using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Text; namespace PEAPI { /**************************************************************************/ /// <summary> /// Image for a PEFile /// File Structure /// DOS Header (128 bytes) /// PE Signature ("PE\0\0") /// PEFileHeader (20 bytes) /// PEOptionalHeader (224 bytes) /// SectionHeaders (40 bytes * NumSections) /// /// Sections .text (always present - contains metadata) /// .sdata (contains any initialised data in the file - may not be present) /// (for ilams /debug this contains the Debug table) /// .reloc (always present - in pure CIL only has one fixup) /// others??? c# produces .rsrc section containing a Resource Table /// /// .text layout /// IAT (single entry 8 bytes for pure CIL) /// CLIHeader (72 bytes) /// CIL instructions for all methods (variable size) /// MetaData /// Root (20 bytes + UTF-8 Version String + quad align padding) /// StreamHeaders (8 bytes + null terminated name string + quad align padding) /// Streams /// #~ (always present - holds metadata tables) /// #Strings (always present - holds identifier strings) /// #US (Userstring heap) /// #Blob (signature blobs) /// #GUID (guids for assemblies or Modules) /// ImportTable (40 bytes) /// ImportLookupTable(8 bytes) (same as IAT for standard CIL files) /// Hint/Name Tables with entry "_CorExeMain" for .exe file and "_CorDllMain" for .dll (14 bytes) /// ASCII string "mscoree.dll" referenced in ImportTable (+ padding = 16 bytes) /// Entry Point (0xFF25 followed by 4 bytes 0x400000 + RVA of .text) /// /// #~ stream structure /// Header (24 bytes) /// Rows (4 bytes * numTables) /// Tables /// </summary> internal class FileImage : BinaryWriter { internal readonly static uint[] iByteMask = {0x000000FF, 0x0000FF00, 0x00FF0000, 0xFF000000}; internal readonly static ulong[] lByteMask = {0x00000000000000FF, 0x000000000000FF00, 0x0000000000FF0000, 0x00000000FF000000, 0x000000FF00000000, 0x0000FF0000000000, 0x00FF000000000000, 0xFF00000000000000 }; internal readonly static uint nibble0Mask = 0x0000000F; internal readonly static uint nibble1Mask = 0x000000F0; private static readonly byte[] DOSHeader = { 0x4d,0x5a,0x90,0x00,0x03,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x04,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0x00,0x00, 0xb8,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x40,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x80,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x0e,0x1f,0xba,0x0e,0x00,0xb4,0x09,0xcd, 0x21,0xb8,0x01,0x4c,0xcd,0x21,0x54,0x68, 0x69,0x73,0x20,0x70,0x72,0x6f,0x67,0x72, 0x61,0x6d,0x20,0x63,0x61,0x6e,0x6e,0x6f, 0x74,0x20,0x62,0x65,0x20,0x72,0x75,0x6e, 0x20,0x69,0x6e,0x20,0x44,0x4f,0x53,0x20, 0x6d,0x6f,0x64,0x65,0x2e,0x0d,0x0d,0x0a, 0x24,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x50,0x45,0x00,0x00}; private static byte[] PEHeader = { 0x4c, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xE0, 0x00, 0x0E, 0x01, // PE Header Standard Fields 0x0B, 0x01, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; private static readonly uint minFileAlign = 0x200; private static readonly uint maxFileAlign = 0x1000; private static readonly uint fileHeaderSize = 0x178; private static readonly uint sectionHeaderSize = 40; private static readonly uint SectionAlignment = 0x2000; private static readonly uint ImageBase = 0x400000; private static readonly uint ImportTableSize = 40; private static readonly uint IATSize = 8; private static readonly uint CLIHeaderSize = 72; private uint runtimeFlags = 0x01; // COMIMAGE_FLAGS_ILONLY // 32BITREQUIRED 0x02, STRONGNAMESIGNED 0x08, TRACKDEBUGDATA 0x10000 private static readonly uint StrongNameSignatureSize = 128; private bool reserveStrongNameSignatureSpace = false; private static readonly uint relocFlags = 0x42000040; private static readonly ushort exeCharacteristics = 0x010E; private static readonly ushort dllCharacteristics = 0x210E; // section names are all 8 bytes private static readonly string textName = ".text\0\0\0"; private static readonly string sdataName = ".sdata\0\0"; private static readonly string relocName = ".reloc\0\0"; private static readonly string rsrcName = ".rsrc\0\0\0"; private static readonly string exeHintNameTable = "\0\0_CorExeMain\0"; private static readonly string dllHintNameTable = "\0\0_CorDllMain\0"; private static readonly string runtimeEngineName = "mscoree.dll\0\0"; private Section text, sdata, rsrc; ArrayList data; BinaryWriter reloc = new BinaryWriter(new MemoryStream()); uint dateStamp = 0; DateTime origin = new DateTime(1970,1,1); uint numSections = 2; // always have .text and .reloc sections internal SubSystem subSys = SubSystem.Windows_CUI; // default is Windows Console mode internal long stackReserve = 0x100000; // default is 1Mb internal uint fileAlign = minFileAlign; uint entryPointOffset, entryPointPadding, imageSize, headerSize, headerPadding, entryPointToken = 0; uint relocOffset, relocRVA, relocSize, relocPadding, relocTide, hintNameTableOffset; uint metaDataOffset, runtimeEngineOffset, initDataSize = 0, importTablePadding; uint resourcesSize, resourcesOffset; uint strongNameSigOffset; uint importTableOffset, importLookupTableOffset, totalImportTableSize; MetaData metaData; char[] runtimeEngine = runtimeEngineName.ToCharArray(), hintNameTable; bool doDLL, largeStrings, largeGUID, largeUS, largeBlob; ushort characteristics; internal FileImage(bool makeDLL, string fileName) : base(new FileStream(fileName,FileMode.Create)) { InitFileImage(makeDLL); TimeSpan tmp = System.IO.File.GetCreationTime(fileName).Subtract(origin); dateStamp = Convert.ToUInt32(tmp.TotalSeconds); } internal FileImage(bool makeDLL, Stream str) : base(str) { InitFileImage(makeDLL); TimeSpan tmp = DateTime.Now.Subtract(origin); dateStamp = Convert.ToUInt32(tmp.TotalSeconds); } private void InitFileImage(bool makeDLL) { doDLL = makeDLL; if (doDLL) { hintNameTable = dllHintNameTable.ToCharArray(); characteristics = dllCharacteristics; } else { hintNameTable = exeHintNameTable.ToCharArray(); characteristics = exeCharacteristics; } text = new Section(textName,0x60000020); // IMAGE_SCN_CNT CODE, EXECUTE, READ // rsrc = new Section(rsrcName,0x40000040); // IMAGE_SCN_CNT INITIALIZED_DATA, READ metaData = new MetaData(this); } internal MetaData GetMetaData() { return metaData; } private uint GetNextSectStart(uint rva, uint tide) { uint c = tide / SectionAlignment; if ((tide % SectionAlignment) != 0) c++; return rva + (c * SectionAlignment); } private void BuildTextSection() { // .text layout // IAT (single entry 8 bytes for pure CIL) // CLIHeader (72 bytes) // CIL instructions for all methods (variable size) // MetaData // ImportTable (40 bytes) // ImportLookupTable(8 bytes) (same as IAT for standard CIL files) // Hint/Name Tables with entry "_CorExeMain" for .exe file and "_CorDllMain" for .dll (14 bytes) // ASCII string "mscoree.dll" referenced in ImportTable (+ padding = 16 bytes) // Entry Point (0xFF25 followed by 4 bytes 0x400000 + RVA of .text) metaData.BuildMetaData(IATSize + CLIHeaderSize); metaDataOffset = IATSize + CLIHeaderSize; // Console.WriteLine("Code starts at " + metaDataOffset); metaDataOffset += metaData.CodeSize(); // resourcesStart = resourcesOffset = metaDataOffset + metaData.Size (); resourcesSize = metaData.GetResourcesSize (); if (reserveStrongNameSignatureSpace) { strongNameSigOffset = resourcesOffset + resourcesSize; // fixUps = RVA for vtable importTableOffset = strongNameSigOffset + StrongNameSignatureSize; } else { strongNameSigOffset = 0; // fixUps = RVA for vtable importTableOffset = resourcesOffset + resourcesSize; } importTablePadding = NumToAlign(importTableOffset,16); importTableOffset += importTablePadding; importLookupTableOffset = importTableOffset + ImportTableSize; hintNameTableOffset = importLookupTableOffset + IATSize; runtimeEngineOffset = hintNameTableOffset + (uint)hintNameTable.Length; entryPointOffset = runtimeEngineOffset + (uint)runtimeEngine.Length; totalImportTableSize = entryPointOffset - importTableOffset; // Console.WriteLine("total import table size = " + totalImportTableSize); // Console.WriteLine("entrypoint offset = " + entryPointOffset); entryPointPadding = NumToAlign(entryPointOffset,4) + 2; entryPointOffset += entryPointPadding; text.AddReloc(entryPointOffset+2); text.IncTide(entryPointOffset + 6); //if (text.Tide() < fileAlign) fileAlign = minFileAlign; text.SetSize(NumToAlign(text.Tide(),fileAlign)); // Console.WriteLine("text size = " + text.Size() + " text tide = " + text.Tide() + " text padding = " + text.Padding()); // Console.WriteLine("metaDataOffset = " + Hex.Int(metaDataOffset)); // Console.WriteLine("importTableOffset = " + Hex.Int(importTableOffset)); // Console.WriteLine("importLookupTableOffset = " + Hex.Int(importLookupTableOffset)); // Console.WriteLine("hintNameTableOffset = " + Hex.Int(hintNameTableOffset)); // Console.WriteLine("runtimeEngineOffset = " + Hex.Int(runtimeEngineOffset)); // Console.WriteLine("entryPointOffset = " + Hex.Int(entryPointOffset)); // Console.WriteLine("entryPointPadding = " + Hex.Int(entryPointPadding)); } internal void BuildRelocSection() { text.DoRelocs(reloc); if (sdata != null) sdata.DoRelocs(reloc); if (rsrc != null) rsrc.DoRelocs(reloc); relocTide = (uint)reloc.Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current); relocPadding = NumToAlign(relocTide,fileAlign); relocSize = relocTide + relocPadding; imageSize = relocRVA + SectionAlignment; initDataSize += relocSize; } private void CalcOffsets() { if (sdata != null) numSections++; if (rsrc != null) numSections++; headerSize = fileHeaderSize + (numSections * sectionHeaderSize); headerPadding = NumToAlign(headerSize,fileAlign); headerSize += headerPadding; uint offset = headerSize; uint rva = SectionAlignment; text.SetOffset(offset); text.SetRVA(rva); offset += text.Size(); rva = GetNextSectStart(rva,text.Tide()); // Console.WriteLine("headerSize = " + headerSize); // Console.WriteLine("headerPadding = " + headerPadding); // Console.WriteLine("textOffset = " + Hex.Int(text.Offset())); if (sdata != null) { sdata.SetSize(NumToAlign(sdata.Tide(),fileAlign)); sdata.SetOffset(offset); sdata.SetRVA(rva); offset += sdata.Size(); rva = GetNextSectStart(rva,sdata.Tide()); initDataSize += sdata.Size(); } if (rsrc != null) { rsrc.SetSize(NumToAlign(rsrc.Tide(),fileAlign)); rsrc.SetOffset(offset); rsrc.SetRVA(rva); offset += rsrc.Size(); rva = GetNextSectStart(rva,rsrc.Tide()); initDataSize += rsrc.Size(); } relocOffset = offset; relocRVA = rva; } internal void MakeFile() { if (doDLL) hintNameTable = dllHintNameTable.ToCharArray(); else hintNameTable = exeHintNameTable.ToCharArray(); BuildTextSection(); CalcOffsets(); BuildRelocSection(); // now write it out WriteHeader(); WriteSections(); Flush(); Close(); } private void WriteHeader() { Write(DOSHeader); // Console.WriteLine("Writing PEHeader at offset " + Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current)); WritePEHeader(); // Console.WriteLine("Writing text section header at offset " + Hex.Long(Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current))); text.WriteHeader(this,relocRVA); if (sdata != null) sdata.WriteHeader(this,relocRVA); if (rsrc != null) rsrc.WriteHeader(this,relocRVA); // Console.WriteLine("Writing reloc section header at offset " + Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current)); WriteRelocSectionHeader(); // Console.WriteLine("Writing padding at offset " + Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current)); WriteZeros(headerPadding); } private void WriteSections() { // Console.WriteLine("Writing text section at offset " + Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current)); WriteTextSection(); if (sdata != null) WriteSDataSection(); if (rsrc != null) WriteRsrcSection(); WriteRelocSection(); } private void WriteIAT() { Write(text.RVA() + hintNameTableOffset); Write(0); } private void WriteImportTables() { // Import Table WriteZeros(importTablePadding); // Console.WriteLine("Writing import tables at offset " + Hex.Long(Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current))); Write(importLookupTableOffset + text.RVA()); WriteZeros(8); Write(runtimeEngineOffset + text.RVA()); Write(text.RVA()); // IAT is at the beginning of the text section WriteZeros(20); // Import Lookup Table WriteIAT(); // lookup table and IAT are the same // Hint/Name Table // Console.WriteLine("Writing hintname table at " + Hex.Long(Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current))); Write(hintNameTable); Write(runtimeEngineName.ToCharArray()); } private void WriteTextSection() { WriteIAT(); WriteCLIHeader(); // Console.WriteLine("Writing code at " + Hex.Long(Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current))); metaData.WriteByteCodes(this); // Console.WriteLine("Finished writing code at " + Hex.Long(Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current))); largeStrings = metaData.LargeStringsIndex(); largeGUID = metaData.LargeGUIDIndex(); largeUS = metaData.LargeUSIndex(); largeBlob = metaData.LargeBlobIndex(); metaData.WriteMetaData(this); metaData.WriteResources (this); if (reserveStrongNameSignatureSpace) { WriteZeros(StrongNameSignatureSize); } WriteImportTables(); WriteZeros(entryPointPadding); Write((ushort)0x25FF); Write(ImageBase + text.RVA()); WriteZeros(text.Padding()); } private void WriteCLIHeader() { Write(CLIHeaderSize); // Cb Write((short)2); // Major runtime version Write((short)0); // Minor runtime version Write(text.RVA() + metaDataOffset); Write(metaData.Size()); Write(runtimeFlags); Write(entryPointToken); if (resourcesSize > 0) { Write (text.RVA () + resourcesOffset); Write (resourcesSize); } else { WriteZeros (8); } // Strong Name Signature (RVA, size) if (reserveStrongNameSignatureSpace) { Write(text.RVA() + strongNameSigOffset); Write(StrongNameSignatureSize); } else { WriteZeros(8); } WriteZeros(8); // CodeManagerTable WriteZeros(8); // VTableFixups NYI WriteZeros(16); // ExportAddressTableJumps, ManagedNativeHeader } private void WriteSDataSection() { long size = sdata.Size (); long start = BaseStream.Position; for (int i=0; i < data.Count; i++) { ((DataConstant)data[i]).Write(this); } while (BaseStream.Position < (start + size)) Write ((byte) 0); } private void WriteRsrcSection() { } private void WriteRelocSection() { // Console.WriteLine("Writing reloc section at " + Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current) + " = " + relocOffset); MemoryStream str = (MemoryStream)reloc.BaseStream; Write(str.ToArray()); WriteZeros(NumToAlign((uint)str.Position,fileAlign)); } internal void SetEntryPoint(uint entryPoint) { entryPointToken = entryPoint; } internal void AddInitData(DataConstant cVal) { if (sdata == null) { sdata = new Section(sdataName,0xC0000040); // IMAGE_SCN_CNT INITIALIZED_DATA, READ, WRITE data = new ArrayList(); } data.Add(cVal); cVal.DataOffset = sdata.Tide(); sdata.IncTide(cVal.GetSize()); } internal void WriteZeros(uint numZeros) { for (int i=0; i < numZeros; i++) { Write((byte)0); } } internal void WritePEHeader() { Write((ushort)0x014C); // Machine - always 0x14C for Managed PE Files (allow others??) Write((ushort)numSections); Write(dateStamp); WriteZeros(8); // Pointer to Symbol Table and Number of Symbols (always zero for ECMA CLI files) Write((ushort)0x00E0); // Size of Optional Header Write(characteristics); // PE Optional Header Write((ushort)0x010B); // Magic Write((byte)0x6); // LMajor pure-IL = 6 C++ = 7 Write((byte)0x0); // LMinor Write(text.Size()); Write(initDataSize); Write(0); // Check other sections here!! Write(text.RVA() + entryPointOffset); Write(text.RVA()); uint dataBase = 0; if (sdata != null) dataBase = sdata.RVA(); else if (rsrc != null) dataBase = rsrc.RVA(); else dataBase = relocRVA; Write(dataBase); Write(ImageBase); Write(SectionAlignment); Write(fileAlign); Write((ushort)0x04); // OS Major WriteZeros(6); // OS Minor, User Major, User Minor Write((ushort)0x04); // SubSys Major WriteZeros(6); // SybSys Minor, Reserved Write(imageSize); Write(headerSize); Write((int)0); // File Checksum Write((ushort)subSys); Write((short)0); // DLL Flags Write((uint)stackReserve); // Stack Reserve Size Write((uint)0x1000); // Stack Commit Size Write((uint)0x100000); // Heap Reserve Size Write((uint)0x1000); // Heap Commit Size Write(0); // Loader Flags Write(0x10); // Number of Data Directories WriteZeros(8); // Export Table Write(importTableOffset + text.RVA()); Write(totalImportTableSize); WriteZeros(24); // Resource, Exception and Certificate Tables Write(relocRVA); Write(relocTide); WriteZeros(48); // Debug, Copyright, Global Ptr, TLS, Load Config and Bound Import Tables Write(text.RVA()); // IATRVA - IAT is at start of .text Section Write(IATSize); WriteZeros(8); // Delay Import Descriptor Write(text.RVA()+IATSize); // CLIHeader immediately follows IAT Write(CLIHeaderSize); WriteZeros(8); // Reserved } internal void WriteRelocSectionHeader() { Write(relocName.ToCharArray()); Write(relocTide); Write(relocRVA); Write(relocSize); Write(relocOffset); WriteZeros(12); Write(relocFlags); } private void Align (MemoryStream str, int val) { if ((str.Position % val) != 0) { for (int i=val - (int)(str.Position % val); i > 0; i--) { str.WriteByte(0); } } } private uint Align(uint val, uint alignVal) { if ((val % alignVal) != 0) { val += alignVal - (val % alignVal); } return val; } private uint NumToAlign(uint val, uint alignVal) { if ((val % alignVal) == 0) return 0; return alignVal - (val % alignVal); } internal void StringsIndex(uint ix) { if (largeStrings) Write(ix); else Write((ushort)ix); } internal void GUIDIndex(uint ix) { if (largeGUID) Write(ix); else Write((ushort)ix); } internal void USIndex(uint ix) { if (largeUS) Write(ix); else Write((ushort)ix); } internal void BlobIndex(uint ix) { if (largeBlob) Write(ix); else Write((ushort)ix); } internal void WriteIndex(MDTable tabIx,uint ix) { if (metaData.LargeIx(tabIx)) Write(ix); else Write((ushort)ix); } internal void WriteCodedIndex(CIx code, MetaDataElement elem) { metaData.WriteCodedIndex(code,elem,this); } internal void WriteCodeRVA(uint offs) { Write(text.RVA() + offs); } internal void WriteDataRVA(uint offs) { Write(sdata.RVA() + offs); } internal void Write3Bytes(uint val) { byte b3 = (byte)((val & FileImage.iByteMask[2]) >> 16); byte b2 = (byte)((val & FileImage.iByteMask[1]) >> 8);; byte b1 = (byte)(val & FileImage.iByteMask[0]); Write(b1); Write(b2); Write(b3); } internal bool ReserveStrongNameSignatureSpace { get { return reserveStrongNameSignatureSpace; } set { reserveStrongNameSignatureSpace = value; } } } /**************************************************************************/ /// <summary> /// Base class for the PEFile (starting point) /// </summary> public class PEFile { private static readonly string mscorlibName = "mscorlib"; private Module thisMod; private ClassDef moduleClass; private ArrayList resources = new ArrayList (); private Assembly thisAssembly; private static bool isMSCorlib; private int corFlags = 1; FileImage fileImage; MetaData metaData; /// <summary> /// Create a new PEFile. Each PEFile is a module. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">module name, also used for the file name</param> /// <param name="isDLL">create a .dll or .exe file</param> /// <param name="hasAssembly">this file is an assembly and /// will contain the assembly manifest. The assembly name is the /// same as the module name</param> public PEFile(string name, bool isDLL, bool hasAssembly) : this (name, null, isDLL, hasAssembly, null, null) { // Console.WriteLine(Hex.Byte(0x12)); // Console.WriteLine(Hex.Short(0x1234)); // Console.WriteLine(Hex.Int(0x12345678)); } /// <summary> /// Create a new PEFile. Each PEFile is a module. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">module name, also used for the file name</param> /// <param name="isDLL">create a .dll or .exe file</param> /// <param name="hasAssembly">this file is an assembly and /// will contain the assembly manifest. The assembly name is the /// same as the module name</param> /// <param name="outputDir">write the PEFile to this directory. If this /// string is null then the output will be to the current directory</param> public PEFile(string name, bool isDLL, bool hasAssembly, string outputDir) : this (name, null, isDLL, hasAssembly, outputDir, null) { // Console.WriteLine(Hex.Byte(0x12)); // Console.WriteLine(Hex.Short(0x1234)); // Console.WriteLine(Hex.Int(0x12345678)); } /// <summary> /// Create a new PEFile /// </summary> /// <param name="name">module name</param> /// <param name="isDLL">create a .dll or .exe</param> /// <param name="hasAssembly">this PEfile is an assembly and /// will contain the assemly manifest. The assembly name is the /// same as the module name</param> /// <param name="outStream">write the PEFile to this stream instead /// of to a new file</param> public PEFile(string name, bool isDLL, bool hasAssembly, Stream outStream) : this (name, null, isDLL, hasAssembly, null, outStream) { } public PEFile(string name, string module_name, bool isDLL, bool hasAssembly, Stream outStream) : this (name, module_name, isDLL, hasAssembly, null, outStream) { } public PEFile(string name, string module_name, bool isDLL, bool hasAssembly, string outputDir, Stream outStream) { SetName (name); string fname = module_name == null ? MakeFileName (outputDir, name, isDLL) : module_name; if (outStream == null) fileImage = new FileImage (isDLL, fname); else fileImage = new FileImage (isDLL, outStream); InitPEFile (name, fname, hasAssembly); } private void SetName (string name) { if (name == "mscorlib") isMSCorlib = true; } private void InitPEFile(string name, string fName, bool hasAssembly) { metaData = fileImage.GetMetaData(); thisMod = new Module(fName,metaData); if (hasAssembly) { thisAssembly = new Assembly(name,metaData); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.Assembly,thisAssembly); } moduleClass = AddClass(TypeAttr.Private,"","<Module>"); moduleClass.SpecialNoSuper(); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.Module,thisMod); } internal static bool IsMSCorlib { get { return isMSCorlib; } } public ClassDef ModuleClass { get { return moduleClass; } } /// <summary> /// Set the subsystem (.subsystem) (Default is Windows Console mode) /// </summary> /// <param name="subS">subsystem value</param> public void SetSubSystem(SubSystem subS) { fileImage.subSys = subS; } /// <summary> /// Set the flags (.corflags) /// </summary> /// <param name="flags">the flags value</param> public void SetCorFlags(int flags) { corFlags = flags; } public void SetStackReserve (long stackReserve) { fileImage.stackReserve = stackReserve; } private string MakeFileName(string dirName, string name, bool isDLL) { string result = ""; if ((dirName != null) && (dirName.CompareTo("") != 0)) { result = dirName; if (!dirName.EndsWith("\\")) result += "\\"; } result += name; // if (isDLL) result += ".dll"; else result += ".exe"; return result; } /// <summary> /// Add an external assembly to this PEFile (.assembly extern) /// </summary> /// <param name="assemName">the external assembly name</param> /// <returns>a descriptor for this external assembly</returns> public AssemblyRef AddExternAssembly(string assemName) { if (assemName.CompareTo(mscorlibName) == 0) return metaData.mscorlib; AssemblyRef anAssem = new AssemblyRef(metaData,assemName); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.AssemblyRef,anAssem); // Console.WriteLine("Adding assembly " + assemName); return anAssem; } /// <summary> /// Add an external module to this PEFile (.module extern) /// </summary> /// <param name="name">the external module name</param> /// <returns>a descriptor for this external module</returns> public ModuleRef AddExternModule(string name) { ModuleRef modRef = new ModuleRef(metaData,name); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.ModuleRef,modRef); return modRef; } public ClassRef AddExternClass(string ns, string name, TypeAttr attrs, MetaDataElement declRef) { return new ExternClassRef (attrs, ns, name, declRef, metaData); } /// <summary> /// Add a "global" method to this module /// </summary> /// <param name="name">method name</param> /// <param name="retType">return type</param> /// <param name="pars">method parameters</param> /// <returns>a descriptor for this new "global" method</returns> public MethodDef AddMethod (string name, Param ret_param, Param [] pars) { return moduleClass.AddMethod (name, ret_param, pars); } public MethodDef AddMethod(string name, Type retType, Param[] pars) { return AddMethod (name, new Param (ParamAttr.Default, "", retType), pars); } /// <summary> /// Add a "global" method to this module /// </summary> /// <param name="mAtts">method attributes</param> /// <param name="iAtts">method implementation attributes</param> /// <param name="name">method name</param> /// <param name="retType">return type</param> /// <param name="pars">method parameters</param> /// <returns>a descriptor for this new "global" method</returns> public MethodDef AddMethod (MethAttr mAtts, ImplAttr iAtts, string name, Param ret_param, Param [] pars) { return moduleClass.AddMethod (mAtts, iAtts, name, ret_param, pars); } public MethodDef AddMethod(MethAttr mAtts, ImplAttr iAtts, string name, Type retType, Param[] pars) { return AddMethod (mAtts, iAtts, name, new Param (ParamAttr.Default, "", retType), pars); } public MethodRef AddMethodToTypeSpec (Type item, string name, Type retType, Type[] pars) { return AddMethodToTypeSpec (item, name, retType, pars, 0); } public MethodRef AddMethodToTypeSpec (Type item, string name, Type retType, Type[] pars, int gen_param_count) { MethodRef meth = new MethodRef (item.GetTypeSpec (metaData), name, retType, pars, false, null, gen_param_count); metaData.AddToTable (MDTable.MemberRef,meth); return meth; } public MethodRef AddVarArgMethodToTypeSpec (Type item, string name, Type retType, Type[] pars, Type[] optPars) { MethodRef meth = new MethodRef(item.GetTypeSpec (metaData), name,retType,pars,true,optPars, 0); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.MemberRef,meth); return meth; } public FieldRef AddFieldToTypeSpec (Type item, string name, Type fType) { FieldRef field = new FieldRef (item.GetTypeSpec (metaData), name,fType); metaData.AddToTable (MDTable.MemberRef,field); return field; } public Method AddMethodSpec (Method m, GenericMethodSig g_sig) { MethodSpec ms = new MethodSpec (m, g_sig); metaData.AddToTable (MDTable.MethodSpec, ms); return ms; } /// <summary> /// Add a "global" field to this module /// </summary> /// <param name="name">field name</param> /// <param name="fType">field type</param> /// <returns>a descriptor for this new "global" field</returns> public FieldDef AddField(string name, Type fType) { return moduleClass.AddField(name,fType); } /// <summary> /// Add a "global" field to this module /// </summary> /// <param name="attrSet">attributes of this field</param> /// <param name="name">field name</param> /// <param name="fType">field type</param> /// <returns>a descriptor for this new "global" field</returns> public FieldDef AddField(FieldAttr attrSet, string name, Type fType) { return moduleClass.AddField(attrSet,name,fType); } /// <summary> /// Add a class to this module /// </summary> /// <param name="attrSet">attributes of this class</param> /// <param name="nsName">name space name</param> /// <param name="name">class name</param> /// <returns>a descriptor for this new class</returns> public ClassDef AddClass(TypeAttr attrSet, string nsName, string name) { return AddClass (attrSet, nsName, name, null); } /// <summary> /// Add a class which extends System.ValueType to this module /// </summary> /// <param name="attrSet">attributes of this class</param> /// <param name="nsName">name space name</param> /// <param name="name">class name</param> /// <returns>a descriptor for this new class</returns> public ClassDef AddValueClass(TypeAttr attrSet, string nsName, string name, ValueClass vClass) { ClassDef aClass = new ClassDef(attrSet,nsName,name,metaData); if (!ClassDef.IsValueType (nsName, name) && !ClassDef.IsEnum (nsName, name)) { aClass.MakeValueClass(vClass); } else { if (ClassDef.IsEnum (nsName, name)) aClass.SetSuper (metaData.mscorlib.ValueType ()); else aClass.SetSuper (metaData.mscorlib.GetSpecialSystemClass (PrimitiveType.Object)); metaData.mscorlib.SetSpecialSystemClass (nsName, name, aClass); } aClass.SetTypeIndex (PrimitiveType.ValueType.GetTypeIndex ()); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.TypeDef,aClass); return aClass; } /// <summary> /// Add a class to this module /// </summary> /// <param name="attrSet">attributes of this class</param> /// <param name="nsName">name space name</param> /// <param name="name">class name</param> /// <param name="superType">super type of this class (extends)</param> /// <returns>a descriptor for this new class</returns> public ClassDef AddClass(TypeAttr attrSet, string nsName, string name, Class superType) { ClassDef aClass = new ClassDef(attrSet,nsName,name,metaData); if (superType != null) aClass.SetSuper(superType); if (PEFile.IsMSCorlib) metaData.mscorlib.SetSpecialSystemClass (nsName, name, aClass); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.TypeDef,aClass); return aClass; } public void AddGenericClass (GenericTypeInst gti) { metaData.AddToTable (MDTable.TypeSpec, gti); } public void AddGenericParam (GenParam param) { metaData.AddToTable (MDTable.TypeSpec, param); } public FileRef AddFile(string fName, byte[] hashBytes, bool hasMetaData, bool entryPoint) { FileRef file = new FileRef(fName,hashBytes,hasMetaData,entryPoint,metaData); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.File,file); return file; } public PrimitiveTypeRef AddPrimitiveType (PrimitiveType type) { return new PrimitiveTypeRef (type, metaData); } /// <summary> /// Add a manifest resource to this PEFile NOT YET IMPLEMENTED /// </summary> /// <param name="mr"></param> public void AddManifestResource(ManifestResource mr) { metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.ManifestResource,mr); resources.Add (mr); //mr.FixName(metaData); } public void AddCustomAttribute (Method meth, byte [] data, MetaDataElement element) { metaData.AddCustomAttribute (new CustomAttribute (element, meth, data)); element.HasCustomAttr = true; } public void AddCustomAttribute (Method meth, Constant constant, MetaDataElement element) { metaData.AddCustomAttribute (new CustomAttribute (element, meth, constant)); element.HasCustomAttr = true; } public void AddDeclSecurity (SecurityAction sec_action, byte [] data, MetaDataElement element) { metaData.AddDeclSecurity (new DeclSecurity (element, (ushort) sec_action, data)); } public void AddDeclSecurity (SecurityAction sec_action, PEAPI.PermissionSet ps, MetaDataElement element) { metaData.AddDeclSecurity (new DeclSecurity_20 (element, (ushort) sec_action, ps)); } /// <summary> /// Add a managed resource from another assembly. /// </summary> /// <param name="resName">The name of the resource</param> /// <param name="assem">The assembly where the resource is</param> /// <param name="isPublic">Access for the resource</param> public void AddExternalManagedResource (string resName, AssemblyRef assem, uint flags) { resources.Add (new ManifestResource (resName, flags, assem)); } /// <summary> /// Add a managed resource from another assembly. /// </summary> /// <param name="mr"></param> /// <param name="isPublic"></param> public void AddExternalManagedResource (ManifestResource mr) { resources.Add (new ManifestResource (mr)); } /// <summary> /// Find a resource /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The name of the resource</param> /// <returns>The resource with the name "name" or null </returns> public ManifestResource GetResource (string name) { for (int i = 0; i < resources.Count; i ++) { if (((ManifestResource) resources [i]).Name == name) return (ManifestResource) resources [i]; } return null; } public ManifestResource [] GetResources() { return (ManifestResource []) resources.ToArray (typeof (ManifestResource)); } /// <summary> /// Write out the PEFile (the "bake" function) /// </summary> public void WritePEFile() { /* the "bake" function */ if (thisAssembly != null) fileImage.ReserveStrongNameSignatureSpace = thisAssembly.HasPublicKey; fileImage.MakeFile(); } /// <summary> /// Get the descriptor of this module /// </summary> /// <returns>the descriptor for this module</returns> public Module GetThisModule() { return thisMod; } /// <summary> /// Get the descriptor for this assembly. The PEFile must have been /// created with hasAssembly = true /// </summary> /// <returns>the descriptor for this assembly</returns> public Assembly GetThisAssembly() { return thisAssembly; } } /**************************************************************************/ /// <summary> /// Descriptor for a Section in a PEFile eg .text, .sdata /// </summary> internal class Section { private static readonly uint relocPageSize = 4096; // 4K pages for fixups char[] name; uint offset = 0, tide = 0, size = 0, rva = 0, relocTide = 0; //uint relocOff = 0; uint flags = 0, padding = 0; uint[] relocs; internal Section(string sName, uint sFlags) { name = sName.ToCharArray(); flags = sFlags; } internal uint Tide() { return tide; } internal void IncTide(uint incVal) { tide += incVal; } internal uint Padding() { return padding; } internal uint Size() { return size; } internal void SetSize(uint pad) { padding = pad; size = tide + padding; } internal uint RVA() { return rva; } internal void SetRVA(uint rva) { this.rva = rva; } internal uint Offset() { return offset; } internal void SetOffset(uint offs) { offset = offs; } internal void DoBlock(BinaryWriter reloc, uint page, int start, int end) { //Console.WriteLine("rva = " + rva + " page = " + page); reloc.Write(rva + page); reloc.Write((uint)(((end-start+1)*2) + 8)); for (int j=start; j < end; j++) { //Console.WriteLine("reloc offset = " + relocs[j]); reloc.Write((ushort)((0x3 << 12) | (relocs[j] - page))); } reloc.Write((ushort)0); } internal void DoRelocs(BinaryWriter reloc) { if (relocTide > 0) { //relocOff = (uint)reloc.Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current); uint block = (relocs[0]/relocPageSize + 1) * relocPageSize; int start = 0; for (int i=1; i < relocTide; i++) { if (relocs[i] >= block) { DoBlock(reloc,block-relocPageSize,start,i); start = i; block = (relocs[i]/relocPageSize + 1) * relocPageSize; } } DoBlock(reloc,block-relocPageSize,start,(int)relocTide); } } internal void AddReloc(uint offs) { int pos = 0; if (relocs == null) { relocs = new uint[5]; } else { if (relocTide >= relocs.Length) { uint[] tmp = relocs; relocs = new uint[tmp.Length + 5]; for (int i=0; i < relocTide; i++) { relocs[i] = tmp[i]; } } while ((pos < relocTide) && (relocs[pos] < offs)) pos++; for (int i=pos; i < relocTide; i++) { relocs[i+1] = relocs[i]; } } relocs[pos] = offs; relocTide++; } internal void WriteHeader(BinaryWriter output, uint relocRVA) { output.Write(name); output.Write(tide); output.Write(rva); output.Write(size); output.Write(offset); output.Write(0); //output.Write(relocRVA + relocOff); output.Write(0); output.Write(0); //output.Write((ushort)relocTide); //output.Write((ushort)0); output.Write(flags); } } public class Hex { readonly static char[] hexDigit = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7', '8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'}; readonly static uint[] iByteMask = {0x000000FF, 0x0000FF00, 0x00FF0000, 0xFF000000}; readonly static ulong[] lByteMask = {0x00000000000000FF, 0x000000000000FF00, 0x0000000000FF0000, 0x00000000FF000000, 0x000000FF00000000, 0x0000FF0000000000, 0x00FF000000000000, 0xFF00000000000000 }; readonly static uint nibble0Mask = 0x0000000F; readonly static uint nibble1Mask = 0x000000F0; public static String Byte(int b) { char[] str = new char[2]; uint num = (uint)b; uint b1 = num & nibble0Mask; uint b2 = (num & nibble1Mask) >> 4; str[0] = hexDigit[b2]; str[1] = hexDigit[b1]; return new String(str); } public static String Short(int b) { char[] str = new char[4]; uint num1 = (uint)b & iByteMask[0]; uint num2 = ((uint)b & iByteMask[1]) >> 8; uint b1 = num1 & nibble0Mask; uint b2 = (num1 & nibble1Mask) >> 4; uint b3 = num2 & nibble0Mask; uint b4 = (num2 & nibble1Mask) >> 4; str[0] = hexDigit[b4]; str[1] = hexDigit[b3]; str[2] = hexDigit[b2]; str[3] = hexDigit[b1]; return new String(str); } public static String Int(int val) { char[] str = new char[8]; uint num = (uint)val; int strIx = 7; for (int i=0; i < iByteMask.Length; i++) { uint b = num & iByteMask[i]; b >>= (i*8); uint b1 = b & nibble0Mask; uint b2 = (b & nibble1Mask) >> 4; str[strIx--] = hexDigit[b1]; str[strIx--] = hexDigit[b2]; } return new String(str); } public static String Int(uint num) { char[] str = new char[8]; int strIx = 7; for (int i=0; i < iByteMask.Length; i++) { uint b = num & iByteMask[i]; b >>= (i*8); uint b1 = b & nibble0Mask; uint b2 = (b & nibble1Mask) >> 4; str[strIx--] = hexDigit[b1]; str[strIx--] = hexDigit[b2]; } return new String(str); } public static String Long(long lnum) { ulong num = (ulong)lnum; char[] str = new char[16]; int strIx = 15; for (int i=0; i < lByteMask.Length; i++) { ulong b = num & lByteMask[i]; b >>= (i*8); ulong b1 = b & nibble0Mask; ulong b2 = (b & nibble1Mask) >> 4; str[strIx--] = hexDigit[b1]; str[strIx--] = hexDigit[b2]; } return new String(str); } } /// <summary> /// Error for invalid PE file /// </summary> public class PEFileException : System.Exception { public PEFileException(string msg) : base(msg) { } } public class NotYetImplementedException : System.Exception { public NotYetImplementedException(string msg) : base(msg + " Not Yet Implemented") { } } public class TypeSignatureException : System.Exception { public TypeSignatureException(string msg) : base(msg) { } } }