using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace System.Workflow.ComponentModel { [Flags] [Obsolete("The System.Workflow.* types are deprecated. Instead, please use the new types from System.Activities.*")] public enum DependencyPropertyOptions : byte { Default = 1, ReadOnly = 2, Optional = 4, Metadata = 8, NonSerialized = 16, DelegateProperty = 32 } //overrides so you dont need to do inheritence public delegate object GetValueOverride(DependencyObject d); public delegate void SetValueOverride(DependencyObject d, object value); [Obsolete("The System.Workflow.* types are deprecated. Instead, please use the new types from System.Activities.*")] public class PropertyMetadata { private Attribute[] attributes = null; private object defaultValue = null; private DependencyPropertyOptions options = DependencyPropertyOptions.Default; private bool propertySealed = false; private GetValueOverride getValueOverride = null; private SetValueOverride setValueOverride = null; private bool shouldAlwaysCallOverride = false; public PropertyMetadata() { } public PropertyMetadata(object defaultValue) : this(defaultValue, default(DependencyPropertyOptions)) { } public PropertyMetadata(DependencyPropertyOptions options) : this(null, options) { } public PropertyMetadata(object defaultValue, DependencyPropertyOptions options) : this(defaultValue, options, null, null, new Attribute[] { }) { } public PropertyMetadata(object defaultValue, params Attribute[] attributes) : this(defaultValue, default(DependencyPropertyOptions), null, null, attributes) { } public PropertyMetadata(object defaultValue, DependencyPropertyOptions options, params Attribute[] attributes) : this(defaultValue, options, null, null, attributes) { } public PropertyMetadata(DependencyPropertyOptions options, params Attribute[] attributes) : this(null, options, null, null, attributes) { } public PropertyMetadata(params Attribute[] attributes) : this(null, default(DependencyPropertyOptions), null, null, attributes) { } public PropertyMetadata(object defaultValue, DependencyPropertyOptions options, GetValueOverride getValueOverride, SetValueOverride setValueOverride) : this(defaultValue, options, getValueOverride, setValueOverride, new Attribute[] { }) { } public PropertyMetadata(object defaultValue, DependencyPropertyOptions options, GetValueOverride getValueOverride, SetValueOverride setValueOverride, params Attribute[] attributes) : this(defaultValue, options, getValueOverride, setValueOverride, false, attributes) { } internal PropertyMetadata(object defaultValue, DependencyPropertyOptions options, GetValueOverride getValueOverride, SetValueOverride setValueOverride, bool shouldAlwaysCallOverride, params Attribute[] attributes) { this.defaultValue = defaultValue; this.options = options; this.getValueOverride = getValueOverride; this.setValueOverride = setValueOverride; this.shouldAlwaysCallOverride = shouldAlwaysCallOverride; this.attributes = attributes; } public Attribute[] GetAttributes() { return GetAttributes(null); } public Attribute[] GetAttributes(Type attributeType) { List attributes = new List(); if (this.attributes != null) { foreach (Attribute attribute in this.attributes) { if (attribute == null) continue; if (attributeType == null || attribute.GetType() == attributeType) attributes.Add(attribute); } } return attributes.ToArray(); } public object DefaultValue { get { return this.defaultValue; } set { if (this.propertySealed) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.Error_SealedPropertyMetadata)); this.defaultValue = value; } } public DependencyPropertyOptions Options { get { return this.options; } set { if (this.propertySealed) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.Error_SealedPropertyMetadata)); this.options = value; } } public bool IsMetaProperty { get { return (this.options & DependencyPropertyOptions.Metadata) > 0; } } public bool IsNonSerialized { get { return (this.options & DependencyPropertyOptions.NonSerialized) > 0; } } public bool IsReadOnly { get { return (this.options & DependencyPropertyOptions.ReadOnly) > 0; } } public GetValueOverride GetValueOverride { get { return this.getValueOverride; } set { if (this.propertySealed) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.Error_SealedPropertyMetadata)); this.getValueOverride = value; } } public SetValueOverride SetValueOverride { get { return this.setValueOverride; } set { if (this.propertySealed) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.Error_SealedPropertyMetadata)); this.setValueOverride = value; } } protected virtual void OnApply(DependencyProperty dependencyProperty, Type targetType) { } protected bool IsSealed { get { return this.propertySealed; } } internal bool ShouldAlwaysCallOverride { get { return shouldAlwaysCallOverride; } } internal void Seal(DependencyProperty dependencyProperty, Type targetType) { OnApply(dependencyProperty, targetType); this.propertySealed = true; } } }