using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Mono.Cecil; using Mono.Collections.Generic; using Mono.Documentation.Updater; namespace Mono.Documentation.Util { public static class AttachedEntitiesHelper { private const string PropertyConst = "Property"; private const string EventConst = "Event"; private static readonly int EventLength = EventConst.Length; private static readonly int PropertyLength = PropertyConst.Length; public static string GetEventName(string fieldDefinitionName) { return fieldDefinitionName.Substring(0, fieldDefinitionName.Length - EventLength); } public static string GetPropertyName(string fieldDefinitionName) { return fieldDefinitionName.Substring(0, fieldDefinitionName.Length - PropertyLength); } public static IEnumerable GetAttachedEntities(TypeDefinition type) { var methodsLookUpTable = GetMethodsLookUpTable(type); foreach (var attachedEventReference in GetAttachedEvents(type, methodsLookUpTable)) { yield return attachedEventReference; } foreach (var attachedEventProperty in GetAttachedProperties(type, methodsLookUpTable)) { yield return attachedEventProperty; } } private static Dictionary> GetMethodsLookUpTable(TypeDefinition type) { return type.Methods.GroupBy(i => i.Name, i => i).ToDictionary(i => i.Key, i => i.AsEnumerable()); } #region Attached Events private static IEnumerable GetAttachedEvents(TypeDefinition type, Dictionary> methods) { foreach (var field in type.Fields) { if (IsAttachedEvent(field, methods)) yield return new AttachedEventReference(field); } } private static bool IsAttachedEvent(FieldDefinition field, Dictionary> methods) { // if (!field.Name.EndsWith(EventConst)) return false; var addMethodName = $"Add{GetEventName(field.Name)}Handler"; var removeMethodName = $"Remove{GetEventName(field.Name)}Handler"; return // WPF implements attached events as routed events; the identifier to use for an event (RoutedEvent) is already defined by the WPF event system IsAssignableTo(field.FieldType, "System.Windows.RoutedEvent") && field.IsPublic && field.IsStatic && field.IsInitOnly // Has a method Add*Handler with two parameters. // Has a method Remove*Handler with two parameters. && methods.ContainsKey(addMethodName) && methods.ContainsKey(removeMethodName) && methods[addMethodName].Any(IsAttachedEventMethod) && methods[removeMethodName].Any(IsAttachedEventMethod); } private static bool IsAttachedEventMethod(MethodDefinition method) { // The method must be public and static, with no return value. return method.IsPublic && method.IsStatic && method.ReturnType.FullName == Consts.VoidFullName && AreAttachedEventMethodParameters(method.Parameters); } private static bool AreAttachedEventMethodParameters(Collection parameters) { if (parameters.Count != 2) return false; return // The first parameter is DependencyObject IsAssignableTo(parameters[0].ParameterType, "System.Windows.DependencyObject") // The second parameter is the handler to add/remove && IsAttachedEventHandler(parameters[1].ParameterType); } private static bool IsAttachedEventHandler(TypeReference typeReference) { var type = typeReference.Resolve(); if (!DocUtils.IsDelegate(type)) return false; MethodDefinition invoke = type.GetMethod("Invoke"); return invoke.Parameters.Count == 2; } #endregion #region Attached Properties private static IEnumerable GetAttachedProperties(TypeDefinition type, Dictionary> methods) { foreach (var field in type.Fields) { if (IsAttachedProperty(field, methods)) yield return new AttachedPropertyReference(field); } } private static bool IsAttachedProperty(FieldDefinition field, Dictionary> methods) { // // if (!field.Name.EndsWith(PropertyConst, StringComparison.Ordinal)) return false; var propertyName = GetPropertyName(field.Name); var getMethodName = $"Get{propertyName}"; var setMethodName = $"Set{propertyName}"; var hasExistingProperty = field?.DeclaringType?.Properties.Any (p => p.Name.Equals (propertyName, System.StringComparison.Ordinal)); var hasExistingField = field?.DeclaringType?.Fields.Any (f => f.Name.Equals (propertyName, System.StringComparison.Ordinal)); return !hasExistingProperty.IsTrue () && !hasExistingField.IsTrue () && // Class X has a static field of type DependencyProperty [Name]Property (field.FieldType.FullName == Consts.DependencyPropertyFullName || field.FieldType.FullName == Consts.DependencyPropertyFullNameXaml) && field.IsPublic && field.IsStatic && field.IsInitOnly // Class X also has static methods with the following names: Get[Name] and Set[Name] && ((methods.ContainsKey(getMethodName) && methods[getMethodName].Any(IsAttachedPropertyGetMethod)) || (methods.ContainsKey(setMethodName) && methods[setMethodName].Any(IsAttachedPropertySetMethod))); } private static bool IsAttachedPropertyGetMethod(MethodDefinition method) { return method.Parameters.Count == 1 // returns a value of type dp.PropertyType (or IsAssignableTo…), where dp is the value of the static field. // && IsAssignableTo(method.ReturnType, ""); // The Get method takes one argument of type DependencyObject(or something IsAssignableTo(DependencyObject), && (IsAssignableTo(method.Parameters[0].ParameterType, Consts.DependencyObjectFullName) || IsAssignableTo(method.Parameters[0].ParameterType, Consts.DependencyObjectFullNameXaml)); } private static bool IsAttachedPropertySetMethod(MethodDefinition method) { return method.Parameters.Count == 2// The Set method takes two arguments. // The first has type DependencyObject(or IsAssignableTo…), && (IsAssignableTo(method.Parameters[0].ParameterType, Consts.DependencyObjectFullName) || IsAssignableTo(method.Parameters[0].ParameterType, Consts.DependencyObjectFullNameXaml)) // the second has type dp.PropertyType (or IsAssignableTo…). // && IsAssignableTo(method.Parameters[1].ParameterType, "") // It returns void. && method.ReturnType.FullName == Consts.VoidFullName; } #endregion private static bool IsAssignableTo(TypeReference type, string targetTypeName) { if (type == null) return false; var typeDefenition = type.Resolve(); if (typeDefenition == null || typeDefenition.IsSealed) return type.FullName == targetTypeName; return type.FullName == targetTypeName || IsAssignableTo(typeDefenition.BaseType, targetTypeName); } } internal static class NBoolExtensions { public static bool IsTrue (this Nullable value) => value.HasValue && value.Value; } }