// // RELAX NG Compact Syntax writer // // Author: // Atsushi Enomoto // // (C)2005 Novell Inc. // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Xml; using Commons.Xml.Relaxng; #if NET_2_0 using NSResolver = System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver; #else using NSResolver = System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager; #endif namespace Commons.Xml.Relaxng.Rnc { internal class RncWriter { static readonly XmlNamespaceManager defaultNamespaceManager; static RncWriter () { XmlNamespaceManager n = new XmlNamespaceManager ( new NameTable ()); n.AddNamespace ("xs", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes"); defaultNamespaceManager = n; } TextWriter w; NSResolver nsmgr; NSResolver datansmgr; public RncWriter (TextWriter writer) : this (writer, null, defaultNamespaceManager) { } public RncWriter (TextWriter writer, NSResolver nsmgr) : this (writer, nsmgr, defaultNamespaceManager) { } public RncWriter (TextWriter writer, NSResolver structureNamespaces, NSResolver dataNamespaces) { this.w = writer; this.nsmgr = structureNamespaces; this.datansmgr = dataNamespaces; XmlNameTable nt = GetNameTable (nsmgr, datansmgr); if (nsmgr == null) nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager (nt); if (datansmgr == null) datansmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager (nt); } #region Utility methods private XmlNameTable GetNameTable (NSResolver nss1, NSResolver nss2) { XmlNameTable nt = null; if (nss1 is XmlNamespaceManager) nt = ((XmlNamespaceManager) nss1).NameTable; if (nss2 is XmlNamespaceManager) nt = ((XmlNamespaceManager) nss2).NameTable; if (nt == null) nt = new NameTable (); return nt; } private bool IsKeyword (string name) { switch (name) { case "attribute": case "default": case "datatypes": case "div": case "element": case "empty": case "external": case "grammar": case "include": case "inherit": case "list": case "mixed": case "namespace": case "notAllowed": case "parent": case "start": case "string": case "text": case "token": return true; default: return false; } } private void WriteNames (RelaxngNameClassList l, bool wrap) { switch (l.Count) { case 0: throw new RelaxngException ("name choice must contain at least one name class."); case 1: l [0].WriteRnc (this); break; default: if (wrap) w.Write ('('); l [0].WriteRnc (this); for (int i = 1; i < l.Count; i++) { w.Write ('|'); l [i].WriteRnc (this); } if (wrap) w.Write (')'); break; } } private void WritePatterns (RelaxngPatternList l, bool parens) { WritePatterns (l, ',', parens); } private void WritePatterns (RelaxngPatternList l, char sep, bool parens) { switch (l.Count) { case 0: w.Write ("empty"); break; case 1: parens = (l [0] is RelaxngBinaryContentPattern || l [0] is RelaxngData && ((RelaxngData) l [0]).Except != null); if (parens) w.Write ('('); l [0].WriteRnc (this); if (parens) w.Write (')'); break; default: if (parens) w.Write ('('); l [0].WriteRnc (this); for (int i = 1; i < l.Count; i++) { if (sep != ',') w.Write (' '); w.Write (sep); w.Write (' '); l [i].WriteRnc (this); } if (parens) w.Write (')'); break; } } private void WriteGrammarIncludeContents ( RelaxngGrammarContentList starts, RelaxngGrammarContentList defines, RelaxngGrammarContentList divs, RelaxngGrammarContentList includes) { if (includes != null) { foreach (RelaxngInclude inc in includes) inc.WriteRnc (this); w.WriteLine (); } if (divs != null) { foreach (RelaxngDiv div in divs) div.WriteRnc (this); w.WriteLine (); } if (starts != null) { foreach (RelaxngStart s in starts) s.WriteRnc (this); w.WriteLine (); } if (defines != null) foreach (RelaxngDefine def in defines) def.WriteRnc (this); } private void WriteQName (string name, string ns) { WriteQName (name, ns, nsmgr); } private void WriteQName (string name, string ns, NSResolver nss) { string prefix = String.Empty; if (ns != null && ns != String.Empty) { #if NET_2_0 #else // XmlNamespaceManager sucks. ns = nss.NameTable.Add (ns); #endif prefix = nss.LookupPrefix (ns); } if (prefix == null) throw new RelaxngException (String.Format ("Namespace '{0}' is not mapped to a prefix in argument XmlNamespaceManager.", ns)); if (prefix != String.Empty) { w.Write (prefix); w.Write (':'); } if (IsKeyword (name)) w.Write ('\\'); w.Write (name); } private void WriteLiteral (string value) { w.Write ('"'); for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++) { switch (value [i]) { case '"': w.Write ("\\x{22}"); break; case '\r': w.Write ("\\x{13}"); break; case '\n': w.Write ("\\x{10}"); break; case '\t': // It is not required, but would be better. w.Write ("\\x{9}"); break; default: w.Write (value [i]); break; } } w.Write ('"'); } #endregion public void WriteNamespaces (string defaultNamespace) { WriteNamespaces (defaultNamespace, nsmgr, false); WriteNamespaces (null, datansmgr, true); } public void WriteNamespaces (string defaultNamespace, NSResolver nsmgr, bool isData) { if (defaultNamespace == null) defaultNamespace = String.Empty; if (defaultNamespace.Length > 0) w.WriteLine ("default namespace = {0}", defaultNamespace); if (nsmgr != null) { #if NET_2_0 foreach (string s in nsmgr.GetNamespacesInScope ( XmlNamespaceScope.All).Keys) { #else foreach (string s in nsmgr) { #endif switch (s) { case "xml": case "xmlns": continue; case "": if (defaultNamespace.Length > 0) w.WriteLine ("default namespace = '{0}'", nsmgr.LookupNamespace (s).Replace ('\'', '\"')); break; default: w.WriteLine ("{2} {0} = '{1}'", s, nsmgr.LookupNamespace (s).Replace ('\'', '\"'), isData ? "datatypes" : "namespace"); break; } } } w.WriteLine (); } #region Elements // Note that it might not be used directly when a grammar // contains more than one "start" (compact syntax does not // support "combine" attribute). public void WriteStart (RelaxngStart start) { w.Write ("start"); if (start.Combine == null) w.Write (" = "); else w.Write (start.Combine.Trim () == "interleave" ? " &= " : " |= "); start.Pattern.WriteRnc (this); w.WriteLine (); } // Note that it might not be used directly when a grammar // contains more than one "define" for an identical name // (compact syntax does not support "combine" attribute). public void WriteDefine (RelaxngDefine define) { if (IsKeyword (define.Name)) w.Write ('\\'); w.Write (define.Name); if (define.Combine == null) w.Write (" = "); else w.Write (define.Combine.Trim () == "interleave" ? " &= " : " |= "); if (define.Patterns.Count == 0) w.Write ("empty"); else { define.Patterns [0].WriteRnc (this); for (int i = 1; i < define.Patterns.Count; i++) { w.Write (","); define.Patterns [i].WriteRnc (this); } } w.WriteLine (); w.WriteLine (); } public void WriteInclude (RelaxngInclude include) { w.Write ("include "); w.Write (include.Href); // FIXME: optInherit? if (include.Starts.Count > 0 || include.Defines.Count > 0 || include.Divs.Count > 0) { w.Write ('('); WriteGrammarIncludeContents (include.Starts, include.Defines, include.Divs, null); w.Write (')'); } w.WriteLine (); } public void WriteDiv (RelaxngDiv div) { w.Write ("div { "); WriteGrammarIncludeContents (div.Starts, div.Defines, div.Divs, div.Includes); w.WriteLine ('}'); } public void WriteNotAllowed (RelaxngNotAllowed na) { w.Write ("notAllowed "); } public void WriteEmpty (RelaxngEmpty empty) { w.Write ("empty "); } public void WriteText (RelaxngText text) { w.Write ("text "); } public void WriteData (RelaxngData data) { WriteQName (data.Type, data.DatatypeLibrary, datansmgr); if (data.ParamList.Count > 0) { w.Write (" { "); foreach (RelaxngParam p in data.ParamList) p.WriteRnc (this); w.Write (" }"); } if (data.Except != null) data.Except.WriteRnc (this); } public void WriteValue (RelaxngValue v) { WriteQName (v.Type, v.DatatypeLibrary, datansmgr); w.Write (' '); WriteLiteral (v.Value); } public void WriteList (RelaxngList p) { w.Write ("list {"); WritePatterns (p.Patterns, false); w.Write ("}"); } public void WriteMixed (RelaxngMixed p) { w.Write ("mixed {"); WritePatterns (p.Patterns, false); w.Write ("}"); } public void WriteElement (RelaxngElement element) { w.Write ("element "); element.NameClass.WriteRnc (this); w.Write (" {"); WritePatterns (element.Patterns, false); w.Write ("}"); } public void WriteAttribute (RelaxngAttribute attribute) { w.Write ("attribute "); attribute.NameClass.WriteRnc (this); w.Write (" {"); if (attribute.Pattern == null) w.Write ("empty"); else attribute.Pattern.WriteRnc (this); w.Write (" }"); } public void WriteRef (RelaxngRef r) { if (IsKeyword (r.Name)) w.Write ('\\'); w.Write (r.Name); } public void WriteParentRef (RelaxngParentRef r) { w.Write ("parent "); if (IsKeyword (r.Name)) w.Write ('\\'); w.Write (r.Name); w.Write (' '); } public void WriteExternalRef (RelaxngExternalRef r) { w.Write ("external "); w.Write (r.Href); // FIXME: optInherit? w.Write (' '); } public void WriteOneOrMore (RelaxngOneOrMore p) { WritePatterns (p.Patterns, true); w.Write ('+'); } public void WriteZeroOrMore (RelaxngZeroOrMore p) { WritePatterns (p.Patterns, true); w.Write ('*'); } public void WriteOptional (RelaxngOptional p) { WritePatterns (p.Patterns, true); w.Write ('?'); } public void WriteChoice (RelaxngChoice p) { WritePatterns (p.Patterns, '|', false); } public void WriteGroup (RelaxngGroup p) { WritePatterns (p.Patterns, ',', false); } public void WriteInterleave (RelaxngInterleave p) { WritePatterns (p.Patterns, '&', false); } public void WriteParam (RelaxngParam p) { if (IsKeyword (p.Name)) w.Write ('\\'); w.Write (p.Name); w.Write (" = "); WriteLiteral (p.Value); } public void WriteDataExcept (RelaxngExcept e) { w.Write (" - "); WritePatterns (e.Patterns, true); } public void WriteGrammar (RelaxngGrammar g) { w.WriteLine ("grammar {"); WriteGrammarIncludeContents (g.Starts, g.Defines, g.Divs, g.Includes); w.WriteLine ('}'); } public void WriteAnyName (RelaxngAnyName n) { w.Write ('*'); if (n.Except != null) n.Except.WriteRnc (this); } public void WriteNsName (RelaxngNsName n) { WriteQName ("*", n.Namespace); if (n.Except != null) n.Except.WriteRnc (this); } public void WriteName (RelaxngName n) { WriteQName (n.LocalName, n.Namespace); } public void WriteNameChoice (RelaxngNameChoice c) { WriteNames (c.Children, false); } public void WriteNameExcept (RelaxngExceptNameClass e) { w.Write (" - "); WriteNames (e.Names, true); } #endregion } }