Optional semi-colon separated list of one or more targets that will be built if no targets are otherwise specified
Logs an Error event
Logs a Warning event
Logs an Error event
Logs a Warning event
Groups tasks into a section of the build process
Name of the target
Optional semi-colon separated list of targets that should be run before this target
Optional semi-colon separated list of files that form inputs into this target. Their timestamps will be compared with the timestamps of files in Outputs to determine whether the Target is up to date
Optional semi-colon separated list of files that form outputs into this target. Their timestamps will be compared with the timestamps of files in Inputs to determine whether the Target is up to date
Optional expression evaluated to determine whether the Target and the targets it depends on should be run
Groups property definitions
Optional expression evaluated to determine whether the PropertyGroup should be used
Groups item list definitions
Optional expression evaluated to determine whether the ItemGroup should be used
Groups When and Otherwise elements
Groups PropertyGroup and/or ItemGroup elements
Optional expression evaluated to determine whether the child PropertyGroups and/or ItemGroups should be used
Groups PropertyGroup and/or ItemGroup elements that are used if no Conditions on sibling When elements evaluate to true
Specifies targets to execute in the event of a recoverable error
Optional expression evaluated to determine whether the targets should be executed
Semi-colon separated list of targets to execute
Logs an informational Message event, with an optional Importance
Optional expression evaluated to determine whether the Message should be logged
Optional priority level. Allowed values are Low, Normal (default), and High
Text to log
Optional expression evaluated to determine whether the text should be logged
Text to log
Declares where to load a task that will be used in the project
Optional expression evaluated to determine whether the declaration should be evaluated
Optional name of assembly containing the task. Either AssemblyName or AssemblyFile must be used
Optional path to assembly containing the task. Either AssemblyName or AssemblyFile must be used
Name of task class in the assembly
Declares that the contents of another project file should be inserted at this location
Optional expression evaluated to determine whether the import should occur
Project file to import
Optional section used by MSBuild hosts, that may contain arbitrary XML content that is ignored by MSBuild itself
Optional expression evaluated to determine whether the items should be evaluated
Semi-colon separated list of files (wildcards are allowed) or other item names to include in this item list
Semi-colon separated list of files (wildcards are allowed) or other item names to exclude from the Include list
Optional expression evaluated to determine whether the property should be evaluated
Optional expression evaluated to determine whether the property should be evaluated
Optional element specifying a specific task output to be gathered
Task parameter to gather. Matches the name of a .NET Property on the task class that has an [Output] attribute
Optional name of an item list to put the gathered outputs into. Either ItemName or PropertyName must be specified
Optional name of a property to put the gathered output into. Either PropertyName or ItemName must be specified
Optional expression evaluated to determine whether the output should be gathered
Optional expression evaluated to determine whether the task should be executed
Optional boolean indicating whether a recoverable task error should be ignored. Default false