// <copyright file="DbConnectionPool.cs" company="Microsoft">
//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// <owner current="true" primary="true">Microsoft</owner>
// <owner current="true" primary="false">Microsoft</owner>

namespace System.Data.ProviderBase {

    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Data.Common;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
    using System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Security;
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    using System.Security.Principal;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using SysTx = System.Transactions;
    using System.Runtime.Versioning;
    using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
    using System.Collections.Concurrent;

    sealed internal class DbConnectionPool {
        private enum State {

        internal const Bid.ApiGroup PoolerTracePoints = Bid.ApiGroup.Pooling;

        // This class is a way to stash our cloned Tx key for later disposal when it's no longer needed.
        // We can't get at the key in the dictionary without enumerating entries, so we stash an extra
        // copy as part of the value.
        sealed private class TransactedConnectionList : List<DbConnectionInternal> {
            private SysTx.Transaction _transaction;
            internal TransactedConnectionList(int initialAllocation, SysTx.Transaction tx) : base(initialAllocation) {
                _transaction = tx;

            internal void Dispose() {
                if (null != _transaction) {

        sealed class PendingGetConnection {
            public PendingGetConnection(long dueTime, DbConnection owner, TaskCompletionSource<DbConnectionInternal> completion, DbConnectionOptions userOptions) {
                DueTime = dueTime;
                Owner = owner;
                Completion = completion;
            public long DueTime { get; private set; }
            public DbConnection Owner { get; private set; }
            public TaskCompletionSource<DbConnectionInternal> Completion { get; private set; }
            public DbConnectionOptions UserOptions { get; private set; }

        sealed private class TransactedConnectionPool 

            Dictionary<SysTx.Transaction, TransactedConnectionList> _transactedCxns;

            DbConnectionPool _pool;

            private static int _objectTypeCount; // Bid counter
            internal readonly int _objectID = System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref _objectTypeCount);

            internal TransactedConnectionPool(DbConnectionPool pool)
                Debug.Assert(null != pool, "null pool?");

                _pool = pool;
                _transactedCxns = new Dictionary<SysTx.Transaction, TransactedConnectionList> ();
                Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.TransactedConnectionPool.TransactedConnectionPool|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Constructed for connection pool %d#\n", ObjectID, _pool.ObjectID);

            internal int ObjectID {
                get {
                    return _objectID;

            internal DbConnectionPool Pool {
                get {
                    return _pool;

            internal DbConnectionInternal GetTransactedObject(SysTx.Transaction transaction) 
                Debug.Assert(null != transaction, "null transaction?");

                DbConnectionInternal transactedObject = null;

                TransactedConnectionList connections;
                bool txnFound = false;
                lock (_transactedCxns)
                    txnFound = _transactedCxns.TryGetValue ( transaction, out connections );

                // NOTE: GetTransactedObject is only used when AutoEnlist = True and the ambient transaction 
                //   (Sys.Txns.Txn.Current) is still valid/non-null. This, in turn, means that we don't need 
                //   to worry about a pending asynchronous TransactionCompletedEvent to trigger processing in
                //   TransactionEnded below and potentially wipe out the connections list underneath us. It
                //   is similarly alright if a pending addition to the connections list in PutTransactedObject
                //   below is not completed prior to the lock on the connections object here...getting a new
                //   connection is probably better than unnecessarily locking
                if (txnFound)
                    Debug.Assert ( connections != null );

                    // synchronize multi-threaded access with PutTransactedObject (TransactionEnded should
                    //   not be a concern, see comments above)
                    lock ( connections ) 
                        int i = connections.Count - 1;
                        if (0 <= i)
                            transactedObject = connections[i];

                if (null != transactedObject) {
                    Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.TransactedConnectionPool.GetTransactedObject|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Transaction %d#, Connection %d#, Popped.\n", ObjectID, transaction.GetHashCode(), transactedObject.ObjectID);
                return transactedObject;

            internal void PutTransactedObject(SysTx.Transaction transaction, DbConnectionInternal transactedObject) {
                Debug.Assert(null != transaction, "null transaction?");
                Debug.Assert(null != transactedObject, "null transactedObject?");

                TransactedConnectionList connections;
                bool txnFound = false;
                // NOTE: because TransactionEnded is an asynchronous notification, there's no guarantee
                //   around the order in which PutTransactionObject and TransactionEnded are called. 

                lock ( _transactedCxns )
                    // Check if a transacted pool has been created for this transaction
                    if ( txnFound = _transactedCxns.TryGetValue ( transaction, out connections ) ) 
                        Debug.Assert ( connections != null );

                        // synchronize multi-threaded access with GetTransactedObject
                        lock ( connections ) 
                            Debug.Assert(0 > connections.IndexOf(transactedObject), "adding to pool a second time?");
                            Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.TransactedConnectionPool.PutTransactedObject|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Transaction %d#, Connection %d#, Pushing.\n", ObjectID, transaction.GetHashCode(), transactedObject.ObjectID);



                if ( !txnFound )
                    // create the transacted pool, making sure to clone the associated transaction
                    //   for use as a key in our internal dictionary of transactions and connections
                    SysTx.Transaction transactionClone = null;
                    TransactedConnectionList newConnections = null;
                        transactionClone = transaction.Clone();
                        newConnections = new TransactedConnectionList(2, transactionClone); // start with only two connections in the list; most times we won't need that many.

                        lock ( _transactedCxns )
                            // NOTE: in the interim between the locks on the transacted pool (this) during 
                            //   execution of this method, another thread (threadB) may have attempted to 
                            //   add a different connection to the transacted pool under the same 
                            //   transaction. As a result, threadB may have completed creating the
                            //   transacted pool while threadA was processing the above instructions.
                            if (txnFound = _transactedCxns.TryGetValue(transaction, out connections))
                                Debug.Assert ( connections != null );
                                // synchronize multi-threaded access with GetTransactedObject
                                lock ( connections ) 
                                    Debug.Assert(0 > connections.IndexOf(transactedObject), "adding to pool a second time?");
                                    Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.TransactedConnectionPool.PutTransactedObject|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Transaction %d#, Connection %d#, Pushing.\n", ObjectID, transaction.GetHashCode(), transactedObject.ObjectID);

                                Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.TransactedConnectionPool.PutTransactedObject|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Transaction %d#, Connection %d#, Adding List to transacted pool.\n", ObjectID, transaction.GetHashCode(), transactedObject.ObjectID);

                                // add the connection/transacted object to the list
                                newConnections.Add ( transactedObject );
                                _transactedCxns.Add(transactionClone, newConnections);
                                transactionClone = null; // we've used it -- don't throw it or the TransactedConnectionList that references it away.                                
                        if (null != transactionClone)
                            if ( newConnections != null )
                                // another thread created the transaction pool and thus the new 
                                //   TransactedConnectionList was not used, so dispose of it and
                                //   the transaction clone that it incorporates.
                                // memory allocation for newConnections failed...clean up unused transactionClone
                    Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.TransactedConnectionPool.PutTransactedObject|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Transaction %d#, Connection %d#, Added.\n", ObjectID, transaction.GetHashCode(), transactedObject.ObjectID );


            internal void TransactionEnded(SysTx.Transaction transaction, DbConnectionInternal transactedObject) 
                Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.TransactedConnectionPool.TransactionEnded|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Transaction %d#, Connection %d#, Transaction Completed\n", ObjectID, transaction.GetHashCode(), transactedObject.ObjectID);

                TransactedConnectionList connections;
                int entry = -1;
                // NOTE: because TransactionEnded is an asynchronous notification, there's no guarantee
                //   around the order in which PutTransactionObject and TransactionEnded are called. As
                //   such, it is possible that the transaction does not yet have a pool created.


                lock ( _transactedCxns )
                    if (_transactedCxns.TryGetValue(transaction, out connections)) 
                        Debug.Assert ( connections != null );

                        bool shouldDisposeConnections = false;

                        // Lock connections to avoid conflict with GetTransactionObject
                        lock (connections) 
                            entry = connections.IndexOf(transactedObject);

                            if ( entry >= 0 ) 

                            // Once we've completed all the ended notifications, we can
                            // safely remove the list from the transacted pool.
                            if (0 >= connections.Count)
                                Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.TransactedConnectionPool.TransactionEnded|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Transaction %d#, Removing List from transacted pool.\n", ObjectID, transaction.GetHashCode());

                                // we really need to dispose our connection list; it may have 
                                // native resources via the tx and GC may not happen soon enough.
                                shouldDisposeConnections = true;

                        if (shouldDisposeConnections) {
                        //Debug.Assert ( false, "TransactionCompletedEvent fired before PutTransactedObject put the connection in the transacted pool." );
                        Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.TransactedConnectionPool.TransactionEnded|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Transaction %d#, Connection %d#, Transacted pool not yet created prior to transaction completing. Connection may be leaked.\n", ObjectID, transaction.GetHashCode(), transactedObject.ObjectID );
                // If (and only if) we found the connection in the list of
                // connections, we'll put it back...
                if (0 <= entry)  

        private sealed class PoolWaitHandles : DbBuffer {

            private readonly Semaphore _poolSemaphore;
            private readonly ManualResetEvent _errorEvent;

            // Using a Mutex requires ThreadAffinity because SQL CLR can swap
            // the underlying Win32 thread associated with a managed thread in preemptive mode.
            // Using an AutoResetEvent does not have that complication.
            private readonly Semaphore _creationSemaphore;

            private readonly SafeHandle _poolHandle;
            private readonly SafeHandle _errorHandle;
            private readonly SafeHandle _creationHandle;

            private readonly int _releaseFlags;

            [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.None)] // SxS: this method does not create named objects
            [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Machine)]
            internal PoolWaitHandles() : base(3*IntPtr.Size) {
                bool mustRelease1 = false, mustRelease2 = false, mustRelease3 = false;
                _poolSemaphore = new Semaphore(0, MAX_Q_SIZE);
                _errorEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
                _creationSemaphore = new Semaphore(1, 1);

                try {
                    // because SafeWaitHandle doesn't have reliability contract
                    _poolHandle     = _poolSemaphore.SafeWaitHandle; 
                    _errorHandle    = _errorEvent.SafeWaitHandle;
                    _creationHandle = _creationSemaphore.SafeWaitHandle;

                    _poolHandle.DangerousAddRef(ref mustRelease1);
                    _errorHandle.DangerousAddRef(ref mustRelease2);
                    _creationHandle.DangerousAddRef(ref mustRelease3);

                    Debug.Assert(0 == SEMAPHORE_HANDLE, "SEMAPHORE_HANDLE");
                    Debug.Assert(1 == ERROR_HANDLE, "ERROR_HANDLE");
                    Debug.Assert(2 == CREATION_HANDLE, "CREATION_HANDLE");

                    WriteIntPtr(SEMAPHORE_HANDLE*IntPtr.Size, _poolHandle.DangerousGetHandle());
                    WriteIntPtr(ERROR_HANDLE*IntPtr.Size,     _errorHandle.DangerousGetHandle());
                    WriteIntPtr(CREATION_HANDLE*IntPtr.Size,  _creationHandle.DangerousGetHandle());
                finally {
                    if (mustRelease1) {
                        _releaseFlags |= 1;
                    if (mustRelease2) {
                        _releaseFlags |= 2;
                    if (mustRelease3) {
                        _releaseFlags |= 4;
            internal SafeHandle CreationHandle {
                [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success)]
                get { return _creationHandle; }

            internal Semaphore CreationSemaphore {
                get { return _creationSemaphore; }

            internal ManualResetEvent ErrorEvent {
                get { return _errorEvent; }

            internal Semaphore PoolSemaphore {
                get { return _poolSemaphore; }

            protected override bool ReleaseHandle() {
                // NOTE: The SafeHandle class guarantees this will be called exactly once.
                // we know we can touch these other managed objects because of our original DangerousAddRef
                if (0 != (1 & _releaseFlags)) {
                if (0 != (2 & _releaseFlags)) {
                if (0 != (4 & _releaseFlags)) {
                return base.ReleaseHandle();

        private const int MAX_Q_SIZE    = (int)0x00100000;

        // The order of these is important; we want the WaitAny call to be signaled
        // for a free object before a creation signal.  Only the index first signaled
        // object is returned from the WaitAny call.
        private const int SEMAPHORE_HANDLE = (int)0x0;
        private const int ERROR_HANDLE     = (int)0x1;
        private const int CREATION_HANDLE  = (int)0x2;
        private const int BOGUS_HANDLE     = (int)0x3;

        private const int WAIT_OBJECT_0 = 0;
        private const int WAIT_TIMEOUT   = (int)0x102;
        private const int WAIT_ABANDONED = (int)0x80;
        private const int WAIT_FAILED    = -1;

        private const int ERROR_WAIT_DEFAULT = 5 * 1000; // 5 seconds

        // we do want a testable, repeatable set of generated random numbers
        private static readonly Random _random = new Random(5101977); // Value obtained from Dave Driver

        private readonly int              _cleanupWait;
        private readonly DbConnectionPoolIdentity _identity;

        private readonly DbConnectionFactory          _connectionFactory;
        private readonly DbConnectionPoolGroup        _connectionPoolGroup;
        private readonly DbConnectionPoolGroupOptions _connectionPoolGroupOptions;
        private          DbConnectionPoolProviderInfo _connectionPoolProviderInfo;

        /// <summary>
        /// The private member which carries the set of authenticationcontexts for this pool (based on the user's identity).
        /// </summary>
        private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<DbConnectionPoolAuthenticationContextKey, DbConnectionPoolAuthenticationContext> _pooledDbAuthenticationContexts;

        private State                     _state;

        private readonly ConcurrentStack<DbConnectionInternal> _stackOld = new ConcurrentStack<DbConnectionInternal>();
        private readonly ConcurrentStack<DbConnectionInternal> _stackNew = new ConcurrentStack<DbConnectionInternal>();

        private readonly ConcurrentQueue<PendingGetConnection> _pendingOpens = new ConcurrentQueue<PendingGetConnection>();
        private int _pendingOpensWaiting = 0;

        private readonly WaitCallback     _poolCreateRequest;

        private int                       _waitCount;
        private readonly PoolWaitHandles  _waitHandles;

        private Exception                 _resError;
        private volatile bool             _errorOccurred;

        private int                       _errorWait;
        private Timer                     _errorTimer;

        private Timer                     _cleanupTimer;

        private readonly TransactedConnectionPool _transactedConnectionPool;

        private readonly List<DbConnectionInternal> _objectList;
        private int                       _totalObjects;

        private static int _objectTypeCount; // Bid counter
        internal readonly int _objectID = System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref _objectTypeCount);

        // only created by DbConnectionPoolGroup.GetConnectionPool
        internal DbConnectionPool(
                            DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
                            DbConnectionPoolGroup connectionPoolGroup,
                            DbConnectionPoolIdentity identity,
                            DbConnectionPoolProviderInfo connectionPoolProviderInfo ) {
            Debug.Assert(ADP.IsWindowsNT, "Attempting to construct a connection pool on Win9x?");
            Debug.Assert(null != connectionPoolGroup, "null connectionPoolGroup");

            if ((null != identity) && identity.IsRestricted) {
                throw ADP.InternalError(ADP.InternalErrorCode.AttemptingToPoolOnRestrictedToken);

            _state= State.Initializing;

            lock(_random) { // Random.Next is not thread-safe
                _cleanupWait = _random.Next(12, 24)*10*1000; // 2-4 minutes in 10 sec intervals, WebData 103603

            _connectionFactory = connectionFactory;
            _connectionPoolGroup = connectionPoolGroup;
            _connectionPoolGroupOptions = connectionPoolGroup.PoolGroupOptions;
            _connectionPoolProviderInfo = connectionPoolProviderInfo;
            _identity = identity;

            _waitHandles = new PoolWaitHandles();

            _errorWait      = ERROR_WAIT_DEFAULT;
            _errorTimer     = null;  // No error yet.

            _objectList     = new List<DbConnectionInternal>(MaxPoolSize);

            _pooledDbAuthenticationContexts = new ConcurrentDictionary<DbConnectionPoolAuthenticationContextKey, DbConnectionPoolAuthenticationContext>(concurrencyLevel: 4 * Environment.ProcessorCount /* default value in ConcurrentDictionary*/,
                                                                                                                                                        capacity: 2);

            if(ADP.IsPlatformNT5) {
                _transactedConnectionPool = new TransactedConnectionPool(this);

            _poolCreateRequest = new WaitCallback(PoolCreateRequest); // used by CleanupCallback
            _state = State.Running;

            Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.DbConnectionPool|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Constructed.\n", ObjectID);

            //_cleanupTimer & QueuePoolCreateRequest is delayed until DbConnectionPoolGroup calls
            // StartBackgroundCallbacks after pool is actually in the collection

        private int CreationTimeout {
            get { return PoolGroupOptions.CreationTimeout; }

        internal int Count {
            get { return _totalObjects; }

        internal DbConnectionFactory ConnectionFactory {
            get { return _connectionFactory; }

        internal bool ErrorOccurred {
            get { return _errorOccurred; }

        private bool HasTransactionAffinity {
            get { return PoolGroupOptions.HasTransactionAffinity; }

        internal TimeSpan LoadBalanceTimeout {
            get { return PoolGroupOptions.LoadBalanceTimeout; }

        private bool NeedToReplenish {
            get {
                if (State.Running != _state) // SQL BU DT 364595 - don't allow connection create when not running.
                    return false;

                int totalObjects = Count;

                if (totalObjects >= MaxPoolSize)
                    return false;

                if (totalObjects < MinPoolSize)
                    return true;

                int freeObjects        = (_stackNew.Count + _stackOld.Count);
                int waitingRequests    = _waitCount;
                bool needToReplenish = (freeObjects < waitingRequests) || ((freeObjects == waitingRequests) && (totalObjects > 1));

                return needToReplenish;

        internal DbConnectionPoolIdentity Identity {
            get { return _identity; }
        internal bool IsRunning {
            get { return State.Running == _state; }

        private int MaxPoolSize {
            get { return PoolGroupOptions.MaxPoolSize; }

        private int MinPoolSize {
            get { return PoolGroupOptions.MinPoolSize; }

        internal int ObjectID {
            get {
                return _objectID;

        internal DbConnectionPoolCounters PerformanceCounters {
            get { return _connectionFactory.PerformanceCounters; }

        internal DbConnectionPoolGroup PoolGroup {
            get { return _connectionPoolGroup; }

        internal DbConnectionPoolGroupOptions PoolGroupOptions {
            get { return _connectionPoolGroupOptions; }

        internal DbConnectionPoolProviderInfo ProviderInfo {
            get { return _connectionPoolProviderInfo; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Return the pooled authentication contexts.
        /// </summary>
        internal ConcurrentDictionary<DbConnectionPoolAuthenticationContextKey, DbConnectionPoolAuthenticationContext> AuthenticationContexts
                return _pooledDbAuthenticationContexts;

        internal bool UseLoadBalancing {
            get { return PoolGroupOptions.UseLoadBalancing; }

        private bool UsingIntegrateSecurity {
            get { return (null != _identity && DbConnectionPoolIdentity.NoIdentity != _identity); }

        private void CleanupCallback(Object state) {
            // Called when the cleanup-timer ticks over.

            // This is the automatic prunning method.  Every period, we will
            // perform a two-step process:
            // First, for each free object above MinPoolSize, we will obtain a
            // semaphore representing one object and destroy one from old stack.
            // We will continue this until we either reach MinPoolSize, we are
            // unable to obtain a free object, or we have exhausted all the
            // objects on the old stack.
            // Second we move all free objects on the new stack to the old stack.
            // So, every period the objects on the old stack are destroyed and
            // the objects on the new stack are pushed to the old stack.  All
            // objects that are currently out and in use are not on either stack.
            // With this logic, objects are pruned from the pool if unused for
            // at least one period but not more than two periods.

            Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.CleanupCallback|RES|INFO|CPOOL> %d#\n", ObjectID);

            // Destroy free objects that put us above MinPoolSize from old stack.
            while(Count > MinPoolSize) { // While above MinPoolSize...

                if (_waitHandles.PoolSemaphore.WaitOne(0, false) /* != WAIT_TIMEOUT */) {
                    // We obtained a objects from the semaphore.
                    DbConnectionInternal obj;

                    if (_stackOld.TryPop(out obj)) {
                        Debug.Assert(obj != null, "null connection is not expected");
                        // If we obtained one from the old stack, destroy it.

                        // Transaction roots must survive even aging out (TxEnd event will clean them up).
                        bool shouldDestroy = true;
                        lock (obj) {    // Lock to prevent race condition window between IsTransactionRoot and shouldDestroy assignment
                            if (obj.IsTransactionRoot) {
                                shouldDestroy = false;

                        // !!!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!!!!!!
                        //   ONLY touch obj after lock release if shouldDestroy is false!!!  Otherwise, it may be destroyed
                        //   by transaction-end thread!

                        // Note that there is a minor race condition between this task and the transaction end event, if the latter runs 
                        //  between the lock above and the SetInStasis call below. The reslult is that the stasis counter may be
                        //  incremented without a corresponding decrement (the transaction end task is normally expected
                        //  to decrement, but will only do so if the stasis flag is set when it runs). I've minimized the size
                        //  of the window, but we aren't totally eliminating it due to SetInStasis needing to do bid tracing, which
                        //  we don't want to do under this lock, if possible. It should be possible to eliminate this race condition with
                        //  more substantial re-architecture of the pool, but we don't have the time to do that work for the current release.

                        if (shouldDestroy) {
                        else {
                    else {
                        // Else we exhausted the old stack (the object the
                        // semaphore represents is on the new stack), so break.
                else {

            // Push to the old-stack.  For each free object, move object from
            // new stack to old stack.
            if(_waitHandles.PoolSemaphore.WaitOne(0, false) /* != WAIT_TIMEOUT */) {
                for(;;) {
                    DbConnectionInternal obj;

                    if (!_stackNew.TryPop(out obj))

                    Debug.Assert(obj != null, "null connection is not expected");

                    Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.CleanupCallback|RES|INFO|CPOOL> %d#, ChangeStacks=%d#\n", ObjectID, obj.ObjectID);

                    Debug.Assert(!obj.IsEmancipated, "pooled object not in pool");
                    Debug.Assert(obj.CanBePooled,     "pooled object is not poolable");


            // Queue up a request to bring us up to MinPoolSize

        internal void Clear() {
            Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.Clear|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Clearing.\n", ObjectID);

            DbConnectionInternal obj;

            // First, quickly doom everything.
            lock(_objectList) {
                int count = _objectList.Count;

                for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
                    obj = _objectList[i];

                    if (null != obj) {

            // Second, dispose of all the free connections.
            while (_stackNew.TryPop(out obj)) {
                Debug.Assert(obj != null, "null connection is not expected");
            while (_stackOld.TryPop(out obj)) {
                Debug.Assert(obj != null, "null connection is not expected");

            // Finally, reclaim everything that's emancipated (which, because
            // it's been doomed, will cause it to be disposed of as well)

            Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.Clear|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Cleared.\n", ObjectID);

        private Timer CreateCleanupTimer() {
            return (new Timer(new TimerCallback(this.CleanupCallback), null, _cleanupWait, _cleanupWait));

        private bool IsBlockingPeriodEnabled()
            var poolGroupConnectionOptions = _connectionPoolGroup.ConnectionOptions as SqlConnectionString;
            if (poolGroupConnectionOptions == null)
                return true;

            var policy = poolGroupConnectionOptions.PoolBlockingPeriod;

            switch (policy)
                case PoolBlockingPeriod.Auto:
                    if (ADP.IsAzureSqlServerEndpoint(poolGroupConnectionOptions.DataSource))
                        return false; // in Azure it will be Disabled
                        return true; // in Non Azure, it will be Enabled
                case PoolBlockingPeriod.AlwaysBlock:
                    return true; //Enabled
                case PoolBlockingPeriod.NeverBlock:
                    return false; //Disabled
                    //we should never get into this path.
                    Debug.Fail("Unknown PoolBlockingPeriod. Please specify explicit results in above switch case statement.");
                    return true;

        private DbConnectionInternal CreateObject(DbConnection owningObject, DbConnectionOptions userOptions, DbConnectionInternal oldConnection) {
            DbConnectionInternal newObj = null;

            try {
                newObj = _connectionFactory.CreatePooledConnection(this, owningObject, _connectionPoolGroup.ConnectionOptions, _connectionPoolGroup.PoolKey, userOptions);
                if (null == newObj) {
                    throw ADP.InternalError(ADP.InternalErrorCode.CreateObjectReturnedNull);    // CreateObject succeeded, but null object
                if (!newObj.CanBePooled) {
                    throw ADP.InternalError(ADP.InternalErrorCode.NewObjectCannotBePooled);        // CreateObject succeeded, but non-poolable object

                lock (_objectList) {
                    if ((oldConnection != null) && (oldConnection.Pool == this)) {
                    _totalObjects = _objectList.Count;
                    PerformanceCounters.NumberOfPooledConnections.Increment();   // 

                // If the old connection belonged to another pool, we need to remove it from that
                if (oldConnection != null) {
                    var oldConnectionPool = oldConnection.Pool;
                    if (oldConnectionPool != null && oldConnectionPool != this) {
                        Debug.Assert(oldConnectionPool._state == State.ShuttingDown, "Old connections pool should be shutting down");
                        lock (oldConnectionPool._objectList) {
                            oldConnectionPool._totalObjects = oldConnectionPool._objectList.Count;
                Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.CreateObject|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Connection %d#, Added to pool.\n", ObjectID, newObj.ObjectID);

                // Reset the error wait:
                _errorWait = ERROR_WAIT_DEFAULT;
            catch(Exception e)   {
                if (!ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(e)) {


                if (!IsBlockingPeriodEnabled())

                newObj = null; // set to null, so we do not return bad new object
                // Failed to create instance
                _resError = e;

                // VSTFDEVDIV 479561: Make sure the timer starts even if ThreadAbort occurs after setting the ErrorEvent.

                // timer allocation has to be done out of CER block
                Timer t = new Timer(new TimerCallback(this.ErrorCallback), null, Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite);
                bool timerIsNotDisposed;
                try{} finally {
                    _errorOccurred = true;
                    // Enable the timer.
                    // Note that the timer is created to allow periodic invocation. If ThreadAbort occurs in the middle of ErrorCallback,
                    // the timer will restart. Otherwise, the timer callback (ErrorCallback) destroys the timer after resetting the error to avoid second callback.
                    _errorTimer = t;
                    timerIsNotDisposed = t.Change(_errorWait, _errorWait);

                Debug.Assert(timerIsNotDisposed, "ErrorCallback timer has been disposed");

                if (30000 < _errorWait) {
                    _errorWait = 60000;
                else {
                    _errorWait *= 2;
            return newObj;

        private void DeactivateObject(DbConnectionInternal obj) 
            Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.DeactivateObject|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Connection %d#, Deactivating.\n", ObjectID, obj.ObjectID);

            obj.DeactivateConnection(); // we presume this operation is safe outside of a lock...
            bool returnToGeneralPool = false;
            bool destroyObject = false;
            bool rootTxn = false;
            if ( obj.IsConnectionDoomed ) 
                // the object is not fit for reuse -- just dispose of it.
                destroyObject = true;
                // NOTE: constructor should ensure that current state cannot be State.Initializing, so it can only
                //   be State.Running or State.ShuttingDown
                Debug.Assert ( _state == State.Running || _state == State.ShuttingDown );
                lock (obj) 
                    // A connection with a delegated transaction cannot currently
                    // be returned to a different customer until the transaction
                    // actually completes, so we send it into Stasis -- the SysTx
                    // transaction object will ensure that it is owned (not lost),
                    // and it will be certain to put it back into the pool.                    

                    if ( _state == State.ShuttingDown )
                        if ( obj.IsTransactionRoot )
                            // SQLHotfix# 50003503 - connections that are affiliated with a 
                            //   root transaction and that also happen to be in a connection 
                            //   pool that is being shutdown need to be put in stasis so that 
                            //   the root transaction isn't effectively orphaned with no 
                            //   means to promote itself to a full delegated transaction or
                            //   Commit or Rollback
                            rootTxn = true;
                            // connection is being closed and the pool has been marked as shutting
                            //   down, so destroy this object.
                            destroyObject = true;
                        if ( obj.IsNonPoolableTransactionRoot )
                            rootTxn = true;
                        else if ( obj.CanBePooled )
                            // We must put this connection into the transacted pool
                            // while inside a lock to prevent a race condition with
                            // the transaction asyncronously completing on a second
                            // thread.

                            SysTx.Transaction transaction = obj.EnlistedTransaction;
                            if (null != transaction) 
                                // NOTE: we're not locking on _state, so it's possible that its
                                //   value could change between the conditional check and here.
                                //   Although perhaps not ideal, this is OK because the 
                                //   DelegatedTransactionEnded event will clean up the
                                //   connection appropriately regardless of the pool state.
                                Debug.Assert ( _transactedConnectionPool != null, "Transacted connection pool was not expected to be null.");
                                _transactedConnectionPool.PutTransactedObject(transaction, obj);
                                rootTxn = true;
                                // return to general pool
                                returnToGeneralPool = true;
                            if ( obj.IsTransactionRoot && !obj.IsConnectionDoomed )
                                // SQLHotfix# 50003503 - if the object cannot be pooled but is a transaction
                                //   root, then we must have hit one of two race conditions:
                                //       1) PruneConnectionPoolGroups shutdown the pool and marked this connection 
                                //          as non-poolable while we were processing within this lock
                                //       2) The LoadBalancingTimeout expired on this connection and marked this
                                //          connection as DoNotPool.
                                //   This connection needs to be put in stasis so that the root transaction isn't
                                //   effectively orphaned with no means to promote itself to a full delegated 
                                //   transaction or Commit or Rollback
                                rootTxn = true;
                                // object is not fit for reuse -- just dispose of it
                                destroyObject = true;
            if (returnToGeneralPool) 
                // Only push the connection into the general pool if we didn't
                //   already push it onto the transacted pool, put it into stasis,
                //   or want to destroy it.
                Debug.Assert ( destroyObject == false );
            else if ( destroyObject )
                // VSTFDEVDIV# 479556 - connections that have been marked as no longer 
                //   poolable (e.g. exceeded their connection lifetime) are not, in fact,
                //   returned to the general pool

            // postcondition

            // ensure that the connection was processed
            Debug.Assert ( rootTxn == true || returnToGeneralPool == true || destroyObject == true );


        internal void DestroyObject(DbConnectionInternal obj) {
            // A connection with a delegated transaction cannot be disposed of
            // until the delegated transaction has actually completed.  Instead,
            // we simply leave it alone; when the transaction completes, it will
            // come back through PutObjectFromTransactedPool, which will call us
            // again.
            if (obj.IsTxRootWaitingForTxEnd) {
                Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.DestroyObject|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Connection %d#, Has Delegated Transaction, waiting to Dispose.\n", ObjectID, obj.ObjectID);
            else {
                Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.DestroyObject|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Connection %d#, Removing from pool.\n", ObjectID, obj.ObjectID);

                bool removed = false;
                lock (_objectList) {
                    removed = _objectList.Remove(obj);
                    Debug.Assert(removed, "attempt to DestroyObject not in list");
                    _totalObjects = _objectList.Count;

                if (removed) {
                    Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.DestroyObject|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Connection %d#, Removed from pool.\n", ObjectID, obj.ObjectID);

                Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.DestroyObject|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Connection %d#, Disposed.\n", ObjectID, obj.ObjectID);

        private void ErrorCallback(Object state) {
            Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.ErrorCallback|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Resetting Error handling.\n", ObjectID);

            _errorOccurred = false;

            // the error state is cleaned, destroy the timer to avoid periodic invocation
            Timer t     = _errorTimer;
            _errorTimer = null;
            if (t != null) {
                t.Dispose(); // Cancel timer request.

        private Exception TryCloneCachedException()
        // Cached exception can be of any type, so is not always cloneable.
        // This functions clones SqlException 
        // OleDb and Odbc connections are not passing throw this code
            if (_resError==null)
                return null;
            if (_resError.GetType()==typeof(SqlClient.SqlException))
                return ((SqlClient.SqlException)_resError).InternalClone();
            return _resError;

        void WaitForPendingOpen() {

            Debug.Assert(!Thread.CurrentThread.IsThreadPoolThread, "This thread may block for a long time.  Threadpool threads should not be used.");

            PendingGetConnection next;

            do {
                bool started = false;

                try {

                    try { }
                    finally {
                        started = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _pendingOpensWaiting, 1, 0) == 0;

                    if (!started) {

                    while (_pendingOpens.TryDequeue(out next)) {

                        if (next.Completion.Task.IsCompleted) {

                        uint delay;
                        if (next.DueTime == Timeout.Infinite) {
                            delay = unchecked((uint)Timeout.Infinite);
                        else {
                            delay = (uint)Math.Max(ADP.TimerRemainingMilliseconds(next.DueTime), 0);

                        DbConnectionInternal connection = null;
                        bool timeout = false;
                        Exception caughtException = null;

                        try {
                            System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ReliabilitySection tdsReliabilitySection = new System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ReliabilitySection();

                            try {
#endif //DEBUG

                                bool allowCreate = true;
                                bool onlyOneCheckConnection = false;
                                ADP.SetCurrentTransaction(next.Completion.Task.AsyncState as Transactions.Transaction);
                                timeout = !TryGetConnection(next.Owner, delay, allowCreate, onlyOneCheckConnection, next.UserOptions, out connection);
                            finally {
#endif //DEBUG
                        catch (System.OutOfMemoryException) {
                            if (connection != null) { connection.DoomThisConnection(); }
                        catch (System.StackOverflowException) {
                            if (connection != null) { connection.DoomThisConnection(); }
                        catch (System.Threading.ThreadAbortException) {
                            if (connection != null) { connection.DoomThisConnection(); }
                        catch (Exception e) {
                            caughtException = e;

                        if (caughtException != null) {
                        else if (timeout) {
                        else {
                            Debug.Assert(connection != null, "connection should never be null in success case");
                            if (!next.Completion.TrySetResult(connection)) {
                                // if the completion was cancelled, lets try and get this connection back for the next try
                                PutObject(connection, next.Owner);
                finally {
                    if (started) {
                        Interlocked.Exchange(ref _pendingOpensWaiting, 0);

            } while (_pendingOpens.TryPeek(out next));

        internal bool TryGetConnection(DbConnection owningObject, TaskCompletionSource<DbConnectionInternal> retry, DbConnectionOptions userOptions, out DbConnectionInternal connection) {

            uint waitForMultipleObjectsTimeout = 0;
            bool allowCreate = false;

            if (retry == null) {
                waitForMultipleObjectsTimeout = (uint)CreationTimeout;

                // VSTFDEVDIV 445531: set the wait timeout to INFINITE (-1) if the SQL connection timeout is 0 (== infinite)
                if (waitForMultipleObjectsTimeout == 0)
                    waitForMultipleObjectsTimeout = unchecked((uint)Timeout.Infinite);

                allowCreate = true;

            if (_state != State.Running) {
                Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.GetConnection|RES|CPOOL> %d#, DbConnectionInternal State != Running.\n", ObjectID);
                connection = null;
                return true;

            bool onlyOneCheckConnection = true;
            if (TryGetConnection(owningObject, waitForMultipleObjectsTimeout, allowCreate, onlyOneCheckConnection, userOptions, out connection)) {
                return true;
            else if (retry == null) {
                // timed out on a sync call
                return true;

            var pendingGetConnection = 
                new PendingGetConnection(
                    CreationTimeout == 0 ? Timeout.Infinite : ADP.TimerCurrent() + ADP.TimerFromSeconds(CreationTimeout/1000),

            // it is better to StartNew too many times than not enough
            if (_pendingOpensWaiting == 0) {
                Thread waitOpenThread = new Thread(WaitForPendingOpen);
                waitOpenThread.IsBackground = true;

            connection = null;
            return false;

        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Reliability", "CA2001:AvoidCallingProblematicMethods")] // copied from Triaged.cs
        [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.None)] // SxS: this method does not expose resources
        [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Machine)]
        private bool TryGetConnection(DbConnection owningObject, uint waitForMultipleObjectsTimeout, bool allowCreate, bool onlyOneCheckConnection, DbConnectionOptions userOptions, out DbConnectionInternal connection) {
            DbConnectionInternal obj = null;
            SysTx.Transaction transaction = null;


            Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.GetConnection|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Getting connection.\n", ObjectID);

            // If automatic transaction enlistment is required, then we try to
            // get the connection from the transacted connection pool first.
            if (HasTransactionAffinity) {
                obj = GetFromTransactedPool(out transaction);

            if (null == obj) {
                Interlocked.Increment(ref _waitCount);
                uint waitHandleCount = allowCreate ? 3u : 2u;

                do {
                    int waitResult = BOGUS_HANDLE;
                    int releaseSemaphoreResult = 0;

                    bool mustRelease = false;
                    int waitForMultipleObjectsExHR = 0;
                    try {
                        _waitHandles.DangerousAddRef(ref mustRelease);
                        // We absolutely must have the value of waitResult set, 
                        // or we may leak the mutex in async abort cases.
                        try {
                            Debug.Assert(2 == waitHandleCount || 3 == waitHandleCount, "unexpected waithandle count");
                        finally {
                            waitResult = SafeNativeMethods.WaitForMultipleObjectsEx(waitHandleCount, _waitHandles.DangerousGetHandle(), false, waitForMultipleObjectsTimeout, false);

                            // VSTFDEVDIV 479551 - call GetHRForLastWin32Error immediately after after the native call
                            if (waitResult == WAIT_FAILED) {
                                waitForMultipleObjectsExHR = Marshal.GetHRForLastWin32Error();

                        // From the WaitAny docs: "If more than one object became signaled during
                        // the call, this is the array index of the signaled object with the
                        // smallest index value of all the signaled objects."  This is important
                        // so that the free object signal will be returned before a creation
                        // signal.

                        switch (waitResult) {
                        case WAIT_TIMEOUT:
                            Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.GetConnection|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Wait timed out.\n", ObjectID);
                            Interlocked.Decrement(ref _waitCount);
                            connection = null;
                            return false;

                        case ERROR_HANDLE:
                            // Throw the error that PoolCreateRequest stashed.
                            Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.GetConnection|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Errors are set.\n", ObjectID);
                            Interlocked.Decrement(ref _waitCount);
                            throw TryCloneCachedException();                                            

                        case CREATION_HANDLE:
                            Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.GetConnection|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Creating new connection.\n", ObjectID);

                            try {
                                obj = UserCreateRequest(owningObject, userOptions);
                            catch {
                                if (null == obj) {
                                    Interlocked.Decrement(ref _waitCount);
                            finally {
                                // SQLBUDT #386664 - ensure that we release this waiter, regardless
                                // of any exceptions that may be thrown.
                                if (null != obj) {
                                    Interlocked.Decrement(ref _waitCount);

                            if (null == obj) {
                                // If we were not able to create an object, check to see if
                                // we reached MaxPoolSize.  If so, we will no longer wait on
                                // the CreationHandle, but instead wait for a free object or
                                // the timeout.


                                if (Count >= MaxPoolSize && 0 != MaxPoolSize) {
                                    if (!ReclaimEmancipatedObjects()) {
                                        // modify handle array not to wait on creation mutex anymore
                                        Debug.Assert(2 == CREATION_HANDLE, "creation handle changed value");
                                        waitHandleCount = 2;

                        case SEMAPHORE_HANDLE:
                            //    guaranteed available inventory
                            Interlocked.Decrement(ref _waitCount);
                            obj = GetFromGeneralPool();

                            if ((obj != null) && (!obj.IsConnectionAlive())) {
                                Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.GetConnection|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Connection %d#, found dead and removed.\n", ObjectID, obj.ObjectID);
                                obj = null;     // Setting to null in case creating a new object fails

                                if (onlyOneCheckConnection) {
                                    if (_waitHandles.CreationSemaphore.WaitOne(unchecked((int)waitForMultipleObjectsTimeout))) {
                                        try {
                                            Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.GetConnection|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Creating new connection.\n", ObjectID);
                                            obj = UserCreateRequest(owningObject, userOptions);
                                        finally {
                                    else {
                                        // Timeout waiting for creation semaphore - return null
                                        Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.GetConnection|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Wait timed out.\n", ObjectID);
                                        connection = null;
                                        return false;
                        case WAIT_FAILED:
                            Debug.Assert(waitForMultipleObjectsExHR != 0, "WaitForMultipleObjectsEx failed but waitForMultipleObjectsExHR remained 0");
                            Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.GetConnection|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Wait failed.\n", ObjectID);
                            Interlocked.Decrement(ref _waitCount);
                            goto default; // if ThrowExceptionForHR didn't throw for some reason
                        case (WAIT_ABANDONED+SEMAPHORE_HANDLE):
                            Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.GetConnection|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Semaphore handle abandonded.\n", ObjectID);
                            Interlocked.Decrement(ref _waitCount);
                            throw new AbandonedMutexException(SEMAPHORE_HANDLE,_waitHandles.PoolSemaphore);
                        case (WAIT_ABANDONED+ERROR_HANDLE):
                            Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.GetConnection|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Error handle abandonded.\n", ObjectID);
                            Interlocked.Decrement(ref _waitCount);
                            throw new AbandonedMutexException(ERROR_HANDLE,_waitHandles.ErrorEvent);
                        case (WAIT_ABANDONED+CREATION_HANDLE):
                            Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.GetConnection|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Creation handle abandoned.\n", ObjectID);
                            Interlocked.Decrement(ref _waitCount);
                            throw new AbandonedMutexException(CREATION_HANDLE,_waitHandles.CreationSemaphore);
                            Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.GetConnection|RES|CPOOL> %d#, WaitForMultipleObjects=%d\n", ObjectID, waitResult);
                            Interlocked.Decrement(ref _waitCount);
                            throw ADP.InternalError(ADP.InternalErrorCode.UnexpectedWaitAnyResult);
                    finally {
                        if (CREATION_HANDLE == waitResult) {
                            int result = SafeNativeMethods.ReleaseSemaphore(_waitHandles.CreationHandle.DangerousGetHandle(), 1, IntPtr.Zero);
                            if (0 == result) { // failure case
                                releaseSemaphoreResult = Marshal.GetHRForLastWin32Error();
                        if (mustRelease) {
                    if (0 != releaseSemaphoreResult) {
                        Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(releaseSemaphoreResult); // will only throw if (hresult < 0)
                } while (null == obj);

            if (null != obj)
                PrepareConnection(owningObject, obj, transaction);

            connection = obj;
            return true;

        private void PrepareConnection(DbConnection owningObject, DbConnectionInternal obj, SysTx.Transaction transaction) {
            lock (obj)
            {   // Protect against Clear and ReclaimEmancipatedObjects, which call IsEmancipated, which is affected by PrePush and PostPop
                // if Activate throws an exception
                // put it back in the pool or have it properly disposed of
                this.PutObject(obj, owningObject);

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new connection to replace an existing connection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="owningObject">Outer connection that currently owns <paramref name="oldConnection"/></param>
        /// <param name="userOptions">Options used to create the new connection</param>
        /// <param name="oldConnection">Inner connection that will be replaced</param>
        /// <returns>A new inner connection that is attached to the <paramref name="owningObject"/></returns>
        internal DbConnectionInternal ReplaceConnection(DbConnection owningObject, DbConnectionOptions userOptions, DbConnectionInternal oldConnection) {
            Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.ReplaceConnection|RES|CPOOL> %d#, replacing connection.\n", ObjectID);

            DbConnectionInternal newConnection = UserCreateRequest(owningObject, userOptions, oldConnection);
            if (newConnection != null) {
                PrepareConnection(owningObject, newConnection, oldConnection.EnlistedTransaction);

            return newConnection;

        private DbConnectionInternal GetFromGeneralPool() {
            DbConnectionInternal obj = null;

            if (!_stackNew.TryPop(out obj)) {
                if (!_stackOld.TryPop(out obj)) {
                    obj = null;
                else {
                    Debug.Assert(obj != null, "null connection is not expected");
            else {
                Debug.Assert(obj != null, "null connection is not expected");

            // SQLBUDT #356870 -- When another thread is clearing this pool,  
            // it will remove all connections in this pool which causes the 
            // following assert to fire, which really mucks up stress against
            //  checked bits.  The assert is benign, so we're commenting it out.  
            //Debug.Assert(obj != null, "GetFromGeneralPool called with nothing in the pool!");

            if (null != obj) {
                Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.GetFromGeneralPool|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Connection %d#, Popped from general pool.\n", ObjectID, obj.ObjectID);

        private DbConnectionInternal GetFromTransactedPool(out SysTx.Transaction transaction) {
            transaction = ADP.GetCurrentTransaction();
            DbConnectionInternal obj = null;

            if (null != transaction && null != _transactedConnectionPool) {
                obj = _transactedConnectionPool.GetTransactedObject(transaction);

                if (null != obj) {
                    Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.GetFromTransactedPool|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Connection %d#, Popped from transacted pool.\n", ObjectID, obj.ObjectID);

                    if (obj.IsTransactionRoot) {
                        try {
                        catch {
                            Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.GetFromTransactedPool|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Connection %d#, found dead and removed.\n", ObjectID, obj.ObjectID);
                    else if (!obj.IsConnectionAlive()) {
                        Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.GetFromTransactedPool|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Connection %d#, found dead and removed.\n", ObjectID, obj.ObjectID);
                        obj = null;
            return obj;

        [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.None)] // SxS: this method does not expose resources
        [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Machine)]
        private void PoolCreateRequest(object state) {
            // called by pooler to ensure pool requests are currently being satisfied -
            // creation mutex has not been obtained

            IntPtr hscp;

            Bid.PoolerScopeEnter(out hscp, "<prov.DbConnectionPool.PoolCreateRequest|RES|INFO|CPOOL> %d#\n", ObjectID);

            try {
                if (State.Running == _state) {

                    // in case WaitForPendingOpen ever failed with no subsequent OpenAsync calls,
                    // start it back up again
                    if (!_pendingOpens.IsEmpty && _pendingOpensWaiting == 0) {
                        Thread waitOpenThread = new Thread(WaitForPendingOpen);
                        waitOpenThread.IsBackground = true;

                    // Before creating any new objects, reclaim any released objects that were
                    // not closed.

                    if (!ErrorOccurred) {
                        if (NeedToReplenish) {
                            // Check to see if pool was created using integrated security and if so, make
                            // sure the identity of current user matches that of user that created pool.
                            // If it doesn't match, do not create any objects on the ThreadPool thread,
                            // since either Open will fail or we will open a object for this pool that does
                            // not belong in this pool.  The side effect of this is that if using integrated
                            // security min pool size cannot be guaranteed.
                            if (UsingIntegrateSecurity && !_identity.Equals(DbConnectionPoolIdentity.GetCurrent())) {
                            bool mustRelease = false;
                            int waitResult = BOGUS_HANDLE;
                            uint timeout = (uint)CreationTimeout;

                            try {
                                _waitHandles.DangerousAddRef(ref mustRelease);
                                // Obtain creation mutex so we're the only one creating objects
                                // and we must have the wait result
                                try { } finally {
                                    waitResult = SafeNativeMethods.WaitForSingleObjectEx(_waitHandles.CreationHandle.DangerousGetHandle(), timeout, false);
                                if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == waitResult) {
                                    DbConnectionInternal newObj;

                                    // Check ErrorOccurred again after obtaining mutex
                                    if (!ErrorOccurred) {
                                        while (NeedToReplenish) {
                                            // Don't specify any user options because there is no outer connection associated with the new connection
                                            newObj = CreateObject(owningObject: null, userOptions: null, oldConnection: null);

                                            // We do not need to check error flag here, since we know if
                                            // CreateObject returned null, we are in error case.
                                            if (null != newObj) {
                                            else {
                                else if (WAIT_TIMEOUT == waitResult) {
                                    // do not wait forever and potential block this worker thread
                                    // instead wait for a period of time and just requeue to try again
                                else {
                                    // trace waitResult and ignore the failure
                                    Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.PoolCreateRequest|RES|CPOOL> %d#, PoolCreateRequest called WaitForSingleObject failed %d", ObjectID, waitResult);
                            catch (Exception e) {
                                if (!ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(e)) {

                                // Now that CreateObject can throw, we need to catch the exception and discard it.
                                // There is no further action we can take beyond tracing.  The error will be 
                                // thrown to the user the next time they request a connection.
                                Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.PoolCreateRequest|RES|CPOOL> %d#, PoolCreateRequest called CreateConnection which threw an exception: %ls", ObjectID, e);
                            finally {
                                if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == waitResult) {
                                    // reuse waitResult and ignore its value
                                    waitResult = SafeNativeMethods.ReleaseSemaphore(_waitHandles.CreationHandle.DangerousGetHandle(), 1, IntPtr.Zero);
                                if (mustRelease) {
            finally {
                Bid.ScopeLeave(ref hscp);

        internal void PutNewObject(DbConnectionInternal obj) {
            Debug.Assert(null != obj,        "why are we adding a null object to the pool?");

            // VSTFDEVDIV 742887 - When another thread is clearing this pool, it
            // will set _cannotBePooled for all connections in this pool without prejudice which
            // causes the following assert to fire, which really mucks up stress
            // against checked bits.
            // Debug.Assert(obj.CanBePooled,    "non-poolable object in pool");

            Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.PutNewObject|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Connection %d#, Pushing to general pool.\n", ObjectID, obj.ObjectID);


        internal void PutObject(DbConnectionInternal obj, object owningObject) {
            Debug.Assert(null != obj, "null obj?");


            // Once a connection is closing (which is the state that we're in at
            // this point in time) you cannot delegate a transaction to or enlist
            // a transaction in it, so we can correctly presume that if there was
            // not a delegated or enlisted transaction to start with, that there
            // will not be a delegated or enlisted transaction once we leave the
            // lock.

            lock (obj) {
                // Calling PrePush prevents the object from being reclaimed
                // once we leave the lock, because it sets _pooledCount such
                // that it won't appear to be out of the pool.  What that
                // means, is that we're now responsible for this connection:
                // it won't get reclaimed if we drop the ball somewhere.



        internal void PutObjectFromTransactedPool(DbConnectionInternal obj) {
            Debug.Assert(null != obj, "null pooledObject?");
            Debug.Assert(obj.EnlistedTransaction == null, "pooledObject is still enlisted?");

            // called by the transacted connection pool , once it's removed the
            // connection from it's list.  We put the connection back in general
            // circulation.

            // NOTE: there is no locking required here because if we're in this
            // method, we can safely presume that the caller is the only person
            // that is using the connection, and that all pre-push logic has been
            // done and all transactions are ended.

            Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.PutObjectFromTransactedPool|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Connection %d#, Transaction has ended.\n", ObjectID, obj.ObjectID);

            if (_state == State.Running && obj.CanBePooled) {
            else {

        private void QueuePoolCreateRequest() {
            if (State.Running == _state) {
                // Make sure we're at quota by posting a callback to the threadpool.

        private bool ReclaimEmancipatedObjects() {
            bool emancipatedObjectFound = false;

            Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.ReclaimEmancipatedObjects|RES|CPOOL> %d#\n", ObjectID);

            List<DbConnectionInternal> reclaimedObjects = new List<DbConnectionInternal>();
            int count;

            lock(_objectList) {
                count = _objectList.Count;

                for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
                    DbConnectionInternal obj = _objectList[i];

                    if (null != obj) {
                        bool locked = false;

                        try {
                            Monitor.TryEnter(obj, ref locked);

                            if (locked) { // avoid race condition with PrePush/PostPop and IsEmancipated
                                if (obj.IsEmancipated) {
                                    // Inside the lock, we want to do as little
                                    // as possible, so we simply mark the object
                                    // as being in the pool, but hand it off to
                                    // an out of pool list to be deactivated,
                                    // etc.
                        finally {
                            if (locked)

            // NOTE: we don't want to call DeactivateObject while we're locked,
            // because it can make roundtrips to the server and this will block
            // object creation in the pooler.  Instead, we queue things we need
            // to do up, and process them outside the lock.
            count = reclaimedObjects.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
                DbConnectionInternal obj = reclaimedObjects[i];

                Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.ReclaimEmancipatedObjects|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Connection %d#, Reclaiming.\n", ObjectID, obj.ObjectID);

                emancipatedObjectFound = true;

            return emancipatedObjectFound;

        internal void Startup() {
            Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.Startup|RES|INFO|CPOOL> %d#, CleanupWait=%d\n", ObjectID, _cleanupWait);

            _cleanupTimer = CreateCleanupTimer();
            if (NeedToReplenish) {

        internal void Shutdown() {
            Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.Shutdown|RES|INFO|CPOOL> %d#\n", ObjectID);

            _state = State.ShuttingDown;

            // deactivate timer callbacks
            Timer t = _cleanupTimer;
            _cleanupTimer = null;
            if (null != t) {

        // TransactionEnded merely provides the plumbing for DbConnectionInternal to access the transacted pool
        //   that is implemented inside DbConnectionPool. This method's counterpart (PutTransactedObject) should
        //   only be called from DbConnectionPool.DeactivateObject and thus the plumbing to provide access to 
        //   other objects is unnecessary (hence the asymmetry of Ended but no Begin)
        internal void TransactionEnded(SysTx.Transaction transaction, DbConnectionInternal transactedObject) {
            Debug.Assert(null != transaction, "null transaction?");
            Debug.Assert(null != transactedObject, "null transactedObject?");
            // Note: connection may still be associated with transaction due to Explicit Unbinding requirement.

            Bid.PoolerTrace("<prov.DbConnectionPool.TransactionEnded|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Transaction %d#, Connection %d#, Transaction Completed\n", ObjectID, transaction.GetHashCode(), transactedObject.ObjectID);

            // called by the internal connection when it get's told that the
            // transaction is completed.  We tell the transacted pool to remove
            // the connection from it's list, then we put the connection back in
            // general circulation.

            TransactedConnectionPool transactedConnectionPool = _transactedConnectionPool;
            if (null != transactedConnectionPool) {
                transactedConnectionPool.TransactionEnded(transaction, transactedObject);

        private DbConnectionInternal UserCreateRequest(DbConnection owningObject, DbConnectionOptions userOptions, DbConnectionInternal oldConnection = null) {
            // called by user when they were not able to obtain a free object but
            // instead obtained creation mutex

            DbConnectionInternal obj = null;
            if (ErrorOccurred) {
                throw TryCloneCachedException();
            else {
                 if ((oldConnection != null) || (Count < MaxPoolSize) || (0 == MaxPoolSize)) {
                    // If we have an odd number of total objects, reclaim any dead objects.
                    // If we did not find any objects to reclaim, create a new one.

                     if ((oldConnection != null) || (Count & 0x1) == 0x1 || !ReclaimEmancipatedObjects())
                        obj = CreateObject(owningObject, userOptions, oldConnection);
                return obj;