//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // <copyright file="ObjectDataSource.cs" company="Microsoft"> // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // </copyright> //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace System.Web.UI.WebControls { using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Design; using System.Globalization; using System.Text; using System.Web.Caching; using System.Web.UI; /// <devdoc> /// Represents a data source that calls methods on a business object in order to /// perform the Delete, Insert, Select, and Update operations. The business object /// is specified in the TypeName property. /// </devdoc> [ DefaultEvent("Selecting"), DefaultProperty("TypeName"), Designer("System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.ObjectDataSourceDesigner, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign), ParseChildren(true), PersistChildren(false), ToolboxBitmap(typeof(ObjectDataSource)), WebSysDescription(SR.ObjectDataSource_Description), WebSysDisplayName(SR.ObjectDataSource_DisplayName) ] public class ObjectDataSource : DataSourceControl { private const string DefaultViewName = "DefaultView"; private SqlDataSourceCache _cache; private ObjectDataSourceView _view; private ICollection _viewNames; /// <devdoc> /// Creates a new instance of ObjectDataSource. /// </devdoc> public ObjectDataSource() { } /// <devdoc> /// Creates a new instance of ObjectDataSource with a specified type name and select method. /// </devdoc> public ObjectDataSource(string typeName, string selectMethod) { TypeName = typeName; SelectMethod = selectMethod; } /// <devdoc> /// Specifies the cache settings for this data source. For the cache to /// work, the SelectMethod must return a DataSet. /// </devdoc> internal SqlDataSourceCache Cache { get { if (_cache == null) { _cache = new SqlDataSourceCache(); } return _cache; } } /// <devdoc> /// The duration, in seconds, of the expiration. The expiration policy is specified by the CacheExpirationPolicy property. /// </devdoc> [ DefaultValue(DataSourceCache.Infinite), TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(DataSourceCacheDurationConverter)), WebCategory("Cache"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataSourceCache_Duration), ] public virtual int CacheDuration { get { return Cache.Duration; } set { Cache.Duration = value; } } /// <devdoc> /// The expiration policy of the cache. The duration for the expiration is specified by the CacheDuration property. /// </devdoc> [ DefaultValue(DataSourceCacheExpiry.Absolute), WebCategory("Cache"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataSourceCache_ExpirationPolicy), ] public virtual DataSourceCacheExpiry CacheExpirationPolicy { get { return Cache.ExpirationPolicy; } set { Cache.ExpirationPolicy = value; } } /// <devdoc> /// Indicates an arbitrary cache key to make this cache entry depend on. This allows /// the user to further customize when this cache entry will expire. /// </devdoc> [ DefaultValue(""), WebCategory("Cache"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataSourceCache_KeyDependency), ] public virtual string CacheKeyDependency { get { return Cache.KeyDependency; } set { Cache.KeyDependency = value; } } /// <devdoc> /// Whether the commands pass old values in the parameter collection. /// </devdoc> [ DefaultValue(ConflictOptions.OverwriteChanges), WebCategory("Data"), WebSysDescription(SR.ObjectDataSource_ConflictDetection), ] public ConflictOptions ConflictDetection { get { return GetView().ConflictDetection; } set { GetView().ConflictDetection = value; } } /// <devdoc> /// Whether null values passed into insert/update/delete operations /// will be converted to System.DbNull. /// </devdoc> [ DefaultValue(false), WebCategory("Data"), WebSysDescription(SR.ObjectDataSource_ConvertNullToDBNull), ] public bool ConvertNullToDBNull { get { return GetView().ConvertNullToDBNull; } set { GetView().ConvertNullToDBNull = value; } } /// <devdoc> /// An optional type that is used for update, insert, and delete /// scenarios where the object's methods take in an aggregate object /// rather than one parameter for each property in the selected data. /// </devdoc> [ DefaultValue(""), WebCategory("Data"), WebSysDescription(SR.ObjectDataSource_DataObjectTypeName), ] public string DataObjectTypeName { get { return GetView().DataObjectTypeName; } set { GetView().DataObjectTypeName = value; } } /// <devdoc> /// The method to execute when Delete() is called. /// </devdoc> [ DefaultValue(""), WebCategory("Data"), WebSysDescription(SR.ObjectDataSource_DeleteMethod), ] public string DeleteMethod { get { return GetView().DeleteMethod; } set { GetView().DeleteMethod = value; } } /// <devdoc> // Collection of parameters used when calling the DeleteMethod. These parameters are merged with the parameters provided by data-bound controls. /// </devdoc> [ DefaultValue(null), Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.ParameterCollectionEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), MergableProperty(false), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebCategory("Data"), WebSysDescription(SR.ObjectDataSource_DeleteParameters), ] public ParameterCollection DeleteParameters { get { return GetView().DeleteParameters; } } /// <devdoc> /// Whether caching is enabled for this data source. /// </devdoc> [ DefaultValue(false), WebCategory("Cache"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataSourceCache_Enabled), ] public virtual bool EnableCaching { get { return Cache.Enabled; } set { Cache.Enabled = value; } } /// <devdoc> /// Indicates whether the Select method supports paging. If this is set to true, the /// StartRowIndexParameterName and MaximumRowsParameterName properties must be set to the /// names of the parameters of the Select method that accept the values for the starting /// record to retrieve and the number of records to retrieve. /// </devdoc> [ DefaultValue(false), WebCategory("Paging"), WebSysDescription(SR.ObjectDataSource_EnablePaging), ] public bool EnablePaging { get { return GetView().EnablePaging; } set { GetView().EnablePaging = value; } } /// <devdoc> /// Filter expression used when Select() is called. Filtering is only available when the SelectMethod returns a DataSet. /// </devdoc> [ DefaultValue(""), WebCategory("Data"), WebSysDescription(SR.ObjectDataSource_FilterExpression), ] public string FilterExpression { get { return GetView().FilterExpression; } set { GetView().FilterExpression = value; } } /// <devdoc> /// Collection of parameters used in the FilterExpression property. Filtering is only available when the SelectMethod returns a DataSet. /// </devdoc> [ DefaultValue(null), Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.ParameterCollectionEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), MergableProperty(false), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebCategory("Data"), WebSysDescription(SR.ObjectDataSource_FilterParameters), ] public ParameterCollection FilterParameters { get { return GetView().FilterParameters; } } /// <devdoc> /// The method to execute when Insert() is called. /// </devdoc> [ DefaultValue(""), WebCategory("Data"), WebSysDescription(SR.ObjectDataSource_InsertMethod), ] public string InsertMethod { get { return GetView().InsertMethod; } set { GetView().InsertMethod = value; } } /// <devdoc> /// Collection of values used when calling the InsertMethod. These parameters are merged with the parameters provided by data-bound controls. /// </devdoc> [ DefaultValue(null), Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.ParameterCollectionEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), MergableProperty(false), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebCategory("Data"), WebSysDescription(SR.ObjectDataSource_InsertParameters), ] public ParameterCollection InsertParameters { get { return GetView().InsertParameters; } } /// <devdoc> /// When EnablePaging is set to true, this property indicates the parameter of the Select /// method that accepts the value for the number of records to retrieve. /// </devdoc> [ DefaultValue("maximumRows"), WebCategory("Paging"), WebSysDescription(SR.ObjectDataSource_MaximumRowsParameterName), ] public string MaximumRowsParameterName { get { return GetView().MaximumRowsParameterName; } set { GetView().MaximumRowsParameterName = value; } } /// <devdoc> /// The format string applied to the names of the old values parameters /// </devdoc> [ DefaultValue("{0}"), WebCategory("Data"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataSource_OldValuesParameterFormatString), ] public string OldValuesParameterFormatString { get { return GetView().OldValuesParameterFormatString; } set { GetView().OldValuesParameterFormatString = value; } } /// <devdoc> /// The command to execute when Select is called on the ObjectDataSourceView, requesting the total number of rows. /// </devdoc> [ DefaultValue(""), WebCategory("Paging"), WebSysDescription(SR.ObjectDataSource_SelectCountMethod), ] public string SelectCountMethod { get { return GetView().SelectCountMethod; } set { GetView().SelectCountMethod = value; } } /// <devdoc> /// The method to execute when Select() is called. /// </devdoc> [ DefaultValue(""), WebCategory("Data"), WebSysDescription(SR.ObjectDataSource_SelectMethod), ] public string SelectMethod { get { return GetView().SelectMethod; } set { GetView().SelectMethod = value; } } /// <devdoc> /// Collection of parameters used when calling the SelectMethod. /// </devdoc> [ DefaultValue(null), Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.ParameterCollectionEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), MergableProperty(false), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebCategory("Data"), WebSysDescription(SR.ObjectDataSource_SelectParameters), ] public ParameterCollection SelectParameters { get { return GetView().SelectParameters; } } /// <devdoc> /// The name of the parameter in the SelectMethod that specifies the /// sort expression. This parameter's value will be automatically set /// at runtime with the appropriate sort expression. /// </devdoc> [ DefaultValue(""), WebCategory("Data"), WebSysDescription(SR.ObjectDataSource_SortParameterName), ] public string SortParameterName { get { return GetView().SortParameterName; } set { GetView().SortParameterName = value; } } /// <devdoc> /// A semi-colon delimited string indicating which databases to use for the dependency in the format "database1:table1;database2:table2". /// </devdoc> [ DefaultValue(""), WebCategory("Cache"), WebSysDescription(SR.SqlDataSourceCache_SqlCacheDependency), ] public virtual string SqlCacheDependency { get { return Cache.SqlCacheDependency; } set { Cache.SqlCacheDependency = value; } } /// <devdoc> /// When EnablePaging is set to true, this property indicates the parameter of the Select /// method that accepts the value for the number of first record to retrieve. /// </devdoc> [ DefaultValue("startRowIndex"), WebCategory("Paging"), WebSysDescription(SR.ObjectDataSource_StartRowIndexParameterName), ] public string StartRowIndexParameterName { get { return GetView().StartRowIndexParameterName; } set { GetView().StartRowIndexParameterName = value; } } /// <devdoc> /// The type that contains the methods specified in this control. /// </devdoc> [ DefaultValue(""), WebCategory("Data"), WebSysDescription(SR.ObjectDataSource_TypeName), ] public string TypeName { get { return GetView().TypeName; } set { GetView().TypeName = value; } } /// <devdoc> /// The method to execute when Update() is called. /// </devdoc> [ DefaultValue(""), WebCategory("Data"), WebSysDescription(SR.ObjectDataSource_UpdateMethod), ] public string UpdateMethod { get { return GetView().UpdateMethod; } set { GetView().UpdateMethod = value; } } /// <devdoc> /// Collection of parameters and values used when calling the UpdateMethod. These parameters are merged with the parameters provided by data-bound controls. /// </devdoc> [ DefaultValue(null), Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.ParameterCollectionEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), MergableProperty(false), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebCategory("Data"), WebSysDescription(SR.ObjectDataSource_UpdateParameters), ] public ParameterCollection UpdateParameters { get { return GetView().UpdateParameters; } } /// <summary> /// Indicates which <see cref='System.Globalization.CultureInfo'/> is used by ObjectDataSource /// when converting string values to actual types of properties while constructing an object of type /// <see cref='System.Web.UI.WebControls.ObjectDataSource.DataObjectTypeName'/>. /// </summary> [ DefaultValue(ParsingCulture.Invariant), WebCategory("Behavior"), WebSysDescription(SR.ObjectDataSource_ParsingCulture) ] public ParsingCulture ParsingCulture { get { return GetView().ParsingCulture; } set { GetView().ParsingCulture = value; } } /// <devdoc> /// This event is raised after the Delete operation has completed. /// Handle this event if you need to examine the return values of /// the method call, or examine an exception that may have been thrown. /// </devdoc> [ WebCategory("Data"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataSource_Deleted), ] public event ObjectDataSourceStatusEventHandler Deleted { add { GetView().Deleted += value; } remove { GetView().Deleted -= value; } } /// <devdoc> /// This event is raised before the Delete operation has been executed. /// Handle this event if you need to validate the values of parameters or /// change their values. /// </devdoc> [ WebCategory("Data"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataSource_Deleting), ] public event ObjectDataSourceMethodEventHandler Deleting { add { GetView().Deleting += value; } remove { GetView().Deleting -= value; } } /// <devdoc> /// This event is raised before the Filter operation takes place. /// Handle this event if you want to perform validation operations on /// the parameter values. This event is only raised if the FilterExpression /// is set. If the Cancel property of the event arguments is set to true, /// the Select operation is aborted and the operation will return null. /// </devdoc> [ WebCategory("Data"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataSource_Filtering), ] public event ObjectDataSourceFilteringEventHandler Filtering { add { GetView().Filtering += value; } remove { GetView().Filtering -= value; } } /// <devdoc> /// This event is raised after the Insert operation has completed. /// Handle this event if you need to examine the return values of /// the method call, or examine an exception that may have been thrown. /// </devdoc> [ WebCategory("Data"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataSource_Inserted), ] public event ObjectDataSourceStatusEventHandler Inserted { add { GetView().Inserted += value; } remove { GetView().Inserted -= value; } } /// <devdoc> /// This event is raised before the Insert operation has been executed. /// Handle this event if you need to validate the values of parameters or /// change their values. /// </devdoc> [ WebCategory("Data"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataSource_Inserting), ] public event ObjectDataSourceMethodEventHandler Inserting { add { GetView().Inserting += value; } remove { GetView().Inserting -= value; } } /// <devdoc> /// This event is raised after the instance of the object has been created. /// Handle this event if you need to set additional properties on the /// object before any other methods are called. This event will not be /// raised if a custom instance was provided in the ObjectCreating event. /// </devdoc> [ WebCategory("Data"), WebSysDescription(SR.ObjectDataSource_ObjectCreated), ] public event ObjectDataSourceObjectEventHandler ObjectCreated { add { GetView().ObjectCreated += value; } remove { GetView().ObjectCreated -= value; } } /// <devdoc> /// This event is raised before the instance of the object has been created. /// Handle this event if you need to call a non-default constructor on the /// object. Set the ObjectInstance property of the EventArgs with the /// custom instance. If this is set, the ObjectCreated event will not be /// raised. /// </devdoc> [ WebCategory("Data"), WebSysDescription(SR.ObjectDataSource_ObjectCreating), ] public event ObjectDataSourceObjectEventHandler ObjectCreating { add { GetView().ObjectCreating += value; } remove { GetView().ObjectCreating -= value; } } /// <devdoc> /// This event is raised before the instance of the object is disposed. /// Handle this event if you need to retrieve properties on the /// object before it is disposed. If the object implements the IDispoable /// interface, then the Dispose() method will be called automatically. /// Set the Cancel property of the event args to true if you do not want /// IDisposable.Dispose() to be called automatically. /// </devdoc> [ WebCategory("Data"), WebSysDescription(SR.ObjectDataSource_ObjectDisposing), ] public event ObjectDataSourceDisposingEventHandler ObjectDisposing { add { GetView().ObjectDisposing += value; } remove { GetView().ObjectDisposing -= value; } } /// <devdoc> /// This event is raised after the Select operation has completed. /// Handle this event if you need to examine the return values of /// the method call, or examine an exception that may have been thrown. /// </devdoc> [ WebCategory("Data"), WebSysDescription(SR.ObjectDataSource_Selected), ] public event ObjectDataSourceStatusEventHandler Selected { add { GetView().Selected += value; } remove { GetView().Selected -= value; } } /// <devdoc> /// This event is raised before the Select operation has been executed. /// Handle this event if you need to validate the values of parameters or /// change their values. /// </devdoc> [ WebCategory("Data"), WebSysDescription(SR.ObjectDataSource_Selecting), ] public event ObjectDataSourceSelectingEventHandler Selecting { add { GetView().Selecting += value; } remove { GetView().Selecting -= value; } } /// <devdoc> /// This event is raised after the Update operation has completed. /// Handle this event if you need to examine the return values of /// the method call, or examine an exception that may have been thrown. /// </devdoc> [ WebCategory("Data"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataSource_Updated), ] public event ObjectDataSourceStatusEventHandler Updated { add { GetView().Updated += value; } remove { GetView().Updated -= value; } } /// <devdoc> /// This event is raised before the Update operation has been executed. /// Handle this event if you need to validate the values of parameters or /// change their values. /// </devdoc> [ WebCategory("Data"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataSource_Updating), ] public event ObjectDataSourceMethodEventHandler Updating { add { GetView().Updating += value; } remove { GetView().Updating -= value; } } /// <devdoc> /// Creates a unique cache key for this data source's data. /// </devdoc> internal string CreateCacheKey(int startRowIndex, int maximumRows) { StringBuilder sb = CreateRawCacheKey(); sb.Append(':'); sb.Append(startRowIndex.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); sb.Append(':'); sb.Append(maximumRows.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); return sb.ToString(); } /// <devdoc> /// Creates the cache key for the master (parent) cache entry, which holds the total row count. /// </devdoc> internal string CreateMasterCacheKey() { return CreateRawCacheKey().ToString(); } /// <devdoc> /// Returns the string for the raw (unhashed) master cache key. /// </devdoc> [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2303:FlagTypeGetHashCode", Justification = "This is specifically on ObjectDataSource type which is not a com interop type.")] private StringBuilder CreateRawCacheKey() { // Note: The cache key will contain information such as type names and // method names, however it will be stored in the internal cache, which is // not accessible to page developers, so it is secure. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(CacheInternal.PrefixDataSourceControl, 1024); sb.Append(GetType().GetHashCode().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); sb.Append(":"); sb.Append(CacheDuration.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); sb.Append(':'); sb.Append(((int)CacheExpirationPolicy).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); sb.Append(":"); sb.Append(SqlCacheDependency); sb.Append(":"); sb.Append(TypeName); sb.Append(":"); sb.Append(SelectMethod); // Append parameter names and values if (SelectParameters.Count > 0) { sb.Append("?"); IDictionary parameters = SelectParameters.GetValues(Context, this); foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in parameters) { sb.Append(entry.Key.ToString()); if ((entry.Value != null) && (entry.Value != DBNull.Value)) { sb.Append("="); sb.Append(entry.Value.ToString()); } else { if (entry.Value == DBNull.Value) { sb.Append("(dbnull)"); } else { sb.Append("(null)"); } } sb.Append("&"); } } return sb; } /// <devdoc> /// Deletes rows from the data source using the parameters specified in the DeleteParameters collection. /// </devdoc> public int Delete() { return GetView().Delete(null, null); } /// <devdoc> /// Dynamically creates the default (and only) ObjectDataSourceView on demand. /// </devdoc> private ObjectDataSourceView GetView() { if (_view == null) { _view = new ObjectDataSourceView(this, DefaultViewName, Context); if (IsTrackingViewState) { ((IStateManager)_view).TrackViewState(); } } return _view; } /// <devdoc> /// Gets the view associated with this data source. /// </devdoc> protected override DataSourceView GetView(string viewName) { if (viewName == null || (viewName.Length != 0 && !String.Equals(viewName, DefaultViewName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataSource_InvalidViewName, ID, DefaultViewName), "viewName"); } return GetView(); } /// <devdoc> /// </devdoc> protected override ICollection GetViewNames() { if (_viewNames == null) { _viewNames = new string[1] { DefaultViewName }; } return _viewNames; } /// <devdoc> /// Inserts a new row with names and values specified the InsertValues collection. /// </devdoc> public int Insert() { return GetView().Insert(null); } /// <devdoc> /// Invalidates a cache entry. /// </devdoc> internal void InvalidateCacheEntry() { string key = CreateMasterCacheKey(); Cache.Invalidate(key); } /// <devdoc> /// Event handler for the Page's LoadComplete event. /// Updates the parameters' values to possibly raise a DataSourceViewChanged event, causing bound controls to re-databind. /// </devdoc> private void LoadCompleteEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e) { SelectParameters.UpdateValues(Context, this); FilterParameters.UpdateValues(Context, this); } /// <devdoc> /// Loads data from the cache. /// </devdoc> internal object LoadDataFromCache(int startRowIndex, int maximumRows) { string key = CreateCacheKey(startRowIndex, maximumRows); return Cache.LoadDataFromCache(key); } /// <devdoc> /// Loads data from the cache. /// </devdoc> internal int LoadTotalRowCountFromCache() { string key = CreateMasterCacheKey(); object data = Cache.LoadDataFromCache(key); if (data is int) return (int)data; return -1; } /// <devdoc> /// Loads view state. /// </devdoc> protected override void LoadViewState(object savedState) { Pair myState = (Pair)savedState; if (savedState == null) { base.LoadViewState(null); } else { base.LoadViewState(myState.First); if (myState.Second != null) { ((IStateManager)GetView()).LoadViewState(myState.Second); } } } /// <devdoc> /// Adds LoadComplete event handler to the page. /// </devdoc> protected internal override void OnInit(EventArgs e) { base.OnInit(e); if (Page != null) { Page.LoadComplete += new EventHandler(LoadCompleteEventHandler); } } /// <devdoc> /// Saves paged data to cache, creating a dependency on the updated row count /// </devdoc> internal void SaveDataToCache(int startRowIndex, int maximumRows, object data) { string key = CreateCacheKey(startRowIndex, maximumRows); string parentKey = CreateMasterCacheKey(); if (Cache.LoadDataFromCache(parentKey) == null) { Cache.SaveDataToCache(parentKey, -1); } CacheDependency cacheDependency = new CacheDependency(0, new string[0], new string[] { parentKey }); Cache.SaveDataToCache(key, data, cacheDependency); } /// <devdoc> /// Saves the total row count to cache. /// </devdoc> internal void SaveTotalRowCountToCache(int totalRowCount) { string key = CreateMasterCacheKey(); Cache.SaveDataToCache(key, totalRowCount); } /// <devdoc> /// Saves view state. /// </devdoc> protected override object SaveViewState() { Pair myState = new Pair(); myState.First = base.SaveViewState(); if (_view != null) { myState.Second = ((IStateManager)_view).SaveViewState(); } if ((myState.First == null) && (myState.Second == null)) { return null; } return myState; } /// <devdoc> /// Returns all the rows of the datasource. /// Parameters are taken from the SelectParameters property collection. /// </devdoc> public IEnumerable Select() { return GetView().Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); } /// <devdoc> /// Starts tracking view state. /// </devdoc> protected override void TrackViewState() { base.TrackViewState(); if (_view != null) { ((IStateManager)_view).TrackViewState(); } } /// <devdoc> /// Updates rows in the data source indicated by the parameters in the UpdateParameters collection. /// </devdoc> public int Update() { return GetView().Update(null, null, null); } } }