//------------------------------------------------------------ // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //------------------------------------------------------------ using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Reflection; using System.Workflow.ComponentModel; using System.Workflow.Runtime; using System.Workflow.Runtime.Configuration; using System.Workflow.Runtime.Hosting; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Globalization; using System.Threading; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; using System.Configuration; namespace System.Workflow.Activities { internal interface IDeliverMessage { object[] PrepareEventArgsArray(object sender, ExternalDataEventArgs eventArgs, out object workItem, out IPendingWork workHandler); void DeliverMessage(ExternalDataEventArgs eventArgs, IComparable queueName, object message, object workItem, IPendingWork workHandler); } [Obsolete("The System.Workflow.* types are deprecated. Instead, please use the new types from System.Activities.*")] public class ExternalDataExchangeServiceSection : ConfigurationSection { private const string _services = "Services"; /// <summary> The providers to be instantiated by the service container. </summary> [ConfigurationProperty(_services, DefaultValue = null)] public WorkflowRuntimeServiceElementCollection Services { get { return (WorkflowRuntimeServiceElementCollection)base[_services]; } } } [Obsolete("The System.Workflow.* types are deprecated. Instead, please use the new types from System.Activities.*")] public class ExternalDataExchangeService : WorkflowRuntimeService { Dictionary<int, WorkflowMessageEventHandler> eventHandlers = null; object handlersLock = new object(); private const string configurationSectionAttributeName = "ConfigurationSection"; ExternalDataExchangeServiceSection settings = null; IDeliverMessage enqueueMessageWrapper = null; List<object> services; object servicesLock = new object(); public ExternalDataExchangeService() { this.eventHandlers = new Dictionary<int, WorkflowMessageEventHandler>(); this.services = new List<object>(); this.enqueueMessageWrapper = new EnqueueMessageWrapper(this); } public ExternalDataExchangeService(string configSectionName) : this() { if (configSectionName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("configSectionName"); settings = ConfigurationManager.GetSection(configSectionName) as ExternalDataExchangeServiceSection; if (settings == null) throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, SR.GetString(SR.Error_ConfigurationSectionNotFound), configSectionName)); } public ExternalDataExchangeService(NameValueCollection parameters) : this() { if (parameters == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("parameters"); string configurationSectionName = null; foreach (string key in parameters.Keys) { if (key.Equals(configurationSectionAttributeName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { configurationSectionName = parameters[key]; } else { throw new ArgumentException( String.Format(Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture, SR.GetString(SR.Error_UnknownConfigurationParameter), key), "parameters"); } } if (configurationSectionName != null) { settings = ConfigurationManager.GetSection(configurationSectionName) as ExternalDataExchangeServiceSection; if (settings == null) throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, SR.GetString(SR.Error_ConfigurationSectionNotFound), configurationSectionName)); } } public ExternalDataExchangeService(ExternalDataExchangeServiceSection settings) : this() { if (settings == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("settings"); this.settings = settings; } internal ReadOnlyCollection<object> GetAllServices() { ReadOnlyCollection<object> collection; lock (this.servicesLock) { collection = this.services.AsReadOnly(); } return collection; } protected override void Start() { if (settings != null) { foreach (WorkflowRuntimeServiceElement service in settings.Services) { AddService(ServiceFromSettings(service)); } } if (this.Runtime != null) { base.Start(); } } internal void SetEnqueueMessageWrapper(IDeliverMessage wrapper) { this.enqueueMessageWrapper = wrapper; foreach (WorkflowMessageEventHandler eventHandler in this.eventHandlers.Values) { eventHandler.EnqueueWrapper = wrapper; } } // Todo: This is duplicate of code in WorkflowRuntime internal object ServiceFromSettings(WorkflowRuntimeServiceElement serviceSettings) { object service = null; Type t = Type.GetType(serviceSettings.Type, true); ConstructorInfo serviceProviderAndSettingsConstructor = null; ConstructorInfo serviceProviderConstructor = null; ConstructorInfo settingsConstructor = null; foreach (ConstructorInfo ci in t.GetConstructors()) { ParameterInfo[] pi = ci.GetParameters(); if (pi.Length == 1) { if (typeof(IServiceProvider).IsAssignableFrom(pi[0].ParameterType)) { serviceProviderConstructor = ci; } else if (typeof(NameValueCollection).IsAssignableFrom(pi[0].ParameterType)) { settingsConstructor = ci; } } else if (pi.Length == 2) { if (typeof(IServiceProvider).IsAssignableFrom(pi[0].ParameterType) && typeof(NameValueCollection).IsAssignableFrom(pi[1].ParameterType)) { serviceProviderAndSettingsConstructor = ci; break; } } } if (serviceProviderAndSettingsConstructor != null) { service = serviceProviderAndSettingsConstructor.Invoke( new object[] { Runtime, serviceSettings.Parameters }); } else if (serviceProviderConstructor != null) { service = serviceProviderConstructor.Invoke(new object[] { Runtime }); } else if (settingsConstructor != null) { service = settingsConstructor.Invoke(new object[] { serviceSettings.Parameters }); } else { service = Activator.CreateInstance(t); } return service; } public virtual void AddService(object service) { if (service == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("service"); InterceptService(service, true); if (this.Runtime != null) { this.Runtime.AddService(service); } else { lock (this.servicesLock) { this.services.Add(service); } } } public virtual void RemoveService(object service) { if (service == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("service"); InterceptService(service, false); if (this.Runtime != null) { this.Runtime.RemoveService(service); } else { lock (this.servicesLock) { this.services.Remove(service); } } } public virtual object GetService(Type serviceType) { if (serviceType == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("serviceType"); if (this.Runtime != null) { return this.Runtime.GetService(serviceType); } else { lock (this.servicesLock) { foreach (object service in this.services) { if (serviceType.IsAssignableFrom(service.GetType())) { return service; } } return null; } } } internal void InterceptService(object service, bool add) { bool isDataExchangeService = false; Type[] interfaceTypes = service.GetType().GetInterfaces(); foreach (Type type in interfaceTypes) { object[] attributes = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ExternalDataExchangeAttribute), false); if (attributes.Length == 0) continue; if (this.Runtime != null && this.Runtime.GetService(type) != null && add) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, SR.GetString(SR.Error_ExternalDataExchangeServiceExists), type)); isDataExchangeService = true; EventInfo[] events = type.GetEvents(); if (events == null) continue; foreach (EventInfo e in events) { WorkflowMessageEventHandler handler = null; int hash = type.GetHashCode() ^ e.Name.GetHashCode(); lock (handlersLock) { if (!this.eventHandlers.ContainsKey(hash)) { handler = new WorkflowMessageEventHandler(type, e, this.enqueueMessageWrapper); this.eventHandlers.Add(hash, handler); } else { handler = this.eventHandlers[hash]; } } AddRemove(service, handler.Delegate, add, e.Name); } } if (!isDataExchangeService) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, SR.GetString(SR.Error_ServiceMissingExternalDataExchangeInterface))); } private void AddRemove(object addedservice, Delegate delg, bool add, string eventName) { try { string eventAction; if (add) eventAction = "add_" + eventName; else eventAction = "remove_" + eventName; Type serviceType = addedservice.GetType(); if (delg != null) { // add or remove interception handler object[] del = { delg }; serviceType.InvokeMember(eventAction, BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, addedservice, del, null); } } catch (Exception e) { if (IsIrrecoverableException(e)) { throw; } // cannot intercept this event } } internal static bool IsIrrecoverableException(Exception e) { return ((e is OutOfMemoryException) || (e is StackOverflowException) || (e is ThreadInterruptedException) || (e is ThreadAbortException)); } class EnqueueMessageWrapper : IDeliverMessage { ExternalDataExchangeService eds; public EnqueueMessageWrapper(ExternalDataExchangeService eds) { this.eds = eds; } public object[] PrepareEventArgsArray(object sender, ExternalDataEventArgs eventArgs, out object workItem, out IPendingWork workHandler) { // remove the batch items from the event args, only the runtime needs this data // and it is not necessarily serializable. workItem = eventArgs.WorkItem; eventArgs.WorkItem = null; workHandler = eventArgs.WorkHandler; eventArgs.WorkHandler = null; return new object[] { sender, eventArgs }; } public void DeliverMessage(ExternalDataEventArgs eventArgs, IComparable queueName, object message, object workItem, IPendingWork workHandler) { WorkflowInstance workflowInstance = this.eds.Runtime.GetWorkflow(eventArgs.InstanceId); if (eventArgs.WaitForIdle) { workflowInstance.EnqueueItemOnIdle(queueName, message, workHandler, workItem); } else { workflowInstance.EnqueueItem(queueName, message, workHandler, workItem); } } } } }