// // I18N.CJK.CP936.cs // // Author: // Atsushi Enomoto <atsushi@ximian.com> // // (new implementation based on CP950.) // using System; using System.Text; using I18N.Common; namespace I18N.CJK { [Serializable] internal class CP936 : DbcsEncoding { // Magic number used by Windows for the Gb2312 code page. private const int GB2312_CODE_PAGE = 936; // Constructor. public CP936() : base(GB2312_CODE_PAGE) { } internal override DbcsConvert GetConvert () { return DbcsConvert.Gb2312; } #if !DISABLE_UNSAFE // Get the bytes that result from encoding a character buffer. public unsafe override int GetByteCountImpl (char* chars, int count) { return GetBytesImpl(chars, count, null, 0); } // Get the bytes that result from encoding a character buffer. public unsafe override int GetBytesImpl (char* chars, int charCount, byte* bytes, int byteCount) { DbcsConvert gb2312 = GetConvert (); int charIndex = 0; int byteIndex = 0; int end = charCount; EncoderFallbackBuffer buffer = null; int origIndex = byteIndex; for (int i = charIndex; i < end; i++, charCount--) { char c = chars[i]; if (c <= 0x80 || c == 0xFF) { // ASCII int offset = byteIndex++; if (bytes != null) bytes[offset] = (byte)c; continue; } byte b1 = gb2312.u2n[((int)c) * 2 + 1]; byte b2 = gb2312.u2n[((int)c) * 2]; if (b1 == 0 && b2 == 0) { HandleFallback (ref buffer, chars, ref i, ref charCount, bytes, ref byteIndex, ref byteCount, null); } else { if (bytes != null) { bytes[byteIndex++] = b1; bytes[byteIndex++] = b2; } else { byteIndex += 2; } } } return byteIndex - origIndex; } #else protected int GetBytesInternal(char[] chars, int charIndex, int charCount, byte[] bytes, int byteIndex) { int origIndex = byteIndex; int end = charIndex + charCount; int byteCount = bytes != null ? bytes.Length : 0; DbcsConvert gb2312 = GetConvert(); EncoderFallbackBuffer buffer = null; for (int i = charIndex; i < end; i++, charCount--) { char c = chars[i]; if (c <= 0x80 || c == 0xFF) { // ASCII int offset = byteIndex++; if (bytes != null) bytes[offset] = (byte)c; continue; } byte b1 = gb2312.u2n[((int)c) * 2 + 1]; byte b2 = gb2312.u2n[((int)c) * 2]; if (b1 == 0 && b2 == 0) { HandleFallback (ref buffer, chars, ref i, ref charCount, bytes, ref byteIndex, ref byteCount, null); } else { if (bytes != null) { bytes[byteIndex++] = b1; bytes[byteIndex++] = b2; } else { byteIndex += 2; } } } return byteIndex - origIndex; } // Get the bytes that result from encoding a character buffer. public override int GetByteCount(char[] chars, int index, int count) { return GetBytes(chars, index, count, null, 0); } // Get the bytes that result from encoding a character buffer. public override int GetBytes(char[] chars, int charIndex, int charCount, byte[] bytes, int byteIndex) { return GetBytesInternal(chars, charIndex, charCount, bytes, byteIndex); } #endif // Get the characters that result from decoding a byte buffer. public override int GetCharCount (byte [] bytes, int index, int count) { return GetDecoder ().GetCharCount (bytes, index, count); } // Get the characters that result from decoding a byte buffer. public override int GetChars(byte[] bytes, int byteIndex, int byteCount, char[] chars, int charIndex) { return GetDecoder ().GetChars ( bytes, byteIndex, byteCount, chars, charIndex); } // Get a decoder that handles a rolling Gb2312 state. public override Decoder GetDecoder() { return new CP936Decoder(GetConvert ()); } // Get the mail body name for this encoding. public override String BodyName { get { return("gb2312"); } } // Get the human-readable name for this encoding. public override String EncodingName { get { return("Chinese Simplified (GB2312)"); } } // Get the mail agent header name for this encoding. public override String HeaderName { get { return("gb2312"); } } // Determine if this encoding can be displayed in a Web browser. public override bool IsBrowserDisplay { get { return(true); } } // Determine if this encoding can be saved from a Web browser. public override bool IsBrowserSave { get { return(true); } } // Determine if this encoding can be displayed in a mail/news agent. public override bool IsMailNewsDisplay { get { return(true); } } // Determine if this encoding can be saved from a mail/news agent. public override bool IsMailNewsSave { get { return(true); } } // Get the IANA-preferred Web name for this encoding. public override String WebName { get { return("gb2312"); } } } // Decoder that handles a rolling Gb2312 state. sealed class CP936Decoder : DbcsEncoding.DbcsDecoder { // Constructor. public CP936Decoder (DbcsConvert convert) : base (convert) { } int last_byte_count, last_byte_bytes; // Get the characters that result from decoding a byte buffer. public override int GetCharCount (byte [] bytes, int index, int count) { return GetCharCount (bytes, index, count, false); } public override int GetCharCount (byte [] bytes, int index, int count, bool refresh) { CheckRange (bytes, index, count); int lastByte = last_byte_count; last_byte_count = 0; int length = 0; while (count-- > 0) { int b = bytes [index++]; if (lastByte == 0) { if (b <= 0x80 || b == 0xFF) { // ASCII length++; continue; } else { lastByte = b; continue; } } length++; lastByte = 0; } if (lastByte != 0) { if (refresh) { length++; last_byte_count = 0; } else last_byte_count = lastByte; } return length; } public override int GetChars (byte[] bytes, int byteIndex, int byteCount, char[] chars, int charIndex) { return GetChars (bytes, byteIndex, byteCount, chars, charIndex, false); } public override int GetChars (byte [] bytes, int byteIndex, int byteCount, char [] chars, int charIndex, bool refresh) { CheckRange (bytes, byteIndex, byteCount, chars, charIndex); int origIndex = charIndex; int lastByte = last_byte_bytes; last_byte_bytes = 0; while (byteCount-- > 0) { int b = bytes[byteIndex++]; if (lastByte == 0) { if (b <= 0x80 || b == 0xFF) { // ASCII chars[charIndex++] = (char)b; continue; } else if (b < 0x81 || b >= 0xFF) { continue; } else { lastByte = b; continue; } } int ord = ((lastByte - 0x81) * 191 + b - 0x40) * 2; char c1 = ord < 0 || ord >= convert.n2u.Length ? '\0' : (char) (convert.n2u[ord] + convert.n2u[ord + 1] * 256); if (c1 == 0) chars[charIndex++] = '?'; else chars[charIndex++] = c1; lastByte = 0; } if (lastByte != 0) { if (refresh) { // FIXME: handle fallback chars [charIndex++] = '?'; last_byte_bytes = 0; } else last_byte_bytes = lastByte; } return charIndex - origIndex; } } [Serializable] internal class ENCgb2312 : CP936 { public ENCgb2312(): base () {} } }