// // System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder.cs // // Author: // Sureshkumar T (tsureshkumar@novell.com) // // Copyright (C) 2004 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // #if NET_2_0 using System; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Data; using System.Data.Common; using System.ComponentModel; namespace System.Data.SqlClient { [DefaultPropertyAttribute ("DataSource")] #if NET_2_0 [TypeConverterAttribute ("System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder+SqlConnectionStringBuilderConverter, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Data)] #endif public sealed class SqlConnectionStringBuilder : DbConnectionStringBuilder { private const string DEF_APPLICATIONNAME = ".NET SqlClient Data Provider"; private const bool DEF_ASYNCHRONOUSPROCESSING = false; private const string DEF_ATTACHDBFILENAME = ""; private const bool DEF_CONNECTIONRESET = true; private const int DEF_CONNECTTIMEOUT = 15; private const string DEF_CURRENTLANGUAGE = ""; private const string DEF_DATASOURCE = ""; private const bool DEF_ENCRYPT = false; private const bool DEF_ENLIST = false; private const string DEF_FAILOVERPARTNER = ""; private const string DEF_INITIALCATALOG = ""; private const bool DEF_INTEGRATEDSECURITY = false; private const int DEF_LOADBALANCETIMEOUT = 0; private const int DEF_MAXPOOLSIZE = 100; private const int DEF_MINPOOLSIZE = 0; private const bool DEF_MULTIPLEACTIVERESULTSETS = false; private const string DEF_NETWORKLIBRARY = ""; private const int DEF_PACKETSIZE = 8000; private const string DEF_PASSWORD = ""; private const bool DEF_PERSISTSECURITYINFO = false; private const bool DEF_POOLING = true; private const bool DEF_REPLICATION = false; private const string DEF_USERID = ""; private const string DEF_WORKSTATIONID = ""; private const string DEF_TYPESYSTEMVERSION = "Latest"; private const bool DEF_TRUSTSERVERCERTIFICATE = false; private const bool DEF_USERINSTANCE = false; private const bool DEF_CONTEXTCONNECTION = false; private const string DEF_TRANSACTIONBINDING = "Implicit Unbind"; #region // Fields private string _applicationName; private bool _asynchronousProcessing; private string _attachDBFilename; private bool _connectionReset; private int _connectTimeout; private string _currentLanguage; private string _dataSource; private bool _encrypt; private bool _enlist; private string _failoverPartner; private string _initialCatalog; private bool _integratedSecurity; private int _loadBalanceTimeout; private int _maxPoolSize; private int _minPoolSize; private bool _multipleActiveResultSets; private string _networkLibrary; private int _packetSize; private string _password; private bool _persistSecurityInfo; private bool _pooling; private bool _replication; private string _userID; private string _workstationID; private bool _trustServerCertificate; private string _typeSystemVersion; private bool _userInstance; private bool _contextConnection; private string _transactionBinding; private static Dictionary _keywords; // for mapping duplicate keywords private static Dictionary _defaults; #endregion // Fields #region Constructors public SqlConnectionStringBuilder () : this (String.Empty) { } public SqlConnectionStringBuilder (string connectionString) { Init (); base.ConnectionString = connectionString; } static SqlConnectionStringBuilder () { _keywords = new Dictionary (); _keywords ["APP"] = "Application Name"; _keywords ["APPLICATION NAME"] = "Application Name"; _keywords ["ATTACHDBFILENAME"] = "AttachDbFilename"; _keywords ["EXTENDED PROPERTIES"] = "Extended Properties"; _keywords ["INITIAL FILE NAME"] = "Initial File Name"; _keywords ["TIMEOUT"] = "Connect Timeout"; _keywords ["CONNECT TIMEOUT"] = "Connect Timeout"; _keywords ["CONNECTION TIMEOUT"] = "Connect Timeout"; _keywords ["CONNECTION RESET"] = "Connection Reset"; _keywords ["LANGUAGE"] = "Current Language"; _keywords ["CURRENT LANGUAGE"] = "Current Language"; _keywords ["DATA SOURCE"] = "Data Source"; _keywords ["SERVER"] = "Data Source"; _keywords ["ADDRESS"] = "Data Source"; _keywords ["ADDR"] = "Data Source"; _keywords ["NETWORK ADDRESS"] = "Data Source"; _keywords ["ENCRYPT"] = "Encrypt"; _keywords ["ENLIST"] = "Enlist"; _keywords ["INITIAL CATALOG"] = "Initial Catalog"; _keywords ["DATABASE"] = "Initial Catalog"; _keywords ["INTEGRATED SECURITY"] = "Integrated Security"; _keywords ["TRUSTED_CONNECTION"] = "Integrated Security"; _keywords ["MAX POOL SIZE"] = "Max Pool Size"; _keywords ["MIN POOL SIZE"] = "Min Pool Size"; _keywords ["MULTIPLEACTIVERESULTSETS"] = "MultipleActiveResultSets"; _keywords ["ASYNCHRONOUS PROCESSING"] = "Asynchronous Processing"; _keywords ["ASYNC"] = "Async"; _keywords ["NET"] = "Network Library"; _keywords ["NETWORK"] = "Network Library"; _keywords ["NETWORK LIBRARY"] = "Network Library"; _keywords ["PACKET SIZE"] = "Packet Size"; _keywords ["PASSWORD"] = "Password"; _keywords ["PWD"] = "Password"; _keywords ["PERSISTSECURITYINFO"] = "Persist Security Info"; _keywords ["PERSIST SECURITY INFO"] = "Persist Security Info"; _keywords ["POOLING"] = "Pooling"; _keywords ["UID"] = "User ID"; _keywords ["USER"] = "User ID"; _keywords ["USER ID"] = "User ID"; _keywords ["WSID"] = "Workstation ID"; _keywords ["WORKSTATION ID"] = "Workstation ID"; _keywords ["USER INSTANCE"] = "User Instance"; _keywords ["CONTEXT CONNECTION"] = "Context Connection"; _keywords ["TRANSACTION BINDING"] = "Transaction Binding"; _keywords ["FAILOVER PARTNER"] = "Failover Partner"; _keywords ["REPLICATION"] = "Replication"; _keywords ["TRUSTSERVERCERTIFICATE"] = "TrustServerCertificate"; _keywords ["LOAD BALANCE TIMEOUT"] = "Load Balance Timeout"; _keywords ["TYPE SYSTEM VERSION"] = "Type System Version"; _defaults = new Dictionary (); _defaults.Add("Data Source", DEF_DATASOURCE); _defaults.Add("Failover Partner", DEF_FAILOVERPARTNER); _defaults.Add("AttachDbFilename", DEF_ATTACHDBFILENAME); _defaults.Add("Initial Catalog", DEF_INITIALCATALOG); _defaults.Add("Integrated Security", DEF_INTEGRATEDSECURITY); _defaults.Add("Persist Security Info", DEF_PERSISTSECURITYINFO); _defaults.Add("User ID", DEF_USERID); _defaults.Add("Password", DEF_PASSWORD); _defaults.Add("Enlist", DEF_ENLIST); _defaults.Add("Pooling", DEF_POOLING); _defaults.Add("Min Pool Size", DEF_MINPOOLSIZE); _defaults.Add("Max Pool Size", DEF_MAXPOOLSIZE); _defaults.Add("Asynchronous Processing", DEF_ASYNCHRONOUSPROCESSING); _defaults.Add("Connection Reset", DEF_CONNECTIONRESET); _defaults.Add("MultipleActiveResultSets", DEF_MULTIPLEACTIVERESULTSETS); _defaults.Add("Replication", DEF_REPLICATION); _defaults.Add("Connect Timeout", DEF_CONNECTTIMEOUT); _defaults.Add("Encrypt", DEF_ENCRYPT); _defaults.Add("TrustServerCertificate", DEF_TRUSTSERVERCERTIFICATE); _defaults.Add("Load Balance Timeout", DEF_LOADBALANCETIMEOUT); _defaults.Add("Network Library", DEF_NETWORKLIBRARY); _defaults.Add("Packet Size", DEF_PACKETSIZE); _defaults.Add("Type System Version", DEF_TYPESYSTEMVERSION); _defaults.Add("Application Name", DEF_APPLICATIONNAME); _defaults.Add("Current Language", DEF_CURRENTLANGUAGE); _defaults.Add("Workstation ID", DEF_WORKSTATIONID); _defaults.Add("User Instance", DEF_USERINSTANCE); _defaults.Add("Context Connection", DEF_CONTEXTCONNECTION); _defaults.Add("Transaction Binding", DEF_TRANSACTIONBINDING); } #endregion // Constructors #region Properties [DisplayNameAttribute ("Application Name")] [RefreshPropertiesAttribute (RefreshProperties.All)] public string ApplicationName { get { return _applicationName; } set { base ["Application Name"] = value; _applicationName = value; } } [DisplayNameAttribute ("Asynchronous Processing")] [RefreshPropertiesAttribute (RefreshProperties.All)] public bool AsynchronousProcessing { get { return _asynchronousProcessing; } set { base ["Asynchronous Processing"] = value; _asynchronousProcessing = value; } } #if NET_2_0 [Editor ("System.Windows.Forms.Design.FileNameEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design, "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Drawing)] #else [Editor ("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.DBParametersEditor, " + Consts.AssemblyMicrosoft_VSDesigner, "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Drawing)] #endif [DisplayNameAttribute ("AttachDbFilename")] [RefreshPropertiesAttribute (RefreshProperties.All)] public string AttachDBFilename { get { return _attachDBFilename; } set { base ["AttachDbFilename"] = value; _attachDBFilename = value; } } [DisplayNameAttribute ("Connection Reset")] [RefreshPropertiesAttribute (RefreshProperties.All)] public bool ConnectionReset { get { return _connectionReset; } set { base ["Connection Reset"] = value; _connectionReset = value; } } [DisplayNameAttribute ("Connect Timeout")] [RefreshPropertiesAttribute (RefreshProperties.All)] public int ConnectTimeout { get { return _connectTimeout; } set { base ["Connect Timeout"] = value; _connectTimeout = value; } } [DisplayNameAttribute ("Current Language")] [RefreshPropertiesAttribute (RefreshProperties.All)] public string CurrentLanguage { get { return _currentLanguage; } set { base ["Current Language"] = value; _currentLanguage = value; } } [DisplayNameAttribute ("Data Source")] [RefreshPropertiesAttribute (RefreshProperties.All)] #if NET_2_0 [TypeConverterAttribute ("System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder+SqlDataSourceConverter, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Data)] #endif public string DataSource { get { return _dataSource; } set { base ["Data Source"] = value; _dataSource = value; } } [DisplayNameAttribute ("Encrypt")] [RefreshPropertiesAttribute (RefreshProperties.All)] public bool Encrypt { get { return _encrypt; } set { base ["Encrypt"] = value; _encrypt = value; } } [DisplayNameAttribute ("Enlist")] [RefreshPropertiesAttribute (RefreshProperties.All)] public bool Enlist { get { return _enlist; } set { base ["Enlist"] = value; _enlist = value; } } [DisplayNameAttribute ("Failover Partner")] [RefreshPropertiesAttribute (RefreshProperties.All)] #if NET_2_0 [TypeConverterAttribute ("System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder+SqlDataSourceConverter, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Data)] #endif public string FailoverPartner { get { return _failoverPartner; } set { base ["Failover Partner"] = value; _failoverPartner = value; } } [DisplayNameAttribute ("Initial Catalog")] [RefreshPropertiesAttribute (RefreshProperties.All)] #if NET_2_0 [TypeConverterAttribute ("System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder+SqlInitialCatalogConverter, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Data)] #endif public string InitialCatalog { get { return _initialCatalog; } set { base ["Initial Catalog"] = value; _initialCatalog = value; } } [DisplayNameAttribute ("Integrated Security")] [RefreshPropertiesAttribute (RefreshProperties.All)] public bool IntegratedSecurity { get { return _integratedSecurity; } set { base ["Integrated Security"] = value; _integratedSecurity = value; } } public override bool IsFixedSize { get { return true; } } public override object this [string keyword] { get { string mapped = MapKeyword (keyword); if (base.ContainsKey (mapped)) return base [mapped]; else return _defaults [mapped]; } set {SetValue (keyword, value);} } public override ICollection Keys { get { List keys = new List(); keys.Add("Data Source"); keys.Add("Failover Partner"); keys.Add("AttachDbFilename"); keys.Add("Initial Catalog"); keys.Add("Integrated Security"); keys.Add("Persist Security Info"); keys.Add("User ID"); keys.Add("Password"); keys.Add("Enlist"); keys.Add("Pooling"); keys.Add("Min Pool Size"); keys.Add("Max Pool Size"); keys.Add("Asynchronous Processing"); keys.Add("Connection Reset"); keys.Add("MultipleActiveResultSets"); keys.Add("Replication"); keys.Add("Connect Timeout"); keys.Add("Encrypt"); keys.Add("TrustServerCertificate"); keys.Add("Load Balance Timeout"); keys.Add("Network Library"); keys.Add("Packet Size"); keys.Add("Type System Version"); keys.Add("Application Name"); keys.Add("Current Language"); keys.Add("Workstation ID"); keys.Add("User Instance"); keys.Add("Context Connection"); keys.Add("Transaction Binding"); ReadOnlyCollection coll = new ReadOnlyCollection(keys); return coll; } } [DisplayNameAttribute ("Load Balance Timeout")] [RefreshPropertiesAttribute (RefreshProperties.All)] public int LoadBalanceTimeout { get { return _loadBalanceTimeout; } set { base ["Load Balance Timeout"] = value; _loadBalanceTimeout = value; } } [DisplayNameAttribute ("Max Pool Size")] [RefreshPropertiesAttribute (RefreshProperties.All)] public int MaxPoolSize { get { return _maxPoolSize; } set { base ["Max Pool Size"] = value; _maxPoolSize = value; } } [DisplayNameAttribute ("Min Pool Size")] [RefreshPropertiesAttribute (RefreshProperties.All)] public int MinPoolSize { get { return _minPoolSize; } set { base ["Min Pool Size"] = value; _minPoolSize = value; } } [DisplayNameAttribute ("MultipleActiveResultSets")] [RefreshPropertiesAttribute (RefreshProperties.All)] public bool MultipleActiveResultSets { get { return _multipleActiveResultSets; } set { base ["Multiple Active Resultsets"] = value; _multipleActiveResultSets = value; } } [DisplayNameAttribute ("Network Library")] [RefreshPropertiesAttribute (RefreshProperties.All)] #if NET_2_0 [TypeConverterAttribute ("System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder+NetworkLibraryConverter, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Data)] #endif public string NetworkLibrary { get { return _networkLibrary; } set { base ["Network Library"] = value; _networkLibrary = value; } } [DisplayNameAttribute ("Packet Size")] [RefreshPropertiesAttribute (RefreshProperties.All)] public int PacketSize { get { return _packetSize; } set { base ["Packet Size"] = value; _packetSize = value; } } [DisplayNameAttribute ("Password")] [PasswordPropertyTextAttribute (true)] [RefreshPropertiesAttribute (RefreshProperties.All)] public string Password { get { return _password; } set { base ["Password"] = value; _password = value; } } [DisplayNameAttribute ("Persist Security Info")] [RefreshPropertiesAttribute (RefreshProperties.All)] public bool PersistSecurityInfo { get { return _persistSecurityInfo; } set { base ["Persist Security Info"] = value; _persistSecurityInfo = value; } } [DisplayNameAttribute ("Pooling")] [RefreshPropertiesAttribute (RefreshProperties.All)] public bool Pooling { get { return _pooling; } set { base ["Pooling"] = value; _pooling = value; } } [DisplayNameAttribute ("Replication")] [RefreshPropertiesAttribute (RefreshProperties.All)] public bool Replication { get { return _replication; } set { base ["Replication"] = value; _replication = value; } } [DisplayNameAttribute ("User ID")] [RefreshPropertiesAttribute (RefreshProperties.All)] public string UserID { get { return _userID; } set { base ["User Id"]= value; _userID = value; } } public override ICollection Values { get { List values = new List(); values.Add(_dataSource); values.Add(_failoverPartner); values.Add(_attachDBFilename); values.Add(_initialCatalog); values.Add(_integratedSecurity); values.Add(_persistSecurityInfo); values.Add(_userID); values.Add(_password); values.Add(_enlist); values.Add(_pooling); values.Add(_minPoolSize); values.Add(_maxPoolSize); values.Add(_asynchronousProcessing); values.Add(_connectionReset); values.Add(_multipleActiveResultSets); values.Add(_replication); values.Add(_connectTimeout); values.Add(_encrypt); values.Add(_trustServerCertificate); values.Add(_loadBalanceTimeout); values.Add(_networkLibrary); values.Add(_packetSize); values.Add(_typeSystemVersion); values.Add(_applicationName); values.Add(_currentLanguage); values.Add(_workstationID); values.Add(_userInstance); values.Add(_contextConnection); values.Add(_transactionBinding); ReadOnlyCollection coll = new ReadOnlyCollection(values); return coll; } } [DisplayNameAttribute ("Workstation ID")] [RefreshPropertiesAttribute (RefreshProperties.All)] public string WorkstationID { get { return _workstationID; } set { base ["Workstation Id"] = value; _workstationID = value; } } [DisplayNameAttribute ("TrustServerCertificate")] [RefreshProperties (RefreshProperties.All)] public bool TrustServerCertificate { get { return _trustServerCertificate; } set { base ["Trust Server Certificate"] = value; _trustServerCertificate = value; } } [DisplayNameAttribute ("Type System Version")] [RefreshProperties (RefreshProperties.All)] public string TypeSystemVersion { get { return _typeSystemVersion; } set { base ["Type System Version"] = value; _typeSystemVersion = value; } } [DisplayNameAttribute ("User Instance")] [RefreshProperties (RefreshProperties.All)] public bool UserInstance { get { return _userInstance; } set { base ["User Instance"] = value; _userInstance = value; } } [RefreshPropertiesAttribute (RefreshProperties.All)] [DisplayNameAttribute ("Context Connection")] public bool ContextConnection { get { return _contextConnection; } set { base ["Context Connection"] = value; _contextConnection = value; } } #endregion // Properties #region Methods private void Init () { _applicationName = DEF_APPLICATIONNAME; _asynchronousProcessing = DEF_ASYNCHRONOUSPROCESSING; _attachDBFilename = DEF_ATTACHDBFILENAME; _connectionReset = DEF_CONNECTIONRESET; _connectTimeout = DEF_CONNECTTIMEOUT; _currentLanguage = DEF_CURRENTLANGUAGE; _dataSource = DEF_DATASOURCE; _encrypt = DEF_ENCRYPT; _enlist = DEF_ENLIST; _failoverPartner = DEF_FAILOVERPARTNER; _initialCatalog = DEF_INITIALCATALOG; _integratedSecurity = DEF_INTEGRATEDSECURITY; _loadBalanceTimeout = DEF_LOADBALANCETIMEOUT; _maxPoolSize = DEF_MAXPOOLSIZE; _minPoolSize = DEF_MINPOOLSIZE; _multipleActiveResultSets= DEF_MULTIPLEACTIVERESULTSETS; _networkLibrary = DEF_NETWORKLIBRARY; _packetSize = DEF_PACKETSIZE; _password = DEF_PASSWORD; _persistSecurityInfo = DEF_PERSISTSECURITYINFO; _pooling = DEF_POOLING; _replication = DEF_REPLICATION; _userID = DEF_USERID; _workstationID = DEF_WORKSTATIONID; _trustServerCertificate = DEF_TRUSTSERVERCERTIFICATE; _typeSystemVersion = DEF_TYPESYSTEMVERSION; _userInstance = DEF_USERINSTANCE; _contextConnection = DEF_CONTEXTCONNECTION; _transactionBinding = DEF_TRANSACTIONBINDING; } public override void Clear () { base.Clear (); Init (); } public override bool ContainsKey (string keyword) { keyword = keyword.ToUpper ().Trim (); if (_keywords.ContainsKey (keyword)) return base.ContainsKey (_keywords [keyword]); return false; } public override bool Remove (string keyword) { if (!ContainsKey (keyword)) return false; this [keyword] = null; return true; } [MonoNotSupported ("")] // Note that base.ShouldSerialize() is called but not implemented public override bool ShouldSerialize (string keyword) { if (!ContainsKey (keyword)) return false; keyword = keyword.ToUpper ().Trim (); // Assuming passwords cannot be serialized. if (_keywords [keyword] == "Password") return false; return base.ShouldSerialize (_keywords [keyword]); } public override bool TryGetValue (string keyword, out object value) { if (! ContainsKey (keyword)) { value = String.Empty; return false; } return base.TryGetValue (_keywords [keyword.ToUpper ().Trim ()], out value); } #endregion // Methods #region Private Methods private string MapKeyword (string keyword) { keyword = keyword.ToUpper ().Trim (); if (! _keywords.ContainsKey (keyword)) throw new ArgumentException("Keyword not supported :" + keyword); return _keywords [keyword]; } private void SetValue (string key, object value) { if (key == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("key cannot be null!"); string mappedKey = MapKeyword (key); switch (mappedKey.ToUpper ().Trim ()) { case "APPLICATION NAME" : if (value == null) { _applicationName = DEF_APPLICATIONNAME; base.Remove (mappedKey); } else this.ApplicationName = value.ToString (); break; case "ATTACHDBFILENAME" : throw new NotImplementedException ("Attachable database support is " + "not implemented."); case "CONNECT TIMEOUT" : if (value == null) { _connectTimeout = DEF_CONNECTTIMEOUT; base.Remove (mappedKey); } else this.ConnectTimeout = DbConnectionStringBuilderHelper.ConvertToInt32 (value); break; case "CONNECTION LIFETIME" : break; case "CONNECTION RESET" : if (value == null) { _connectionReset = DEF_CONNECTIONRESET; base.Remove (mappedKey); } else this.ConnectionReset = DbConnectionStringBuilderHelper.ConvertToBoolean (value); break; case "CURRENT LANGUAGE" : if (value == null) { _currentLanguage = DEF_CURRENTLANGUAGE; base.Remove (mappedKey); } else this.CurrentLanguage = value.ToString (); break; case "CONTEXT CONNECTION" : if (value == null) { _contextConnection = DEF_CONTEXTCONNECTION; base.Remove (mappedKey); } else this.ContextConnection = DbConnectionStringBuilderHelper.ConvertToBoolean (value); break; case "DATA SOURCE" : if (value == null) { _dataSource = DEF_DATASOURCE; base.Remove (mappedKey); } else this.DataSource = value.ToString (); break; case "ENCRYPT": if (value == null) { _encrypt = DEF_ENCRYPT; base.Remove (mappedKey); }else if (DbConnectionStringBuilderHelper.ConvertToBoolean(value)) throw new NotImplementedException("SSL encryption for" + " data sent between client and server is not" + " implemented."); break; case "ENLIST" : if (value == null) { _enlist = DEF_ENLIST; base.Remove (mappedKey); } else if ( ! DbConnectionStringBuilderHelper.ConvertToBoolean(value)) throw new NotImplementedException("Disabling the automatic" + " enlistment of connections in the thread's current" + " transaction context is not implemented."); break; case "INITIAL CATALOG" : if (value == null) { _initialCatalog = DEF_INITIALCATALOG; base.Remove (mappedKey); } else this.InitialCatalog = value.ToString (); break; case "INTEGRATED SECURITY" : if (value == null) { _integratedSecurity = DEF_INTEGRATEDSECURITY; base.Remove (mappedKey); } else this.IntegratedSecurity = DbConnectionStringBuilderHelper.ConvertToBoolean (value); break; case "MAX POOL SIZE" : if (value == null) { _maxPoolSize = DEF_MAXPOOLSIZE; base.Remove (mappedKey); } else this.MaxPoolSize = DbConnectionStringBuilderHelper.ConvertToInt32 (value); break; case "MIN POOL SIZE" : if (value == null) { _minPoolSize = DEF_MINPOOLSIZE; base.Remove (mappedKey); } else this.MinPoolSize = DbConnectionStringBuilderHelper.ConvertToInt32 (value); break; case "MULTIPLEACTIVERESULTSETS": if (value == null) { _multipleActiveResultSets = DEF_MULTIPLEACTIVERESULTSETS; base.Remove (mappedKey); } else if ( DbConnectionStringBuilderHelper.ConvertToBoolean (value)) throw new NotImplementedException ("MARS is not yet implemented!"); break; case "ASYNCHRONOUS PROCESSING" : if (value == null) { _asynchronousProcessing = DEF_ASYNCHRONOUSPROCESSING; base.Remove (mappedKey); } else this.AsynchronousProcessing = DbConnectionStringBuilderHelper.ConvertToBoolean (value); break; case "NETWORK LIBRARY" : if (value == null) { _networkLibrary = DEF_NETWORKLIBRARY; base.Remove (mappedKey); } else { if (!value.ToString ().ToUpper ().Equals ("DBMSSOCN")) throw new ArgumentException ("Unsupported network library."); this.NetworkLibrary = value.ToString ().ToLower (); } break; case "LOAD BALANCE TIMEOUT": // TODO: what is this? break; case "PACKET SIZE" : if (value == null) { _packetSize = DEF_PACKETSIZE; base.Remove (mappedKey); } else this.PacketSize = DbConnectionStringBuilderHelper.ConvertToInt32 (value); break; case "PASSWORD" : if (value == null) { _password = DEF_PASSWORD; base.Remove (mappedKey); } else this.Password = value.ToString (); break; case "PERSIST SECURITY INFO" : if (value == null) { _persistSecurityInfo = DEF_PERSISTSECURITYINFO; base.Remove (mappedKey); } else if (DbConnectionStringBuilderHelper.ConvertToBoolean (value)) throw new NotImplementedException ("Persisting security info" + " is not yet implemented"); break; case "POOLING" : if (value == null) { _pooling = DEF_POOLING; base.Remove (mappedKey); } else this.Pooling = DbConnectionStringBuilderHelper.ConvertToBoolean (value); break; case "USER ID" : if (value == null) { _userID = DEF_USERID; base.Remove (mappedKey); } else this.UserID = value.ToString (); break; case "USER INSTANCE" : if (value == null) { _userInstance = DEF_USERINSTANCE; base.Remove (mappedKey); } else this.UserInstance = DbConnectionStringBuilderHelper.ConvertToBoolean (value); break; case "WORKSTATION ID" : if (value == null) { _workstationID = DEF_WORKSTATIONID; base.Remove (mappedKey); } else this.WorkstationID = value.ToString (); break; case "TRANSACTION BINDING": // TODO: what is this? break; default : throw new ArgumentException("Keyword not supported :" + key); } } #endregion // Private Methods } } #endif // NET_2_0