//--------------------------------------------------------------------- // <copyright file="ObjectSpanRewriter.cs" company="Microsoft"> // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // </copyright> // // @owner Microsoft // @backupowner Microsoft //--------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Data.Common; using System.Data.Common.Utils; using System.Data.Metadata.Edm; using System.Data.Common.CommandTrees; using System.Globalization; using System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.ExpressionBuilder; namespace System.Data.Objects.Internal { /// <summary> /// Responsible for performing Relationship-span only rewrites over a Command Tree rooted /// by the <see cref="Query"/> property. Virtual methods provide an opportunity for derived /// classes to implement Full-span rewrites. /// </summary> internal class ObjectSpanRewriter { internal static bool EntityTypeEquals(EntityTypeBase entityType1, EntityTypeBase entityType2) { return object.ReferenceEquals(entityType1, entityType2); } #region Private members private int _spanCount; private SpanIndex _spanIndex; private DbExpression _toRewrite; private bool _relationshipSpan; private DbCommandTree _tree; private Stack<NavigationInfo> _navSources = new Stack<NavigationInfo>(); private readonly AliasGenerator _aliasGenerator; #endregion #region 'Public' API internal static bool TryRewrite(DbQueryCommandTree tree, Span span, MergeOption mergeOption, AliasGenerator aliasGenerator, out DbExpression newQuery, out SpanIndex spanInfo) { newQuery = null; spanInfo = null; ObjectSpanRewriter rewriter = null; bool requiresRelationshipSpan = Span.RequiresRelationshipSpan(mergeOption); // Potentially perform a rewrite for span. // Note that the public 'Span' property is NOT used to retrieve the Span instance // since this forces creation of a Span object that may not be required. if (span != null && span.SpanList.Count > 0) { rewriter = new ObjectFullSpanRewriter(tree, tree.Query, span, aliasGenerator); } else if (requiresRelationshipSpan) { rewriter = new ObjectSpanRewriter(tree, tree.Query, aliasGenerator); } if (rewriter != null) { rewriter.RelationshipSpan = requiresRelationshipSpan; newQuery = rewriter.RewriteQuery(); if (newQuery != null) { Debug.Assert(rewriter.SpanIndex != null || tree.Query.ResultType.EdmEquals(newQuery.ResultType), "Query was rewritten for Span but no SpanIndex was created?"); spanInfo = rewriter.SpanIndex; } } return (spanInfo != null); } /// <summary> /// Constructs a new ObjectSpanRewriter that will attempt to apply spanning to the specified query /// (represented as a DbExpression) when <see cref="RewriteQuery"/> is called. /// </summary> /// <param name="toRewrite">A <see cref="DbExpression"/> representing the query to span.</param> internal ObjectSpanRewriter(DbCommandTree tree, DbExpression toRewrite, AliasGenerator aliasGenerator) { Debug.Assert(toRewrite != null, "Expression to rewrite cannot be null"); _toRewrite = toRewrite; _tree = tree; _aliasGenerator = aliasGenerator; } /// <summary> /// Gets the metadata workspace the will be used to retrieve required metadata, for example association types. /// </summary> internal MetadataWorkspace Metadata { get { return _tree.MetadataWorkspace; } } /// <summary> /// Gets a DbExpression representing the query that should be spanned. /// </summary> internal DbExpression Query { get { return _toRewrite; } } /// <summary> /// Gets a value indicating whether relationship span is required (ObjectQuery sets this to 'false' for NoTracking queries). /// </summary> internal bool RelationshipSpan { get { return _relationshipSpan; } set { _relationshipSpan = value; } } /// <summary> /// Gets a dictionary that indicates, for a given result row type produced by a span rewrite, /// which columns represent which association end members. /// This dictionary is initially empty before <see cref="RewriteQuery"/> is called and will remain so /// if no rewrites are required. /// </summary> internal SpanIndex SpanIndex { get { return _spanIndex; } } /// <summary> /// Main 'public' entry point called by ObjectQuery. /// </summary> /// <returns>The rewritten version of <see cref="Query"/> if spanning was required; otherwise <c>null</c>.</returns> internal DbExpression RewriteQuery() { DbExpression retExpr = Rewrite(_toRewrite); if (object.ReferenceEquals(_toRewrite, retExpr)) { return null; } else { return retExpr; } } #endregion #region 'Protected' API internal struct SpanTrackingInfo { public List<KeyValuePair<string, DbExpression>> ColumnDefinitions; public AliasGenerator ColumnNames; public Dictionary<int, AssociationEndMember> SpannedColumns; public Dictionary<AssociationEndMember, bool> FullSpannedEnds; } internal SpanTrackingInfo InitializeTrackingInfo(bool createAssociationEndTrackingInfo) { SpanTrackingInfo info = new SpanTrackingInfo(); info.ColumnDefinitions = new List<KeyValuePair<string, DbExpression>>(); info.ColumnNames = new AliasGenerator(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Span{0}_Column", _spanCount)); info.SpannedColumns = new Dictionary<int, AssociationEndMember>(); if (createAssociationEndTrackingInfo) { info.FullSpannedEnds = new Dictionary<AssociationEndMember, bool>(); } return info; } internal virtual SpanTrackingInfo CreateEntitySpanTrackingInfo(DbExpression expression, EntityType entityType) { return new SpanTrackingInfo(); } protected DbExpression Rewrite(DbExpression expression) { //SQLBUDT #554182: This is special casing for expressions below which it is safe to push the span // info without having to rebind. By pushing the span info down (i.e. possible extra projections), // we potentially end up with simpler generated command. switch(expression.ExpressionKind) { case DbExpressionKind.Element: return RewriteElementExpression((DbElementExpression)expression); case DbExpressionKind.Limit: return RewriteLimitExpression((DbLimitExpression)expression); } switch(expression.ResultType.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind) { case BuiltInTypeKind.EntityType: return RewriteEntity(expression, (EntityType)expression.ResultType.EdmType); case BuiltInTypeKind.CollectionType: return RewriteCollection(expression, (CollectionType)expression.ResultType.EdmType); case BuiltInTypeKind.RowType: return RewriteRow(expression, (RowType)expression.ResultType.EdmType); default: return expression; } } #endregion private void AddSpannedRowType(RowType spannedType, TypeUsage originalType) { if (null == _spanIndex) { _spanIndex = new SpanIndex(); } _spanIndex.AddSpannedRowType(spannedType, originalType); } private void AddSpanMap(RowType rowType, Dictionary<int, AssociationEndMember> columnMap) { if (null == _spanIndex) { _spanIndex = new SpanIndex(); } _spanIndex.AddSpanMap(rowType, columnMap); } private DbExpression RewriteEntity(DbExpression expression, EntityType entityType) { // If the expression is an Entity constructor, spanning will not produce any useful results // (null for an Entity/Ref navigation property, or an empty collection for a Collection // of Entity/Ref navigation property) since a Ref produced from the constructed Entity // will not indicate an Entity set, and therefore no Ref created against any Entity set // in the container can possibly be a match for it. if (DbExpressionKind.NewInstance == expression.ExpressionKind) { return expression; } // Save the span count for later use. _spanCount++; int thisSpan = _spanCount; SpanTrackingInfo tracking = CreateEntitySpanTrackingInfo(expression, entityType); // If relationship span is required then attempt to span any appropriate relationship ends. List<KeyValuePair<AssociationEndMember, AssociationEndMember>> relationshipSpans = null; relationshipSpans = GetRelationshipSpanEnds(entityType); // Is the Entity type of this expression valid as the source of at least one relationship span? if (relationshipSpans != null) { // If the span tracking information was not initialized by CreateEntitySpanTrackingInfo, // then do so now as relationship span rewrites need to be tracked. if (null == tracking.ColumnDefinitions) { tracking = InitializeTrackingInfo(false); } // Track column index to span information, starting at the current column count (which could be zero) plus 1. // 1 is added because the column containing the root entity will be added later to provide column zero. int idx = tracking.ColumnDefinitions.Count + 1; // For all applicable relationship spans that were identified... foreach (KeyValuePair<AssociationEndMember, AssociationEndMember> relSpan in relationshipSpans) { // If the specified association end member was already full-spanned then the full entity // will be returned in the query and there is no need to relationship-span this end to produce // another result column that contains the Entity key of the full entity. // Hence the relationship span is only added if there are no full-span columns or the full-span // columns do not indicate that they include the target association end member of this relationship span. if( null == tracking.FullSpannedEnds || !tracking.FullSpannedEnds.ContainsKey(relSpan.Value)) { // If the source Ref is already available, because the currently spanned Entity is // the result of a Relationship Navigation operation from that Ref, then use the source // Ref directly rather than introducing a new Navigation operation. DbExpression columnDef = null; if(!TryGetNavigationSource(relSpan.Value, out columnDef)) { // Add a new column defined by the navigation required to reach the targeted association end // and update the column -> association end map to include an entry for this new column. DbExpression navSource = expression.GetEntityRef(); columnDef = navSource.NavigateAllowingAllRelationshipsInSameTypeHierarchy(relSpan.Key, relSpan.Value); } tracking.ColumnDefinitions.Add( new KeyValuePair<string, DbExpression>( tracking.ColumnNames.Next(), columnDef ) ); tracking.SpannedColumns[idx] = relSpan.Value; // Increment the tracked column count idx++; } } } // If no spanned columns have been added then simply return the original expression if (null == tracking.ColumnDefinitions) { _spanCount--; return expression; } // Add the original entity-producing expression as the first (root) span column. tracking.ColumnDefinitions.Insert( 0, new KeyValuePair<string, DbExpression>( string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Span{0}_SpanRoot", thisSpan), expression ) ); // Create the span row-producing NewInstanceExpression from which the span RowType can be retrieved. DbExpression spannedExpression = DbExpressionBuilder.NewRow(tracking.ColumnDefinitions); // Update the rowtype -> spaninfo map for the newly created row type instance. RowType spanRowType = (RowType)spannedExpression.ResultType.EdmType; AddSpanMap(spanRowType, tracking.SpannedColumns); // Return the rewritten expression return spannedExpression; } private DbExpression RewriteElementExpression(DbElementExpression expression) { DbExpression rewrittenInput = Rewrite(expression.Argument); if (!object.ReferenceEquals(expression.Argument, rewrittenInput)) { expression = rewrittenInput.Element(); } return expression; } private DbExpression RewriteLimitExpression(DbLimitExpression expression) { DbExpression rewrittenInput = Rewrite(expression.Argument); if (!object.ReferenceEquals(expression.Argument, rewrittenInput)) { // Note that here we use the original expression.Limit. It is safe to do so, // because we only allow physical paging (i.e. Limit can only be a constant or parameter) expression = rewrittenInput.Limit(expression.Limit); } return expression; } private DbExpression RewriteRow(DbExpression expression, RowType rowType) { DbLambdaExpression lambdaExpression = expression as DbLambdaExpression; DbNewInstanceExpression newRow; if (lambdaExpression != null) { // NOTE: We rely on the fact that today span cannot be done over queries containing DbLambdaExpressions // created by users, because user-created expressions cannot be used for querying in O-space. // If that were to change, pushing span beyond a LambdaExpression could cause variable name // collisions between the variable names used in the Lambda and the names generated by the // RelationshipNavigationVisitor. newRow = lambdaExpression.Lambda.Body as DbNewInstanceExpression; } else { newRow = expression as DbNewInstanceExpression; } Dictionary<int, DbExpression> unmodifiedColumns = null; Dictionary<int, DbExpression> spannedColumns = null; for(int idx = 0; idx < rowType.Properties.Count; idx++) { // Retrieve the property that represents the current column EdmProperty columnProp = rowType.Properties[idx]; // Construct an expression that defines the current column. DbExpression columnExpr = null; if(newRow != null) { // For a row-constructing NewInstance expression, the corresponding argument can simply be used columnExpr = newRow.Arguments[idx]; } else { // For all other expressions the property corresponding to the column name must be retrieved // from the row-typed expression columnExpr = expression.Property(columnProp.Name); } DbExpression spannedColumn = this.Rewrite(columnExpr); if (!object.ReferenceEquals(spannedColumn, columnExpr)) { // If so, then update the dictionary of column index to span information if (null == spannedColumns) { spannedColumns = new Dictionary<int, DbExpression>(); } spannedColumns[idx] = spannedColumn; } else { // Otherwise, update the dictionary of column index to unmodified expression if(null == unmodifiedColumns) { unmodifiedColumns = new Dictionary<int, DbExpression>(); } unmodifiedColumns[idx] = columnExpr; } } // A new expression need only be built if at least one column was spanned if(null == spannedColumns) { // No columns were spanned, indicate that the original expression should remain. return expression; } else { // At least one column was spanned, so build a new row constructor that defines the new row, including spanned columns. List<DbExpression> columnArguments = new List<DbExpression>(rowType.Properties.Count); List<EdmProperty> properties = new List<EdmProperty>(rowType.Properties.Count); for (int idx = 0; idx < rowType.Properties.Count; idx++) { EdmProperty columnProp = rowType.Properties[idx]; DbExpression columnDef = null; if (!spannedColumns.TryGetValue(idx, out columnDef)) { columnDef = unmodifiedColumns[idx]; } columnArguments.Add(columnDef); properties.Add(new EdmProperty(columnProp.Name, columnDef.ResultType)); } // Copy over any eLinq initializer metadata (if present, or null if not). // Note that this initializer metadata does not strictly match the new row type // that includes spanned columns, but will be correct once the object materializer // has interpreted the query results to produce the correct value for each colum. RowType rewrittenRow = new RowType(properties, rowType.InitializerMetadata); TypeUsage rewrittenRowTypeUsage = TypeUsage.Create(rewrittenRow); DbExpression rewritten = rewrittenRowTypeUsage.New(columnArguments); // SQLBUDT #554182: If we insert a new projection we should should make sure to // not interfere with the nullability of the input. // In particular, if the input row is null and we construct a new row as a projection over its columns // we would get a row consisting of nulls, instead of a null row. // Thus, given an input X, we rewritte it as: if (X is null) then NULL else rewritten. if (newRow == null) { DbExpression condition = DbExpressionBuilder.CreateIsNullExpressionAllowingRowTypeArgument(expression); DbExpression nullExpression = DbExpressionBuilder.Null(rewrittenRowTypeUsage); rewritten = DbExpressionBuilder.Case( new List<DbExpression>(new DbExpression[] { condition }), new List<DbExpression>(new DbExpression[] { nullExpression }), rewritten); } // Add an entry to the spanned row type => original row type map for the new row type. AddSpannedRowType(rewrittenRow, expression.ResultType); if (lambdaExpression != null && newRow != null) { rewritten = DbLambda.Create(rewritten, lambdaExpression.Lambda.Variables).Invoke(lambdaExpression.Arguments); } return rewritten; } } private DbExpression RewriteCollection(DbExpression expression, CollectionType collectionType) { DbExpression target = expression; // If the collection expression is a project expression, get a strongly typed reference to it for later use. DbProjectExpression project = null; if (DbExpressionKind.Project == expression.ExpressionKind) { project = (DbProjectExpression)expression; target = project.Input.Expression; } // If Relationship span is enabled and the source of this collection is (directly or indirectly) // a RelationshipNavigation operation, it may be possible to optimize the relationship span rewrite // for the Entities produced by the navigation. NavigationInfo navInfo = null; if (this.RelationshipSpan) { // Attempt to find a RelationshipNavigationExpression in the collection-defining expression target = RelationshipNavigationVisitor.FindNavigationExpression(target, _aliasGenerator, out navInfo); } // If a relationship navigation expression defines this collection, make the Ref that is the navigation source // and the source association end available for possible use when the projection over the collection is rewritten. if (navInfo != null) { this.EnterNavigationCollection(navInfo); } else { // Otherwise, add a null navigation info instance to the stack to indicate that relationship navigation // cannot be optimized for the entities produced by this collection expression (if it is a collection of entities). this.EnterCollection(); } // If the expression is already a DbProjectExpression then simply visit the projection, // instead of introducing another projection over the existing one. DbExpression result = expression; if (project != null) { DbExpression newProjection = this.Rewrite(project.Projection); if (!object.ReferenceEquals(project.Projection, newProjection)) { result = target.BindAs(project.Input.VariableName).Project(newProjection); } } else { // This is not a recognized special case, so simply add the span projection over the original // collection-producing expression, if it is required. DbExpressionBinding collectionBinding = target.BindAs(_aliasGenerator.Next()); DbExpression projection = collectionBinding.Variable; DbExpression spannedProjection = this.Rewrite(projection); if (!object.ReferenceEquals(projection, spannedProjection)) { result = collectionBinding.Project(spannedProjection); } } // Remove any navigation information from scope, if it was added this.ExitCollection(); // If a navigation expression defines this collection and its navigation information was used to // short-circuit relationship span rewrites, then enclose the entire rewritten expression in a // Lambda binding that brings the source Ref of the navigation operation into scope. This ref is // refered to by VariableReferenceExpressions in the original navigation expression as well as any // short-circuited relationship span columns in the rewritten expression. if (navInfo != null && navInfo.InUse) { // Create a Lambda function that binds the original navigation source expression under the variable name // used in the navigation expression and the relationship span columns, and which has its Lambda body // defined by the rewritten collection expression. List<DbVariableReferenceExpression> formals = new List<DbVariableReferenceExpression>(1); formals.Add(navInfo.SourceVariable); List<DbExpression> args = new List<DbExpression>(1); args.Add(navInfo.Source); result = DbExpressionBuilder.Invoke(DbExpressionBuilder.Lambda(result, formals), args); } // Return the (possibly rewritten) collection expression. return result; } private void EnterCollection() { _navSources.Push(null); } private void EnterNavigationCollection(NavigationInfo info) { _navSources.Push(info); } private void ExitCollection() { _navSources.Pop(); } private bool TryGetNavigationSource(AssociationEndMember wasSourceNowTargetEnd, out DbExpression source) { source = null; NavigationInfo info = null; if (_navSources.Count > 0) { info = _navSources.Peek(); if (info != null && !object.ReferenceEquals(wasSourceNowTargetEnd, info.SourceEnd)) { info = null; } } if (info != null) { source = info.SourceVariable; info.InUse = true; return true; } else { return false; } } /// <summary> /// Gathers the applicable { from, to } relationship end pairings for the specified entity type. /// Note that it is possible for both { x, y } and { y, x } - where x and y are relationship ends - /// to be returned if the relationship is symmetric (in the sense that it has multiplicity of at /// most one in each direction and the type of each end is Ref to the same Entity type, or a supertype). /// </summary> /// <param name="entityType">The Entity type for which the applicable { from, to } end pairings should be retrieved.</param> /// <returns> /// A List of association end members pairings that describes the available { from, to } navigations /// for the specified Entity type that are valid for Relationship Span; or <c>null</c> if no such pairings exist. /// </returns> private List<KeyValuePair<AssociationEndMember, AssociationEndMember>> GetRelationshipSpanEnds(EntityType entityType) { // The list to be returned; initially null. List<KeyValuePair<AssociationEndMember, AssociationEndMember>> retList = null; // If relationship span is not enabled then do not attempt to retrieve the applicable navigations. if (_relationshipSpan) { // Consider all Association types... foreach (AssociationType association in _tree.MetadataWorkspace.GetItems<AssociationType>(DataSpace.CSpace)) { // ... which have exactly two ends if (2 == association.AssociationEndMembers.Count) { AssociationEndMember end0 = association.AssociationEndMembers[0]; AssociationEndMember end1 = association.AssociationEndMembers[1]; // If end0 -> end1 is valid for relationship span then add { end0, end1 } // to the list of end pairings. if (IsValidRelationshipSpan(entityType, association, end0, end1)) { // If the list has not been instantiated, do so now. if (null == retList) { retList = new List<KeyValuePair<AssociationEndMember, AssociationEndMember>>(); } retList.Add(new KeyValuePair<AssociationEndMember, AssociationEndMember>(end0, end1)); } // Similarly if the inverse navigation is also or instead valid for relationship span // then add the { end1, end0 } pairing to the list of valid end pairings. if (IsValidRelationshipSpan(entityType, association, end1, end0)) { // Again, if the list has not been instantiated, do so now. if (null == retList) { retList = new List<KeyValuePair<AssociationEndMember, AssociationEndMember>>(); } retList.Add(new KeyValuePair<AssociationEndMember, AssociationEndMember>(end1, end0)); } } } } // Return the list (which may still be null at this point) return retList; } /// <summary> /// Determines whether the specified { from, to } relationship end pairing represents a navigation that is /// valid for a relationship span sourced by an instance of the specified entity type. /// </summary> /// <param name="compareType">The Entity type which valid 'from' ends must reference (or a supertype of that Entity type)</param> /// <param name="associationType">The Association type to consider.</param> /// <param name="fromEnd">The candidate 'from' end, which will be checked based on the Entity type it references</param> /// <param name="toEnd">The candidate 'to' end, which will be checked base on the upper bound of its multiplicity</param> /// <returns> /// <c>True</c> if the end pairing represents a valid navigation from an instance of the specified entity type /// to an association end with a multiplicity upper bound of at most 1; otherwise <c>false</c> /// </returns> private static bool IsValidRelationshipSpan(EntityType compareType, AssociationType associationType, AssociationEndMember fromEnd, AssociationEndMember toEnd) { // Only a relationship end with a multiplicity of AT MOST one may be // considered as the 'to' end, so that the cardinality of the result // of the relationship span has an upper bound of 1. // Therefore ends with RelationshipMultiplicity of EITHER One OR ZeroOrOne // are the only ends that should be considered as target ends. // Note that a relationship span can be sourced by an Entity that is of the same type // as the Entity type referenced by the 'from' end OR any type in the same branch of // the type hierarchy. // // For example, in the following hierarchy: // // A (*<-->?) AOwner // |_B (*<-->1) BOwner // |_A1 (*<-->?) A1Owner // |_A2 // |_A3_1 (1<-->?) A3_1Owner // |_A3_2 (*<-->1) A3_2Owner // // An instance of 'A' would need ALL the 'AOwner', 'BOwner', 'A1Owner', 'A3_1Owner' and 'A3_2Owner' ends // spanned in because an instance of 'A' could actually be an instance of A, B, A1, A2, A3_1 or A3_2. // An instance of 'B' would only need 'AOwner' and 'BOwner' spanned in. // An instance of A2 would need 'AOwner', 'A1Owner', 'A3_1Owner' and 'A3_2Owner' spanned in. // An instance of A3_1 would only need 'AOwner', 'A1Owner' and 'A3_1Owner' spanned in. // // In general, the rule for relationship span is: // - 'To' end cardinality AT MOST one // AND // - Referenced Entity type of 'From' end is equal to instance Entity type // OR // - Referenced Entity type of 'From' end is a supertype of instance Entity type // OR // - Referenced Entity type of 'From' end is a subtype of instance Entity type // (this follows from the fact that an instance of 'A' may be an instance of any of its derived types. // Navigation for a subtype relationship will return null if the Entity instance navigation source // is not actually of the required subtype). // if(!associationType.IsForeignKey && (RelationshipMultiplicity.One == toEnd.RelationshipMultiplicity || RelationshipMultiplicity.ZeroOrOne == toEnd.RelationshipMultiplicity)) { EntityType fromEntityType = (EntityType)((RefType)fromEnd.TypeUsage.EdmType).ElementType; return (ObjectSpanRewriter.EntityTypeEquals(compareType, fromEntityType) || TypeSemantics.IsSubTypeOf(compareType, fromEntityType) || TypeSemantics.IsSubTypeOf(fromEntityType, compareType)); } return false; } #region Nested types used for Relationship span over Relationship Navigation optimizations private class NavigationInfo { private readonly DbRelationshipNavigationExpression _original; private readonly DbRelationshipNavigationExpression _rewritten; private DbVariableReferenceExpression _sourceRef; private AssociationEndMember _sourceEnd; private DbExpression _source; public NavigationInfo(DbRelationshipNavigationExpression originalNavigation, DbRelationshipNavigationExpression rewrittenNavigation) { Debug.Assert(originalNavigation != null, "originalNavigation cannot be null"); Debug.Assert(rewrittenNavigation != null, "rewrittenNavigation cannot be null"); this._original = originalNavigation; this._rewritten = rewrittenNavigation; this._sourceEnd = (AssociationEndMember)originalNavigation.NavigateFrom; this._sourceRef = (DbVariableReferenceExpression)rewrittenNavigation.NavigationSource; this._source = originalNavigation.NavigationSource; } public bool InUse; public AssociationEndMember SourceEnd { get { return _sourceEnd; } } public DbExpression Source { get { return _source; } } public DbVariableReferenceExpression SourceVariable { get { return _sourceRef; } } } private class RelationshipNavigationVisitor : DefaultExpressionVisitor { internal static DbExpression FindNavigationExpression(DbExpression expression, AliasGenerator aliasGenerator, out NavigationInfo navInfo) { Debug.Assert(TypeSemantics.IsCollectionType(expression.ResultType), "Non-collection input to projection?"); navInfo = null; TypeUsage elementType = ((CollectionType)expression.ResultType.EdmType).TypeUsage; if (!TypeSemantics.IsEntityType(elementType) && !TypeSemantics.IsReferenceType(elementType)) { return expression; } RelationshipNavigationVisitor visitor = new RelationshipNavigationVisitor(aliasGenerator); DbExpression rewrittenExpression = visitor.Find(expression); if (!object.ReferenceEquals(expression, rewrittenExpression)) { Debug.Assert(visitor._original != null && visitor._rewritten != null, "Expression was rewritten but no navigation was found?"); navInfo = new NavigationInfo(visitor._original, visitor._rewritten); return rewrittenExpression; } else { return expression; } } private readonly AliasGenerator _aliasGenerator; private DbRelationshipNavigationExpression _original; private DbRelationshipNavigationExpression _rewritten; private RelationshipNavigationVisitor(AliasGenerator aliasGenerator) { _aliasGenerator = aliasGenerator; } private DbExpression Find(DbExpression expression) { return this.VisitExpression(expression); } protected override DbExpression VisitExpression(DbExpression expression) { switch (expression.ExpressionKind) { case DbExpressionKind.RelationshipNavigation: case DbExpressionKind.Distinct: case DbExpressionKind.Filter: case DbExpressionKind.Limit: case DbExpressionKind.OfType: case DbExpressionKind.Project: case DbExpressionKind.Sort: case DbExpressionKind.Skip: return base.VisitExpression(expression); default: return expression; } } public override DbExpression Visit(DbRelationshipNavigationExpression expression) { this._original = expression; // Ensure a unique variable name when the expression is used in a command tree string varName = _aliasGenerator.Next(); DbVariableReferenceExpression sourceRef = new DbVariableReferenceExpression(expression.NavigationSource.ResultType, varName); this._rewritten = sourceRef.Navigate(expression.NavigateFrom, expression.NavigateTo); return this._rewritten; } // For Distinct, Limit, OfType there is no need to override the base visitor behavior. public override DbExpression Visit(DbFilterExpression expression) { // Only consider the Filter input DbExpression found = Find(expression.Input.Expression); if(!object.ReferenceEquals(found, expression.Input.Expression)) { return found.BindAs(expression.Input.VariableName).Filter(expression.Predicate); } else { return expression; } } public override DbExpression Visit(DbProjectExpression expression) { // Only allowed cases: // SELECT Deref(x) FROM <expression> AS x // SELECT x FROM <expression> as x DbExpression testExpr = expression.Projection; if (DbExpressionKind.Deref == testExpr.ExpressionKind) { testExpr = ((DbDerefExpression)testExpr).Argument; } if (DbExpressionKind.VariableReference == testExpr.ExpressionKind) { DbVariableReferenceExpression varRef = (DbVariableReferenceExpression)testExpr; if (varRef.VariableName.Equals(expression.Input.VariableName, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { DbExpression found = Find(expression.Input.Expression); if (!object.ReferenceEquals(found, expression.Input.Expression)) { return found.BindAs(expression.Input.VariableName).Project(expression.Projection); } } } return expression; } public override DbExpression Visit(DbSortExpression expression) { DbExpression found = Find(expression.Input.Expression); if(!object.ReferenceEquals(found, expression.Input.Expression)) { return found.BindAs(expression.Input.VariableName).Sort(expression.SortOrder); } else { return expression; } } public override DbExpression Visit(DbSkipExpression expression) { DbExpression found = Find(expression.Input.Expression); if (!object.ReferenceEquals(found, expression.Input.Expression)) { return found.BindAs(expression.Input.VariableName).Skip(expression.SortOrder, expression.Count); } else { return expression; } } } #endregion } }