using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;

namespace PEAPI {

	/// <summary>
	/// Image for a PEFile
	/// File Structure
	///     DOS Header (128 bytes) 
	///     PE Signature ("PE\0\0") 
	///     PEFileHeader (20 bytes)
	///     PEOptionalHeader (224 bytes) 
	///     SectionHeaders (40 bytes * NumSections)
	///     Sections .text (always present - contains metadata)
	///              .sdata (contains any initialised data in the file - may not be present)
	///                     (for ilams /debug this contains the Debug table)
	///              .reloc (always present - in pure CIL only has one fixup)
	///               others???  c# produces .rsrc section containing a Resource Table
	/// .text layout
	///     IAT (single entry 8 bytes for pure CIL)
	///     CLIHeader (72 bytes)
	///     CIL instructions for all methods (variable size)
	///     MetaData 
	///       Root (20 bytes + UTF-8 Version String + quad align padding)
	///       StreamHeaders (8 bytes + null terminated name string + quad align padding)
	///       Streams 
	///         #~        (always present - holds metadata tables)
	///         #Strings  (always present - holds identifier strings)
	///         #US       (Userstring heap)
	///         #Blob     (signature blobs)
	///         #GUID     (guids for assemblies or Modules)
	///    ImportTable (40 bytes)
	///    ImportLookupTable(8 bytes) (same as IAT for standard CIL files)
	///    Hint/Name Tables with entry "_CorExeMain" for .exe file and "_CorDllMain" for .dll (14 bytes)
	///    ASCII string "mscoree.dll" referenced in ImportTable (+ padding = 16 bytes)
	///    Entry Point  (0xFF25 followed by 4 bytes 0x400000 + RVA of .text)
	///  #~ stream structure
	///    Header (24 bytes)
	///    Rows   (4 bytes * numTables)
	///    Tables
	/// </summary>
	internal class FileImage : BinaryWriter {

		internal readonly static uint[] iByteMask = {0x000000FF, 0x0000FF00, 0x00FF0000, 0xFF000000};
		internal readonly static ulong[] lByteMask = {0x00000000000000FF, 0x000000000000FF00,
			0x0000000000FF0000, 0x00000000FF000000,
			0x000000FF00000000, 0x0000FF0000000000,
			0x00FF000000000000, 0xFF00000000000000 };
		internal readonly static uint nibble0Mask = 0x0000000F;
		internal readonly static uint nibble1Mask = 0x000000F0;

		private static readonly byte[] DOSHeader = { 0x4d,0x5a,0x90,0x00,0x03,0x00,0x00,0x00,
		private static byte[] PEHeader = { 0x4c, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
			0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
			0xE0, 0x00, 0x0E, 0x01, // PE Header Standard Fields
			0x0B, 0x01, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
			0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
			0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00

		private static readonly uint minFileAlign = 0x200;
		private static readonly uint maxFileAlign = 0x1000;
		private static readonly uint fileHeaderSize = 0x178;
		private static readonly uint sectionHeaderSize = 40;
		private static readonly uint SectionAlignment = 0x2000;
		private static readonly uint ImageBase = 0x400000;
		private static readonly uint ImportTableSize = 40;
		private static readonly uint IATSize = 8;
		private static readonly uint CLIHeaderSize = 72;
		private uint runtimeFlags = 0x01;  // COMIMAGE_FLAGS_ILONLY
		private static readonly uint StrongNameSignatureSize = 128;
		private bool reserveStrongNameSignatureSpace = false;

		private static readonly uint relocFlags = 0x42000040;
		private static readonly ushort exeCharacteristics = 0x010E;
		private static readonly ushort dllCharacteristics = 0x210E;
		// section names are all 8 bytes
		private static readonly string textName = ".text\0\0\0";
		private static readonly string sdataName = ".sdata\0\0";
		private static readonly string relocName = ".reloc\0\0";
		private static readonly string rsrcName = ".rsrc\0\0\0";
		private static readonly string exeHintNameTable = "\0\0_CorExeMain\0";
		private static readonly string dllHintNameTable = "\0\0_CorDllMain\0";
		private static readonly string runtimeEngineName = "mscoree.dll\0\0";

		private Section text, sdata, rsrc;
		ArrayList data;
		BinaryWriter reloc = new BinaryWriter(new MemoryStream());
		uint dateStamp = 0;
		DateTime origin = new DateTime(1970,1,1);
		uint numSections = 2; // always have .text  and .reloc sections
		internal SubSystem subSys = SubSystem.Windows_CUI;  // default is Windows Console mode
		internal long stackReserve = 0x100000; // default is 1Mb 
		internal uint fileAlign = minFileAlign;
		uint entryPointOffset, entryPointPadding, imageSize, headerSize, headerPadding, entryPointToken = 0;
		uint relocOffset, relocRVA, relocSize, relocPadding, relocTide, hintNameTableOffset;
		uint metaDataOffset, runtimeEngineOffset, initDataSize = 0, importTablePadding;
		uint resourcesSize, resourcesOffset;
		uint strongNameSigOffset;
		uint importTableOffset, importLookupTableOffset, totalImportTableSize;
		MetaData metaData;
		char[] runtimeEngine = runtimeEngineName.ToCharArray(), hintNameTable;
		bool doDLL, largeStrings, largeGUID, largeUS, largeBlob;
		ushort characteristics;

		internal FileImage(bool makeDLL, string fileName) : base(new FileStream(fileName,FileMode.Create)) 
			TimeSpan tmp = System.IO.File.GetCreationTime(fileName).Subtract(origin);
			dateStamp = Convert.ToUInt32(tmp.TotalSeconds);

		internal FileImage(bool makeDLL, Stream str) : base(str) 
			TimeSpan tmp = DateTime.Now.Subtract(origin);
			dateStamp = Convert.ToUInt32(tmp.TotalSeconds);

		private void InitFileImage(bool makeDLL) 
			doDLL = makeDLL;
			if (doDLL) {
				hintNameTable = dllHintNameTable.ToCharArray();
				characteristics = dllCharacteristics;
			} else {
				hintNameTable = exeHintNameTable.ToCharArray();
				characteristics = exeCharacteristics;
			text = new Section(textName,0x60000020);     // IMAGE_SCN_CNT  CODE, EXECUTE, READ
			//                      rsrc = new Section(rsrcName,0x40000040);     // IMAGE_SCN_CNT  INITIALIZED_DATA, READ
			metaData = new MetaData(this);

		internal MetaData GetMetaData() 
			return metaData;

		private uint GetNextSectStart(uint rva, uint tide) 
			uint c = tide / SectionAlignment;
			if ((tide % SectionAlignment) != 0)
			return rva + (c * SectionAlignment);

		private void BuildTextSection() 
			// .text layout
			//    IAT (single entry 8 bytes for pure CIL)
			//    CLIHeader (72 bytes)
			//    CIL instructions for all methods (variable size)
			//    MetaData 
			//    ImportTable (40 bytes)
			//    ImportLookupTable(8 bytes) (same as IAT for standard CIL files)
			//    Hint/Name Tables with entry "_CorExeMain" for .exe file and "_CorDllMain" for .dll (14 bytes)
			//    ASCII string "mscoree.dll" referenced in ImportTable (+ padding = 16 bytes)
			//    Entry Point  (0xFF25 followed by 4 bytes 0x400000 + RVA of .text)
			metaData.BuildMetaData(IATSize + CLIHeaderSize);
			metaDataOffset = IATSize + CLIHeaderSize;
			// Console.WriteLine("Code starts at " + metaDataOffset);
			metaDataOffset += metaData.CodeSize();
			// resourcesStart =
			resourcesOffset = metaDataOffset + metaData.Size ();
			resourcesSize = metaData.GetResourcesSize ();
			if (reserveStrongNameSignatureSpace) {
				strongNameSigOffset = resourcesOffset + resourcesSize;
				// fixUps = RVA for vtable
				importTableOffset = strongNameSigOffset + StrongNameSignatureSize;
			} else {
				strongNameSigOffset = 0;
				// fixUps = RVA for vtable
				importTableOffset = resourcesOffset + resourcesSize;
			importTablePadding = NumToAlign(importTableOffset,16);
			importTableOffset += importTablePadding;
			importLookupTableOffset = importTableOffset + ImportTableSize;
			hintNameTableOffset = importLookupTableOffset + IATSize;
			runtimeEngineOffset = hintNameTableOffset + (uint)hintNameTable.Length;
			entryPointOffset = runtimeEngineOffset + (uint)runtimeEngine.Length;
			totalImportTableSize = entryPointOffset - importTableOffset;
			// Console.WriteLine("total import table size = " + totalImportTableSize);
			// Console.WriteLine("entrypoint offset = " + entryPointOffset);
			entryPointPadding = NumToAlign(entryPointOffset,4) + 2;
			entryPointOffset += entryPointPadding;
			text.IncTide(entryPointOffset + 6);
			//if (text.Tide() < fileAlign) fileAlign = minFileAlign;
			// Console.WriteLine("text size = " + text.Size() + " text tide = " + text.Tide() + " text padding = " + text.Padding());
			// Console.WriteLine("metaDataOffset = " + Hex.Int(metaDataOffset));
			// Console.WriteLine("importTableOffset = " + Hex.Int(importTableOffset));
			// Console.WriteLine("importLookupTableOffset = " + Hex.Int(importLookupTableOffset));
			// Console.WriteLine("hintNameTableOffset = " + Hex.Int(hintNameTableOffset));
			// Console.WriteLine("runtimeEngineOffset = " + Hex.Int(runtimeEngineOffset));
			// Console.WriteLine("entryPointOffset = " + Hex.Int(entryPointOffset));
			// Console.WriteLine("entryPointPadding = " + Hex.Int(entryPointPadding));


		internal void BuildRelocSection() 
			if (sdata != null) sdata.DoRelocs(reloc);
			if (rsrc != null) rsrc.DoRelocs(reloc);
			relocTide = (uint)reloc.Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current);
			relocPadding = NumToAlign(relocTide,fileAlign);
			relocSize = relocTide + relocPadding;
			imageSize = relocRVA + SectionAlignment;
			initDataSize += relocSize;

		private void CalcOffsets() 
			if (sdata != null)
			if (rsrc != null)
			headerSize = fileHeaderSize + (numSections * sectionHeaderSize);
			headerPadding = NumToAlign(headerSize,fileAlign);
			headerSize += headerPadding;
			uint offset = headerSize;
			uint rva = SectionAlignment;
			offset += text.Size();
			rva  = GetNextSectStart(rva,text.Tide());
			// Console.WriteLine("headerSize = " + headerSize);
			// Console.WriteLine("headerPadding = " + headerPadding);
			// Console.WriteLine("textOffset = " + Hex.Int(text.Offset()));
			if (sdata != null) { 
				offset += sdata.Size();
				rva = GetNextSectStart(rva,sdata.Tide());
				initDataSize += sdata.Size();
			if (rsrc != null) { 
				offset += rsrc.Size();
				rva = GetNextSectStart(rva,rsrc.Tide());
				initDataSize += rsrc.Size();
			relocOffset = offset;
			relocRVA = rva;

		internal void MakeFile() 
			if (doDLL) hintNameTable = dllHintNameTable.ToCharArray();
			else hintNameTable = exeHintNameTable.ToCharArray();
			// now write it out

		private void WriteHeader() 
			// Console.WriteLine("Writing PEHeader at offset " + Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current));
			// Console.WriteLine("Writing text section header at offset " + Hex.Long(Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current)));
			if (sdata != null) sdata.WriteHeader(this,relocRVA);
			if (rsrc != null) rsrc.WriteHeader(this,relocRVA);
			// Console.WriteLine("Writing reloc section header at offset " + Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current));
			// Console.WriteLine("Writing padding at offset " + Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current));

		private void WriteSections() 
			// Console.WriteLine("Writing text section at offset " + Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current));
			if (sdata != null) WriteSDataSection();
			if (rsrc != null) WriteRsrcSection();

		private void WriteIAT() 
			Write(text.RVA() + hintNameTableOffset);

		private void WriteImportTables() 
			// Import Table
			// Console.WriteLine("Writing import tables at offset " + Hex.Long(Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current)));
			Write(importLookupTableOffset + text.RVA());
			Write(runtimeEngineOffset + text.RVA());
			Write(text.RVA());    // IAT is at the beginning of the text section
			// Import Lookup Table
			WriteIAT();                // lookup table and IAT are the same
			// Hint/Name Table
			// Console.WriteLine("Writing hintname table at " + Hex.Long(Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current)));

		private void WriteTextSection() 
			// Console.WriteLine("Writing code at " + Hex.Long(Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current)));
			// Console.WriteLine("Finished writing code at " + Hex.Long(Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current)));
			largeStrings = metaData.LargeStringsIndex();
			largeGUID = metaData.LargeGUIDIndex();
			largeUS = metaData.LargeUSIndex();
			largeBlob = metaData.LargeBlobIndex();
			metaData.WriteResources (this);
			if (reserveStrongNameSignatureSpace) {
			Write(ImageBase + text.RVA());

		private void WriteCLIHeader() 
			Write(CLIHeaderSize);       // Cb
			Write((short)2);            // Major runtime version
			Write((short)0);            // Minor runtime version
			Write(text.RVA() + metaDataOffset);
			if (resourcesSize > 0) {
				Write (text.RVA () + resourcesOffset);
				Write (resourcesSize);
			} else {
				WriteZeros (8);
			// Strong Name Signature (RVA, size)
			if (reserveStrongNameSignatureSpace) {
				Write(text.RVA() + strongNameSigOffset); 
			} else {
			WriteZeros(8);                     // CodeManagerTable
			WriteZeros(8);                     // VTableFixups NYI
			WriteZeros(16);                    // ExportAddressTableJumps, ManagedNativeHeader

		private void WriteSDataSection() 
			long size = sdata.Size ();
			long start = BaseStream.Position;
			for (int i=0; i < data.Count; i++) {
			while (BaseStream.Position < (start + size))
				Write ((byte) 0);

		private void WriteRsrcSection() 

		private void WriteRelocSection() 
			// Console.WriteLine("Writing reloc section at " + Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current) + " = " + relocOffset);
			MemoryStream str = (MemoryStream)reloc.BaseStream;

		internal void SetEntryPoint(uint entryPoint) 
			entryPointToken = entryPoint;

		internal void AddInitData(DataConstant cVal) 
			if (sdata == null) {                    
				sdata = new Section(sdataName,0xC0000040);   // IMAGE_SCN_CNT  INITIALIZED_DATA, READ, WRITE
				data = new ArrayList(); 
			cVal.DataOffset = sdata.Tide();

		internal void WriteZeros(uint numZeros) 
			for (int i=0; i < numZeros; i++) {

		internal void WritePEHeader() 
			Write((ushort)0x014C);  // Machine - always 0x14C for Managed PE Files (allow others??)
			WriteZeros(8); // Pointer to Symbol Table and Number of Symbols (always zero for ECMA CLI files)
			Write((ushort)0x00E0);  // Size of Optional Header
			// PE Optional Header
			Write((ushort)0x010B);   // Magic
			Write((byte)0x6);        // LMajor pure-IL = 6   C++ = 7
			Write((byte)0x0);        // LMinor
			Write(0);                // Check other sections here!!
			Write(text.RVA() + entryPointOffset);
			uint dataBase = 0;
			if (sdata != null) dataBase = sdata.RVA();
			else if (rsrc != null) dataBase = rsrc.RVA();
			else dataBase = relocRVA;
			Write((ushort)0x04);     // OS Major
			WriteZeros(6);                  // OS Minor, User Major, User Minor
			Write((ushort)0x04);     // SubSys Major
			WriteZeros(6);           // SybSys Minor, Reserved
			Write((int)0);           // File Checksum
			Write((short)0);         // DLL Flags
			Write((uint)stackReserve);   // Stack Reserve Size
			Write((uint)0x1000);     // Stack Commit Size
			Write((uint)0x100000);   // Heap Reserve Size
			Write((uint)0x1000);     // Heap Commit Size
			Write(0);                // Loader Flags
			Write(0x10);             // Number of Data Directories
			WriteZeros(8);                  // Export Table
			Write(importTableOffset + text.RVA());
			WriteZeros(24);            // Resource, Exception and Certificate Tables
			WriteZeros(48);            // Debug, Copyright, Global Ptr, TLS, Load Config and Bound Import Tables
			Write(text.RVA());         // IATRVA - IAT is at start of .text Section
			WriteZeros(8);             // Delay Import Descriptor
			Write(text.RVA()+IATSize); // CLIHeader immediately follows IAT
			WriteZeros(8);             // Reserved

		internal void WriteRelocSectionHeader() 

		private void Align (MemoryStream str, int val) 
			if ((str.Position % val) != 0) {
				for (int i=val - (int)(str.Position % val); i > 0; i--) {

		private uint Align(uint val, uint alignVal) 
			if ((val % alignVal) != 0) {
				val += alignVal - (val % alignVal);
			return val;

		private uint NumToAlign(uint val, uint alignVal) 
			if ((val % alignVal) == 0) return 0;
			return alignVal - (val % alignVal);

		internal void StringsIndex(uint ix) 
			if (largeStrings) Write(ix);
			else Write((ushort)ix);

		internal void GUIDIndex(uint ix) 
			if (largeGUID) Write(ix);
			else Write((ushort)ix);

		internal void USIndex(uint ix) 
			if (largeUS) Write(ix);
			else Write((ushort)ix);

		internal void BlobIndex(uint ix) 
			if (largeBlob) Write(ix);
			else Write((ushort)ix);

		internal void WriteIndex(MDTable tabIx,uint ix) 
			if (metaData.LargeIx(tabIx)) Write(ix);
			else Write((ushort)ix);

		internal void WriteCodedIndex(CIx code, MetaDataElement elem) 

		internal void WriteCodeRVA(uint offs) 
			Write(text.RVA() + offs);

		internal void WriteDataRVA(uint offs) 
			Write(sdata.RVA() + offs);

		internal void Write3Bytes(uint val) 
			byte b3 = (byte)((val & FileImage.iByteMask[2]) >> 16);
			byte b2 = (byte)((val & FileImage.iByteMask[1]) >> 8);;
			byte b1 = (byte)(val & FileImage.iByteMask[0]);

		internal bool ReserveStrongNameSignatureSpace {
			get { return reserveStrongNameSignatureSpace; }
			set { reserveStrongNameSignatureSpace = value; }


	/// <summary>
	/// Base class for the PEFile (starting point)
	/// </summary>
	public class PEFile {

		private static readonly string mscorlibName = "mscorlib";
		private Module thisMod;
		private ClassDef moduleClass;
		private ArrayList resources = new ArrayList ();
		private Assembly thisAssembly;
		private static bool isMSCorlib;
		private int corFlags = 1;
		FileImage fileImage;
		MetaData metaData;

		/// <summary>
		/// Create a new PEFile.  Each PEFile is a module.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="name">module name, also used for the file name</param>
		/// <param name="isDLL">create a .dll or .exe file</param>
		/// <param name="hasAssembly">this file is an assembly and 
		/// will contain the assembly manifest.  The assembly name is the 
		/// same as the module name</param>
		public PEFile(string name, bool isDLL, bool hasAssembly)
			: this (name, null, isDLL, hasAssembly, null, null) 
			// Console.WriteLine(Hex.Byte(0x12));
			// Console.WriteLine(Hex.Short(0x1234));
			// Console.WriteLine(Hex.Int(0x12345678));

		/// <summary>
		/// Create a new PEFile.  Each PEFile is a module.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="name">module name, also used for the file name</param>
		/// <param name="isDLL">create a .dll or .exe file</param>
		/// <param name="hasAssembly">this file is an assembly and 
		/// will contain the assembly manifest.  The assembly name is the 
		/// same as the module name</param>
		/// <param name="outputDir">write the PEFile to this directory.  If this
		/// string is null then the output will be to the current directory</param>
		public PEFile(string name, bool isDLL, bool hasAssembly, string outputDir)
			: this (name, null, isDLL, hasAssembly, outputDir, null) 
			// Console.WriteLine(Hex.Byte(0x12));
			// Console.WriteLine(Hex.Short(0x1234));
			// Console.WriteLine(Hex.Int(0x12345678));

		/// <summary>
		/// Create a new PEFile
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="name">module name</param>
		/// <param name="isDLL">create a .dll or .exe</param>
		/// <param name="hasAssembly">this PEfile is an assembly and
		/// will contain the assemly manifest.  The assembly name is the
		/// same as the module name</param>
		/// <param name="outStream">write the PEFile to this stream instead
		/// of to a new file</param>
		public PEFile(string name, bool isDLL, bool hasAssembly, Stream outStream)
			: this (name, null, isDLL, hasAssembly, null, outStream) 

		public PEFile(string name, string module_name, bool isDLL, bool hasAssembly, Stream outStream)
			: this (name, module_name, isDLL, hasAssembly, null, outStream) 

		public PEFile(string name, string module_name, bool isDLL, bool hasAssembly, string outputDir, Stream outStream) 
			SetName (name);
			string fname = module_name == null ? MakeFileName (outputDir, name, isDLL) : module_name;
			if (outStream == null)
				fileImage = new FileImage (isDLL, fname);
				fileImage = new FileImage (isDLL, outStream);

			InitPEFile (name, fname, hasAssembly);

		private void SetName (string name)
			if (name == "mscorlib")
				isMSCorlib = true;

		private void InitPEFile(string name, string fName, bool hasAssembly) 
			metaData = fileImage.GetMetaData();
			thisMod = new Module(fName,metaData);
			if (hasAssembly) {
				thisAssembly = new Assembly(name,metaData);
			moduleClass = AddClass(TypeAttr.Private,"","<Module>");

		internal static bool IsMSCorlib {
			get { return isMSCorlib; }

		public ClassDef ModuleClass {
			get { return moduleClass; }

		/// <summary>
		/// Set the subsystem (.subsystem) (Default is Windows Console mode)
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="subS">subsystem value</param>
		public void SetSubSystem(SubSystem subS) 
			fileImage.subSys = subS;

		/// <summary>
		/// Set the flags (.corflags)
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="flags">the flags value</param>
		public void SetCorFlags(int flags) 
			corFlags = flags;

		public void SetStackReserve (long stackReserve)
			fileImage.stackReserve = stackReserve;

		private string MakeFileName(string dirName, string name, bool isDLL) 
			string result = "";
			if ((dirName != null) && (dirName.CompareTo("") != 0)) {
				result = dirName;
				if (!dirName.EndsWith("\\")) result += "\\";
			result += name;

			// if (isDLL) result += ".dll";  else result += ".exe";

			return result;

		/// <summary>
		/// Add an external assembly to this PEFile (.assembly extern)
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="assemName">the external assembly name</param>
		/// <returns>a descriptor for this external assembly</returns>
		public AssemblyRef AddExternAssembly(string assemName) 
			if (assemName.CompareTo(mscorlibName) == 0) return metaData.mscorlib;
			AssemblyRef anAssem = new AssemblyRef(metaData,assemName);
			// Console.WriteLine("Adding assembly " + assemName);
			return anAssem;

		/// <summary>
		/// Add an external module to this PEFile (.module extern)
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="name">the external module name</param>
		/// <returns>a descriptor for this external module</returns>
		public ModuleRef AddExternModule(string name) 
			ModuleRef modRef = new ModuleRef(metaData,name);
			return modRef;

		public ClassRef AddExternClass(string ns, string name, TypeAttr attrs, MetaDataElement declRef)
			return new ExternClassRef (attrs, ns, name, declRef, metaData);
		/// <summary>
		/// Add a "global" method to this module
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="name">method name</param>
		/// <param name="retType">return type</param>
		/// <param name="pars">method parameters</param>
		/// <returns>a descriptor for this new "global" method</returns>
		public MethodDef AddMethod (string name, Param ret_param, Param [] pars) 
			return moduleClass.AddMethod (name, ret_param, pars);
		public MethodDef AddMethod(string name, Type retType, Param[] pars) 
			return AddMethod (name, new Param (ParamAttr.Default, "", retType), pars);

		/// <summary>
		/// Add a "global" method to this module
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="mAtts">method attributes</param>
		/// <param name="iAtts">method implementation attributes</param>
		/// <param name="name">method name</param>
		/// <param name="retType">return type</param>
		/// <param name="pars">method parameters</param>
		/// <returns>a descriptor for this new "global" method</returns>
		public MethodDef AddMethod (MethAttr mAtts, ImplAttr iAtts, string name, Param ret_param, Param [] pars) 
			return moduleClass.AddMethod (mAtts, iAtts, name, ret_param, pars);

		public MethodDef AddMethod(MethAttr mAtts, ImplAttr iAtts, string name, Type retType, Param[] pars) 
			return AddMethod (mAtts, iAtts, name, new Param (ParamAttr.Default, "", retType), pars);

		public MethodRef AddMethodToTypeSpec (Type item, string name, Type retType, Type[] pars) 
			return AddMethodToTypeSpec (item, name, retType, pars, 0);
		public MethodRef AddMethodToTypeSpec (Type item, string name, Type retType, Type[] pars, int gen_param_count) 
			MethodRef meth = new MethodRef (item.GetTypeSpec (metaData), name, retType, pars, false, null, gen_param_count);
			metaData.AddToTable (MDTable.MemberRef,meth);
			return meth;

		public MethodRef AddVarArgMethodToTypeSpec (Type item, string name, Type retType,
				Type[] pars, Type[] optPars) {
			MethodRef meth = new MethodRef(item.GetTypeSpec (metaData), name,retType,pars,true,optPars, 0);
			return meth;

		public FieldRef AddFieldToTypeSpec (Type item, string name, Type fType) 
			FieldRef field = new FieldRef (item.GetTypeSpec (metaData), name,fType);
			metaData.AddToTable (MDTable.MemberRef,field);
			return field;

		public Method AddMethodSpec (Method m, GenericMethodSig g_sig)
			MethodSpec ms = new MethodSpec (m, g_sig);
			metaData.AddToTable (MDTable.MethodSpec, ms);
			return ms;

		/// <summary>
		/// Add a "global" field to this module
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="name">field name</param>
		/// <param name="fType">field type</param>
		/// <returns>a descriptor for this new "global" field</returns>
		public FieldDef AddField(string name, Type fType) 
			return moduleClass.AddField(name,fType);

		/// <summary>
		/// Add a "global" field to this module
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="attrSet">attributes of this field</param>
		/// <param name="name">field name</param>
		/// <param name="fType">field type</param>
		/// <returns>a descriptor for this new "global" field</returns>
		public FieldDef AddField(FieldAttr attrSet, string name, Type fType) 
			return moduleClass.AddField(attrSet,name,fType);

		/// <summary>
		/// Add a class to this module
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="attrSet">attributes of this class</param>
		/// <param name="nsName">name space name</param>
		/// <param name="name">class name</param>
		/// <returns>a descriptor for this new class</returns>
		public ClassDef AddClass(TypeAttr attrSet, string nsName, string name) 
			return AddClass (attrSet, nsName, name, null);

		/// <summary>
		/// Add a class which extends System.ValueType to this module
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="attrSet">attributes of this class</param>
		/// <param name="nsName">name space name</param>
		/// <param name="name">class name</param>
		/// <returns>a descriptor for this new class</returns>
		public ClassDef AddValueClass(TypeAttr attrSet, string nsName, string name, ValueClass vClass) 
			ClassDef aClass = new ClassDef(attrSet,nsName,name,metaData);
			if (!ClassDef.IsValueType (nsName, name) && !ClassDef.IsEnum (nsName, name)) {
			} else {
				if (ClassDef.IsEnum (nsName, name))
					aClass.SetSuper (metaData.mscorlib.ValueType ());
					aClass.SetSuper (metaData.mscorlib.GetSpecialSystemClass (PrimitiveType.Object));

				metaData.mscorlib.SetSpecialSystemClass (nsName, name, aClass);
			aClass.SetTypeIndex (PrimitiveType.ValueType.GetTypeIndex ());
			return aClass;

		/// <summary>
		/// Add a class to this module
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="attrSet">attributes of this class</param>
		/// <param name="nsName">name space name</param>
		/// <param name="name">class name</param>
		/// <param name="superType">super type of this class (extends)</param>
		/// <returns>a descriptor for this new class</returns>
		public ClassDef AddClass(TypeAttr attrSet, string nsName, string name, Class superType) 
			ClassDef aClass = new ClassDef(attrSet,nsName,name,metaData);
			if (superType != null)
			if (PEFile.IsMSCorlib)
				metaData.mscorlib.SetSpecialSystemClass (nsName, name, aClass);
			return aClass;

		public void  AddGenericClass (GenericTypeInst gti)
			metaData.AddToTable (MDTable.TypeSpec, gti);

		public void AddGenericParam (GenParam param)
			metaData.AddToTable (MDTable.TypeSpec, param);

		public FileRef AddFile(string fName, byte[] hashBytes, bool hasMetaData, bool entryPoint) 
			FileRef file = new FileRef(fName,hashBytes,hasMetaData,entryPoint,metaData);
			return file;

		public PrimitiveTypeRef AddPrimitiveType (PrimitiveType type)
			return new PrimitiveTypeRef (type, metaData);

		/// <summary>
		/// Add a manifest resource to this PEFile NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="mr"></param>
		public void AddManifestResource(ManifestResource mr) 
			resources.Add (mr);

		public void AddCustomAttribute (Method meth, byte [] data, MetaDataElement element)
			metaData.AddCustomAttribute (new CustomAttribute (element, meth, data));
			element.HasCustomAttr = true;

		public void AddCustomAttribute (Method meth, Constant constant, MetaDataElement element)
			metaData.AddCustomAttribute (new CustomAttribute (element, meth, constant));
			element.HasCustomAttr = true;

		public void AddDeclSecurity (SecurityAction sec_action, byte [] data, MetaDataElement element)
			metaData.AddDeclSecurity (new DeclSecurity (element, (ushort) sec_action, data));

		public void AddDeclSecurity (SecurityAction sec_action, PEAPI.PermissionSet ps, MetaDataElement element)
			metaData.AddDeclSecurity (new DeclSecurity_20 (element, (ushort) sec_action, ps));

		/// <summary>
		/// Add a managed resource from another assembly.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="resName">The name of the resource</param>
		/// <param name="assem">The assembly where the resource is</param>
		/// <param name="isPublic">Access for the resource</param>
		public void AddExternalManagedResource (string resName, AssemblyRef assem, uint flags) 
			resources.Add (new ManifestResource (resName, flags, assem));

		/// <summary>
		/// Add a managed resource from another assembly.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="mr"></param>
		/// <param name="isPublic"></param>
		public void AddExternalManagedResource (ManifestResource mr) 
			resources.Add (new ManifestResource (mr));
		/// <summary>
		/// Find a resource
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="name">The name of the resource</param>
		/// <returns>The resource with the name "name" or null </returns>
		public ManifestResource GetResource (string name) 
			for (int i = 0; i < resources.Count; i ++) {
				if (((ManifestResource) resources [i]).Name == name)
					return (ManifestResource) resources [i];
			return null;

		public ManifestResource [] GetResources() 
			return (ManifestResource []) resources.ToArray (typeof (ManifestResource));

		/// <summary>
		/// Write out the PEFile (the "bake" function)
		/// </summary>
		public void WritePEFile() { /* the "bake" function */
			if (thisAssembly != null)
				fileImage.ReserveStrongNameSignatureSpace = thisAssembly.HasPublicKey;

		/// <summary>
		/// Get the descriptor of this module
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>the descriptor for this module</returns>
		public Module GetThisModule() 
			return thisMod;

		/// <summary>
		/// Get the descriptor for this assembly.  The PEFile must have been
		/// created with hasAssembly = true
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>the descriptor for this assembly</returns>
		public Assembly GetThisAssembly() 
			return thisAssembly;


	/// <summary>
	/// Descriptor for a Section in a PEFile  eg .text, .sdata
	/// </summary>
	internal class Section {
		private static readonly uint relocPageSize = 4096;  // 4K pages for fixups

		char[] name; 
		uint offset = 0, tide = 0, size = 0, rva = 0, relocTide = 0;
		//uint relocOff = 0;
		uint flags = 0, padding = 0;
		uint[] relocs; 

		internal Section(string sName, uint sFlags) 
			name = sName.ToCharArray();
			flags = sFlags;

		internal uint Tide() { return tide; }

		internal void IncTide(uint incVal) { tide += incVal; }

		internal uint Padding() { return padding; }

		internal uint Size() { return size; }

		internal void SetSize(uint pad) 
			padding = pad;
			size = tide + padding;

		internal uint RVA() { return rva; }

		internal void SetRVA(uint rva) { this.rva = rva; }

		internal uint Offset() { return offset; }

		internal void SetOffset(uint offs) { offset = offs; }

		internal void DoBlock(BinaryWriter reloc, uint page, int start, int end) 
			//Console.WriteLine("rva = " + rva + "  page = " + page);
			reloc.Write(rva + page);
			reloc.Write((uint)(((end-start+1)*2) + 8));
			for (int j=start; j < end; j++) {
				//Console.WriteLine("reloc offset = " + relocs[j]);
				reloc.Write((ushort)((0x3 << 12) | (relocs[j] - page)));

		internal void DoRelocs(BinaryWriter reloc) 
			if (relocTide > 0) {
				//relocOff = (uint)reloc.Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current);
				uint block = (relocs[0]/relocPageSize + 1) * relocPageSize;
				int start = 0;
				for (int i=1; i < relocTide; i++) {
					if (relocs[i] >= block) {
						start = i;
						block = (relocs[i]/relocPageSize + 1) * relocPageSize;

		internal void AddReloc(uint offs) 
			int pos = 0;
			if (relocs == null) {
				relocs = new uint[5];
			} else {
				if (relocTide >= relocs.Length) {
					uint[] tmp = relocs;
					relocs = new uint[tmp.Length + 5];
					for (int i=0; i < relocTide; i++) {
						relocs[i] = tmp[i];
				while ((pos < relocTide) && (relocs[pos] < offs)) pos++;
				for (int i=pos; i < relocTide; i++) {
					relocs[i+1] = relocs[i];
			relocs[pos] = offs;

		internal void WriteHeader(BinaryWriter output, uint relocRVA) 
			//output.Write(relocRVA + relocOff);


	public class Hex {
		readonly static char[] hexDigit = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7',
		readonly static uint[] iByteMask = {0x000000FF, 0x0000FF00, 0x00FF0000, 0xFF000000};
		readonly static ulong[] lByteMask = {0x00000000000000FF, 0x000000000000FF00, 
			0x0000000000FF0000, 0x00000000FF000000,
			0x000000FF00000000, 0x0000FF0000000000,
			0x00FF000000000000, 0xFF00000000000000 };
		readonly static uint nibble0Mask = 0x0000000F;
		readonly static uint nibble1Mask = 0x000000F0;

		public static String Byte(int b) 
			char[] str = new char[2];
			uint num = (uint)b;
			uint b1 = num & nibble0Mask;
			uint b2 = (num & nibble1Mask) >> 4;
			str[0] = hexDigit[b2];
			str[1] = hexDigit[b1];
			return new String(str);

		public static String Short(int b) 
			char[] str = new char[4];
			uint num1 = (uint)b & iByteMask[0];
			uint num2 = ((uint)b & iByteMask[1]) >> 8;
			uint b1 = num1 & nibble0Mask;
			uint b2 = (num1 & nibble1Mask) >> 4;
			uint b3 = num2 & nibble0Mask;
			uint b4 = (num2 & nibble1Mask) >> 4;
			str[0] = hexDigit[b4];
			str[1] = hexDigit[b3];
			str[2] = hexDigit[b2];
			str[3] = hexDigit[b1];
			return new String(str);

		public static String Int(int val) 
			char[] str = new char[8];
			uint num = (uint)val;
			int strIx = 7;
			for (int i=0; i < iByteMask.Length; i++) {
				uint b = num & iByteMask[i];
				b >>= (i*8);
				uint b1 = b & nibble0Mask;
				uint b2 = (b & nibble1Mask) >> 4;
				str[strIx--] = hexDigit[b1];
				str[strIx--] = hexDigit[b2];
			return new String(str);

		public static String Int(uint num) 
			char[] str = new char[8];
			int strIx = 7;
			for (int i=0; i < iByteMask.Length; i++) {
				uint b = num & iByteMask[i];
				b >>= (i*8);
				uint b1 = b & nibble0Mask;
				uint b2 = (b & nibble1Mask) >> 4;
				str[strIx--] = hexDigit[b1];
				str[strIx--] = hexDigit[b2];
			return new String(str);

		public static String Long(long lnum) 
			ulong num = (ulong)lnum;
			char[] str = new char[16];
			int strIx = 15;
			for (int i=0; i < lByteMask.Length; i++) {
				ulong b = num & lByteMask[i];
				b >>= (i*8);
				ulong b1 = b & nibble0Mask;
				ulong b2 = (b & nibble1Mask) >> 4;
				str[strIx--] = hexDigit[b1];
				str[strIx--] = hexDigit[b2];
			return new String(str);

	/// <summary>
	/// Error for invalid PE file
	/// </summary>
	public class PEFileException : System.Exception {
		public PEFileException(string msg) : base(msg) { }

	public class NotYetImplementedException : System.Exception  {
		public NotYetImplementedException(string msg) : base(msg + " Not Yet Implemented") { }

	public class TypeSignatureException : System.Exception {
		public TypeSignatureException(string msg) : base(msg) { }
