//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace System.Web.UI { using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Web.SessionState; using System.Web.Configuration; using System.Web.Security.Cryptography; public class SessionPageStatePersister : PageStatePersister { private const string _viewStateSessionKey = "__SESSIONVIEWSTATE"; private const string _viewStateQueueKey = "__VIEWSTATEQUEUE"; public SessionPageStatePersister(Page page) : base (page) { HttpSessionState session = null; try { session = page.Session; } catch { // ignore, throw if session is null. } if (session == null) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.SessionPageStatePersister_SessionMustBeEnabled)); } } public override void Load() { NameValueCollection requestValueCollection = Page.RequestValueCollection; if (requestValueCollection == null) { return; } try { string combinedSerializedStateString = Page.RequestViewStateString; string persistedStateID = null; bool controlStateInSession = false; // SessionState will persist a Pair of , // where if requiresControlStateInSession is true, second will just be the sessionID, as // we will store both control state and view state in session. Otherwise, we store just the // view state in session and the pair will be if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(combinedSerializedStateString)) { Pair combinedState = (Pair)Util.DeserializeWithAssert(StateFormatter2, combinedSerializedStateString, Purpose.WebForms_SessionPageStatePersister_ClientState); // Check if we are storing control state in session as well if ((bool)combinedState.First) { // So the second is the persistedID persistedStateID = (string)combinedState.Second; controlStateInSession = true; } else { // Second is Pair pair = (Pair)combinedState.Second; persistedStateID = (string)pair.First; ControlState = pair.Second; } } if (persistedStateID != null) { object sessionData = Page.Session[_viewStateSessionKey + persistedStateID]; if (controlStateInSession) { Pair combinedState = sessionData as Pair; if (combinedState != null) { ViewState = combinedState.First; ControlState = combinedState.Second; } } else { ViewState = sessionData; } } } catch (Exception e) { // Setup the formatter for this exception, to make sure this message shows up // in an error page as opposed to the inner-most exception's message. HttpException newException = new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_ControlState), e); newException.SetFormatter(new UseLastUnhandledErrorFormatter(newException)); throw newException; } } /// /// To be supplied. /// public override void Save() { bool requiresControlStateInSession = false; object clientData = null; Triplet vsTrip = ViewState as Triplet; // no session view state to store. if ((ControlState != null) || ((vsTrip == null || vsTrip.Second != null || vsTrip.Third != null) && ViewState != null)) { HttpSessionState session = Page.Session; string sessionViewStateID = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.Ticks, 16); object state = null; requiresControlStateInSession = Page.Request.Browser.RequiresControlStateInSession; if (requiresControlStateInSession) { // ClientState will just be sessionID state = new Pair(ViewState, ControlState); clientData = sessionViewStateID; } else { // ClientState will be a state = ViewState; clientData = new Pair(sessionViewStateID, ControlState); } string sessionKey = _viewStateSessionKey + sessionViewStateID; session[sessionKey] = state; Queue queue = session[_viewStateQueueKey] as Queue; if (queue == null) { queue = new Queue(); session[_viewStateQueueKey] = queue; } queue.Enqueue(sessionKey); SessionPageStateSection cfg = RuntimeConfig.GetConfig(Page.Request.Context).SessionPageState; int queueCount = queue.Count; if (cfg != null && queueCount > cfg.HistorySize || cfg == null && queueCount > SessionPageStateSection.DefaultHistorySize) { string oldSessionKey = (string)queue.Dequeue(); session.Remove(oldSessionKey); } } if (clientData != null) { Page.ClientState = Util.SerializeWithAssert(StateFormatter2, new Pair(requiresControlStateInSession, clientData), Purpose.WebForms_SessionPageStatePersister_ClientState); } } } }