text/microsoft-resx 2.0 System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 The argument '{0}' must be greater than or equal to {1}. Unable to cast object of type '{0}' to type '{1}'. CannotReadAsType=Cannot read '{0}' as '{1}' type. Cannot read JsonPrimitive value '{0}' as '{1}'. '{0}' does not contain a definition for property '{1}'. The input source is not correctly formatted. '{0}' type indexer is not supported on JsonValue of 'JsonType.{1}' type. Cannot convert null to '{0}' because it is a non-nullable value type. Cannot cast JsonPrimitive value '{0}' as '{1}'. It is not in a valid date format. Invalid '{0}' index type; only 'System.String' and non-negative 'System.Int32' types are supported. Invalid JSON primitive: {0}. Cannot cast '{0}' value '{1}.{2}' as a type of '{3}'. The provided string is not a valid relative or absolute '{3}'. An empty string cannot be parsed as JSON. Null index or multidimensional indexing is not supported by this indexer; use 'System.Int32' or 'System.String' for array and object indexing respectively. Cannot cast JsonPrimitive value '{0}' as '{1}'. The value is either too large or too small for the specified CLR type. Object type not supported. Operation not supported on JsonValue instances of 'JsonType.Default' type.