// // Mono.Xml.Schema.XsdValidatingReader.cs // // Author: // Atsushi Enomoto (ginga@kit.hi-ho.ne.jp) // // (C)2003 Atsushi Enomoto // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections; #if NET_2_0 using System.Collections.Generic; #endif using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Schema; using Mono.Xml; #if NET_2_0 using ValException = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidationException; #else using ValException = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaException; #endif using QName = System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName; using ContentProc = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentProcessing; using XsElement = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaElement; using XsAttribute = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttribute; using ComplexType = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType; using SimpleType = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleType; using SimpleTypeRest = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction; using SimpleTypeList = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleTypeList; using SimpleTypeUnion = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleTypeUnion; using XsDatatype = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype; namespace Mono.Xml.Schema { internal class XsdValidatingReader : XmlReader, IXmlLineInfo, IHasXmlSchemaInfo, IHasXmlParserContext { static readonly XsAttribute [] emptyAttributeArray = new XsAttribute [0]; XmlReader reader; XmlResolver resolver; IHasXmlSchemaInfo sourceReaderSchemaInfo; IXmlLineInfo readerLineInfo; ValidationType validationType; XmlSchemaSet schemas = new XmlSchemaSet (); bool namespaces = true; bool validationStarted; #region ID Constraints bool checkIdentity = true; XsdIDManager idManager = new XsdIDManager (); #endregion #region Key Constraints bool checkKeyConstraints = true; ArrayList keyTables = new ArrayList (); ArrayList currentKeyFieldConsumers; ArrayList tmpKeyrefPool; #endregion ArrayList elementQNameStack = new ArrayList (); XsdParticleStateManager state = new XsdParticleStateManager (); int skipValidationDepth = -1; int xsiNilDepth = -1; StringBuilder storedCharacters = new StringBuilder (); bool shouldValidateCharacters; XsAttribute [] defaultAttributes = emptyAttributeArray; int currentDefaultAttribute = -1; ArrayList defaultAttributesCache = new ArrayList (); bool defaultAttributeConsumed; object currentAttrType; #region .ctor public XsdValidatingReader (XmlReader reader) { this.reader = reader; readerLineInfo = reader as IXmlLineInfo; sourceReaderSchemaInfo = reader as IHasXmlSchemaInfo; schemas.ValidationEventHandler += ValidationEventHandler; } #endregion public ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler; // Private Properties private XsdValidationContext Context { get { return state.Context; } } #region Key Constraints internal ArrayList CurrentKeyFieldConsumers { get { if (currentKeyFieldConsumers == null) currentKeyFieldConsumers = new ArrayList (); return currentKeyFieldConsumers; } } #endregion // Public Non-overrides public int XsiNilDepth { get { return xsiNilDepth; } } public bool Namespaces { get { return namespaces; } set { namespaces = value; } } // This is required to resolve xsi:schemaLocation public XmlResolver XmlResolver { set { resolver = value; } } // This should be changed before the first Read() call. public XmlSchemaSet Schemas { get { return schemas; } set { if (validationStarted) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Schemas must be set before the first call to Read()."); schemas = value; } } public object SchemaType { get { if (ReadState != ReadState.Interactive) return null; switch (NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Element: if (Context.ActualType != null) return Context.ActualType; else return SourceReaderSchemaType; case XmlNodeType.Attribute: if (currentAttrType == null) { ComplexType ct = Context.ActualType as ComplexType; if (ct != null) { XsAttribute attdef = ct.AttributeUses [new QName (LocalName, NamespaceURI)] as XsAttribute; if (attdef != null) currentAttrType = attdef.AttributeType; return currentAttrType; } currentAttrType = SourceReaderSchemaType; } return currentAttrType; default: return SourceReaderSchemaType; } } } private object SourceReaderSchemaType { get { return this.sourceReaderSchemaInfo != null ? sourceReaderSchemaInfo.SchemaType : null; } } public ValidationType ValidationType { get { return validationType; } set { if (validationStarted) throw new InvalidOperationException ("ValidationType must be set before reading."); validationType = value; } } // It is used only for independent XmlReader use, not for XmlValidatingReader. public object ReadTypedValue () { object o = XmlSchemaUtil.ReadTypedValue (this, SchemaType, NamespaceManager, storedCharacters); storedCharacters.Length = 0; return o; } // Public Overriden Properties public override int AttributeCount { get { return reader.AttributeCount + defaultAttributes.Length; } } public override string BaseURI { get { return reader.BaseURI; } } // If this class is used to implement XmlValidatingReader, // it should be left to DTDValidatingReader. In other cases, // it depends on the reader's ability. public override bool CanResolveEntity { get { return reader.CanResolveEntity; } } public override int Depth { get { if (currentDefaultAttribute < 0) return reader.Depth; if (this.defaultAttributeConsumed) return reader.Depth + 2; return reader.Depth + 1; } } public override bool EOF { get { return reader.EOF; } } public override bool HasValue { get { if (currentDefaultAttribute < 0) return reader.HasValue; return true; } } public override bool IsDefault { get { if (currentDefaultAttribute < 0) return reader.IsDefault; return true; } } public override bool IsEmptyElement { get { if (currentDefaultAttribute < 0) return reader.IsEmptyElement; return false; } } public override string this [int i] { get { return GetAttribute (i); } } public override string this [string name] { get { return GetAttribute (name); } } public override string this [string localName, string ns] { get { return GetAttribute (localName, ns); } } public int LineNumber { get { return readerLineInfo != null ? readerLineInfo.LineNumber : 0; } } public int LinePosition { get { return readerLineInfo != null ? readerLineInfo.LinePosition : 0; } } public override string LocalName { get { if (currentDefaultAttribute < 0) return reader.LocalName; if (defaultAttributeConsumed) return String.Empty; return defaultAttributes [currentDefaultAttribute].QualifiedName.Name; } } public override string Name { get { if (currentDefaultAttribute < 0) return reader.Name; if (defaultAttributeConsumed) return String.Empty; QName qname = defaultAttributes [currentDefaultAttribute].QualifiedName; string prefix = Prefix; if (prefix == String.Empty) return qname.Name; else return String.Concat (prefix, ":", qname.Name); } } public override string NamespaceURI { get { if (currentDefaultAttribute < 0) return reader.NamespaceURI; if (defaultAttributeConsumed) return String.Empty; return defaultAttributes [currentDefaultAttribute].QualifiedName.Namespace; } } public override XmlNameTable NameTable { get { return reader.NameTable; } } public override XmlNodeType NodeType { get { if (currentDefaultAttribute < 0) return reader.NodeType; if (defaultAttributeConsumed) return XmlNodeType.Text; return XmlNodeType.Attribute; } } public XmlParserContext ParserContext { get { return XmlSchemaUtil.GetParserContext (reader); } } internal XmlNamespaceManager NamespaceManager { get { return ParserContext != null ? ParserContext.NamespaceManager : null; } } public override string Prefix { get { if (currentDefaultAttribute < 0) return reader.Prefix; if (defaultAttributeConsumed) return String.Empty; QName qname = defaultAttributes [currentDefaultAttribute].QualifiedName; string prefix = NamespaceManager != null ? NamespaceManager.LookupPrefix (qname.Namespace, false) : null; if (prefix == null) return String.Empty; else return prefix; } } public override char QuoteChar { get { return reader.QuoteChar; } } public override ReadState ReadState { get { return reader.ReadState; } } public override string Value { get { if (currentDefaultAttribute < 0) return reader.Value; string value = defaultAttributes [currentDefaultAttribute].ValidatedDefaultValue; if (value == null) value = defaultAttributes [currentDefaultAttribute].ValidatedFixedValue; return value; } } public override string XmlLang { get { string xmlLang = reader.XmlLang; if (xmlLang != null) return xmlLang; int idx = this.FindDefaultAttribute ("lang", XmlNamespaceManager.XmlnsXml); if (idx < 0) return null; xmlLang = defaultAttributes [idx].ValidatedDefaultValue; if (xmlLang == null) xmlLang = defaultAttributes [idx].ValidatedFixedValue; return xmlLang; } } public override XmlSpace XmlSpace { get { XmlSpace space = reader.XmlSpace; if (space != XmlSpace.None) return space; int idx = this.FindDefaultAttribute ("space", XmlNamespaceManager.XmlnsXml); if (idx < 0) return XmlSpace.None; string spaceSpec = defaultAttributes [idx].ValidatedDefaultValue; if (spaceSpec == null) spaceSpec = defaultAttributes [idx].ValidatedFixedValue; return (XmlSpace) Enum.Parse (typeof (XmlSpace), spaceSpec, false); } } // Private Methods private void HandleError (string error) { HandleError (error, null); } private void HandleError (string error, Exception innerException) { HandleError (error, innerException, false); } private void HandleError (string error, Exception innerException, bool isWarning) { if (ValidationType == ValidationType.None) // extra quick check return; ValException schemaException = new ValException (error, this, this.BaseURI, null, innerException); HandleError (schemaException, isWarning); } private void HandleError (ValException schemaException) { HandleError (schemaException, false); } private void HandleError (ValException schemaException, bool isWarning) { if (ValidationType == ValidationType.None) return; ValidationEventArgs e = new ValidationEventArgs (schemaException, schemaException.Message, isWarning ? XmlSeverityType.Warning : XmlSeverityType.Error); if (ValidationEventHandler != null) ValidationEventHandler (this, e); else if (e.Severity == XmlSeverityType.Error) throw e.Exception; } private XsElement FindElement (string name, string ns) { return (XsElement) schemas.GlobalElements [new QName (name, ns)]; } private XmlSchemaType FindType (QName qname) { return (XmlSchemaType) schemas.GlobalTypes [qname]; } private void ValidateStartElementParticle () { if (Context.State == null) return; Context.XsiType = null; state.CurrentElement = null; Context.EvaluateStartElement (reader.LocalName, reader.NamespaceURI); if (Context.IsInvalid) HandleError ("Invalid start element: " + reader.NamespaceURI + ":" + reader.LocalName); Context.PushCurrentElement (state.CurrentElement); } private void ValidateEndElementParticle () { if (xsiNilDepth < 0 && Context.State != null) { if (!Context.EvaluateEndElement ()) { HandleError ("Invalid end element: " + reader.Name); } } Context.PopCurrentElement (); state.PopContext (); } // Utility for missing validation completion related to child items. private void ValidateCharacters () { if (xsiNilDepth >= 0 && xsiNilDepth < reader.Depth) HandleError ("Element item appeared, while current element context is nil."); if (shouldValidateCharacters) storedCharacters.Append (reader.Value); } // Utility for missing validation completion related to child items. private void ValidateEndSimpleContent () { if (shouldValidateCharacters) ValidateEndSimpleContentCore (); shouldValidateCharacters = false; storedCharacters.Length = 0; } private void ValidateEndSimpleContentCore () { if (Context.ActualType == null) return; string value = storedCharacters.ToString (); if (value.Length == 0) { // 3.3.4 Element Locally Valid (Element) 5.1.2 if (Context.Element != null) { if (Context.Element.ValidatedDefaultValue != null) value = Context.Element.ValidatedDefaultValue; } } XsDatatype dt = Context.ActualType as XsDatatype; SimpleType st = Context.ActualType as SimpleType; if (dt == null) { if (st != null) { dt = st.Datatype; } else { ComplexType ct = Context.ActualType as ComplexType; var ctsm = ct.ContentModel as XmlSchemaSimpleContent; if (ctsm != null) { var scr = ctsm.Content as XmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction; if (scr != null) st = FindSimpleBaseType (scr.BaseType ?? FindType (scr.BaseTypeName)); var sce = ctsm.Content as XmlSchemaSimpleContentExtension; if (sce != null) st = FindSimpleBaseType (FindType (sce.BaseTypeName)); } dt = ct.Datatype; switch (ct.ContentType) { case XmlSchemaContentType.ElementOnly: if (value.Length > 0 && !XmlChar.IsWhitespace (value)) HandleError ("Character content not allowed."); break; case XmlSchemaContentType.Empty: if (value.Length > 0) HandleError ("Character content not allowed."); break; } } } if (dt != null) { // 3.3.4 Element Locally Valid (Element) :: Fixed value constraints if (Context.Element != null && Context.Element.ValidatedFixedValue != null) if (value != Context.Element.ValidatedFixedValue) HandleError ("Fixed value constraint was not satisfied."); AssessStringValid (st, dt, value); } #region Key Constraints if (checkKeyConstraints) ValidateSimpleContentIdentity (dt, value); #endregion shouldValidateCharacters = false; } SimpleType FindSimpleBaseType (XmlSchemaType xt) { var st = xt as SimpleType; if (st != null) return st; if (xt == null) return null; return FindSimpleBaseType (xt.BaseXmlSchemaType); } // 3.14.4 String Valid private void AssessStringValid (SimpleType st, XsDatatype dt, string value) { XsDatatype validatedDatatype = dt; if (st != null) { string normalized = validatedDatatype.Normalize (value); ValidateRestrictedSimpleTypeValue (st, ref validatedDatatype, normalized); } if (validatedDatatype != null) { try { validatedDatatype.ParseValue (value, NameTable, NamespaceManager); } catch (Exception ex) { // FIXME: (wishlist) It is bad manner ;-( HandleError ("Invalidly typed data was specified.", ex); } } } void ValidateRestrictedSimpleTypeValue (SimpleType st, ref XsDatatype dt, string normalized) { { string [] values; XsDatatype itemDatatype; SimpleType itemSimpleType; switch (st.DerivedBy) { case XmlSchemaDerivationMethod.List: SimpleTypeList listContent = st.Content as SimpleTypeList; values = normalized.Split (XmlChar.WhitespaceChars); itemDatatype = listContent.ValidatedListItemType as XsDatatype; itemSimpleType = listContent.ValidatedListItemType as SimpleType; for (int vi = 0; vi < values.Length; vi++) { string each = values [vi]; if (each == String.Empty) continue; // validate against ValidatedItemType if (itemDatatype != null) { try { itemDatatype.ParseValue (each, NameTable, NamespaceManager); } catch (Exception ex) { // FIXME: (wishlist) better exception handling ;-( HandleError ("List type value contains one or more invalid values.", ex); break; } } else AssessStringValid (itemSimpleType, itemSimpleType.Datatype, each); } break; case XmlSchemaDerivationMethod.Union: SimpleTypeUnion union = st.Content as SimpleTypeUnion; { string each = normalized; // validate against ValidatedItemType bool passed = false; foreach (object eachType in union.ValidatedTypes) { itemDatatype = eachType as XsDatatype; itemSimpleType = eachType as SimpleType; if (itemDatatype != null) { try { itemDatatype.ParseValue (each, NameTable, NamespaceManager); } catch (Exception) { // FIXME: (wishlist) better exception handling ;-( continue; } } else { try { AssessStringValid (itemSimpleType, itemSimpleType.Datatype, each); } catch (ValException) { continue; } } passed = true; break; } if (!passed) { HandleError ("Union type value contains one or more invalid values."); break; } } break; case XmlSchemaDerivationMethod.Restriction: SimpleTypeRest str = st.Content as SimpleTypeRest; // facet validation if (str != null) { /* Don't forget to validate against inherited type's facets * Could we simplify this by assuming that the basetype will also * be restriction? * */ // mmm, will check later. SimpleType baseType = st.BaseXmlSchemaType as SimpleType; if (baseType != null) { AssessStringValid(baseType, dt, normalized); } if (!str.ValidateValueWithFacets (normalized, NameTable, NamespaceManager)) { HandleError ("Specified value was invalid against the facets."); break; } } dt = st.Datatype; break; } } } private object GetXsiType (string name) { object xsiType = null; QName typeQName = QName.Parse (name, this); if (typeQName == ComplexType.AnyTypeName) xsiType = ComplexType.AnyType; else if (XmlSchemaUtil.IsBuiltInDatatypeName (typeQName)) xsiType = XsDatatype.FromName (typeQName); else xsiType = FindType (typeQName); return xsiType; } // It is common to ElementLocallyValid::4 and SchemaValidityAssessment:: private void AssessLocalTypeDerivationOK (object xsiType, object baseType, XmlSchemaDerivationMethod flag) { XmlSchemaType xsiSchemaType = xsiType as XmlSchemaType; ComplexType baseComplexType = baseType as ComplexType; ComplexType xsiComplexType = xsiSchemaType as ComplexType; if (xsiType != baseType) { // Extracted (not extraneous) check for 3.4.6 TypeDerivationOK. if (baseComplexType != null) flag |= baseComplexType.BlockResolved; if (flag == XmlSchemaDerivationMethod.All) { HandleError ("Prohibited element type substitution."); return; } else if (xsiSchemaType != null && (flag & xsiSchemaType.DerivedBy) != 0) { HandleError ("Prohibited element type substitution."); return; } } if (xsiComplexType != null) try { xsiComplexType.ValidateTypeDerivationOK (baseType, null, null); } catch (ValException ex) { // HandleError ("Locally specified schema complex type derivation failed. " + ex.Message, ex); HandleError (ex); } else { SimpleType xsiSimpleType = xsiType as SimpleType; if (xsiSimpleType != null) { try { xsiSimpleType.ValidateTypeDerivationOK (baseType, null, null, true); } catch (ValException ex) { // HandleError ("Locally specified schema simple type derivation failed. " + ex.Message, ex); HandleError (ex); } } else if (xsiType is XsDatatype) { // do nothing } else HandleError ("Primitive data type cannot be derived type using xsi:type specification."); } } // Section 3.3.4 of the spec. private void AssessStartElementSchemaValidity () { // If the reader is inside xsi:nil (and failed // on validation), then simply skip its content. if (xsiNilDepth >= 0 && xsiNilDepth < reader.Depth) HandleError ("Element item appeared, while current element context is nil."); ValidateStartElementParticle (); string xsiNilValue = reader.GetAttribute ("nil", XmlSchema.InstanceNamespace); if (xsiNilValue != null) xsiNilValue = xsiNilValue.Trim (XmlChar.WhitespaceChars); bool isXsiNil = xsiNilValue == "true"; if (isXsiNil && this.xsiNilDepth < 0) xsiNilDepth = reader.Depth; // [Schema Validity Assessment (Element) 1.2] // Evaluate "local type definition" from xsi:type. // (See spec 3.3.4 Schema Validity Assessment (Element) // Note that Schema Validity Assessment(Element) 1.2 takes // precedence than 1.1 of that. string xsiTypeName = reader.GetAttribute ("type", XmlSchema.InstanceNamespace); if (xsiTypeName != null) { xsiTypeName = xsiTypeName.Trim (XmlChar.WhitespaceChars); object xsiType = GetXsiType (xsiTypeName); if (xsiType == null) HandleError ("The instance type was not found: " + xsiTypeName + " ."); else { XmlSchemaType xsiSchemaType = xsiType as XmlSchemaType; if (xsiSchemaType != null && this.Context.Element != null) { XmlSchemaType elemBaseType = Context.Element.ElementType as XmlSchemaType; if (elemBaseType != null && (xsiSchemaType.DerivedBy & elemBaseType.FinalResolved) != 0) HandleError ("The instance type is prohibited by the type of the context element."); if (elemBaseType != xsiType && (xsiSchemaType.DerivedBy & this.Context.Element.BlockResolved) != 0) HandleError ("The instance type is prohibited by the context element."); } ComplexType xsiComplexType = xsiType as ComplexType; if (xsiComplexType != null && xsiComplexType.IsAbstract) HandleError ("The instance type is abstract: " + xsiTypeName + " ."); else { // If current schema type exists, then this xsi:type must be // valid extension of that type. See if (Context.Element != null) { AssessLocalTypeDerivationOK (xsiType, Context.Element.ElementType, Context.Element.BlockResolved); } AssessStartElementLocallyValidType (xsiType); // 1.2.2: Context.XsiType = xsiType; } } } // Create Validation Root, if not exist. // [Schema Validity Assessment (Element) 1.1] if (Context.Element == null) { state.CurrentElement = FindElement (reader.LocalName, reader.NamespaceURI); Context.PushCurrentElement (state.CurrentElement); } if (Context.Element != null) { if (Context.XsiType == null) { AssessElementLocallyValidElement (xsiNilValue); // 1.1.2 } } else { switch (state.ProcessContents) { case ContentProc.Skip: break; case ContentProc.Lax: break; default: if (xsiTypeName == null && (schemas.Contains (reader.NamespaceURI) || !schemas.MissedSubComponents (reader.NamespaceURI))) HandleError ("Element declaration for " + new QName (reader.LocalName, reader.NamespaceURI) + " is missing."); break; } } state.PushContext (); XsdValidationState next = null; if (state.ProcessContents == ContentProc.Skip) skipValidationDepth = reader.Depth; else { // create child particle state. ComplexType xsComplexType = SchemaType as ComplexType; if (xsComplexType != null) next = state.Create (xsComplexType.ValidatableParticle); else if (state.ProcessContents == ContentProc.Lax) next = state.Create (XmlSchemaAny.AnyTypeContent); else next = state.Create (XmlSchemaParticle.Empty); } Context.State = next; #region Key Constraints if (checkKeyConstraints) { ValidateKeySelectors (); ValidateKeyFields (); } #endregion } // 3.3.4 Element Locally Valid (Element) private void AssessElementLocallyValidElement (string xsiNilValue) { XsElement element = Context.Element; QName qname = new QName (reader.LocalName, reader.NamespaceURI); // 1. if (element == null) HandleError ("Element declaration is required for " + qname); // 2. if (element.ActualIsAbstract) HandleError ("Abstract element declaration was specified for " + qname); // 3.1. if (!element.ActualIsNillable && xsiNilValue != null) HandleError ("This element declaration is not nillable: " + qname); // 3.2. // Note that 3.2.1 xsi:nil constraints are to be // validated in AssessElementSchemaValidity() and // ValidateCharacters(). else if (xsiNilValue == "true") { if (element.ValidatedFixedValue != null) HandleError ("Schema instance nil was specified, where the element declaration for " + qname + "has fixed value constraints."); } // 4. xsi:type (it takes precedence than element type) string xsiType = reader.GetAttribute ("type", XmlSchema.InstanceNamespace); if (xsiType != null) { Context.XsiType = GetXsiType (xsiType); AssessLocalTypeDerivationOK (Context.XsiType, element.ElementType, element.BlockResolved); } else Context.XsiType = null; // 5 Not all things cannot be assessed here. // It is common to 5.1 and 5.2 if (element.ElementType != null) AssessStartElementLocallyValidType (SchemaType); // 6. should be out from here. // See invokation of AssessStartIdentityConstraints(). // 7 is going to be validated in Read() (in case of xmlreader's EOF). } // 3.3.4 Element Locally Valid (Type) private void AssessStartElementLocallyValidType (object schemaType) { if (schemaType == null) { // 1. HandleError ("Schema type does not exist."); return; } ComplexType cType = schemaType as ComplexType; SimpleType sType = schemaType as SimpleType; if (sType != null) { // 3.1.1. while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute ()) { if (reader.NamespaceURI == XmlNamespaceManager.XmlnsXmlns) continue; if (reader.NamespaceURI != XmlSchema.InstanceNamespace) HandleError ("Current simple type cannot accept attributes other than schema instance namespace."); switch (reader.LocalName) { case "type": case "nil": case "schemaLocation": case "noNamespaceSchemaLocation": break; default: HandleError ("Unknown schema instance namespace attribute: " + reader.LocalName); break; } } reader.MoveToElement (); // 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 cannot be assessed here. } else if (cType != null) { if (cType.IsAbstract) { // 2. HandleError ("Target complex type is abstract."); return; } // 3.2 AssessElementLocallyValidComplexType (cType); } } // 3.4.4 Element Locally Valid (Complex Type) private void AssessElementLocallyValidComplexType (ComplexType cType) { // 1. if (cType.IsAbstract) HandleError ("Target complex type is abstract."); // 2 (xsi:nil and content prohibition) // See AssessStartElementSchemaValidity() and ValidateCharacters() // 3. attribute uses and // 5. wild IDs if (reader.MoveToFirstAttribute ()) { do { switch (reader.NamespaceURI) { case"http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/": case XmlSchema.InstanceNamespace: continue; } QName qname = new QName (reader.LocalName, reader.NamespaceURI); // including 3.10.4 Item Valid (Wildcard) XmlSchemaObject attMatch = XmlSchemaUtil.FindAttributeDeclaration (reader.NamespaceURI, schemas, cType, qname); if (attMatch == null) HandleError ("Attribute declaration was not found for " + qname); XsAttribute attdecl = attMatch as XsAttribute; if (attdecl != null) { AssessAttributeLocallyValidUse (attdecl); AssessAttributeLocallyValid (attdecl); } // otherwise anyAttribute or null. } while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute ()); reader.MoveToElement (); } // Collect default attributes. // 4. foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in cType.AttributeUses) { XsAttribute attr = (XsAttribute) entry.Value; if (reader [attr.QualifiedName.Name, attr.QualifiedName.Namespace] == null) { if (attr.ValidatedUse == XmlSchemaUse.Required && attr.ValidatedFixedValue == null) HandleError ("Required attribute " + attr.QualifiedName + " was not found."); else if (attr.ValidatedDefaultValue != null || attr.ValidatedFixedValue != null) defaultAttributesCache.Add (attr); } } if (defaultAttributesCache.Count == 0) defaultAttributes = emptyAttributeArray; else defaultAttributes = (XsAttribute []) defaultAttributesCache.ToArray ( typeof (XsAttribute)); defaultAttributesCache.Clear (); // 5. wild IDs was already checked above. } // 3.2.4 Attribute Locally Valid and 3.4.4 private void AssessAttributeLocallyValid (XsAttribute attr) { // 2. - 4. if (attr.AttributeType == null) HandleError ("Attribute type is missing for " + attr.QualifiedName); XsDatatype dt = attr.AttributeType as XsDatatype; if (dt == null) dt = ((SimpleType) attr.AttributeType).Datatype; // It is a bit heavy process, so let's omit as long as possible ;-) if (dt != SimpleType.AnySimpleType || attr.ValidatedFixedValue != null) { string normalized = dt.Normalize (reader.Value); object parsedValue = null; // check part of 3.14.4 StringValid SimpleType st = attr.AttributeType as SimpleType; if (st != null) ValidateRestrictedSimpleTypeValue (st, ref dt, normalized); try { parsedValue = dt.ParseValue (normalized, reader.NameTable, NamespaceManager); } catch (Exception ex) { // FIXME: (wishlist) It is bad manner ;-( HandleError ("Attribute value is invalid against its data type " + dt.TokenizedType, ex); } if (attr.ValidatedFixedValue != null && attr.ValidatedFixedValue != normalized) { HandleError ("The value of the attribute " + attr.QualifiedName + " does not match with its fixed value."); parsedValue = dt.ParseValue (attr.ValidatedFixedValue, reader.NameTable, NamespaceManager); } #region ID Constraints if (this.checkIdentity) { string error = idManager.AssessEachAttributeIdentityConstraint (dt, parsedValue, ((QName) elementQNameStack [elementQNameStack.Count - 1]).Name); if (error != null) HandleError (error); } #endregion } } private void AssessAttributeLocallyValidUse (XsAttribute attr) { // This is extra check than spec 3.5.4 if (attr.ValidatedUse == XmlSchemaUse.Prohibited) HandleError ("Attribute " + attr.QualifiedName + " is prohibited in this context."); } private void AssessEndElementSchemaValidity () { ValidateEndSimpleContent (); ValidateEndElementParticle (); // validate against childrens' state. // 3.3.4 Assess ElementLocallyValidElement 5: value constraints. // 3.3.4 Assess ElementLocallyValidType 3.1.3. = StringValid(3.14.4) // => ValidateEndSimpleContent(). #region Key Constraints if (checkKeyConstraints) ValidateEndElementKeyConstraints (); #endregion // Reset xsi:nil, if required. if (xsiNilDepth == reader.Depth) xsiNilDepth = -1; } #region Key Constraints private void ValidateEndElementKeyConstraints () { // Reset Identity constraints. for (int i = 0; i < keyTables.Count; i++) { XsdKeyTable seq = this.keyTables [i] as XsdKeyTable; if (seq.StartDepth == reader.Depth) { EndIdentityValidation (seq); } else { for (int k = 0; k < seq.Entries.Count; k++) { XsdKeyEntry entry = seq.Entries [k] as XsdKeyEntry; // Remove finished (maybe key not found) entries. if (entry.StartDepth == reader.Depth) { if (entry.KeyFound) seq.FinishedEntries.Add (entry); else if (seq.SourceSchemaIdentity is XmlSchemaKey) HandleError ("Key sequence is missing."); seq.Entries.RemoveAt (k); k--; } // Pop validated key depth to find two or more fields. else { for (int j = 0; j < entry.KeyFields.Count; j++) { XsdKeyEntryField kf = entry.KeyFields [j]; if (!kf.FieldFound && kf.FieldFoundDepth == reader.Depth) { kf.FieldFoundDepth = 0; kf.FieldFoundPath = null; } } } } } } for (int i = 0; i < keyTables.Count; i++) { XsdKeyTable seq = this.keyTables [i] as XsdKeyTable; if (seq.StartDepth == reader.Depth) { keyTables.RemoveAt (i); i--; } } } // 3.11.4 Identity Constraint Satisfied private void ValidateKeySelectors () { if (tmpKeyrefPool != null) tmpKeyrefPool.Clear (); if (Context.Element != null && Context.Element.Constraints.Count > 0) { // (a) Create new key sequences, if required. for (int i = 0; i < Context.Element.Constraints.Count; i++) { XmlSchemaIdentityConstraint ident = (XmlSchemaIdentityConstraint) Context.Element.Constraints [i]; XsdKeyTable seq = CreateNewKeyTable (ident); if (ident is XmlSchemaKeyref) { if (tmpKeyrefPool == null) tmpKeyrefPool = new ArrayList (); tmpKeyrefPool.Add (seq); } } } // (b) Evaluate current key sequences. for (int i = 0; i < keyTables.Count; i++) { XsdKeyTable seq = (XsdKeyTable) keyTables [i]; if (seq.SelectorMatches (this.elementQNameStack, reader.Depth) != null) { // creates and registers new entry. XsdKeyEntry entry = new XsdKeyEntry (seq, reader.Depth, readerLineInfo); seq.Entries.Add (entry); } } } private void ValidateKeyFields () { // (c) Evaluate field paths. for (int i = 0; i < keyTables.Count; i++) { XsdKeyTable seq = (XsdKeyTable) keyTables [i]; // If possible, create new field entry candidates. for (int j = 0; j < seq.Entries.Count; j++) { try { ProcessKeyEntry (seq.Entries [j]); } catch (ValException ex) { HandleError (ex); } } } } private void ProcessKeyEntry (XsdKeyEntry entry) { bool isNil = XsiNilDepth == Depth; entry.ProcessMatch (false, elementQNameStack, this, NameTable, BaseURI, SchemaType, NamespaceManager, readerLineInfo, Depth, null, null, null, isNil, CurrentKeyFieldConsumers); if (MoveToFirstAttribute ()) { try { do { switch (NamespaceURI) { case XmlNamespaceManager.XmlnsXmlns: case XmlSchema.InstanceNamespace: continue; } XmlSchemaDatatype dt = SchemaType as XmlSchemaDatatype; XmlSchemaSimpleType st = SchemaType as XmlSchemaSimpleType; if (dt == null && st != null) dt = st.Datatype; object identity = null; if (dt != null) identity = dt.ParseValue (Value, NameTable, NamespaceManager); if (identity == null) identity = Value; entry.ProcessMatch (true, elementQNameStack, this, NameTable, BaseURI, SchemaType, NamespaceManager, readerLineInfo, Depth, LocalName, NamespaceURI, identity, false, CurrentKeyFieldConsumers); } while (MoveToNextAttribute ()); } finally { MoveToElement (); } } } private XsdKeyTable CreateNewKeyTable (XmlSchemaIdentityConstraint ident) { XsdKeyTable seq = new XsdKeyTable (ident); seq.StartDepth = reader.Depth; this.keyTables.Add (seq); return seq; } private void ValidateSimpleContentIdentity ( XmlSchemaDatatype dt, string value) { // Identity field value if (currentKeyFieldConsumers != null) { while (this.currentKeyFieldConsumers.Count > 0) { XsdKeyEntryField field = this.currentKeyFieldConsumers [0] as XsdKeyEntryField; if (field.Identity != null) HandleError ("Two or more identical field was found. Former value is '" + field.Identity + "' ."); object identity = null; // This means empty value if (dt != null) { try { identity = dt.ParseValue (value, NameTable, NamespaceManager); } catch (Exception ex) { // FIXME: (wishlist) This is bad manner ;-( HandleError ("Identity value is invalid against its data type " + dt.TokenizedType, ex); } } if (identity == null) identity = value; if (!field.SetIdentityField (identity, reader.Depth == xsiNilDepth, dt as XsdAnySimpleType, this.Depth, readerLineInfo)) HandleError ("Two or more identical key value was found: '" + value + "' ."); this.currentKeyFieldConsumers.RemoveAt (0); } } } private void EndIdentityValidation (XsdKeyTable seq) { ArrayList errors = null; for (int i = 0; i < seq.Entries.Count; i++) { XsdKeyEntry entry = (XsdKeyEntry) seq.Entries [i]; if (entry.KeyFound) continue; if (seq.SourceSchemaIdentity is XmlSchemaKey) { if (errors == null) errors = new ArrayList (); errors.Add ("line " + entry.SelectorLineNumber + "position " + entry.SelectorLinePosition); } } if (errors != null) HandleError ("Invalid identity constraints were found. Key was not found. " + String.Join (", ", errors.ToArray (typeof (string)) as string [])); // If it is keyref, then find reference target XmlSchemaKeyref xsdKeyref = seq.SourceSchemaIdentity as XmlSchemaKeyref; if (xsdKeyref != null) EndKeyrefValidation (seq, xsdKeyref.Target); } private void EndKeyrefValidation (XsdKeyTable seq, XmlSchemaIdentityConstraint targetIdent) { for (int i = this.keyTables.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { XsdKeyTable target = this.keyTables [i] as XsdKeyTable; if (target.SourceSchemaIdentity != targetIdent) continue; seq.ReferencedKey = target; for (int j = 0; j < seq.FinishedEntries.Count; j++) { XsdKeyEntry entry = (XsdKeyEntry) seq.FinishedEntries [j]; for (int k = 0; k < target.FinishedEntries.Count; k++) { XsdKeyEntry targetEntry = (XsdKeyEntry) target.FinishedEntries [k]; if (entry.CompareIdentity (targetEntry)) { entry.KeyRefFound = true; break; } } } } if (seq.ReferencedKey == null) HandleError ("Target key was not found."); ArrayList errors = null; for (int i = 0; i < seq.FinishedEntries.Count; i++) { XsdKeyEntry entry = (XsdKeyEntry) seq.FinishedEntries [i]; if (!entry.KeyRefFound) { if (errors == null) errors = new ArrayList (); errors.Add (" line " + entry.SelectorLineNumber + ", position " + entry.SelectorLinePosition); } } if (errors != null) HandleError ("Invalid identity constraints were found. Referenced key was not found: " + String.Join (" / ", errors.ToArray (typeof (string)) as string [])); } #endregion // Overrided Methods public override void Close () { reader.Close (); } public override string GetAttribute (int i) { switch (reader.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration: case XmlNodeType.DocumentType: return reader.GetAttribute (i); } if (reader.AttributeCount > i) reader.GetAttribute (i); int defIdx = i - reader.AttributeCount; if (i < AttributeCount) return defaultAttributes [defIdx].DefaultValue; throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("i", i, "Specified attribute index is out of range."); } public override string GetAttribute (string name) { switch (reader.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration: case XmlNodeType.DocumentType: return reader.GetAttribute (name); } string value = reader.GetAttribute (name); if (value != null) return value; QName qname = SplitQName (name); return GetDefaultAttribute (qname.Name, qname.Namespace); } private QName SplitQName (string name) { if (!XmlChar.IsName (name)) throw new ArgumentException ("Invalid name was specified.", "name"); Exception ex = null; QName qname = XmlSchemaUtil.ToQName (reader, name, out ex); if (ex != null) return QName.Empty; else return qname; } public override string GetAttribute (string localName, string ns) { switch (reader.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration: case XmlNodeType.DocumentType: return reader.GetAttribute (localName, ns); } string value = reader.GetAttribute (localName, ns); if (value != null) return value; return GetDefaultAttribute (localName, ns); } private string GetDefaultAttribute (string localName, string ns) { int idx = this.FindDefaultAttribute (localName, ns); if (idx < 0) return null; string value = defaultAttributes [idx].ValidatedDefaultValue; if (value == null) value = defaultAttributes [idx].ValidatedFixedValue; return value; } private int FindDefaultAttribute (string localName, string ns) { for (int i = 0; i < this.defaultAttributes.Length; i++) { XsAttribute attr = defaultAttributes [i]; if (attr.QualifiedName.Name == localName && (ns == null || attr.QualifiedName.Namespace == ns)) return i; } return -1; } public bool HasLineInfo () { return readerLineInfo != null && readerLineInfo.HasLineInfo (); } public override string LookupNamespace (string prefix) { return reader.LookupNamespace (prefix); } public override void MoveToAttribute (int i) { switch (reader.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration: case XmlNodeType.DocumentType: reader.MoveToAttribute (i); return; } currentAttrType = null; if (i < reader.AttributeCount) { reader.MoveToAttribute (i); this.currentDefaultAttribute = -1; this.defaultAttributeConsumed = false; } if (i < AttributeCount) { this.currentDefaultAttribute = i - reader.AttributeCount; this.defaultAttributeConsumed = false; } else throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("i", i, "Attribute index is out of range."); } public override bool MoveToAttribute (string name) { switch (reader.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration: case XmlNodeType.DocumentType: return reader.MoveToAttribute (name); } currentAttrType = null; bool b = reader.MoveToAttribute (name); if (b) { this.currentDefaultAttribute = -1; this.defaultAttributeConsumed = false; return true; } return MoveToDefaultAttribute (name, null); } public override bool MoveToAttribute (string localName, string ns) { switch (reader.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration: case XmlNodeType.DocumentType: return reader.MoveToAttribute (localName, ns); } currentAttrType = null; bool b = reader.MoveToAttribute (localName, ns); if (b) { this.currentDefaultAttribute = -1; this.defaultAttributeConsumed = false; return true; } return MoveToDefaultAttribute (localName, ns); } private bool MoveToDefaultAttribute (string localName, string ns) { int idx = this.FindDefaultAttribute (localName, ns); if (idx < 0) return false; currentDefaultAttribute = idx; defaultAttributeConsumed = false; return true; } public override bool MoveToElement () { currentDefaultAttribute = -1; defaultAttributeConsumed = false; currentAttrType = null; return reader.MoveToElement (); } public override bool MoveToFirstAttribute () { switch (reader.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration: case XmlNodeType.DocumentType: return reader.MoveToFirstAttribute (); } currentAttrType = null; if (reader.AttributeCount > 0) { bool b = reader.MoveToFirstAttribute (); if (b) { currentDefaultAttribute = -1; defaultAttributeConsumed = false; } return b; } if (this.defaultAttributes.Length > 0) { currentDefaultAttribute = 0; defaultAttributeConsumed = false; return true; } else return false; } public override bool MoveToNextAttribute () { switch (reader.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration: case XmlNodeType.DocumentType: return reader.MoveToNextAttribute (); } currentAttrType = null; if (currentDefaultAttribute >= 0) { if (defaultAttributes.Length == currentDefaultAttribute + 1) return false; currentDefaultAttribute++; defaultAttributeConsumed = false; return true; } bool b = reader.MoveToNextAttribute (); if (b) { currentDefaultAttribute = -1; defaultAttributeConsumed = false; return true; } if (defaultAttributes.Length > 0) { currentDefaultAttribute = 0; defaultAttributeConsumed = false; return true; } else return false; } private XmlSchema ReadExternalSchema (string uri) { Uri absUri = resolver.ResolveUri ((BaseURI != "" ? new Uri (BaseURI) : null), uri); string absUriString = absUri != null ? absUri.ToString () : String.Empty; XmlTextReader xtr = null; try { xtr = new XmlTextReader (absUriString, (Stream) resolver.GetEntity ( absUri, null, typeof (Stream)), NameTable); return XmlSchema.Read ( xtr, ValidationEventHandler); } finally { if (xtr != null) xtr.Close (); } } private void ExamineAdditionalSchema () { if (resolver == null || ValidationType == ValidationType.None) return; XmlSchema schema = null; string schemaLocation = reader.GetAttribute ("schemaLocation", XmlSchema.InstanceNamespace); bool schemaAdded = false; if (schemaLocation != null) { string [] tmp = null; try { schemaLocation = XsDatatype.FromName ("token", XmlSchema.Namespace).Normalize (schemaLocation); tmp = schemaLocation.Split (XmlChar.WhitespaceChars); } catch (Exception ex) { if (schemas.Count == 0) HandleError ("Invalid schemaLocation attribute format.", ex, true); tmp = new string [0]; } if (tmp.Length % 2 != 0) if (schemas.Count == 0) HandleError ("Invalid schemaLocation attribute format."); int i=0; do { try { for (; i < tmp.Length; i += 2) { schema = ReadExternalSchema (tmp [i + 1]); if (schema.TargetNamespace == null) schema.TargetNamespace = tmp [i]; else if (schema.TargetNamespace != tmp [i]) HandleError ("Specified schema has different target namespace."); if (schema != null) { if (!schemas.Contains (schema.TargetNamespace)) { schemaAdded = true; schemas.Add (schema); } schema = null; } } } catch (Exception) { if (!schemas.Contains (tmp [i])) HandleError (String.Format ("Could not resolve schema location URI: {0}", i + 1 < tmp.Length ? tmp [i + 1] : String.Empty), null, true); i += 2; continue; } } while (i < tmp.Length); } string noNsSchemaLocation = reader.GetAttribute ("noNamespaceSchemaLocation", XmlSchema.InstanceNamespace); if (noNsSchemaLocation != null) { try { schema = ReadExternalSchema (noNsSchemaLocation); } catch (Exception) { // FIXME: (wishlist) It is bad manner ;-( if (schemas.Count != 0) HandleError ("Could not resolve schema location URI: " + noNsSchemaLocation, null, true); } if (schema != null && schema.TargetNamespace != null) HandleError ("Specified schema has different target namespace."); } if (schema != null) { if (!schemas.Contains (schema.TargetNamespace)) { schemaAdded = true; schemas.Add (schema); } } // FIXME: should call Reprocess()? if (schemaAdded) schemas.Compile (); } public override bool Read () { validationStarted = true; currentDefaultAttribute = -1; defaultAttributeConsumed = false; currentAttrType = null; defaultAttributes = emptyAttributeArray; bool result = reader.Read (); // FIXME: schemaLocation could be specified // at any Depth. if (reader.Depth == 0 && reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { // If the reader is DTDValidatingReader (it // is the default behavior of // XmlValidatingReader) and DTD didn't appear, // we could just use its source XmlReader. DTDValidatingReader dtdr = reader as DTDValidatingReader; if (dtdr != null && dtdr.DTD == null) reader = dtdr.Source; ExamineAdditionalSchema (); } if (schemas.Count == 0) return result; if (!schemas.IsCompiled) schemas.Compile (); #region ID Constraints if (this.checkIdentity) idManager.OnStartElement (); // 3.3.4 ElementLocallyValidElement 7 = Root Valid. if (!result && this.checkIdentity && idManager.HasMissingIDReferences ()) HandleError ("There are missing ID references: " + idManager.GetMissingIDString ()); #endregion switch (reader.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Element: #region Key Constraints if (checkKeyConstraints) this.elementQNameStack.Add (new QName (reader.LocalName, reader.NamespaceURI)); #endregion // If there is no schema information, then no validation is performed. if (skipValidationDepth < 0 || reader.Depth <= skipValidationDepth) { ValidateEndSimpleContent (); AssessStartElementSchemaValidity (); } if (reader.IsEmptyElement) goto case XmlNodeType.EndElement; else if (xsiNilDepth < reader.Depth) shouldValidateCharacters = true; break; case XmlNodeType.EndElement: if (reader.Depth == skipValidationDepth) skipValidationDepth = -1; else if (skipValidationDepth < 0 || reader.Depth <= skipValidationDepth) AssessEndElementSchemaValidity (); if (checkKeyConstraints) elementQNameStack.RemoveAt (elementQNameStack.Count - 1); break; case XmlNodeType.CDATA: case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace: case XmlNodeType.Whitespace: case XmlNodeType.Text: if (skipValidationDepth >= 0 && reader.Depth > skipValidationDepth) break; ComplexType ct = Context.ActualType as ComplexType; if (ct != null) { switch (ct.ContentType) { case XmlSchemaContentType.ElementOnly: if (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Whitespace) HandleError (String.Format ("Not allowed character content is found (current content model '{0}' is element-only).", ct.QualifiedName)); break; case XmlSchemaContentType.Empty: HandleError (String.Format ("Not allowed character content is found (current element content model '{0}' is empty).", ct.QualifiedName)); break; } } ValidateCharacters (); break; } return result; } public override bool ReadAttributeValue () { if (currentDefaultAttribute < 0) return reader.ReadAttributeValue (); if (this.defaultAttributeConsumed) return false; defaultAttributeConsumed = true; return true; } // XmlReader.ReadString() should call derived this.Read(). public override string ReadString () { return base.ReadString (); } // This class itself does not have this feature. public override void ResolveEntity () { reader.ResolveEntity (); } } internal class XsdValidationContext { public XsdValidationContext () { } object xsi_type; public object XsiType { get { return xsi_type; } set { xsi_type = value; } } // xsi:type internal XsdValidationState State; Stack element_stack = new Stack (); // Some of them might be missing (See the spec section 5.3, and also 3.3.4). public XsElement Element { get { return element_stack.Count > 0 ? element_stack.Peek () as XsElement : null; } } public void PushCurrentElement (XsElement element) { element_stack.Push (element); } public void PopCurrentElement () { element_stack.Pop (); } // Note that it represents current element's type. public object ActualType { get { // FIXME: actually this should also be stacked if (element_stack.Count == 0) return null; if (XsiType != null) return XsiType; else return Element != null ? Element.ElementType : null; } } #if NET_2_0 public XmlSchemaType ActualSchemaType { get { object at = ActualType; if (at == null) return null; XmlSchemaType st = at as XmlSchemaType; if (st == null) st = XmlSchemaType.GetBuiltInSimpleType ( ((XmlSchemaDatatype) at).TypeCode); return st; } } #endif public bool IsInvalid { get { return State == XsdValidationState.Invalid; } } public object Clone () { return MemberwiseClone (); } public void EvaluateStartElement ( string localName, string ns) { State = State.EvaluateStartElement (localName, ns); } public bool EvaluateEndElement () { return State.EvaluateEndElement (); } } internal class XsdIDManager { public XsdIDManager () { } Hashtable idList = new Hashtable (); ArrayList missingIDReferences; string thisElementId; private ArrayList MissingIDReferences { get { if (missingIDReferences == null) missingIDReferences = new ArrayList (); return missingIDReferences; } } public void OnStartElement () { thisElementId = null; } // 3.4.4-5 wild IDs public string AssessEachAttributeIdentityConstraint ( XsDatatype dt, object parsedValue, string elementName) { // Validate identity constraints. string str = parsedValue as string; switch (dt.TokenizedType) { case XmlTokenizedType.ID: if (thisElementId != null) return "ID type attribute was already assigned in the containing element."; else thisElementId = str; if (idList.ContainsKey (str)) return "Duplicate ID value was found."; else idList.Add (str, elementName); if (MissingIDReferences.Contains (str)) MissingIDReferences.Remove (str); break; case XmlTokenizedType.IDREF: if (!idList.Contains (str) && !MissingIDReferences.Contains (str)) MissingIDReferences.Add (str); break; case XmlTokenizedType.IDREFS: string [] idrefs = (string []) parsedValue; for (int i = 0; i < idrefs.Length; i++) { string id = idrefs [i]; if (!idList.Contains (id) && !MissingIDReferences.Contains (str)) MissingIDReferences.Add (id); } break; } return null; } public bool HasMissingIDReferences () { return missingIDReferences != null && missingIDReferences.Count > 0; } public string GetMissingIDString () { return String.Join (" ", MissingIDReferences.ToArray (typeof (string)) as string []); } } }