//--------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // // @owner [....] // @backupOwner [....] //--------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Globalization; using System.Data.Entity.Design.Common; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace System.Data.Entity.Design.PluralizationServices { [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId = "Pluralization")] internal class EnglishPluralizationService : PluralizationService, ICustomPluralizationMapping { private BidirectionalDictionary _userDictionary; private StringBidirectionalDictionary _irregularPluralsPluralizationService; private StringBidirectionalDictionary _assimilatedClassicalInflectionPluralizationService; private StringBidirectionalDictionary _oSuffixPluralizationService; private StringBidirectionalDictionary _classicalInflectionPluralizationService; private StringBidirectionalDictionary _irregularVerbPluralizationService; private StringBidirectionalDictionary _wordsEndingWithSePluralizationService; private StringBidirectionalDictionary _wordsEndingWithSisPluralizationService; private StringBidirectionalDictionary _wordsEndingWithSusPluralizationService; private StringBidirectionalDictionary _wordsEndingWithInxAnxYnxPluralizationService; private List _knownSingluarWords; private List _knownPluralWords; private string[] _uninflectiveSuffixList = new string[] { "fish", "ois", "sheep", "deer", "pos", "itis", "ism" }; private string[] _uninflectiveWordList = new string[] { "bison", "flounder", "pliers", "bream", "gallows", "proceedings", "breeches", "graffiti", "rabies", "britches", "headquarters", "salmon", "carp", "----", "scissors", "ch----is", "high-jinks", "sea-bass", "clippers", "homework", "series", "cod", "innings", "shears", "contretemps", "jackanapes", "species", "corps", "mackerel", "swine", "debris", "measles", "trout", "diabetes", "mews", "tuna", "djinn", "mumps", "whiting", "eland", "news", "wildebeest", "elk", "pincers", "police", "hair", "ice", "chaos", "milk", "cotton", "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis", "information", "aircraft", "scabies", "traffic", "corn", "millet", "rice", "hay", "----", "tobacco", "cabbage", "okra", "broccoli", "asparagus", "lettuce", "beef", "pork", "venison", "mutton", "cattle", "offspring", "molasses", "shambles", "shingles"}; private Dictionary _irregularVerbList = new Dictionary() { {"am", "are"}, {"are", "are"}, {"is", "are"}, {"was", "were"}, {"were", "were"}, {"has", "have"}, {"have", "have"} }; private List _pronounList = new List() { "I", "we", "you", "he", "she", "they", "it", "me", "us", "him", "her", "them", "myself", "ourselves", "yourself", "himself", "herself", "itself", "oneself", "oneselves", "my", "our", "your", "his", "their", "its", "mine", "yours", "hers", "theirs", "this", "that", "these", "those", "all", "another", "any", "anybody", "anyone", "anything", "both", "each", "other", "either", "everyone", "everybody", "everything", "most", "much", "nothing", "nobody", "none", "one", "others", "some", "somebody", "someone", "something", "what", "whatever", "which", "whichever", "who", "whoever", "whom", "whomever", "whose", }; private Dictionary _irregularPluralsDictionary = new Dictionary() { {"brother", "brothers"}, {"child", "children"}, {"cow", "cows"}, {"ephemeris", "ephemerides"}, {"genie", "genies"}, {"money", "moneys"}, {"mongoose", "mongooses"}, {"mythos", "mythoi"}, {"octopus", "octopuses"}, {"ox", "oxen"}, {"soliloquy", "soliloquies"}, {"trilby", "trilbys"}, {"crisis", "crises"}, {"synopsis","synopses"}, {"rose", "roses"}, {"gas","gases"}, {"bus", "buses"}, {"axis", "axes"},{"memo", "memos"}, {"casino","casinos"}, {"silo", "silos"},{"stereo", "stereos"}, {"studio","studios"}, {"lens", "lenses"}, {"alias","aliases"}, {"pie","pies"}, {"corpus","corpora"}, {"viscus", "viscera"},{"hippopotamus", "hippopotami"}, {"trace", "traces"}, {"person", "people"}, {"chili", "chilies"}, {"analysis", "analyses"}, {"basis", "bases"}, {"neurosis", "neuroses"}, {"oasis", "oases"}, {"synthesis", "syntheses"}, {"thesis", "theses"}, {"change", "changes"}, {"lie", "lies"}, {"calorie", "calories"}, {"freebie", "freebies"}, {"case", "cases"}, {"house", "houses"}, {"valve", "valves"}, {"cloth", "clothes"}, {"tie", "ties"}, {"movie", "movies"}, {"bonus", "bonuses"}, {"specimen", "specimens"} }; Dictionary _assimilatedClassicalInflectionDictionary = new Dictionary() { {"alumna", "alumnae"}, {"alga", "algae"}, {"vertebra", "vertebrae"}, {"codex", "codices"}, {"murex", "murices"}, {"silex", "silices"}, {"aphelion", "aphelia"}, {"hyperbaton", "hyperbata"}, {"perihelion", "perihelia"}, {"asyndeton", "asyndeta"}, {"noumenon", "noumena"}, {"phenomenon", "phenomena"}, {"criterion", "criteria"}, {"organon", "organa"}, {"prolegomenon", "prolegomena"}, {"agendum", "agenda"}, {"datum", "data"}, {"extremum", "extrema"}, {"bacterium", "bacteria"}, {"desideratum", "desiderata"}, {"stratum", "strata"}, {"candelabrum", "candelabra"}, {"erratum", "errata"}, {"ovum", "ova"}, {"forum", "fora"}, {"addendum", "addenda"}, {"stadium", "stadia"}, {"automaton", "automata"}, {"polyhedron", "polyhedra"}, }; Dictionary _oSuffixDictionary = new Dictionary() { {"albino", "albinos"}, {"generalissimo", "generalissimos"}, {"manifesto", "manifestos"}, {"archipelago", "archipelagos"}, {"ghetto", "ghettos"}, {"medico", "medicos"}, {"armadillo", "armadillos"}, {"guano", "guanos"}, {"octavo", "octavos"}, {"commando", "commandos"}, {"inferno", "infernos"}, {"photo", "photos"}, {"ditto", "dittos"}, {"jumbo", "jumbos"}, {"pro", "pros"}, {"dynamo", "dynamos"}, {"lingo", "lingos"}, {"quarto", "quartos"}, {"embryo", "embryos"}, {"lumbago", "lumbagos"}, {"rhino", "rhinos"}, {"fiasco", "fiascos"}, {"magneto", "magnetos"}, {"stylo", "stylos"} }; Dictionary _classicalInflectionDictionary = new Dictionary() { {"stamen", "stamina"}, {"foramen", "foramina"}, {"lumen", "lumina"}, {"anathema", "anathemata"}, {"----", "----ta"}, {"oedema", "oedemata"}, {"bema", "bemata"}, {"enigma", "enigmata"}, {"sarcoma", "sarcomata"}, {"carcinoma", "carcinomata"}, {"gumma", "gummata"}, {"schema", "schemata"}, {"charisma", "charismata"}, {"lemma", "lemmata"}, {"soma", "somata"}, {"diploma", "diplomata"}, {"lymphoma", "lymphomata"}, {"stigma", "stigmata"}, {"dogma", "dogmata"}, {"magma", "magmata"}, {"stoma", "stomata"}, {"drama", "dramata"}, {"melisma", "melismata"}, {"trauma", "traumata"}, {"edema", "edemata"}, {"miasma", "miasmata"}, {"abscissa", "abscissae"}, {"formula", "formulae"}, {"medusa", "medusae"}, {"amoeba", "amoebae"}, {"hydra", "hydrae"}, {"nebula", "nebulae"}, {"antenna", "antennae"}, {"hyperbola", "hyperbolae"}, {"nova", "novae"}, {"aurora", "aurorae"}, {"lacuna", "lacunae"}, {"parabola", "parabolae"}, {"apex", "apices"}, {"latex", "latices"}, {"vertex", "vertices"}, {"cortex", "cortices"}, {"pontifex", "pontifices"}, {"vortex", "vortices"}, {"index", "indices"}, {"simplex", "simplices"}, {"iris", "irides"}, {"----oris", "----orides"}, {"alto", "alti"}, {"contralto", "contralti"}, {"soprano", "soprani"}, {"b----o", "b----i"}, {"crescendo", "crescendi"}, {"tempo", "tempi"}, {"canto", "canti"}, {"solo", "soli"}, {"aquarium", "aquaria"}, {"interregnum", "interregna"}, {"quantum", "quanta"}, {"compendium", "compendia"}, {"lustrum", "lustra"}, {"rostrum", "rostra"}, {"consortium", "consortia"}, {"maximum", "maxima"}, {"spectrum", "spectra"}, {"cranium", "crania"}, {"medium", "media"}, {"speculum", "specula"}, {"curriculum", "curricula"}, {"memorandum", "memoranda"}, {"stadium", "stadia"}, {"dictum", "dicta"}, {"millenium", "millenia"}, {"t----zium", "t----zia"}, {"emporium", "emporia"}, {"minimum", "minima"}, {"ultimatum", "ultimata"}, {"enconium", "enconia"}, {"momentum", "momenta"}, {"vacuum", "vacua"}, {"gymnasium", "gymnasia"}, {"optimum", "optima"}, {"velum", "vela"}, {"honorarium", "honoraria"}, {"phylum", "phyla"}, {"focus", "foci"}, {"nimbus", "nimbi"}, {"succubus", "succubi"}, {"fungus", "fungi"}, {"nucleolus", "nucleoli"}, {"torus", "tori"}, {"genius", "genii"}, {"radius", "radii"}, {"umbilicus", "umbilici"}, {"incubus", "incubi"}, {"stylus", "styli"}, {"uterus", "uteri"}, {"stimulus", "stimuli"}, {"apparatus", "apparatus"}, {"impetus", "impetus"}, {"prospectus", "prospectus"}, {"cantus", "cantus"}, {"nexus", "nexus"}, {"sinus", "sinus"}, {"coitus", "coitus"}, {"plexus", "plexus"}, {"status", "status"}, {"hiatus", "hiatus"}, {"afreet", "afreeti"}, {"afrit", "afriti"}, {"efreet", "efreeti"}, {"cherub", "cherubim"}, {"goy", "goyim"}, {"seraph", "seraphim"}, {"alumnus", "alumni"} }; // this list contains all the plural words that being treated as singluar form, for example, "they" -> "they" private List _knownConflictingPluralList = new List() { "they", "them", "their", "have", "were", "yourself", "are" }; // this list contains the words ending with "se" and we special case these words since // we need to add a rule for "ses" singularize to "s" private Dictionary _wordsEndingWithSeDictionary = new Dictionary() { {"house", "houses"}, {"case", "cases"}, {"enterprise", "enterprises"}, {"purchase", "purchases"}, {"surprise", "surprises"}, {"release", "releases"}, {"disease", "diseases"}, {"promise", "promises"}, {"refuse", "refuses"}, {"whose", "whoses"}, {"phase", "phases"}, {"noise", "noises"}, {"nurse", "nurses"}, {"rose", "roses"}, {"franchise", "franchises"}, {"supervise", "supervises"}, {"farmhouse", "farmhouses"}, {"suitcase", "suitcases"}, {"recourse", "recourses"}, {"impulse", "impulses"}, {"license", "licenses"}, {"diocese", "dioceses"}, {"excise", "excises"}, {"demise", "demises"}, {"blouse", "blouses"}, {"bruise", "bruises"}, {"misuse", "misuses"}, {"curse", "curses"}, {"prose", "proses"}, {"purse", "purses"}, {"goose", "gooses"}, {"tease", "teases"}, {"poise", "poises"}, {"vase", "vases"}, {"fuse", "fuses"}, {"muse", "muses"}, {"slaughterhouse", "slaughterhouses"}, {"clearinghouse", "clearinghouses"}, {"endonuclease", "endonucleases"}, {"steeplechase", "steeplechases"}, {"metamorphose", "metamorphoses"}, {"----", "----s"}, {"commonsense", "commonsenses"}, {"intersperse", "intersperses"}, {"merchandise", "merchandises"}, {"phosphatase", "phosphatases"}, {"summerhouse", "summerhouses"}, {"watercourse", "watercourses"}, {"catchphrase", "catchphrases"}, {"compromise", "compromises"}, {"greenhouse", "greenhouses"}, {"lighthouse", "lighthouses"}, {"paraphrase", "paraphrases"}, {"mayonnaise", "mayonnaises"}, {"----course", "----courses"}, {"apocalypse", "apocalypses"}, {"courthouse", "courthouses"}, {"powerhouse", "powerhouses"}, {"storehouse", "storehouses"}, {"glasshouse", "glasshouses"}, {"hypotenuse", "hypotenuses"}, {"peroxidase", "peroxidases"}, {"pillowcase", "pillowcases"}, {"roundhouse", "roundhouses"}, {"streetwise", "streetwises"}, {"expertise", "expertises"}, {"discourse", "discourses"}, {"warehouse", "warehouses"}, {"staircase", "staircases"}, {"workhouse", "workhouses"}, {"briefcase", "briefcases"}, {"clubhouse", "clubhouses"}, {"clockwise", "clockwises"}, {"concourse", "concourses"}, {"playhouse", "playhouses"}, {"turquoise", "turquoises"}, {"boathouse", "boathouses"}, {"cellulose", "celluloses"}, {"epitomise", "epitomises"}, {"gatehouse", "gatehouses"}, {"grandiose", "grandioses"}, {"menopause", "menopauses"}, {"penthouse", "penthouses"}, {"----horse", "----horses"}, {"transpose", "transposes"}, {"almshouse", "almshouses"}, {"customise", "customises"}, {"footloose", "footlooses"}, {"galvanise", "galvanises"}, {"princesse", "princesses"}, {"universe", "universes"}, {"workhorse", "workhorses"} }; private Dictionary _wordsEndingWithSisDictionary = new Dictionary() { {"analysis", "analyses"}, {"crisis", "crises"}, {"basis", "bases"}, {"atherosclerosis", "atheroscleroses"}, {"electrophoresis", "electrophoreses"}, {"psychoanalysis", "psychoanalyses"}, {"photosynthesis", "photosyntheses"}, {"amniocentesis", "amniocenteses"}, {"metamorphosis", "metamorphoses"}, {"toxoplasmosis", "toxoplasmoses"}, {"endometriosis", "endometrioses"}, {"tuberculosis", "tuberculoses"}, {"pathogenesis", "pathogeneses"}, {"osteoporosis", "osteoporoses"}, {"parenthesis", "parentheses"}, {"anastomosis", "anastomoses"}, {"peristalsis", "peristalses"}, {"hypothesis", "hypotheses"}, {"antithesis", "antitheses"}, {"apotheosis", "apotheoses"}, {"thrombosis", "thromboses"}, {"diagnosis", "diagnoses"}, {"synthesis", "syntheses"}, {"paralysis", "paralyses"}, {"prognosis", "prognoses"}, {"cirrhosis", "cirrhoses"}, {"sclerosis", "scleroses"}, {"psychosis", "psychoses"}, {"apoptosis", "apoptoses"}, {"symbiosis", "symbioses"} }; private Dictionary _wordsEndingWithSusDictionary = new Dictionary() { {"consensus","consensuses"}, {"census", "censuses"} }; private Dictionary _wordsEndingWithInxAnxYnxDictionary = new Dictionary() { {"sphinx", "sphinxes"}, {"larynx", "larynges"}, {"lynx", "lynxes"}, {"pharynx", "pharynxes"}, {"phalanx", "phalanxes"} }; internal EnglishPluralizationService() { this.Culture = new CultureInfo("en"); this._userDictionary = new BidirectionalDictionary(); this._irregularPluralsPluralizationService = new StringBidirectionalDictionary(this._irregularPluralsDictionary); this._assimilatedClassicalInflectionPluralizationService = new StringBidirectionalDictionary(this._assimilatedClassicalInflectionDictionary); this._oSuffixPluralizationService = new StringBidirectionalDictionary(this._oSuffixDictionary); this._classicalInflectionPluralizationService = new StringBidirectionalDictionary(this._classicalInflectionDictionary); this._wordsEndingWithSePluralizationService = new StringBidirectionalDictionary(this._wordsEndingWithSeDictionary); this._wordsEndingWithSisPluralizationService = new StringBidirectionalDictionary(this._wordsEndingWithSisDictionary); this._wordsEndingWithSusPluralizationService = new StringBidirectionalDictionary(this._wordsEndingWithSusDictionary); this._wordsEndingWithInxAnxYnxPluralizationService = new StringBidirectionalDictionary(this._wordsEndingWithInxAnxYnxDictionary); // verb this._irregularVerbPluralizationService = new StringBidirectionalDictionary(this._irregularVerbList); this._knownSingluarWords = new List( _irregularPluralsDictionary.Keys .Concat(_assimilatedClassicalInflectionDictionary.Keys) .Concat(_oSuffixDictionary.Keys) .Concat(_classicalInflectionDictionary.Keys) .Concat(_irregularVerbList.Keys) .Concat(_irregularPluralsDictionary.Keys) .Concat(_wordsEndingWithSeDictionary.Keys) .Concat(_wordsEndingWithSisDictionary.Keys) .Concat(_wordsEndingWithSusDictionary.Keys) .Concat(_wordsEndingWithInxAnxYnxDictionary.Keys) .Concat(_uninflectiveWordList) .Except(this._knownConflictingPluralList)); // see the _knowConflictingPluralList comment above this._knownPluralWords = new List( _irregularPluralsDictionary.Values .Concat(_assimilatedClassicalInflectionDictionary.Values) .Concat(_oSuffixDictionary.Values) .Concat(_classicalInflectionDictionary.Values) .Concat(_irregularVerbList.Values) .Concat(_irregularPluralsDictionary.Values) .Concat(_wordsEndingWithSeDictionary.Values) .Concat(_wordsEndingWithSisDictionary.Values) .Concat(_wordsEndingWithSusDictionary.Values) .Concat(_wordsEndingWithInxAnxYnxDictionary.Values) .Concat(_uninflectiveWordList)); } public override bool IsPlural(string word) { EDesignUtil.CheckArgumentNull(word, "word"); if (this._userDictionary.ExistsInSecond(word)) { return true; } if (this._userDictionary.ExistsInFirst(word)) { return false; } if (this.IsUninflective(word) || this._knownPluralWords.Contains(word.ToLower(this.Culture))) { return true; } else if (this.Singularize(word).Equals(word)) { return false; } else { return true; } } public override bool IsSingular(string word) { EDesignUtil.CheckArgumentNull(word, "word"); if (this._userDictionary.ExistsInFirst(word)) { return true; } if (this._userDictionary.ExistsInSecond(word)) { return false; } if (this.IsUninflective(word) || this._knownSingluarWords.Contains(word.ToLower(this.Culture))) { return true; } else if (!IsNoOpWord(word) && this.Singularize(word).Equals(word)) { return true; } else { return false; } } // public override string Pluralize(string word) { EDesignUtil.CheckArgumentNull(word, "word"); return Capitalize(word, InternalPluralize); } [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Globalization", "CA1308:NormalizeStringsToUppercase")] private string InternalPluralize(string word) { // words that we know of if (this._userDictionary.ExistsInFirst(word)) { return this._userDictionary.GetSecondValue(word); } if (IsNoOpWord(word)) { return word; } string prefixWord; string suffixWord = GetSuffixWord(word, out prefixWord); // by me -> by me if (IsNoOpWord(suffixWord)) { return prefixWord + suffixWord; } // handle the word that do not inflect in the plural form if (this.IsUninflective(suffixWord)) { return prefixWord + suffixWord; } // if word is one of the known plural forms, then just return if (this._knownPluralWords.Contains(suffixWord.ToLowerInvariant()) || this.IsPlural(suffixWord)) { return prefixWord + suffixWord; } // handle irregular plurals, e.g. "ox" -> "oxen" if (this._irregularPluralsPluralizationService.ExistsInFirst(suffixWord)) { return prefixWord + this._irregularPluralsPluralizationService.GetSecondValue(suffixWord); } string newSuffixWord; if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, new List() { "man" }, (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 2, 2) + "en", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) { return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; } // handle irregular inflections for common suffixes, e.g. "mouse" -> "mice" if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, new List() { "louse", "mouse" }, (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 4, 4) + "ice", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) { return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; } if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, new List() { "tooth" }, (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 4, 4) + "eeth", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) { return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; } if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, new List() { "goose" }, (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 4, 4) + "eese", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) { return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; } if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, new List() { "foot" }, (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "eet", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) { return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; } if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, new List() { "zoon" }, (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "oa", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) { return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; } if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, new List() { "cis", "sis", "xis" }, (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 2, 2) + "es", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) { return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; } // handle assimilated classical inflections, e.g. vertebra -> vertebrae if (this._assimilatedClassicalInflectionPluralizationService.ExistsInFirst(suffixWord)) { return prefixWord + this._assimilatedClassicalInflectionPluralizationService.GetSecondValue(suffixWord); } // Handle the classical variants of modern inflections // if (this._classicalInflectionPluralizationService.ExistsInFirst(suffixWord)) { return prefixWord + this._classicalInflectionPluralizationService.GetSecondValue(suffixWord); } if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, new List() { "trix" }, (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 1, 1) + "ces", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) { return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; } if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, new List() { "eau", "ieu" }, (s) => s + "x", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) { return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; } if (this._wordsEndingWithInxAnxYnxPluralizationService.ExistsInFirst(suffixWord)) { return prefixWord + this._wordsEndingWithInxAnxYnxPluralizationService.GetSecondValue(suffixWord); } // [cs]h and ss that take es as plural form if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, new List() { "ch", "sh", "ss" }, (s) => s + "es", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) { return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; } // f, fe that take ves as plural form if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, new List() { "alf", "elf", "olf", "eaf", "arf" }, (s) => s.EndsWith("deaf", true, this.Culture) ? s : s.Remove(s.Length - 1, 1) + "ves", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) { return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; } if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, new List() { "nife", "life", "wife" }, (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 2, 2) + "ves", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) { return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; } // y takes ys as plural form if preceded by a vowel, but ies if preceded by a consonant, e.g. stays, skies if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, new List() { "ay", "ey", "iy", "oy", "uy" }, (s) => s + "s", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) { return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; } // if (suffixWord.EndsWith("y", true, this.Culture)) { return prefixWord + suffixWord.Remove(suffixWord.Length - 1, 1) + "ies"; } // handle some of the words o -> os, and [vowel]o -> os, and the rest are o->oes if (this._oSuffixPluralizationService.ExistsInFirst(suffixWord)) { return prefixWord + this._oSuffixPluralizationService.GetSecondValue(suffixWord); } if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, new List() { "ao", "eo", "io", "oo", "uo" }, (s) => s + "s", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) { return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; } if (suffixWord.EndsWith("o", true, this.Culture) || suffixWord.EndsWith("s", true, this.Culture)) { return prefixWord + suffixWord + "es"; } if (suffixWord.EndsWith("x", true, this.Culture)) { return prefixWord + suffixWord + "es"; } // cats, bags, hats, speakers return prefixWord + suffixWord + "s"; } public override string Singularize(string word) { EDesignUtil.CheckArgumentNull(word, "word"); return Capitalize(word, InternalSingularize); } [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Globalization", "CA1308:NormalizeStringsToUppercase")] private string InternalSingularize(string word) { // words that we know of if (this._userDictionary.ExistsInSecond(word)) { return this._userDictionary.GetFirstValue(word); } if (IsNoOpWord(word)) { return word; } string prefixWord; string suffixWord = GetSuffixWord(word, out prefixWord); if (IsNoOpWord(suffixWord)) { return prefixWord + suffixWord; } // handle the word that is the same as the plural form if (this.IsUninflective(suffixWord)) { return prefixWord + suffixWord; } // if word is one of the known singular words, then just return if (this._knownSingluarWords.Contains(suffixWord.ToLowerInvariant())) { return prefixWord + suffixWord; } // handle simple irregular verbs, e.g. was -> were if (this._irregularVerbPluralizationService.ExistsInSecond(suffixWord)) { return prefixWord + this._irregularVerbPluralizationService.GetFirstValue(suffixWord); } // handle irregular plurals, e.g. "ox" -> "oxen" if (this._irregularPluralsPluralizationService.ExistsInSecond(suffixWord)) { return prefixWord + this._irregularPluralsPluralizationService.GetFirstValue(suffixWord); } // handle singluarization for words ending with sis and pluralized to ses, // e.g. "ses" -> "sis" if (this._wordsEndingWithSisPluralizationService.ExistsInSecond(suffixWord)) { return prefixWord + this._wordsEndingWithSisPluralizationService.GetFirstValue(suffixWord); } // handle words ending with se, e.g. "ses" -> "se" if (this._wordsEndingWithSePluralizationService.ExistsInSecond(suffixWord)) { return prefixWord + this._wordsEndingWithSePluralizationService.GetFirstValue(suffixWord); } // handle words ending with sus, e.g. "suses" -> "sus" if (this._wordsEndingWithSusPluralizationService.ExistsInSecond(suffixWord)) { return prefixWord + this._wordsEndingWithSusPluralizationService.GetFirstValue(suffixWord); } string newSuffixWord; if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, new List() { "men" }, (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 2, 2) + "an", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) { return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; } // handle irregular inflections for common suffixes, e.g. "mouse" -> "mice" if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, new List() { "lice", "mice" }, (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "ouse", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) { return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; } if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, new List() { "teeth" }, (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 4, 4) + "ooth", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) { return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; } if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, new List() { "geese" }, (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 4, 4) + "oose", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) { return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; } if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, new List() { "feet" }, (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "oot", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) { return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; } if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, new List() { "zoa" }, (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 2, 2) + "oon", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) { return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; } // [cs]h and ss that take es as plural form, this is being moved up since the sses will be override by the ses if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, new List() { "ches", "shes", "sses" }, (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 2, 2), this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) { return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; } // handle assimilated classical inflections, e.g. vertebra -> vertebrae if (this._assimilatedClassicalInflectionPluralizationService.ExistsInSecond(suffixWord)) { return prefixWord + this._assimilatedClassicalInflectionPluralizationService.GetFirstValue(suffixWord); } // Handle the classical variants of modern inflections // if (this._classicalInflectionPluralizationService.ExistsInSecond(suffixWord)) { return prefixWord + this._classicalInflectionPluralizationService.GetFirstValue(suffixWord); } if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, new List() { "trices" }, (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "x", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) { return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; } if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, new List() { "eaux", "ieux" }, (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 1, 1), this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) { return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; } if (this._wordsEndingWithInxAnxYnxPluralizationService.ExistsInSecond(suffixWord)) { return prefixWord + this._wordsEndingWithInxAnxYnxPluralizationService.GetFirstValue(suffixWord); } // f, fe that take ves as plural form if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, new List() { "alves", "elves", "olves", "eaves", "arves" }, (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "f", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) { return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; } if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, new List() { "nives", "lives", "wives" }, (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "fe", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) { return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; } // y takes ys as plural form if preceded by a vowel, but ies if preceded by a consonant, e.g. stays, skies if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, new List() { "ays", "eys", "iys", "oys", "uys" }, (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 1, 1), this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) { return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; } // if (suffixWord.EndsWith("ies", true, this.Culture)) { return prefixWord + suffixWord.Remove(suffixWord.Length - 3, 3) + "y"; } // handle some of the words o -> os, and [vowel]o -> os, and the rest are o->oes if (this._oSuffixPluralizationService.ExistsInSecond(suffixWord)) { return prefixWord + this._oSuffixPluralizationService.GetFirstValue(suffixWord); } if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, new List() { "aos", "eos", "ios", "oos", "uos" }, (s) => suffixWord.Remove(suffixWord.Length - 1, 1), this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) { return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; } // if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, new List() { "ces" }, (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 1, 1), this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) { return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; } if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, new List() { "ces", "ses", "xes" }, (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 2, 2), this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) { return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; } if (suffixWord.EndsWith("oes", true, this.Culture)) { return prefixWord + suffixWord.Remove(suffixWord.Length - 2, 2); } if (suffixWord.EndsWith("ss", true, this.Culture)) { return prefixWord + suffixWord; } if (suffixWord.EndsWith("s", true, this.Culture)) { return prefixWord + suffixWord.Remove(suffixWord.Length - 1, 1); } // word is a singlar return prefixWord + suffixWord; } #region Utils /// /// captalize the return word if the parameter is capitalized /// if word is "Table", then return "Tables" /// /// /// /// private string Capitalize(string word, Func action) { string result = action(word); if (IsCapitalized(word)) { if (result.Length == 0) return result; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(result.Length); sb.Append(char.ToUpperInvariant(result[0])); sb.Append(result.Substring(1)); return sb.ToString(); } else { return result; } } /// /// separate one combine word in to two parts, prefix word and the last word(suffix word) /// /// /// /// private string GetSuffixWord(string word, out string prefixWord) { // use the last space to separate the words int lastSpaceIndex = word.LastIndexOf(' '); prefixWord = word.Substring(0, lastSpaceIndex + 1); return word.Substring(lastSpaceIndex + 1); // } private bool IsCapitalized(string word) { return string.IsNullOrEmpty(word) ? false : char.IsUpper(word, 0); } private bool IsAlphabets(string word) { // return false when the word is "[\s]*" or leading or tailing with spaces // or contains non alphabetical characters if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(word.Trim()) || !word.Equals(word.Trim()) || Regex.IsMatch(word, "[^a-zA-Z\\s]")) { return false; } else { return true; } } [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Globalization", "CA1308:NormalizeStringsToUppercase")] private bool IsUninflective(string word) { EDesignUtil.CheckArgumentNull(word, "word"); if (PluralizationServiceUtil.DoesWordContainSuffix(word, _uninflectiveSuffixList, this.Culture) || (!word.ToLower(this.Culture).Equals(word) && word.EndsWith("ese", false, this.Culture)) || this._uninflectiveWordList.Contains(word.ToLowerInvariant())) { return true; } else { return false; } } /// /// return true when the word is "[\s]*" or leading or tailing with spaces /// or contains non alphabetical characters /// /// /// [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Globalization", "CA1308:NormalizeStringsToUppercase")] private bool IsNoOpWord(string word) { if (!IsAlphabets(word) || word.Length <= 1 || _pronounList.Contains(word.ToLowerInvariant())) { return true; } else { return false; } } #endregion #region ICustomPluralizationMapping Members /// /// This method allow you to add word to internal PluralizationService of English. /// If the singluar or the plural value was already added by this method, then an ArgumentException will be thrown. /// /// /// public void AddWord(string singular, string plural) { EDesignUtil.CheckArgumentNull(singular, "singular"); EDesignUtil.CheckArgumentNull(plural, "plural"); if (this._userDictionary.ExistsInSecond(plural)) { throw new ArgumentException(Strings.DuplicateEntryInUserDictionary("plural", plural), "plural"); } else if (this._userDictionary.ExistsInFirst(singular)) { throw new ArgumentException(Strings.DuplicateEntryInUserDictionary("singular", singular), "singular"); } else { this._userDictionary.AddValue(singular, plural); } } #endregion } }