// // System.Net.DigestClient.cs // // Authors: // Greg Reinacker (gregr@rassoc.com) // Sebastien Pouliot (spouliot@motus.com) // Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (gonzalo@ximian.com // // Copyright 2002-2003 Greg Reinacker, Reinacker & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. // Portions (C) 2003 Motus Technologies Inc. (http://www.motus.com) // (c) 2003 Novell, Inc. (http://www.novell.com) // // Original (server-side) source code available at // http://www.rassoc.com/gregr/weblog/stories/2002/07/09/webServicesSecurityHttpDigestAuthenticationWithoutActiveDirectory.html // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Text; namespace System.Net { // // This works with apache mod_digest //TODO: // MD5-sess // qop (auth-int) // // See RFC 2617 for details. // class DigestHeaderParser { string header; int length; int pos; static string [] keywords = { "realm", "opaque", "nonce", "algorithm", "qop" }; string [] values = new string [keywords.Length]; public DigestHeaderParser (string header) { this.header = header.Trim (); } public string Realm { get { return values [0]; } } public string Opaque { get { return values [1]; } } public string Nonce { get { return values [2]; } } public string Algorithm { get { return values [3]; } } public string QOP { get { return values [4]; } } public bool Parse () { if (!header.ToLower ().StartsWith ("digest ")) return false; pos = 6; length = this.header.Length; while (pos < length) { string key, value; if (!GetKeywordAndValue (out key, out value)) return false; SkipWhitespace (); if (pos < length && header [pos] == ',') pos++; int idx = Array.IndexOf (keywords, (key)); if (idx == -1) continue; if (values [idx] != null) return false; values [idx] = value; } if (Realm == null || Nonce == null) return false; return true; } void SkipWhitespace () { char c = ' '; while (pos < length && (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n')) { c = header [pos++]; } pos--; } string GetKey () { SkipWhitespace (); int begin = pos; while (pos < length && header [pos] != '=') { pos++; } string key = header.Substring (begin, pos - begin).Trim ().ToLower (); return key; } bool GetKeywordAndValue (out string key, out string value) { key = null; value = null; key = GetKey (); if (pos >= length) return false; SkipWhitespace (); if (pos + 1 >= length || header [pos++] != '=') return false; SkipWhitespace (); // note: Apache doesn't use " in all case (like algorithm) if (pos + 1 >= length) return false; bool useQuote = false; if (header [pos] == '"') { pos++; useQuote = true; } int beginQ = pos; if (useQuote) { pos = header.IndexOf ('"', pos); if (pos == -1) return false; } else { do { char c = header [pos]; if (c == ',' || c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n') break; } while (++pos < length); if (pos >= length && beginQ == pos) return false; } value = header.Substring (beginQ, pos - beginQ); pos += useQuote ? 2 : 1; return true; } } class DigestSession { static RandomNumberGenerator rng; DateTime lastUse; static DigestSession () { rng = RandomNumberGenerator.Create (); } private int _nc; private HashAlgorithm hash; private DigestHeaderParser parser; private string _cnonce; public DigestSession () { _nc = 1; lastUse = DateTime.UtcNow; } public string Algorithm { get { return parser.Algorithm; } } public string Realm { get { return parser.Realm; } } public string Nonce { get { return parser.Nonce; } } public string Opaque { get { return parser.Opaque; } } public string QOP { get { return parser.QOP; } } public string CNonce { get { if (_cnonce == null) { // 15 is a multiple of 3 which is better for base64 because it // wont end with '=' and risk messing up the server parsing byte[] bincnonce = new byte [15]; rng.GetBytes (bincnonce); _cnonce = Convert.ToBase64String (bincnonce); Array.Clear (bincnonce, 0, bincnonce.Length); } return _cnonce; } } public bool Parse (string challenge) { parser = new DigestHeaderParser (challenge); if (!parser.Parse ()) { return false; } // build the hash object (only MD5 is defined in RFC2617) if ((parser.Algorithm == null) || (parser.Algorithm.ToUpper ().StartsWith ("MD5"))) hash = MD5.Create (); return true; } private string HashToHexString (string toBeHashed) { if (hash == null) return null; hash.Initialize (); byte[] result = hash.ComputeHash (Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes (toBeHashed)); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); foreach (byte b in result) sb.Append (b.ToString ("x2")); return sb.ToString (); } private string HA1 (string username, string password) { string ha1 = String.Format ("{0}:{1}:{2}", username, Realm, password); if (Algorithm != null && Algorithm.ToLower () == "md5-sess") ha1 = String.Format ("{0}:{1}:{2}", HashToHexString (ha1), Nonce, CNonce); return HashToHexString (ha1); } private string HA2 (HttpWebRequest webRequest) { string ha2 = String.Format ("{0}:{1}", webRequest.Method, webRequest.RequestUri.PathAndQuery); if (QOP == "auth-int") { // TODO // ha2 += String.Format (":{0}", hentity); } return HashToHexString (ha2); } private string Response (string username, string password, HttpWebRequest webRequest) { string response = String.Format ("{0}:{1}:", HA1 (username, password), Nonce); if (QOP != null) response += String.Format ("{0}:{1}:{2}:", _nc.ToString ("X8"), CNonce, QOP); response += HA2 (webRequest); return HashToHexString (response); } public Authorization Authenticate (WebRequest webRequest, ICredentials credentials) { if (parser == null) throw new InvalidOperationException (); HttpWebRequest request = webRequest as HttpWebRequest; if (request == null) return null; lastUse = DateTime.UtcNow; NetworkCredential cred = credentials.GetCredential (request.RequestUri, "digest"); if (cred == null) return null; string userName = cred.UserName; if (userName == null || userName == "") return null; string password = cred.Password; StringBuilder auth = new StringBuilder (); auth.AppendFormat ("Digest username=\"{0}\", ", userName); auth.AppendFormat ("realm=\"{0}\", ", Realm); auth.AppendFormat ("nonce=\"{0}\", ", Nonce); auth.AppendFormat ("uri=\"{0}\", ", request.Address.PathAndQuery); if (Algorithm != null) { // hash algorithm (only MD5 in RFC2617) auth.AppendFormat ("algorithm=\"{0}\", ", Algorithm); } auth.AppendFormat ("response=\"{0}\", ", Response (userName, password, request)); if (QOP != null) { // quality of protection (server decision) auth.AppendFormat ("qop=\"{0}\", ", QOP); } lock (this) { // _nc MUST NOT change from here... // number of request using this nonce if (QOP != null) { auth.AppendFormat ("nc={0:X8}, ", _nc); _nc++; } // until here, now _nc can change } if (CNonce != null) // opaque value from the client auth.AppendFormat ("cnonce=\"{0}\", ", CNonce); if (Opaque != null) // exact same opaque value as received from server auth.AppendFormat ("opaque=\"{0}\", ", Opaque); auth.Length -= 2; // remove ", " return new Authorization (auth.ToString ()); } public DateTime LastUse { get { return lastUse; } } } class DigestClient : IAuthenticationModule { static readonly Hashtable cache = Hashtable.Synchronized (new Hashtable ()); static Hashtable Cache { get { lock (cache.SyncRoot) { CheckExpired (cache.Count); } return cache; } } static void CheckExpired (int count) { if (count < 10) return; DateTime t = DateTime.MaxValue; DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow; ArrayList list = null; foreach (int key in cache.Keys) { DigestSession elem = (DigestSession) cache [key]; if (elem.LastUse < t && (elem.LastUse - now).Ticks > TimeSpan.TicksPerMinute * 10) { t = elem.LastUse; if (list == null) list = new ArrayList (); list.Add (key); } } if (list != null) { foreach (int k in list) cache.Remove (k); } } // IAuthenticationModule public Authorization Authenticate (string challenge, WebRequest webRequest, ICredentials credentials) { if (credentials == null || challenge == null) return null; string header = challenge.Trim (); if (header.ToLower ().IndexOf ("digest") == -1) return null; HttpWebRequest request = webRequest as HttpWebRequest; if (request == null) return null; DigestSession currDS = new DigestSession(); if (!currDS.Parse (challenge)) return null; int hashcode = request.Address.GetHashCode () ^ credentials.GetHashCode () ^ currDS.Nonce.GetHashCode (); DigestSession ds = (DigestSession) Cache [hashcode]; bool addDS = (ds == null); if (addDS) ds = currDS; else if (!ds.Parse (challenge)) return null; if (addDS) Cache.Add (hashcode, ds); return ds.Authenticate (webRequest, credentials); } public Authorization PreAuthenticate (WebRequest webRequest, ICredentials credentials) { HttpWebRequest request = webRequest as HttpWebRequest; if (request == null) return null; if (credentials == null) return null; int hashcode = request.Address.GetHashCode () ^ credentials.GetHashCode (); DigestSession ds = (DigestSession) Cache [hashcode]; if (ds == null) return null; return ds.Authenticate (webRequest, credentials); } public string AuthenticationType { get { return "Digest"; } } public bool CanPreAuthenticate { get { return true; } } } }