System.Security[00 24 00 00 04 80 00 00 94 00 00 00 06 02 00 00 00 24 00 00 52 53 41 31 00 04 00 00 01 00 01 00 07 D1 FA 57 C4 AE D9 F0 A3 2E 84 AA 0F AE FD 0D E9 E8 FD 6A EC 8F 87 FB 03 76 6C 83 4C 99 92 1E B2 3B E7 9A D9 D5 DC C1 DD 9A D2 36 13 21 02 90 0B 72 3C F9 80 95 7F C4 E1 77 10 8F C6 07 77 4F 29 E8 32 0E 92 EA 05 EC E4 E8 21 C0 A5 EF E8 F1 64 5C 4C 0C 93 C1 AB 99 28 5D 62 2C AA 65 2C 1D FA D6 3D 74 5D 6F 2D E5 F1 7E 5E AF 0F C4 96 3D 26 1C 8A 12 43 65 18 20 6D C0 93 34 4D 5A D2 93]1.0.5000. is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details.System.ObjectSystem.Collections.IEnumerableThe class represents key information in XML digital signing and encryption. The class enables you to imbed key-related information intended to help identify the key necessary for validating or decrypting the XML document. Multiple types of key-related information can be included within a single ; each type of key-related information has an associated class derived from .For more information about the <KeyInfo> element, see the XMLDSIG specification, which is available from the W3C at, or see the XML encryption specification, which is available from the W3C at an XML digital signature or XML encryption <KeyInfo> element.Constructor1.0.5000. be addedInitializes a new instance of the class.Method1.0.5000. be addedAdds a that represents a particular type of information to the object.The to add to the object.
Property1.0.5000. To be addedGets the number of objects contained in the object.Method1.0.5000. enumerators taken from the same collection at the same time are not necessarily required to return the same iteration.Initially, the enumerator must be positioned before the first element of the collection and must be advanced by the caller of the implementation before use.Returns an enumerator of the objects in the object.An enumerator of the subelements of that can be used to iterate through the collection.Method1.0.5000. enumerators taken from the same collection at the same time are not necessarily required to return the same iteration.Initially, the enumerator must be positioned before the first element of the collection and must be advanced by the caller of the implementation before use.Returns an enumerator of the objects of the specified type in the object.An enumerator of the subelements of that can be used to iterate through the collection.The type of object to enumerate.
Method1.0.5000. be addedReturns the XML representation of the object.The XML representation of the object.Property1.0.5000. To be addedGets or sets the key information identity.Method1.0.5000. be addedLoads a state from an XML element.The XML element from which to load the state.