//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace System.Web.UI.WebControls { using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.ComponentModel; using System.ComponentModel.Design; using System.Drawing; using System.Globalization; using System.Text; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; /// /// Defines the properties and methods of the class. /// [ ToolboxItem(false), TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(EmptyStringExpandableObjectConverter)) ] public class Style : Component, IStateManager { // !!NOTE!! // PanelStyle also defines a set of flag contants and both sets have to // be unique. Please be careful when adding new flags to either list. internal const int UNUSED = 0x0001; internal const int PROP_CSSCLASS = 0x0002; internal const int PROP_FORECOLOR = 0x0004; internal const int PROP_BACKCOLOR = 0x0008; internal const int PROP_BORDERCOLOR = 0x0010; internal const int PROP_BORDERWIDTH = 0x0020; internal const int PROP_BORDERSTYLE = 0x0040; internal const int PROP_HEIGHT = 0x0080; internal const int PROP_WIDTH = 0x0100; internal const int PROP_FONT_NAMES = 0x0200; internal const int PROP_FONT_SIZE = 0x0400; internal const int PROP_FONT_BOLD = 0x0800; internal const int PROP_FONT_ITALIC = 0x1000; internal const int PROP_FONT_UNDERLINE = 0x2000; internal const int PROP_FONT_OVERLINE = 0x4000; internal const int PROP_FONT_STRIKEOUT = 0x8000; internal const string SetBitsKey = "_!SB"; private StateBag statebag; private FontInfo fontInfo; private string registeredCssClass; private bool ownStateBag; private bool marked; private int setBits; private int markedBits; // For performance, use this array instead of Enum.Format() to convert a BorderStyle to // a string. CLR is investigating improving the perf of Enum.Format(). (VSWhidbey internal static readonly string[] borderStyles = new string[] {"NotSet", "None", "Dotted", "Dashed", "Solid", "Double", "Groove", "Ridge", "Inset", "Outset"}; /// /// Initializes a new instance of the Style class. /// public Style() : this(null) { ownStateBag = true; } /// /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class with the /// specified state bag information. Do not use this constructor if you are overriding /// CreateControlStyle() and are changing some properties on the created style. /// /// public Style(StateBag bag) { statebag = bag; marked = false; setBits = 0; // VSWhidbey 541984: Style inherits from Component and requires finalization, resulting in bad performance // When inheriting, if finalization is desired, call GC.ReRegisterForFinalize GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } /// /// /// Gets or sets the background color property of the class. /// /// [ WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(typeof(Color), ""), WebSysDescription(SR.Style_BackColor), NotifyParentProperty(true), TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(WebColorConverter)) ] public Color BackColor { get { if (IsSet(PROP_BACKCOLOR)) { return(Color)(ViewState["BackColor"]); } return Color.Empty; } set { ViewState["BackColor"] = value; SetBit(PROP_BACKCOLOR); } } /// /// /// Gets or sets the border color property of the class. /// /// [ WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(typeof(Color), ""), WebSysDescription(SR.Style_BorderColor), NotifyParentProperty(true), TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(WebColorConverter)) ] public Color BorderColor { get { if (IsSet(PROP_BORDERCOLOR)) { return(Color)(ViewState["BorderColor"]); } return Color.Empty; } set { ViewState["BorderColor"] = value; SetBit(PROP_BORDERCOLOR); } } /// /// /// Gets or sets the border width property of the class. /// /// [ WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(typeof(Unit), ""), WebSysDescription(SR.Style_BorderWidth), NotifyParentProperty(true) ] public Unit BorderWidth { get { if (IsSet(PROP_BORDERWIDTH)) { return(Unit)(ViewState["BorderWidth"]); } return Unit.Empty; } set { if ((value.Type == UnitType.Percentage) || (value.Value < 0)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", SR.GetString(SR.Style_InvalidBorderWidth)); } ViewState["BorderWidth"] = value; SetBit(PROP_BORDERWIDTH); } } /// /// Gets or sets the border style property of the /// class. /// [ WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(BorderStyle.NotSet), WebSysDescription(SR.Style_BorderStyle), NotifyParentProperty(true) ] public BorderStyle BorderStyle { get { if (IsSet(PROP_BORDERSTYLE)) { return(BorderStyle)(ViewState["BorderStyle"]); } return BorderStyle.NotSet; } set { if (value < BorderStyle.NotSet || value > BorderStyle.Outset) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } ViewState["BorderStyle"] = value; SetBit(PROP_BORDERSTYLE); } } /// /// Gets or sets the CSS class property of the class. /// [ WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(""), WebSysDescription(SR.Style_CSSClass), NotifyParentProperty(true), CssClassProperty() ] public string CssClass { get { if (IsSet(PROP_CSSCLASS)) { string s = (string)ViewState["CssClass"]; return (s == null) ? String.Empty : s; } return String.Empty; } set { ViewState["CssClass"] = value; SetBit(PROP_CSSCLASS); } } /// /// Gets font information of the class. /// [ WebCategory("Appearance"), WebSysDescription(SR.Style_Font), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true) ] public FontInfo Font { get { if (fontInfo == null) fontInfo = new FontInfo(this); return fontInfo; } } /// /// /// Gets or sets the foreground color (typically the color /// of the text) property of the /// class. /// /// [ WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(typeof(Color), ""), WebSysDescription(SR.Style_ForeColor), NotifyParentProperty(true), TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(WebColorConverter)) ] public Color ForeColor { get { if (IsSet(PROP_FORECOLOR)) { return(Color)(ViewState["ForeColor"]); } return Color.Empty; } set { ViewState["ForeColor"] = value; SetBit(PROP_FORECOLOR); } } /// /// /// Gets or sets the height property of the class. /// /// [ WebCategory("Layout"), DefaultValue(typeof(Unit), ""), WebSysDescription(SR.Style_Height), NotifyParentProperty(true) ] public Unit Height { get { if (IsSet(PROP_HEIGHT)) { return(Unit)(ViewState["Height"]); } return Unit.Empty; } set { if (value.Value < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", SR.GetString(SR.Style_InvalidHeight)); } ViewState["Height"] = value; SetBit(PROP_HEIGHT); } } /// /// /// Gets a value indicating whether any style properties have been set. /// [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden) ] public virtual bool IsEmpty { [System.Runtime.TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline across NGen image boundaries")] get { return ((setBits == 0) && (RegisteredCssClass.Length == 0)); } } /// /// Returns a value indicating whether /// any style elements have been defined in the state bag. /// protected bool IsTrackingViewState { get { return marked; } } /// /// [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Advanced) ] public string RegisteredCssClass { get { if (registeredCssClass == null) { return String.Empty; } return registeredCssClass; } } /// /// /// Gets the state bag that holds the style properties. /// Marked as internal, because FontInfo accesses view state of its owner Style /// [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden) ] protected internal StateBag ViewState { get { if (statebag == null) { statebag = new StateBag(false); if (IsTrackingViewState) statebag.TrackViewState(); } return statebag; } } /// /// /// Gets or sets the width property of the class. /// /// [ WebCategory("Layout"), DefaultValue(typeof(Unit), ""), WebSysDescription(SR.Style_Width), NotifyParentProperty(true) ] public Unit Width { get { if (IsSet(PROP_WIDTH)) { return(Unit)(ViewState["Width"]); } return Unit.Empty; } set { if (value.Value < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", SR.GetString(SR.Style_InvalidWidth)); } ViewState["Width"] = value; SetBit(PROP_WIDTH); } } /// /// public void AddAttributesToRender(HtmlTextWriter writer) { AddAttributesToRender(writer, null); } /// /// /// Adds all non-blank style attributes to the HTML output stream to be rendered /// to the client. /// /// public virtual void AddAttributesToRender(HtmlTextWriter writer, WebControl owner) { string cssClass = String.Empty; bool renderInlineStyle = true; if (IsSet(PROP_CSSCLASS)) { cssClass = (string)ViewState["CssClass"]; if (cssClass == null) { cssClass = String.Empty; } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(registeredCssClass)) { renderInlineStyle = false; if (cssClass.Length != 0) { cssClass += " " + registeredCssClass; } else { cssClass = registeredCssClass; } } if (cssClass.Length > 0) { writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Class, cssClass); } if (renderInlineStyle) { CssStyleCollection styleAttributes = GetStyleAttributes(owner); styleAttributes.Render(writer); } } /// /// /// Clears the setBits int of the given bit. /// /// internal void ClearBit(int bit) { setBits &= ~bit; } /// /// /// Copies non-blank elements from the specified style, /// overwriting existing style elements if necessary. /// /// public virtual void CopyFrom(Style s) { if (RegisteredCssClass.Length != 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.Style_RegisteredStylesAreReadOnly)); } if (s != null && !s.IsEmpty) { this.Font.CopyFrom(s.Font); if (s.IsSet(PROP_CSSCLASS)) this.CssClass = s.CssClass; // if the source Style is registered and this one isn't, // reset all the styles set by the source Style so it's // css class can be used to set those values if (s.RegisteredCssClass.Length != 0) { if (IsSet(PROP_CSSCLASS)) { CssClass += " " + s.RegisteredCssClass; } else { CssClass = s.RegisteredCssClass; } if (s.IsSet(PROP_BACKCOLOR) && (s.BackColor != Color.Empty)) { ViewState.Remove("BackColor"); ClearBit(PROP_BACKCOLOR); } if (s.IsSet(PROP_FORECOLOR) && (s.ForeColor != Color.Empty)) { ViewState.Remove("ForeColor"); ClearBit(PROP_FORECOLOR); } if (s.IsSet(PROP_BORDERCOLOR) && (s.BorderColor != Color.Empty)) { ViewState.Remove("BorderColor"); ClearBit(PROP_BORDERCOLOR); } if (s.IsSet(PROP_BORDERWIDTH) && (s.BorderWidth != Unit.Empty)) { ViewState.Remove("BorderWidth"); ClearBit(PROP_BORDERWIDTH); } if (s.IsSet(PROP_BORDERSTYLE)) { ViewState.Remove("BorderStyle"); ClearBit(PROP_BORDERSTYLE); } if (s.IsSet(PROP_HEIGHT) && (s.Height != Unit.Empty)) { ViewState.Remove("Height"); ClearBit(PROP_HEIGHT); } if (s.IsSet(PROP_WIDTH) && (s.Width != Unit.Empty)) { ViewState.Remove("Width"); ClearBit(PROP_WIDTH); } } else { if (s.IsSet(PROP_BACKCOLOR) && (s.BackColor != Color.Empty)) this.BackColor = s.BackColor; if (s.IsSet(PROP_FORECOLOR) && (s.ForeColor != Color.Empty)) this.ForeColor = s.ForeColor; if (s.IsSet(PROP_BORDERCOLOR) && (s.BorderColor != Color.Empty)) this.BorderColor = s.BorderColor; if (s.IsSet(PROP_BORDERWIDTH) && (s.BorderWidth != Unit.Empty)) this.BorderWidth = s.BorderWidth; if (s.IsSet(PROP_BORDERSTYLE)) this.BorderStyle = s.BorderStyle; if (s.IsSet(PROP_HEIGHT) && (s.Height != Unit.Empty)) this.Height = s.Height; if (s.IsSet(PROP_WIDTH) && (s.Width != Unit.Empty)) this.Width = s.Width; } } } protected virtual void FillStyleAttributes(CssStyleCollection attributes, IUrlResolutionService urlResolver) { StateBag viewState = ViewState; Color c; // ForeColor if (IsSet(PROP_FORECOLOR)) { c = (Color)viewState["ForeColor"]; if (!c.IsEmpty) { attributes.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Color, ColorTranslator.ToHtml(c)); } } // BackColor if (IsSet(PROP_BACKCOLOR)) { c = (Color)viewState["BackColor"]; if (!c.IsEmpty) { attributes.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.BackgroundColor, ColorTranslator.ToHtml(c)); } } // BorderColor if (IsSet(PROP_BORDERCOLOR)) { c = (Color)viewState["BorderColor"]; if (!c.IsEmpty) { attributes.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.BorderColor, ColorTranslator.ToHtml(c)); } } BorderStyle bs = this.BorderStyle; Unit bu = this.BorderWidth; if (!bu.IsEmpty) { attributes.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.BorderWidth, bu.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); if (bs == BorderStyle.NotSet) { if (bu.Value != 0.0) { attributes.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.BorderStyle, "solid"); } } else { attributes.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.BorderStyle, borderStyles[(int)bs]); } } else { if (bs != BorderStyle.NotSet) { attributes.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.BorderStyle, borderStyles[(int)bs]); } } // need to call the property get in case we have font properties from view state and have not // created the font object FontInfo font = Font; // Font.Names string[] names = font.Names; if (names.Length > 0) { attributes.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.FontFamily, Style.FormatStringArray(names, ',')); } // Font.Size FontUnit fu = font.Size; if (fu.IsEmpty == false) { attributes.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.FontSize, fu.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } // Font.Bold if (IsSet(PROP_FONT_BOLD)) { if (font.Bold) { attributes.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.FontWeight, "bold"); } else { attributes.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.FontWeight, "normal"); } } // Font.Italic if (IsSet(PROP_FONT_ITALIC)) { if (font.Italic == true) { attributes.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.FontStyle, "italic"); } else { attributes.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.FontStyle, "normal"); } } // string textDecoration = String.Empty; if (font.Underline) { textDecoration = "underline"; } if (font.Overline) { textDecoration += " overline"; } if (font.Strikeout) { textDecoration += " line-through"; } if (textDecoration.Length > 0) { attributes.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.TextDecoration, textDecoration); } else { if (IsSet(PROP_FONT_UNDERLINE) || IsSet(PROP_FONT_OVERLINE) || IsSet(PROP_FONT_STRIKEOUT)) { attributes.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.TextDecoration, "none"); } } Unit u; // Height if (IsSet(PROP_HEIGHT)) { u = (Unit)viewState["Height"]; if (!u.IsEmpty) { attributes.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Height, u.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } } // Width if (IsSet(PROP_WIDTH)) { u = (Unit)viewState["Width"]; if (!u.IsEmpty) { attributes.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Width, u.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } } } private static string FormatStringArray(string[] array, char delimiter) { int n = array.Length; if (n == 1) { return array[0]; } if (n == 0) { return String.Empty; } return String.Join(delimiter.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), array); } /// /// Retrieves the collection of CSS style attributes represented by this style. /// public CssStyleCollection GetStyleAttributes(IUrlResolutionService urlResolver) { CssStyleCollection attributes = new CssStyleCollection(); FillStyleAttributes(attributes, urlResolver); return attributes; } /// /// Returns a value indicating whether the specified style /// property has been defined in the state bag. /// [System.Runtime.TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline across NGen image boundaries")] internal bool IsSet(int propKey) { return (setBits & propKey) != 0; } /// /// Load the previously saved state. /// protected internal void LoadViewState(object state) { if (state != null && ownStateBag) ViewState.LoadViewState(state); if (statebag != null) { object o = ViewState[SetBitsKey]; if (o != null) { markedBits = (int)o; // markedBits indicates properties that got reloaded into // view state, so update setBits, to indicate these // properties are set as well. setBits |= markedBits; } } } /// /// A protected method. Marks the beginning for tracking /// state changes on the control. Any changes made after "mark" will be tracked and /// saved as part of the control viewstate. /// [System.Runtime.TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline across NGen image boundaries")] protected internal virtual void TrackViewState() { if (ownStateBag) { ViewState.TrackViewState(); } marked = true; } /// /// Copies non-blank elements from the specified style, /// but will not overwrite any existing style elements. /// public virtual void MergeWith(Style s) { if (RegisteredCssClass.Length != 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.Style_RegisteredStylesAreReadOnly)); } if (s == null || s.IsEmpty) return; if (IsEmpty) { // merge into an empty style is equivalent to a copy, which // is more efficient CopyFrom(s); return; } this.Font.MergeWith(s.Font); if (s.IsSet(PROP_CSSCLASS) && !this.IsSet(PROP_CSSCLASS)) this.CssClass = s.CssClass; // If the source Style is registered and this one isn't, copy // the CSS class and any style props not included in the CSS class // if they aren't set on this Style if (s.RegisteredCssClass.Length == 0) { if (s.IsSet(PROP_BACKCOLOR) && (!this.IsSet(PROP_BACKCOLOR) || (BackColor == Color.Empty))) this.BackColor = s.BackColor; if (s.IsSet(PROP_FORECOLOR) && (!this.IsSet(PROP_FORECOLOR) || (ForeColor == Color.Empty))) this.ForeColor = s.ForeColor; if (s.IsSet(PROP_BORDERCOLOR) && (!this.IsSet(PROP_BORDERCOLOR) || (BorderColor == Color.Empty))) this.BorderColor = s.BorderColor; if (s.IsSet(PROP_BORDERWIDTH) && (!this.IsSet(PROP_BORDERWIDTH) || (BorderWidth == Unit.Empty))) this.BorderWidth = s.BorderWidth; if (s.IsSet(PROP_BORDERSTYLE) && !this.IsSet(PROP_BORDERSTYLE)) this.BorderStyle = s.BorderStyle; if (s.IsSet(PROP_HEIGHT) && (!this.IsSet(PROP_HEIGHT) || (Height == Unit.Empty))) this.Height = s.Height; if (s.IsSet(PROP_WIDTH) && (!this.IsSet(PROP_WIDTH) || (Width == Unit.Empty))) this.Width = s.Width; } else { if (IsSet(PROP_CSSCLASS)) { CssClass += " " + s.RegisteredCssClass; } else { CssClass = s.RegisteredCssClass; } } } /// /// Clears out any defined style elements from the state bag. /// public virtual void Reset() { if (statebag != null) { if (IsSet(PROP_CSSCLASS)) ViewState.Remove("CssClass"); if (IsSet(PROP_BACKCOLOR)) ViewState.Remove("BackColor"); if (IsSet(PROP_FORECOLOR)) ViewState.Remove("ForeColor"); if (IsSet(PROP_BORDERCOLOR)) ViewState.Remove("BorderColor"); if (IsSet(PROP_BORDERWIDTH)) ViewState.Remove("BorderWidth"); if (IsSet(PROP_BORDERSTYLE)) ViewState.Remove("BorderStyle"); if (IsSet(PROP_HEIGHT)) ViewState.Remove("Height"); if (IsSet(PROP_WIDTH)) ViewState.Remove("Width"); Font.Reset(); ViewState.Remove(SetBitsKey); markedBits = 0; } setBits = 0; } /// /// Saves any state that has been modified /// after the TrackViewState method was invoked. /// protected internal virtual object SaveViewState() { if (statebag != null) { if (markedBits != 0) { // new bits or properties were changed // updating the state bag at this point will automatically mark // SetBitsKey as dirty, and it will be added to the resulting viewstate ViewState[SetBitsKey] = markedBits; } if (ownStateBag) return ViewState.SaveViewState(); } return null; } /// protected internal virtual void SetBit(int bit) { setBits |= bit; if (IsTrackingViewState) { // since we're tracking changes, include this property change or // bit into the markedBits flag set. markedBits |= bit; } } public void SetDirty() { ViewState.SetDirty(true); markedBits = setBits; } /// /// Associated this Style with a CSS class as part of registration with /// a style sheet. /// internal void SetRegisteredCssClass(string cssClass) { registeredCssClass = cssClass; } #region Implementation of IStateManager /// bool IStateManager.IsTrackingViewState { get { return IsTrackingViewState; } } /// void IStateManager.LoadViewState(object state) { LoadViewState(state); } /// void IStateManager.TrackViewState() { TrackViewState(); } /// object IStateManager.SaveViewState() { return SaveViewState(); } #endregion } }