// FileInfo.cs created with MonoDevelop // User: alan at 14:47 13/10/2008 // // To change standard headers go to Edit->Preferences->Coding->Standard Headers // using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace zipsharp { [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)] struct UnzipFileInfo32 { public uint version; /* version made by 2 bytes */ public uint version_needed; /* version needed to extract 2 bytes */ public uint flag; /* general purpose bit flag 2 bytes */ public uint compression_method; /* compression method 2 bytes */ public uint dosDate; /* last mod file date in Dos fmt 4 bytes */ public uint crc; /* crc-32 4 bytes */ public uint compressed_size; /* compressed size 4 bytes */ public uint uncompressed_size; /* uncompressed size 4 bytes */ public uint size_filename; /* filename length 2 bytes */ public uint size_file_extra; /* extra field length 2 bytes */ public uint size_file_comment; /* file comment length 2 bytes */ public uint disk_num_start; /* disk number start 2 bytes */ public uint internal_fa; /* internal file attributes 2 bytes */ public uint external_fa; /* external file attributes 4 bytes */ ZipTime tmu_date; } [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)] struct UnzipFileInfo64 { public ulong version; /* version made by 2 bytes */ public ulong version_needed; /* version needed to extract 2 bytes */ public ulong flag; /* general purpose bit flag 2 bytes */ public ulong compression_method; /* compression method 2 bytes */ public ulong dosDate; /* last mod file date in Dos fmt 4 bytes */ public ulong crc; /* crc-32 4 bytes */ public ulong compressed_size; /* compressed size 4 bytes */ public ulong uncompressed_size; /* uncompressed size 4 bytes */ public ulong size_filename; /* filename length 2 bytes */ public ulong size_file_extra; /* extra field length 2 bytes */ public ulong size_file_comment; /* file comment length 2 bytes */ public ulong disk_num_start; /* disk number start 2 bytes */ public ulong internal_fa; /* internal file attributes 2 bytes */ public ulong external_fa; /* external file attributes 4 bytes */ ZipTime tmu_date; } }