();
private void AssertElement (XmlElement element, string prefix,
string localName, string namespaceURI,
int attributesCount)
Assert.AreEqual (prefix != String.Empty ? prefix + ":" + localName : localName, element.Name);
Assert.AreEqual (prefix, element.Prefix);
Assert.AreEqual (localName, element.LocalName);
Assert.AreEqual (namespaceURI, element.NamespaceURI);
//Assert.AreEqual (attributesCount, element.Attributes.Count);
// for NodeInserted Event
private bool Inserted = false;
private void OnNodeInserted (object o, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs e)
Inserted = true;
// for NodeChanged Event
private bool Changed = false;
private void OnNodeChanged (object o, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs e)
Changed = true;
// for NodeRemoved Event
private bool Removed = false;
private void OnNodeRemoved (object o, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs e)
Removed = true;
public void CloneNode ()
XmlElement element = document.CreateElement ("foo");
XmlElement child = document.CreateElement ("bar");
XmlElement grandson = document.CreateElement ("baz");
element.SetAttribute ("attr1", "val1");
element.SetAttribute ("attr2", "val2");
element.AppendChild (child);
child.SetAttribute ("attr3", "val3");
child.AppendChild (grandson);
document.AppendChild (element);
XmlNode deep = element.CloneNode (true);
// Assert.AreEqual (deep.OuterXml, element.OuterXml, "These should be the same");
Assert.IsNull (deep.ParentNode, "This is not null");
Assert.IsTrue (!Object.ReferenceEquals (element, deep), "Copies, not pointers");
XmlNode shallow = element.CloneNode (false);
Assert.IsNull (shallow.ParentNode, "This is not null");
Assert.IsTrue (!Object.ReferenceEquals (element, shallow), "Copies, not pointers");
Assert.AreEqual (false, shallow.HasChildNodes, "Shallow clones shalt have no children!");
public void ConstructionAndDefaultAttributes ()
string dtd = "]>";
string xml = dtd + "";
// XmlValidatingReader xvr = new XmlValidatingReader (new XmlTextReader (xml, XmlNodeType.Document, null));
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument ();
doc.LoadXml (xml);
Console.WriteLine (doc.DocumentElement.Attributes.Count);
Console.WriteLine (doc.CreateElement ("root").Attributes.Count);
Console.WriteLine (doc.CreateElement ("root2").Attributes.Count);
public void CreateElement1 ()
XmlElement element = document.CreateElement ("name");
AssertElement (element, String.Empty, "name", String.Empty, 0);
public void CreateElement1WithPrefix ()
XmlElement element = document.CreateElement ("prefix:localName");
AssertElement (element, "prefix", "localName", String.Empty, 0);
public void CreateElement2 ()
XmlElement element = document.CreateElement ("qualifiedName", "namespaceURI");
AssertElement (element, String.Empty, "qualifiedName",
"namespaceURI", 0);
public void CreateElement2WithPrefix ()
XmlElement element = document.CreateElement ("prefix:localName", "namespaceURI");
AssertElement (element, "prefix", "localName", "namespaceURI", 0);
public void CreateElement3 ()
XmlElement element = document.CreateElement ("prefix", "localName", "namespaceURI");
AssertElement (element, "prefix", "localName", "namespaceURI", 0);
public void CreateElement3WithNullNamespace ()
// bug #26855, NamespaceURI should NEVER be null.
XmlElement element = document.CreateElement (null, "localName", null);
AssertElement (element, String.Empty, "localName", String.Empty, 0);
public void InnerAndOuterXml ()
XmlElement element;
XmlText text;
XmlComment comment;
element = document.CreateElement ("foo");
Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, element.InnerXml);
Assert.AreEqual ("", element.OuterXml);
text = document.CreateTextNode ("bar");
element.AppendChild (text);
Assert.AreEqual ("bar", element.InnerXml);
Assert.AreEqual ("bar", element.OuterXml);
element.SetAttribute ("baz", "quux");
Assert.AreEqual ("bar", element.InnerXml);
Assert.AreEqual ("bar", element.OuterXml);
comment = document.CreateComment ("squonk");
element.AppendChild (comment);
Assert.AreEqual ("bar", element.InnerXml);
Assert.AreEqual ("bar", element.OuterXml);
Assert.AreEqual ("", element.InnerXml);
public void SetGetAttribute ()
XmlElement element = document.CreateElement ("foo");
element.SetAttribute ("attr1", "val1");
element.SetAttribute ("attr2", "val2");
Assert.AreEqual ("val1", element.GetAttribute ("attr1"));
Assert.AreEqual ("val2", element.GetAttribute ("attr2"));
public void GetElementsByTagNameNoNameSpace ()
string xml = @"XML FunJohn Doe
34.95Bear and the Dragon
Tom Clancy6.95
Bourne IdentityRobert Ludlum
Bourne UltimatumRobert Ludlum
MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (xml));
document = new XmlDocument ();
document.Load (memoryStream);
XmlNodeList libraryList = document.GetElementsByTagName ("library");
XmlNode xmlNode = libraryList.Item (0);
XmlElement xmlElement = xmlNode as XmlElement;
XmlNodeList bookList = xmlElement.GetElementsByTagName ("book");
Assert.AreEqual (4, bookList.Count, "GetElementsByTagName (string) returned incorrect count.");
public void GetElementsByTagNameUsingNameSpace ()
StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder ();
xml.Append (" ");
xml.Append ("XML Fun " );
xml.Append ("John Doe " );
xml.Append ("34.95 " );
xml.Append (" " );
xml.Append ("Bear and the Dragon " );
xml.Append ("Tom Clancy " );
xml.Append ("6.95 " );
xml.Append ("Bourne Identity " );
xml.Append ("Robert Ludlum " );
xml.Append ("9.95");
MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (xml.ToString ()));
document = new XmlDocument ();
document.Load (memoryStream);
XmlNodeList libraryList = document.GetElementsByTagName ("library");
XmlNode xmlNode = libraryList.Item (0);
XmlElement xmlElement = xmlNode as XmlElement;
XmlNodeList bookList = xmlElement.GetElementsByTagName ("book", "http://www.foo.com");
Assert.AreEqual (1, bookList.Count, "GetElementsByTagName (string, uri) returned incorrect count.");
public void GetElementsByTagNameNs2 ()
document.LoadXml (@"
text node
// id='b' has different prefix. Should not caught by (name),
// while should caught by (name, ns).
XmlNodeList nl = document.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName ("x:a");
Assert.AreEqual (2, nl.Count);
Assert.AreEqual ("a", nl [0].Attributes ["id"].Value);
Assert.AreEqual ("c", nl [1].Attributes ["id"].Value);
nl = document.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName ("a", "urn:foo");
Assert.AreEqual (3, nl.Count);
Assert.AreEqual ("a", nl [0].Attributes ["id"].Value);
Assert.AreEqual ("b", nl [1].Attributes ["id"].Value);
Assert.AreEqual ("c", nl [2].Attributes ["id"].Value);
// name wildcard
nl = document.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName ("*");
Assert.AreEqual (5, nl.Count);
Assert.AreEqual ("a", nl [0].Attributes ["id"].Value);
Assert.AreEqual ("b", nl [1].Attributes ["id"].Value);
Assert.AreEqual ("c", nl [2].Attributes ["id"].Value);
Assert.AreEqual ("d", nl [3].Attributes ["id"].Value);
Assert.AreEqual ("e", nl [4].Attributes ["id"].Value);
// wildcard - local and ns
nl = document.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName ("*", "*");
Assert.AreEqual (5, nl.Count);
Assert.AreEqual ("a", nl [0].Attributes ["id"].Value);
Assert.AreEqual ("b", nl [1].Attributes ["id"].Value);
Assert.AreEqual ("c", nl [2].Attributes ["id"].Value);
Assert.AreEqual ("d", nl [3].Attributes ["id"].Value);
Assert.AreEqual ("e", nl [4].Attributes ["id"].Value);
// namespace wildcard - namespace
nl = document.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName ("*", "urn:foo");
Assert.AreEqual (4, nl.Count);
Assert.AreEqual ("a", nl [0].Attributes ["id"].Value);
Assert.AreEqual ("b", nl [1].Attributes ["id"].Value);
Assert.AreEqual ("c", nl [2].Attributes ["id"].Value);
Assert.AreEqual ("e", nl [3].Attributes ["id"].Value);
// namespace wildcard - local only. I dare say, such usage is not XML-ish!
nl = document.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName ("a", "*");
Assert.AreEqual (3, nl.Count);
Assert.AreEqual ("a", nl [0].Attributes ["id"].Value);
Assert.AreEqual ("b", nl [1].Attributes ["id"].Value);
Assert.AreEqual ("c", nl [2].Attributes ["id"].Value);
public void OuterXmlWithNamespace ()
XmlElement element = document.CreateElement ("foo", "bar", "#foo");
Assert.AreEqual ("", element.OuterXml);
public void RemoveAllAttributes ()
StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder ();
xml.Append (" ");
xml.Append ("XML Fun " );
xml.Append ("John Doe");
MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (xml.ToString ()));
document = new XmlDocument ();
document.Load (memoryStream);
XmlNodeList bookList = document.GetElementsByTagName ("book");
XmlNode xmlNode = bookList.Item (0);
XmlElement xmlElement = xmlNode as XmlElement;
xmlElement.RemoveAllAttributes ();
Assert.AreEqual (false, xmlElement.HasAttribute ("type"), "attributes not properly removed.");
#if NET_2_0
[Ignore ("This test is very implementation dependent and thus .NET 2.0 does not pass. That's why I said http://primates.ximian.com/~atsushi/blog/archives/000416.html and http://svn.myrealbox.com/viewcvs/trunk/mono/web/xml-classes?rev=23598")]
public void RemoveDoesNotRemoveDefaultAttributes ()
string dtd = "]>";
string xml = dtd + "";
XmlValidatingReader xvr = new XmlValidatingReader (xml, XmlNodeType.Document, null);
document.Load (xvr);
// RemoveAll
Assert.IsNotNull (document.DocumentElement);
Assert.AreEqual (2, document.DocumentElement.Attributes.Count, "attrCount #01");
Assert.AreEqual ("baz", document.DocumentElement.GetAttribute ("bar"));
Assert.AreEqual ("def", document.DocumentElement.GetAttribute ("foo"));
Assert.AreEqual (false, document.DocumentElement.GetAttributeNode ("foo").Specified);
document.DocumentElement.RemoveAll ();
Assert.AreEqual (1, document.DocumentElement.Attributes.Count, "attrCount #02");
Assert.AreEqual ("def", document.DocumentElement.GetAttribute ("foo"));
Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, document.DocumentElement.GetAttribute ("bar"));
// RemoveAllAttributes
xvr = new XmlValidatingReader (xml, XmlNodeType.Document, null);
document.Load (xvr);
document.DocumentElement.RemoveAllAttributes ();
Assert.AreEqual (1, document.DocumentElement.Attributes.Count, "attrCount #03");
// RemoveAttribute(name)
xvr = new XmlValidatingReader (xml, XmlNodeType.Document, null);
document.Load (xvr);
document.DocumentElement.RemoveAttribute ("foo");
Assert.AreEqual (2, document.DocumentElement.Attributes.Count, "attrCount #04");
// RemoveAttribute(name, ns)
xvr = new XmlValidatingReader (xml, XmlNodeType.Document, null);
document.Load (xvr);
document.DocumentElement.RemoveAttribute ("foo", String.Empty);
Assert.AreEqual (2, document.DocumentElement.Attributes.Count, "attrCount #05");
// RemoveAttributeAt
xvr = new XmlValidatingReader (xml, XmlNodeType.Document, null);
document.Load (xvr);
document.DocumentElement.RemoveAttributeAt (1);
Assert.AreEqual (2, document.DocumentElement.Attributes.Count, "attrCount #06");
// RemoveAttributeNode
xvr = new XmlValidatingReader (xml, XmlNodeType.Document, null);
document.Load (xvr);
document.DocumentElement.RemoveAttributeNode (document.DocumentElement.Attributes [1]);
Assert.AreEqual (2, document.DocumentElement.Attributes.Count, "attrCount #07");
// RemoveAttributeNode(name, ns)
xvr = new XmlValidatingReader (xml, XmlNodeType.Document, null);
document.Load (xvr);
document.DocumentElement.RemoveAttributeNode ("foo", String.Empty);
Assert.AreEqual (2, document.DocumentElement.Attributes.Count, "attrCount #08");
public void SetAttributeNode ()
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument ();
XmlElement xmlEl = xmlDoc.CreateElement ("TestElement");
XmlAttribute xmlAttribute = xmlEl.SetAttributeNode ("attr1", "namespace1");
XmlAttribute xmlAttribute2 = xmlEl.SetAttributeNode ("attr2", "namespace2");
Assert.AreEqual (true, xmlAttribute.Name.Equals ("attr1"), "attribute name not properly created.");
Assert.AreEqual (true, xmlAttribute.NamespaceURI.Equals ("namespace1"), "attribute namespace not properly created.");
[ExpectedException (typeof (XmlException))]
public void SetAttributeNodeError ()
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument ();
doc.LoadXml ("");
doc.DocumentElement.SetAttributeNode ("x:lang", "urn:foo");
public void SetAttributeXmlns ()
// should not affect Element node's xmlns
XmlElement el = document.CreateElement ("root");
el.SetAttribute ("xmlns", "urn:foo");
Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, el.NamespaceURI);
public void InnerTextAndEvent ()
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument ();
doc.LoadXml ("text");
doc.NodeInserted += new XmlNodeChangedEventHandler (
doc.NodeRemoved += new XmlNodeChangedEventHandler (
// If only one child of the element is Text node,
// then no events are fired.
doc.DocumentElement.FirstChild.InnerText = "no events fired.";
Assert.AreEqual (false, Inserted, "NoInsertEventFired");
Assert.AreEqual (false, Removed, "NoRemoveEventFired");
Assert.AreEqual ("no events fired.", doc.DocumentElement.FirstChild.InnerText, "SetInnerTextToSingleText");
Inserted = false;
Removed = false;
// if only one child of the element is CDataSection,
// then events are fired.
doc.DocumentElement.LastChild.InnerText = "events are fired.";
Assert.AreEqual (true, Inserted, "InsertedEventFired");
Assert.AreEqual (true, Removed, "RemovedEventFired");
Assert.AreEqual ("events are fired.", doc.DocumentElement.LastChild.InnerText, "SetInnerTextToCDataSection");
public void InnerXmlSetter ()
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument ();
doc.LoadXml ("");
XmlElement el = doc.DocumentElement;
Assert.IsNull (el.FirstChild, "#Simple");
el.InnerXml = "";
XmlElement child = el.FirstChild as XmlElement;
Assert.IsNotNull (child, "#Simple.Child");
Assert.AreEqual ("foo", child.LocalName, "#Simple.Child.Name");
XmlElement grandchild = child.FirstChild as XmlElement;
Assert.IsNotNull (grandchild, "#Simple.GrandChild");
Assert.AreEqual ("bar", grandchild.LocalName, "#Simple.GrandChild.Name");
Assert.AreEqual ("baz", grandchild.GetAttribute ("att"), "#Simple.GrandChild.Attr");
doc.LoadXml ("");
el = doc.DocumentElement.FirstChild.NextSibling as XmlElement; // ns1:bar
Assert.IsNull (el.FirstChild, "#Namespaced.Prepare");
el.InnerXml = "";
Assert.IsNotNull (el.FirstChild, "#Namespaced.Child");
Assert.AreEqual ("baz", el.FirstChild.LocalName, "#Namespaced.Child.Name");
Assert.AreEqual ("NS1", el.FirstChild.NamespaceURI, "#Namespaced.Child.NSURI"); // important!
el.InnerXml = "";
Assert.AreEqual ("hoge", el.FirstChild.Name, "#Namespaced.VerifyPreviousCleared");
public void InnerXmlSetter2 ()
// See bug #63574
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument ();
doc.LoadXml (@"QPair<QString,int>::
XmlElement typeNode = doc.DocumentElement;
typeNode.InnerText = "QPair";
Assert.AreEqual ("QPair", typeNode.InnerText);
public void IsEmpty ()
document.LoadXml ("");
Assert.AreEqual (true, ((XmlElement) document.DocumentElement.FirstChild).IsEmpty, "Empty");
Assert.AreEqual (false, ((XmlElement) document.DocumentElement.LastChild).IsEmpty, "Empty");
public void RemoveAttribute ()
string xlinkURI = "http://www.w3.org/1999/XLink";
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument ();
doc.LoadXml ("");
XmlElement el = doc.DocumentElement;
el.RemoveAttribute ("a1");
Assert.IsNull (el.GetAttributeNode ("a1"), "RemoveAttribute");
el.RemoveAttribute ("xlink:href");
Assert.IsNull (el.GetAttributeNode ("href", xlinkURI), "RemoveAttribute");
el.RemoveAllAttributes ();
Assert.IsNull (el.GetAttributeNode ("a2"), "RemoveAllAttributes");
public void WriteToWithDefaultNamespace ()
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument ();
doc.LoadXml ("");
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter ();
XmlTextWriter xtw = new XmlTextWriter (sw);
doc.DocumentElement.WriteTo (xtw);
Assert.AreEqual ("", sw.ToString());
public void WriteToMakesNonsenseForDefaultNSChildren ()
XmlDocument d = new XmlDocument ();
XmlElement x = d.CreateElement ("root");
d.AppendChild (x);
XmlElement a = d.CreateElement ("a");
XmlElement b = d.CreateElement ("b");
b.SetAttribute ("xmlns","probe");
x.AppendChild (a);
x.AppendChild (b);
XmlElement b2 = d.CreateElement ("p2", "b2", "");
b.AppendChild (b2);
Assert.AreEqual ("", d.OuterXml);
public void WriteToWithDeletedNamespacePrefix ()
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument ();
doc.LoadXml ("");
doc.DocumentElement.RemoveAllAttributes ();
Assert.IsTrue (doc.DocumentElement.FirstChild.OuterXml.IndexOf("xmlns:foo") > 0);
public void WriteToWithDifferentNamespaceAttributes ()
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument ();
doc.LoadXml ("");
Assert.IsTrue (doc.OuterXml.IndexOf ("xmlns:html=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\"") > 0);
public void WriteToDefaultAttribute ()
// default attributes should be ignored.
string dtd = "]>";
string xml = dtd + "&foo;";
XmlValidatingReader xvr = new XmlValidatingReader (xml, XmlNodeType.Document,null);
xvr.EntityHandling = EntityHandling.ExpandCharEntities;
xvr.ValidationType = ValidationType.None;
document.Load (xvr);
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter ();
XmlTextWriter xtw = new XmlTextWriter (sw);
document.DocumentElement.WriteTo (xtw);
Assert.AreEqual ("&foo;", sw.ToString ());
#if ONLY_1_1
[ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentNullException))]
public void SetNullPrefix ()
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument ();
doc.LoadXml ("");
doc.DocumentElement.Prefix = null;
#if NET_2_0
Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, doc.DocumentElement.Prefix, "#1");
AssertClearPrefix ((string) null);
public void SetEmptyStringPrefix ()
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument ();
doc.LoadXml ("");
doc.DocumentElement.Prefix = String.Empty;
Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, doc.DocumentElement.Prefix, "#1");
AssertClearPrefix (string.Empty);
private void AssertClearPrefix (string newPrefix)
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument ();
doc.LoadXml ("");
Assert.AreEqual ("", doc.OuterXml, "#Clear1");
Assert.AreEqual ("", doc.DocumentElement.OuterXml, "#Clear2");
Assert.AreEqual ("x", doc.DocumentElement.Prefix, "#Clear3");
doc.DocumentElement.Prefix = newPrefix;
Assert.AreEqual ("", doc.OuterXml, "#Clear4");
Assert.AreEqual ("", doc.DocumentElement.OuterXml, "#Clear5");
Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, doc.DocumentElement.Prefix, "#Clear6");
public void NullPrefix ()
new MyXmlElement ("foo", "urn:foo", new XmlDocument ());
[Test] // bug #380720
[Category ("Networking")]
[Ignore ("The server takes too much time to respond")]
public void SetAttributeWithIdentity ()
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument ();
doc.LoadXml (@"
XmlElement xxx = (XmlElement) doc.GetElementsByTagName ("div") [0];
XmlElement yyy = (XmlElement) doc.GetElementsByTagName ("div") [1];
yyy.ParentNode.RemoveChild (yyy);
yyy.SetAttribute ("id", "xxx");
public void SetAttributeExistingNoInsert () // bug #464394
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument ();
bool changed = false;
doc.LoadXml (@"");
doc.NodeChanged += delegate {
changed = true;
doc.DocumentElement.SetAttribute ("Key", "");
Assert.IsTrue (changed);
class MyXmlElement : XmlElement
public MyXmlElement (string localName, string ns, XmlDocument doc)
: base (null, localName, ns, doc)