#!/usr/bin/env bash # Stop script on NZEC # set -e # Stop script if unbound variable found (use ${var:-} if intentional) set -u # By default cmd1 | cmd2 returns exit code of cmd2 regardless of cmd1 success # This is causing it to fail set -o pipefail # Use in the the functions: eval $invocation invocation='say_verbose "Calling: ${FUNCNAME[0]}"' # standard output may be used as a return value in the functions # we need a way to write text on the screen in the functions so that # it won't interfere with the return value. # Exposing stream 3 as a pipe to standard output of the script itself exec 3>&1 say_err() { printf "%b\n" "bootstrap: Error: $1" >&2 } say() { # using stream 3 (defined in the beginning) to not interfere with stdout of functions # which may be used as return value printf "%b\n" "bootstrap: $1" >&3 } say_verbose() { if [ "$verbose" = true ]; then say "$1" fi } machine_has() { eval $invocation hash "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 return $? } check_min_reqs() { if ! machine_has "curl"; then say_err "curl is required to download dotnet. Install curl to proceed." return 1 fi return 0 } # args: # remote_path - $1 # [out_path] - $2 - stdout if not provided download() { eval $invocation local remote_path=$1 local out_path=${2:-} local failed=false if [ -z "$out_path" ]; then curl --retry 10 -sSL --create-dirs $remote_path || failed=true else curl --retry 10 -sSL --create-dirs -o $out_path $remote_path || failed=true fi if [ "$failed" = true ]; then say_err "Download failed" return 1 fi } verbose=false repoRoot=`pwd` toolsLocalPath="<auto>" cliLocalPath="<auto>" symlinkPath="<auto>" sharedFxVersion="<auto>" force= forcedCliLocalPath="<none>" architecture="<auto>" dotNetInstallBranch="release/2.0.0" while [ $# -ne 0 ] do name=$1 case $name in -r|--repositoryRoot|-[Rr]epositoryRoot) shift repoRoot="$1" ;; -t|--toolsLocalPath|-[Tt]oolsLocalPath) shift toolsLocalPath="$1" ;; -c|--cliInstallPath|--cliLocalPath|-[Cc]liLocalPath) shift cliLocalPath="$1" ;; -u|--useLocalCli|-[Uu]seLocalCli) shift forcedCliLocalPath="$1" ;; -a|--architecture|-[Aa]rchitecture) shift architecture="$1" ;; --dotNetInstallBranch|-[Dd]ot[Nn]et[Ii]nstall[Bb]ranch) shift dotNetInstallBranch="$1" ;; --sharedFrameworkSymlinkPath|--symlink|-[Ss]haredFrameworkSymlinkPath) shift symlinkPath="$1" ;; --sharedFrameworkVersion|-[Ss]haredFrameworkVersion) sharedFxVersion="$1" ;; --force|-[Ff]orce) force=true ;; -v|--verbose|-[Vv]erbose) verbose=true ;; *) say_err "Unknown argument \`$name\`" exit 1 ;; esac shift done if [ $toolsLocalPath = "<auto>" ]; then toolsLocalPath="$repoRoot/Tools" fi if [ $cliLocalPath = "<auto>" ]; then if [ $forcedCliLocalPath = "<none>" ]; then cliLocalPath="$toolsLocalPath/dotnetcli" else cliLocalPath=$forcedCliLocalPath fi fi if [ $symlinkPath = "<auto>" ]; then symlinkPath="$toolsLocalPath/dotnetcli/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/version" fi rootCliVersion="$repoRoot/.cliversion" bootstrapComplete="$toolsLocalPath/bootstrap.complete" # if the force switch is specified delete the semaphore file if it exists if [[ $force && -f $bootstrapComplete ]]; then rm -f $bootstrapComplete fi # if the semaphore file exists and is identical to the specified version then exit if [[ -f $bootstrapComplete && ! `cmp $bootstrapComplete $rootCliVersion` ]]; then say "$bootstrapComplete appears to show that bootstrapping is complete. Use --force if you want to re-bootstrap." exit 0 fi initCliScript="dotnet-install.sh" dotnetInstallPath="$toolsLocalPath/$initCliScript" # blow away the tools directory so we can start from a known state if [ -d $toolsLocalPath ]; then # if the bootstrap.sh script was downloaded to the tools directory don't delete it find $toolsLocalPath -type f -not -name bootstrap.sh -exec rm -f {} \; else mkdir $toolsLocalPath fi if [ $forcedCliLocalPath = "<none>" ]; then check_min_reqs # download CLI boot-strapper script download "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dotnet/cli/$dotNetInstallBranch/scripts/obtain/dotnet-install.sh" "$dotnetInstallPath" chmod u+x "$dotnetInstallPath" # load the version of the CLI dotNetCliVersion=`cat $rootCliVersion` if [ ! -e $cliLocalPath ]; then mkdir -p "$cliLocalPath" fi # now execute the script say_verbose "installing CLI: $dotnetInstallPath --version \"$dotNetCliVersion\" --install-dir $cliLocalPath --architecture \"$architecture\"" $dotnetInstallPath --version "$dotNetCliVersion" --install-dir $cliLocalPath --architecture "$architecture" if [ $? != 0 ]; then say_err "The .NET CLI installation failed with exit code $?" exit $? fi fi cp $rootCliVersion $bootstrapComplete say "Bootstrap finished successfully."