// <copyright>
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// </copyright>

namespace System.ServiceModel.Channels
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Net;
    using System.Net.Sockets;
    using System.Runtime;
    using System.Runtime.Diagnostics;
    using System.ServiceModel.Diagnostics;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Xml;

    internal abstract class UdpChannelBase<QueueItemType> : InputQueueChannel<QueueItemType>, IUdpReceiveHandler
        where QueueItemType : class, IDisposable
        private bool cleanedUp;
        private long pendingMessagesTotalSize;
        private long maxPendingMessagesTotalSize;
        private int maxReceivedMessageSize;
        private UdpRetransmissionSettings retransmitSettings;
        private Uri via;
        protected UdpChannelBase(
            ChannelManagerBase channelManager, 
            MessageEncoder encoder, 
            BufferManager bufferManager,
            UdpSocket[] sockets, 
            UdpRetransmissionSettings retransmissionSettings,
            long maxPendingMessagesTotalSize, 
            EndpointAddress localAddress, 
            Uri via,
            bool isMulticast,
            int maxReceivedMessageSize)
            : base(channelManager)
            Fx.Assert(encoder != null, "encoder shouldn't be null");
            Fx.Assert(bufferManager != null, "buffer manager shouldn't be null");
            Fx.Assert(sockets != null, "sendSockets can't be null");
            Fx.Assert(sockets.Length > 0, "sendSockets can't be empty");
            Fx.Assert(retransmissionSettings != null, "retransmissionSettings can't be null");
            Fx.Assert(maxPendingMessagesTotalSize >= 0, "maxPendingMessagesTotalSize must be >= 0");
            Fx.Assert(maxReceivedMessageSize > 0, "maxReceivedMessageSize must be > 0");
            Fx.Assert(localAddress != null, "localAddress can't be null");
            Fx.Assert(via != null, "via can't be null");

            this.maxPendingMessagesTotalSize = maxPendingMessagesTotalSize == UdpConstants.Defaults.DefaultMaxPendingMessagesTotalSize ? UdpConstants.Defaults.MaxPendingMessagesTotalSize : maxPendingMessagesTotalSize;
            this.Encoder = encoder;
            this.Sockets = sockets;
            this.BufferManager = bufferManager;
            this.retransmitSettings = retransmissionSettings;
            this.IsMulticast = isMulticast;
            this.DuplicateDetector = null;
            this.ReceiveManager = null;
            this.OwnsBufferManager = false;
            this.maxReceivedMessageSize = maxReceivedMessageSize;
            this.LocalAddress = localAddress;
            this.via = via;

        public EndpointAddress LocalAddress
            private set;

        public Uri Via
            get { return this.via; }

        int IUdpReceiveHandler.MaxReceivedMessageSize
            get { return this.maxReceivedMessageSize; }

        protected abstract bool IgnoreSerializationException { get; }

        protected bool OwnsBufferManager { get; set; }

        protected DuplicateMessageDetector DuplicateDetector { get; set; }

        protected UdpSocketReceiveManager ReceiveManager { get; set; }

        protected BufferManager BufferManager
            private set;

        protected MessageEncoder Encoder
            private set;

        protected bool IsMulticast
            private set;

        protected UdpOutputChannel UdpOutputChannel { get; private set; }

        protected UdpSocket[] Sockets
            private set;

        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.StyleCop.CSharp.ReadabilityRules", "SA1100:DoNotPrefixCallsWithBaseUnlessLocalImplementationExists", Justification = "StyleCop 4.5 does not validate this rule properly.")]
        public override T GetProperty<T>()
            if (typeof(T) == typeof(IDuplexChannel))
                return (T)(object)this;

            T outputChannelProperty = this.UdpOutputChannel.GetProperty<T>();
            if (outputChannelProperty != null)
                return outputChannelProperty;

            T messageEncoderProperty = this.Encoder.GetProperty<T>();
            if (messageEncoderProperty != null)
                return messageEncoderProperty;

            return base.GetProperty<T>();

        // returns false if the message was dropped because the max pending message count was hit.
        bool IUdpReceiveHandler.HandleDataReceived(ArraySegment<byte> data, EndPoint remoteEndpoint, int interfaceIndex, Action onMessageDequeuedCallback)
            bool returnBuffer = true;
            string messageHash = null;
            Message message = null;
            bool continueReceiving = true;

                IPEndPoint remoteIPEndPoint = (IPEndPoint)remoteEndpoint;

                message = UdpUtility.DecodeMessage(
                    out messageHash);

                if (message != null)
                    // We pass in the length of the message buffer instead of the length of the message to keep track of the amount of memory that's been allocated
                    continueReceiving = this.EnqueueMessage(message, data.Array.Length, onMessageDequeuedCallback);
                    returnBuffer = !continueReceiving;
            catch (Exception e)
                if (Fx.IsFatal(e))
                    returnBuffer = false;

                if (returnBuffer)
                    if (message != null)
                        if (this.DuplicateDetector != null)
                            Fx.Assert(messageHash != null, "message hash should always be available if duplicate detector is enabled");

                        message.Close(); // implicitly returns the buffer

            return continueReceiving;

        void IUdpReceiveHandler.HandleAsyncException(Exception ex)

        internal virtual void HandleReceiveException(Exception ex)
            this.EnqueueAndDispatch(UdpUtility.WrapAsyncException(ex), null, false);

        // Since ChannelListener and channel lifetimes can be different, we need a 
        // way to transfer the socketReceiveManager and DuplicateMessageDetection 
        // objects to the channel if the listener gets closed.  If this method succeeds, then 
        // this also indicates that the bufferManager is no longer owned by the channel listener, 
        // so we have to clean that up also.
        internal bool TransferReceiveManagerOwnership(UdpSocketReceiveManager socketReceiveManager, DuplicateMessageDetector duplicateDetector)
            bool success = false;
            if (this.State == CommunicationState.Opened)
                lock (ThisLock)
                    if (this.State == CommunicationState.Opened)
                        Fx.Assert(this.ReceiveManager == null, "ReceiveManager is already set to a non-null value");
                        Fx.Assert(this.DuplicateDetector == null, "DuplicateDetector is already set to a non-null value");

                        this.ReceiveManager = socketReceiveManager;
                        this.OwnsBufferManager = true;
                        this.DuplicateDetector = duplicateDetector;
                        success = true;

            return success;

        // returns false if the max pending messages total size was hit.
        internal bool EnqueueMessage(Message message, int messageBufferSize, Action messageDequeuedCallback)
            Action onMessageDequeuedCallback = () =>
                lock (this.ThisLock)
                    this.pendingMessagesTotalSize -= messageBufferSize;
                    Fx.Assert(this.pendingMessagesTotalSize >= 0, "pendingMessagesTotalSize should not be negative.");


            bool success = false;
            lock (this.ThisLock)
                if (this.pendingMessagesTotalSize + messageBufferSize <= this.maxPendingMessagesTotalSize)
                    message.Properties.Via = this.Via;
                    this.pendingMessagesTotalSize += messageBufferSize;
                        this.FinishEnqueueMessage(message, onMessageDequeuedCallback, false);
                        success = true;
                        if (!success)
                            this.pendingMessagesTotalSize -= messageBufferSize;
                    if (TD.MaxPendingMessagesTotalSizeReachedIsEnabled())
                        string messageIdString = string.Empty;
                        if (message.Headers.MessageId != null)
                            messageIdString = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "'{0}' ", message.Headers.MessageId.ToString());

                        EventTraceActivity eventTraceActivity = EventTraceActivityHelper.TryExtractActivity(message);
                        TD.MaxPendingMessagesTotalSizeReached(eventTraceActivity, messageIdString, this.maxPendingMessagesTotalSize, typeof(TransportBindingElement).FullName);

            return success;

        internal abstract void FinishEnqueueMessage(Message message, Action dequeuedCallback, bool canDispatchOnThisThread);

        protected virtual void AddHeadersTo(Message message)
            Fx.Assert(message != null, "Message can't be null");

            if (message.Version.Addressing != AddressingVersion.None)
                if (message.Headers.MessageId == null)
                    message.Headers.MessageId = new UniqueId();
                if (this.retransmitSettings.Enabled == true)
                    // we should only get here if some channel above us starts producing messages that don't match the encoder's message version.
                    throw FxTrace.Exception.AsError(new ProtocolException(SR.RetransmissionRequiresAddressingOnMessage(message.Version.Addressing.ToString())));

        // Closes the channel ungracefully during error conditions.
        protected override void OnAbort()
            this.Cleanup(true, TimeSpan.Zero);

        protected override IAsyncResult OnBeginOpen(TimeSpan timeout, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
            return new CompletedAsyncResult(callback, state);

        protected override void OnEndOpen(IAsyncResult result)

        protected override void OnOpen(TimeSpan timeout)

        protected override IAsyncResult OnBeginClose(TimeSpan timeout, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
            return new CloseAsyncResult<QueueItemType>(
                new ChainedBeginHandler(base.OnBeginClose), 
                new ChainedEndHandler(base.OnEndClose),

        protected override void OnEndClose(IAsyncResult result)

        // Closes the channel gracefully during normal conditions.
        protected override void OnClose(TimeSpan timeout)
            TimeoutHelper timeoutHelper = new TimeoutHelper(timeout);
            this.Cleanup(false, timeoutHelper.RemainingTime());

        protected void SetOutputChannel(UdpOutputChannel udpOutputChannel)
            Fx.Assert(this.UdpOutputChannel == null, "this.UdpOutputChannel must be null");
            Fx.Assert(udpOutputChannel != null, "udpOutputChannel can't be null, since SetOutputChannel should be called only once");

            this.UdpOutputChannel = udpOutputChannel;

        // We're guaranteed by CommunicationObject that at most ONE of Close or BeginClose will be called once. 
        protected void Cleanup(bool aborting, TimeSpan timeout)
            if (this.cleanedUp)
            lock (ThisLock)
                if (this.cleanedUp)

                if (aborting)
                if (this.DuplicateDetector != null)

                if (this.ReceiveManager != null)


                this.cleanedUp = true;

        private void CleanupBufferManager()
            if (this.OwnsBufferManager)

        // Control flow for async path
        // We use this mechanism to avoid initializing two async objects as logically cleanup+close is one operation. 
        // At any point in the Begin* methods, we may go async. The steps are: 
        // - Close inner UdpOutputChannel
        // - Cleanup channel
        // - Close channel
        private class CloseAsyncResult<T> : AsyncResult
            where T : class, IDisposable
            private static AsyncCompletion completeCloseOutputChannelCallback = new AsyncCompletion(CompleteCloseOutputChannel);
            private static AsyncCompletion completeBaseCloseCallback = new AsyncCompletion(CompleteBaseClose);

            private UdpChannelBase<T> channel;
            private TimeoutHelper timeoutHelper;
            private ChainedBeginHandler baseBeginClose;
            private ChainedEndHandler baseEndClose;

            public CloseAsyncResult(UdpChannelBase<T> channel, ChainedBeginHandler baseBeginClose, ChainedEndHandler baseEndClose, TimeSpan timeout, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
                : base(callback, state)
                this.channel = channel;
                this.baseBeginClose = baseBeginClose;
                this.baseEndClose = baseEndClose;
                this.timeoutHelper = new TimeoutHelper(timeout);

                if (this.BeginCloseOutputChannel())

            public static void End(IAsyncResult result)

            private static bool CompleteBaseClose(IAsyncResult result)
                // AsyncResult.AsyncCompletionWrapperCallback takes care of catching exceptions for us. 
                CloseAsyncResult<T> thisPtr = (CloseAsyncResult<T>)result.AsyncState;

                // We are completing the base class close operation at this point.

                return true;

            private static bool CompleteCloseOutputChannel(IAsyncResult result)
                // AsyncResult.AsyncCompletionWrapperCallback takes care of catching exceptions for us. 
                CloseAsyncResult<T> thisPtr = (CloseAsyncResult<T>)result.AsyncState;

                // We are completing the base class close operation at this point.

                thisPtr.channel.Cleanup(false, thisPtr.timeoutHelper.RemainingTime());

                return thisPtr.BeginBaseClose();

            private bool BeginCloseOutputChannel()
                // AsyncResult.AsyncCompletionWrapperCallback takes care of catching the exceptions for us. 
                IAsyncResult result = this.channel.UdpOutputChannel.BeginClose(this.timeoutHelper.RemainingTime(), this.PrepareAsyncCompletion(completeCloseOutputChannelCallback), this);
                // SyncContinue calls CompleteCloseOutputChannel for us in sync case. 
                return this.SyncContinue(result);

            private bool BeginBaseClose()
                // AsyncResult.AsyncCompletionWrapperCallback takes care of catching the exceptions for us. 
                IAsyncResult result = this.baseBeginClose(this.timeoutHelper.RemainingTime(), this.PrepareAsyncCompletion(completeBaseCloseCallback), this);
                // SyncContinue calls CompleteBaseClose for us in sync case. 
                return this.SyncContinue(result);