//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.ServiceModel.Description { using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Xml; using WsdlNS = System.Web.Services.Description; using System.Globalization; // // PolicyReader is a complex nested class in the MetadataImporter // public abstract partial class MetadataImporter { internal MetadataImporterQuotas Quotas; PolicyReader policyNormalizer = null; internal delegate void PolicyWarningHandler(XmlElement contextAssertion, string warningMessage); // Consider, Microsoft, make this public? internal event PolicyWarningHandler PolicyWarningOccured; internal IEnumerable> NormalizePolicy(IEnumerable policyAssertions) { if (this.policyNormalizer == null) { this.policyNormalizer = new PolicyReader(this); } return this.policyNormalizer.NormalizePolicy(policyAssertions); } //DevNote: The error handling goal for this class is to NEVER throw an exception. // * Any Ignored Policy should generate a warning // * All policy parsing errors should be logged as warnings in the WSDLImporter.Errors collection. sealed class PolicyReader { int nodesRead = 0; readonly MetadataImporter metadataImporter; internal PolicyReader(MetadataImporter metadataImporter) { this.metadataImporter = metadataImporter; } static IEnumerable Empty = new PolicyHelper.EmptyEnumerable(); static IEnumerable> EmptyEmpty = new PolicyHelper.SingleEnumerable>(new PolicyHelper.EmptyEnumerable()); // // the core policy reading logic // each step returns a list of lists -- an "and of ors": // each inner list is a policy alternative: it contains the set of assertions that comprise the alternative // the outer list represents the choice between alternatives // IEnumerable> ReadNode(XmlNode node, XmlElement contextAssertion, YieldLimiter yieldLimiter) { if (nodesRead >= this.metadataImporter.Quotas.MaxPolicyNodes) { if (nodesRead == this.metadataImporter.Quotas.MaxPolicyNodes) { // add wirning once string warningMsg = SR.GetString(SR.ExceededMaxPolicyComplexity, node.Name, PolicyHelper.GetFragmentIdentifier((XmlElement)node)); metadataImporter.PolicyWarningOccured.Invoke(contextAssertion, warningMsg); nodesRead++; } return EmptyEmpty; } nodesRead++; IEnumerable> nodes = EmptyEmpty; switch (PolicyHelper.GetNodeType(node)) { case PolicyHelper.NodeType.Policy: case PolicyHelper.NodeType.All: nodes = ReadNode_PolicyOrAll((XmlElement)node, contextAssertion, yieldLimiter); break; case PolicyHelper.NodeType.ExactlyOne: nodes = ReadNode_ExactlyOne((XmlElement)node, contextAssertion, yieldLimiter); break; case PolicyHelper.NodeType.Assertion: nodes = ReadNode_Assertion((XmlElement)node, yieldLimiter); break; case PolicyHelper.NodeType.PolicyReference: nodes = ReadNode_PolicyReference((XmlElement)node, contextAssertion, yieldLimiter); break; case PolicyHelper.NodeType.UnrecognizedWSPolicy: string warningMsg = SR.GetString(SR.UnrecognizedPolicyElementInNamespace, node.Name, node.NamespaceURI); metadataImporter.PolicyWarningOccured.Invoke(contextAssertion, warningMsg); break; //consider Microsoft, add more error handling here. default? } return nodes; } IEnumerable> ReadNode_PolicyReference(XmlElement element, XmlElement contextAssertion, YieldLimiter yieldLimiter) { string idRef = element.GetAttribute(MetadataStrings.WSPolicy.Attributes.URI); if (idRef == null) { string warningMsg = SR.GetString(SR.PolicyReferenceMissingURI, MetadataStrings.WSPolicy.Attributes.URI); metadataImporter.PolicyWarningOccured.Invoke(contextAssertion, warningMsg); return EmptyEmpty; } else if (idRef == string.Empty) { string warningMsg = SR.GetString(SR.PolicyReferenceInvalidId); metadataImporter.PolicyWarningOccured.Invoke(contextAssertion, warningMsg); return EmptyEmpty; } XmlElement policy = metadataImporter.ResolvePolicyReference(idRef, contextAssertion); if (policy == null) { string warningMsg = SR.GetString(SR.UnableToFindPolicyWithId, idRef); metadataImporter.PolicyWarningOccured.Invoke(contextAssertion, warningMsg); return EmptyEmpty; } // // Since we looked up a reference, the context assertion changes. // return ReadNode_PolicyOrAll(policy, policy, yieldLimiter); } IEnumerable> ReadNode_Assertion(XmlElement element, YieldLimiter yieldLimiter) { if (yieldLimiter.IncrementAndLogIfExceededLimit()) yield return Empty; else yield return new PolicyHelper.SingleEnumerable(element); } IEnumerable> ReadNode_ExactlyOne(XmlElement element, XmlElement contextAssertion, YieldLimiter yieldLimiter) { foreach (XmlNode child in element.ChildNodes) { if (child.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { foreach (IEnumerable alternative in ReadNode(child, contextAssertion, yieldLimiter)) { if (yieldLimiter.IncrementAndLogIfExceededLimit()) { yield break; } else { yield return alternative; } } } } } IEnumerable> ReadNode_PolicyOrAll(XmlElement element, XmlElement contextAssertion, YieldLimiter yieldLimiter) { IEnumerable> target = EmptyEmpty; foreach (XmlNode child in element.ChildNodes) { if (child.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { IEnumerable> childPolicy = ReadNode(child, contextAssertion, yieldLimiter); target = PolicyHelper.CrossProduct(target, childPolicy, yieldLimiter); } } return target; } internal IEnumerable> NormalizePolicy(IEnumerable policyAssertions) { IEnumerable> target = EmptyEmpty; YieldLimiter yieldLimiter = new YieldLimiter(this.metadataImporter.Quotas.MaxYields, this.metadataImporter); foreach (XmlElement child in policyAssertions) { IEnumerable> childPolicy = ReadNode(child, child, yieldLimiter); target = PolicyHelper.CrossProduct(target, childPolicy, yieldLimiter); } return target; } } internal class YieldLimiter { int maxYields; int yieldsHit; readonly MetadataImporter metadataImporter; internal YieldLimiter(int maxYields, MetadataImporter metadataImporter) { this.metadataImporter = metadataImporter; this.yieldsHit = 0; this.maxYields = maxYields; } internal bool IncrementAndLogIfExceededLimit() { if (++yieldsHit > maxYields) { string warningMsg = SR.GetString(SR.ExceededMaxPolicySize); metadataImporter.PolicyWarningOccured.Invoke(null, warningMsg); return true; } else { return false; } } } internal static class PolicyHelper { internal static string GetFragmentIdentifier(XmlElement element) { string id = element.GetAttribute(MetadataStrings.Wsu.Attributes.Id, MetadataStrings.Wsu.NamespaceUri); if (id == null) { id = element.GetAttribute(MetadataStrings.Xml.Attributes.Id, MetadataStrings.Xml.NamespaceUri); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) return string.Empty; else return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "#{0}", id); } internal static bool IsPolicyURIs(XmlAttribute attribute) { return ((attribute.NamespaceURI == MetadataStrings.WSPolicy.NamespaceUri || attribute.NamespaceURI == MetadataStrings.WSPolicy.NamespaceUri15) && attribute.LocalName == MetadataStrings.WSPolicy.Attributes.PolicyURIs); } internal static NodeType GetNodeType(XmlNode node) { XmlElement currentElement = node as XmlElement; if (currentElement == null) return PolicyHelper.NodeType.NonElement; if (currentElement.NamespaceURI != MetadataStrings.WSPolicy.NamespaceUri && currentElement.NamespaceURI != MetadataStrings.WSPolicy.NamespaceUri15) return NodeType.Assertion; else if (currentElement.LocalName == MetadataStrings.WSPolicy.Elements.Policy) return NodeType.Policy; else if (currentElement.LocalName == MetadataStrings.WSPolicy.Elements.All) return NodeType.All; else if (currentElement.LocalName == MetadataStrings.WSPolicy.Elements.ExactlyOne) return NodeType.ExactlyOne; else if (currentElement.LocalName == MetadataStrings.WSPolicy.Elements.PolicyReference) return NodeType.PolicyReference; else return PolicyHelper.NodeType.UnrecognizedWSPolicy; } // // some helpers for dealing with ands of ors // internal static IEnumerable> CrossProduct(IEnumerable> xs, IEnumerable> ys, YieldLimiter yieldLimiter) { foreach (IEnumerable x in AtLeastOne(xs, yieldLimiter)) { foreach (IEnumerable y in AtLeastOne(ys, yieldLimiter)) { if (yieldLimiter.IncrementAndLogIfExceededLimit()) { yield break; } else { yield return Merge(x, y, yieldLimiter); } } } } static IEnumerable> AtLeastOne(IEnumerable> xs, YieldLimiter yieldLimiter) { bool gotOne = false; foreach (IEnumerable x in xs) { gotOne = true; if (yieldLimiter.IncrementAndLogIfExceededLimit()) { yield break; } else { yield return x; } } if (!gotOne) { if (yieldLimiter.IncrementAndLogIfExceededLimit()) { yield break; } else { yield return new EmptyEnumerable(); } } } static IEnumerable Merge(IEnumerable e1, IEnumerable e2, YieldLimiter yieldLimiter) { foreach (T t1 in e1) { if (yieldLimiter.IncrementAndLogIfExceededLimit()) { yield break; } else { yield return t1; } } foreach (T t2 in e2) { if (yieldLimiter.IncrementAndLogIfExceededLimit()) { yield break; } else { yield return t2; } } } // // some helper enumerators // internal class EmptyEnumerable : IEnumerable, IEnumerator { IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return this.GetEnumerator(); } public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return this; } object IEnumerator.Current { get { return this.Current; } } public T Current { get { #pragma warning suppress 56503 // Microsoft, IEnumerator guidelines, Current throws exception before calling MoveNext throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.NoValue0))); } } public bool MoveNext() { return false; } public void Dispose() { } void IEnumerator.Reset() { } } internal class SingleEnumerable : IEnumerable { T value; internal SingleEnumerable(T value) { this.value = value; } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return this.GetEnumerator(); } public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { yield return this.value; } } // // the NodeType enum // internal enum NodeType { NonElement, Policy, All, ExactlyOne, Assertion, PolicyReference, UnrecognizedWSPolicy, } } } }