// ==++== // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // ==--== /*============================================================ ** ** Class: IntPtr ** ** ** Purpose: Platform independent integer ** ** ===========================================================*/ namespace System { using System; using System.Globalization; using System.Runtime; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution; using System.Security; using System.Diagnostics.Contracts; [Serializable] [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(true)] public struct IntPtr : ISerializable { [SecurityCritical] unsafe private void* m_value; // The compiler treats void* closest to uint hence explicit casts are required to preserve int behavior public static readonly IntPtr Zero; // fast way to compare IntPtr to (IntPtr)0 while IntPtr.Zero doesn't work due to slow statics access [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] // auto-generated [Pure] [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success)] internal unsafe bool IsNull() { return (this.m_value == null); } [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] // auto-generated [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.MayCorruptInstance, Cer.MayFail)] #if !FEATURE_CORECLR [TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline across NGen image boundaries")] #endif public unsafe IntPtr(int value) { #if WIN32 m_value = (void *)value; #else m_value = (void *)(long)value; #endif } [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] // auto-generated [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.MayCorruptInstance, Cer.MayFail)] #if !FEATURE_CORECLR [TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline across NGen image boundaries")] #endif public unsafe IntPtr(long value) { #if WIN32 m_value = (void *)checked((int)value); #else m_value = (void *)value; #endif } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] [CLSCompliant(false)] [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.MayCorruptInstance, Cer.MayFail)] public unsafe IntPtr(void* value) { m_value = value; } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated private unsafe IntPtr(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { long l = info.GetInt64("value"); if (Size==4 && (l>Int32.MaxValue || l() != null); #if WIN32 return ((int)m_value).ToString(format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); #else return ((long)m_value).ToString(format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); #endif } [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.MayCorruptInstance, Cer.MayFail)] #if !FEATURE_CORECLR [TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline across NGen image boundaries")] #endif public static explicit operator IntPtr (int value) { return new IntPtr(value); } [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.MayCorruptInstance, Cer.MayFail)] #if !FEATURE_CORECLR [TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline across NGen image boundaries")] #endif public static explicit operator IntPtr (long value) { return new IntPtr(value); } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] [CLSCompliant(false), ReliabilityContract(Consistency.MayCorruptInstance, Cer.MayFail)] #if !FEATURE_CORECLR [TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline across NGen image boundaries")] #endif public static unsafe explicit operator IntPtr (void* value) { return new IntPtr(value); } [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] // auto-generated [CLSCompliant(false)] #if !FEATURE_CORECLR [TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline across NGen image boundaries")] #endif public static unsafe explicit operator void* (IntPtr value) { return value.ToPointer(); } [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] // auto-generated #if !FEATURE_CORECLR [TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline across NGen image boundaries")] #endif public unsafe static explicit operator int (IntPtr value) { #if WIN32 return (int)value.m_value; #else long l = (long)value.m_value; return checked((int)l); #endif } [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] // auto-generated #if !FEATURE_CORECLR [TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline across NGen image boundaries")] #endif public unsafe static explicit operator long (IntPtr value) { #if WIN32 return (long)(int)value.m_value; #else return (long)value.m_value; #endif } [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] // auto-generated [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success)] #if !FEATURE_CORECLR [TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline across NGen image boundaries")] #endif public unsafe static bool operator == (IntPtr value1, IntPtr value2) { return value1.m_value == value2.m_value; } [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] // auto-generated [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success)] #if !FEATURE_CORECLR [TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline across NGen image boundaries")] #endif public unsafe static bool operator != (IntPtr value1, IntPtr value2) { return value1.m_value != value2.m_value; } [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.MayCorruptInstance, Cer.MayFail)] #if !FEATURE_CORECLR [TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline across NGen image boundaries")] #endif public static IntPtr Add(IntPtr pointer, int offset) { return pointer + offset; } [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.MayCorruptInstance, Cer.MayFail)] #if !FEATURE_CORECLR [TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline across NGen image boundaries")] #endif public static IntPtr operator +(IntPtr pointer, int offset) { #if WIN32 return new IntPtr(pointer.ToInt32() + offset); #else return new IntPtr(pointer.ToInt64() + offset); #endif } [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.MayCorruptInstance, Cer.MayFail)] #if !FEATURE_CORECLR [TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline across NGen image boundaries")] #endif public static IntPtr Subtract(IntPtr pointer, int offset) { return pointer - offset; } [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.MayCorruptInstance, Cer.MayFail)] #if !FEATURE_CORECLR [TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline across NGen image boundaries")] #endif public static IntPtr operator -(IntPtr pointer, int offset) { #if WIN32 return new IntPtr(pointer.ToInt32() - offset); #else return new IntPtr(pointer.ToInt64() - offset); #endif } public static int Size { [Pure] [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success)] #if !FEATURE_CORECLR [TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline across NGen image boundaries")] #endif get { #if WIN32 return 4; #else return 8; #endif } } [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] // auto-generated [CLSCompliant(false)] [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success)] #if !FEATURE_CORECLR [TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline across NGen image boundaries")] #endif public unsafe void* ToPointer() { return m_value; } } }