// Project.cs: Project class
// Author:
//   Marek Sieradzki (marek.sieradzki@gmail.com)
//   Ankit Jain (jankit@novell.com)
// (C) 2005 Marek Sieradzki
// Copyright 2011 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com)
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Schema;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
using Mono.XBuild.Framework;
using Mono.XBuild.CommandLine;

namespace Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine {
	public class Project {
		bool				buildEnabled;
		Dictionary <string, List <string>>	conditionedProperties;
		string[]			defaultTargets;
		Encoding			encoding;
		BuildItemGroup			evaluatedItems;
		BuildItemGroup			evaluatedItemsIgnoringCondition;
		Dictionary <string, BuildItemGroup>	evaluatedItemsByName;
		Dictionary <string, BuildItemGroup>	evaluatedItemsByNameIgnoringCondition;
		BuildPropertyGroup		evaluatedProperties;
		string				firstTargetName;
		string				fullFileName;
		BuildPropertyGroup		globalProperties;
		GroupingCollection		groupingCollection;
		bool				isDirty;
		bool				isValidated;
		BuildItemGroupCollection	itemGroups;
		ImportCollection		imports;
		List<string>			initialTargets;
		Dictionary <string, BuildItemGroup> last_item_group_containing;
		bool				needToReevaluate;
		Engine				parentEngine;
		BuildPropertyGroupCollection	propertyGroups;
		string				schemaFile;
		TaskDatabase			taskDatabase;
		TargetCollection		targets;
		DateTime			timeOfLastDirty;
		UsingTaskCollection		usingTasks;
		XmlDocument			xmlDocument;
		bool				unloaded;
		bool				initialTargetsBuilt;
		bool				building;
		BuildSettings			current_settings;
		Stack<Batch>			batches;

		// This is used to keep track of "current" file,
		// which is then used to set the reserved properties
		// $(MSBuildThisFile*)
		Stack<string> this_file_property_stack;
		ProjectLoadSettings		project_load_settings;

		static string extensions_path;
		static XmlNamespaceManager	manager;
		static string ns = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003";

		public Project ()
			: this (Engine.GlobalEngine)

		public Project (Engine engine) : this (engine, null)
		public Project (Engine engine, string toolsVersion)
			parentEngine  = engine;
			ToolsVersion = toolsVersion;

			buildEnabled = ParentEngine.BuildEnabled;
			xmlDocument = new XmlDocument ();
			xmlDocument.PreserveWhitespace = false;
			xmlDocument.AppendChild (xmlDocument.CreateElement ("Project", XmlNamespace));
			xmlDocument.DocumentElement.SetAttribute ("xmlns", ns);
			fullFileName = String.Empty;
			timeOfLastDirty = DateTime.Now;
			current_settings = BuildSettings.None;
			project_load_settings = ProjectLoadSettings.None;

			encoding = null;

			initialTargets = new List<string> ();
			defaultTargets = new string [0];
			batches = new Stack<Batch> ();
			this_file_property_stack = new Stack<string> ();

			globalProperties = new BuildPropertyGroup (null, this, null, false);
			foreach (BuildProperty bp in parentEngine.GlobalProperties)
				GlobalProperties.AddProperty (bp.Clone (true));
			ProcessXml ();


		[MonoTODO ("Not tested")]
		public void AddNewImport (string projectFile,
					  string condition)
			if (projectFile == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("projectFile");

			XmlElement importElement = xmlDocument.CreateElement ("Import", XmlNamespace);
			xmlDocument.DocumentElement.AppendChild (importElement);
			importElement.SetAttribute ("Project", projectFile);
			if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (condition))
				importElement.SetAttribute ("Condition", condition);

			AddImport (importElement, null, false);
			MarkProjectAsDirty ();
			NeedToReevaluate ();

		public BuildItem AddNewItem (string itemName,
					     string itemInclude)
			return AddNewItem (itemName, itemInclude, false);
		[MonoTODO ("Adds item not in the same place as MS")]
		public BuildItem AddNewItem (string itemName,
					     string itemInclude,
					     bool treatItemIncludeAsLiteral)
			BuildItemGroup big;

			if (itemGroups.Count == 0)
				big = AddNewItemGroup ();
			else {
				if (last_item_group_containing.ContainsKey (itemName)) {
					big = last_item_group_containing [itemName];
				} else {
					// FIXME: not tested
					BuildItemGroup [] groups = new BuildItemGroup [itemGroups.Count];
					itemGroups.CopyTo (groups, 0);
					big = groups [0];

			BuildItem item = big.AddNewItem (itemName, itemInclude, treatItemIncludeAsLiteral);
			MarkProjectAsDirty ();
			NeedToReevaluate ();

			return item;

		[MonoTODO ("Not tested")]
		public BuildItemGroup AddNewItemGroup ()
			XmlElement element = xmlDocument.CreateElement ("ItemGroup", XmlNamespace);
			xmlDocument.DocumentElement.AppendChild (element);

			BuildItemGroup big = new BuildItemGroup (element, this, null, false);
			itemGroups.Add (big);
			MarkProjectAsDirty ();
			NeedToReevaluate ();

			return big;

		[MonoTODO ("Ignores insertAtEndOfProject")]
		public BuildPropertyGroup AddNewPropertyGroup (bool insertAtEndOfProject)
			XmlElement element = xmlDocument.CreateElement ("PropertyGroup", XmlNamespace);
			xmlDocument.DocumentElement.AppendChild (element);

			BuildPropertyGroup bpg = new BuildPropertyGroup (element, this, null, false);
			propertyGroups.Add (bpg);
			MarkProjectAsDirty ();
			NeedToReevaluate ();

			return bpg;
		[MonoTODO ("Not tested, isn't added to TaskDatabase (no reevaluation)")]
		public void AddNewUsingTaskFromAssemblyFile (string taskName,
							     string assemblyFile)
			if (taskName == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("taskName");
			if (assemblyFile == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("assemblyFile");

			XmlElement element = xmlDocument.CreateElement ("UsingTask", XmlNamespace);
			xmlDocument.DocumentElement.AppendChild (element);
			element.SetAttribute ("TaskName", taskName);
			element.SetAttribute ("AssemblyFile", assemblyFile);

			UsingTask ut = new UsingTask (element, this, null);
			usingTasks.Add (ut);
			MarkProjectAsDirty ();
		[MonoTODO ("Not tested, isn't added to TaskDatabase (no reevaluation)")]
		public void AddNewUsingTaskFromAssemblyName (string taskName,
							     string assemblyName)
			if (taskName == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("taskName");
			if (assemblyName == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("assemblyName");

			XmlElement element = xmlDocument.CreateElement ("UsingTask", XmlNamespace);
			xmlDocument.DocumentElement.AppendChild (element);
			element.SetAttribute ("TaskName", taskName);
			element.SetAttribute ("AssemblyName", assemblyName);

			UsingTask ut = new UsingTask (element, this, null);
			usingTasks.Add (ut);
			MarkProjectAsDirty ();
		[MonoTODO ("Not tested")]
		public bool Build ()
			return Build (new string [0]);
		[MonoTODO ("Not tested")]
		public bool Build (string targetName)
			if (targetName == null)
				return Build ((string[]) null);
				return Build (new string [1] { targetName });
		[MonoTODO ("Not tested")]
		public bool Build (string [] targetNames)
			return Build (targetNames, null);
		[MonoTODO ("Not tested")]
		public bool Build (string [] targetNames,
				   IDictionary targetOutputs)
			return Build (targetNames, targetOutputs, BuildSettings.None);

		[MonoTODO ("Not tested")]
		public bool Build (string [] targetNames,
				   IDictionary targetOutputs,
				   BuildSettings buildFlags)
			bool result = false;
			ParentEngine.StartProjectBuild (this, targetNames);

			// Invoking this to emit a warning in case of unsupported
			// ToolsVersion
			GetToolsVersionToUse (true);

			string current_directory = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
			try {
				current_settings = buildFlags;
				if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (fullFileName))
					Directory.SetCurrentDirectory (Path.GetDirectoryName (fullFileName));
				building = true;
				result = BuildInternal (targetNames, targetOutputs, buildFlags);
			} catch (InvalidProjectFileException ie) {
				ParentEngine.LogErrorWithFilename (fullFileName, ie.Message);
				ParentEngine.LogMessage (MessageImportance.Low, String.Format ("{0}: {1}", fullFileName, ie.ToString ()));
			} catch (Exception e) {
				ParentEngine.LogErrorWithFilename (fullFileName, e.Message);
				ParentEngine.LogMessage (MessageImportance.Low, String.Format ("{0}: {1}", fullFileName, e.ToString ()));
			} finally {
				ParentEngine.EndProjectBuild (this, result);
				current_settings = BuildSettings.None;
				Directory.SetCurrentDirectory (current_directory);
				building = false;

			return result;

		bool BuildInternal (string [] targetNames,
				   IDictionary targetOutputs,
				   BuildSettings buildFlags)
			CheckUnloaded ();
			if (buildFlags == BuildSettings.None) {
				needToReevaluate = false;
				Reevaluate ();

			ProcessBeforeAndAfterTargets ();

			if (targetNames == null || targetNames.Length == 0) {
				if (defaultTargets != null && defaultTargets.Length != 0) {
					targetNames = defaultTargets;
				} else if (firstTargetName != null) {
					targetNames = new string [1] { firstTargetName};
				} else {
					if (targets == null || targets.Count == 0) {
						LogError (fullFileName, "No target found in the project");
						return false;

					return false;

			if (!initialTargetsBuilt) {
				foreach (string target in initialTargets) {
					if (!BuildTarget (target.Trim (), targetOutputs))
						return false;
				initialTargetsBuilt = true;

			foreach (string target in targetNames) {
				if (target == null)
					throw new ArgumentNullException ("Target name cannot be null");

				if (!BuildTarget (target.Trim (), targetOutputs))
					return false;
			return true;

		bool BuildTarget (string target_name, IDictionary targetOutputs)
			if (target_name == null)
				throw new ArgumentException ("targetNames cannot contain null strings");

			if (!targets.Exists (target_name)) {
				LogError (fullFileName, "Target named '{0}' not found in the project.", target_name);
				return false;

			string key = GetKeyForTarget (target_name);
			if (!targets [target_name].Build (key))
				return false;

			ITaskItem[] outputs;
			if (targetOutputs != null && ParentEngine.BuiltTargetsOutputByName.TryGetValue (key, out outputs))
				targetOutputs [target_name] = outputs;
			return true;

		internal string GetKeyForTarget (string target_name)
			return GetKeyForTarget (target_name, true);

		internal string GetKeyForTarget (string target_name, bool include_global_properties)
			// target name is case insensitive
			return fullFileName + ":" + target_name.ToLowerInvariant () +
					(include_global_properties ? (":" + GlobalPropertiesToString (GlobalProperties))
					 			   : String.Empty);

		string GlobalPropertiesToString (BuildPropertyGroup bgp)
			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
			foreach (BuildProperty bp in bgp)
				sb.AppendFormat (" {0}:{1}", bp.Name, bp.FinalValue);
			return sb.ToString ();

		void ProcessBeforeAndAfterTargets ()
			var beforeTable = Targets.AsIEnumerable ()
						.SelectMany (target => GetTargetNamesFromString (target.BeforeTargets),
								(target, before_target) => new {before_target, name = target.Name})
						.ToLookup (x => x.before_target, x => x.name)
						.ToDictionary (x => x.Key, x => x.Distinct ().ToList ());

			foreach (var pair in beforeTable) {
				if (targets.Exists (pair.Key))
					targets [pair.Key].BeforeThisTargets = pair.Value;
					LogWarning (FullFileName, "Target '{0}', not found in the project", pair.Key);

			var afterTable = Targets.AsIEnumerable ()
						.SelectMany (target => GetTargetNamesFromString (target.AfterTargets),
								(target, after_target) => new {after_target, name = target.Name})
						.ToLookup (x => x.after_target, x => x.name)
						.ToDictionary (x => x.Key, x => x.Distinct ().ToList ());

			foreach (var pair in afterTable) {
				if (targets.Exists (pair.Key))
					targets [pair.Key].AfterThisTargets = pair.Value;
					LogWarning (FullFileName, "Target '{0}', not found in the project", pair.Key);

		string[] GetTargetNamesFromString (string targets)
			Expression expr = new Expression ();
			expr.Parse (targets, ParseOptions.AllowItemsNoMetadataAndSplit);
			return (string []) expr.ConvertTo (this, typeof (string []));

		public string [] GetConditionedPropertyValues (string propertyName)
			if (conditionedProperties.ContainsKey (propertyName))
				return conditionedProperties [propertyName].ToArray ();
				return new string [0];

		public BuildItemGroup GetEvaluatedItemsByName (string itemName)
			if (needToReevaluate) {
				needToReevaluate = false;
				Reevaluate ();

			if (evaluatedItemsByName.ContainsKey (itemName))
				return evaluatedItemsByName [itemName];
				return new BuildItemGroup (this);

		public BuildItemGroup GetEvaluatedItemsByNameIgnoringCondition (string itemName)
			if (needToReevaluate) {
				needToReevaluate = false;
				Reevaluate ();

			if (evaluatedItemsByNameIgnoringCondition.ContainsKey (itemName))
				return evaluatedItemsByNameIgnoringCondition [itemName];
				return new BuildItemGroup (this);

		public string GetEvaluatedProperty (string propertyName)
			if (needToReevaluate) {
				needToReevaluate = false;
				Reevaluate ();

			if (propertyName == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("propertyName");

			BuildProperty bp = evaluatedProperties [propertyName];

			return bp == null ? null : (string) bp;

		[MonoTODO ("We should remember that node and not use XPath to get it")]
		public string GetProjectExtensions (string id)
			if (id == null || id == String.Empty)
				return String.Empty;

			XmlNode node = xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode (String.Format ("/tns:Project/tns:ProjectExtensions/tns:{0}", id), XmlNamespaceManager);

			if (node == null)
				return String.Empty;
				return node.InnerXml;

		public void Load (string projectFileName)
			Load (projectFileName, ProjectLoadSettings.None);

		public void Load (string projectFileName, ProjectLoadSettings projectLoadSettings)
			project_load_settings = projectLoadSettings;
			if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (projectFileName))
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("projectFileName");

			if (!File.Exists (projectFileName))
				throw new ArgumentException (String.Format ("Project file {0} not found", projectFileName),

			this.fullFileName = Utilities.FromMSBuildPath (Path.GetFullPath (projectFileName));
			PushThisFileProperty (fullFileName);

			string filename = fullFileName;
			if (String.Compare (Path.GetExtension (fullFileName), ".sln", true) == 0) {
				Project tmp_project = ParentEngine.CreateNewProject ();
				tmp_project.FullFileName = filename;
				SolutionParser sln_parser = new SolutionParser ();
				sln_parser.ParseSolution (fullFileName, tmp_project, delegate (int errorNumber, string message) {
						LogWarning (filename, message);
				filename = fullFileName + ".proj";
				try {
					tmp_project.Save (filename);
					ParentEngine.RemoveLoadedProject (tmp_project);
					DoLoad (new StreamReader (filename));
				} finally {
					if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("XBUILD_EMIT_SOLUTION") == null)
						File.Delete (filename);
			} else {
				DoLoad (new StreamReader (filename));
		[MonoTODO ("Not tested")]
		public void Load (TextReader textReader)
			Load (textReader, ProjectLoadSettings.None);

		public void Load (TextReader textReader, ProjectLoadSettings projectLoadSettings)
			project_load_settings = projectLoadSettings;
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (fullFileName))
				PushThisFileProperty (fullFileName);
			DoLoad (textReader);

		public void LoadXml (string projectXml)
			LoadXml (projectXml, ProjectLoadSettings.None);

		public void LoadXml (string projectXml, ProjectLoadSettings projectLoadSettings)
			project_load_settings = projectLoadSettings;
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (fullFileName))
				PushThisFileProperty (fullFileName);
			DoLoad (new StringReader (projectXml));
			MarkProjectAsDirty ();

		public void MarkProjectAsDirty ()
			isDirty = true;
			timeOfLastDirty = DateTime.Now;

		[MonoTODO ("Not tested")]
		public void RemoveAllItemGroups ()
			int length = ItemGroups.Count;
			BuildItemGroup [] groups = new BuildItemGroup [length];
			ItemGroups.CopyTo (groups, 0);

			for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
				RemoveItemGroup (groups [i]);

			MarkProjectAsDirty ();
			NeedToReevaluate ();

		[MonoTODO ("Not tested")]
		public void RemoveAllPropertyGroups ()
			int length = PropertyGroups.Count;
			BuildPropertyGroup [] groups = new BuildPropertyGroup [length];
			PropertyGroups.CopyTo (groups, 0);

			for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
				RemovePropertyGroup (groups [i]);

			MarkProjectAsDirty ();
			NeedToReevaluate ();

		public void RemoveItem (BuildItem itemToRemove)
			if (itemToRemove == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("itemToRemove");

			if (!itemToRemove.FromXml && !itemToRemove.HasParentItem)
				throw new InvalidOperationException ("The object passed in is not part of the project.");

			BuildItemGroup big = itemToRemove.ParentItemGroup;

			if (big.Count == 1) {
				// ParentItemGroup for items from xml and that have parent is the same
				groupingCollection.Remove (big);
			} else {
				if (big.ParentProject != this)
					throw new InvalidOperationException ("The object passed in is not part of the project.");

				if (itemToRemove.FromXml)
					big.RemoveItem (itemToRemove);
					big.RemoveItem (itemToRemove.ParentItem);

			MarkProjectAsDirty ();
			NeedToReevaluate ();

		[MonoTODO ("Not tested")]
		public void RemoveItemGroup (BuildItemGroup itemGroupToRemove)
			if (itemGroupToRemove == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("itemGroupToRemove");

			groupingCollection.Remove (itemGroupToRemove);
			MarkProjectAsDirty ();
		// NOTE: does not modify imported projects
		public void RemoveItemGroupsWithMatchingCondition (string matchCondition)
			throw new NotImplementedException ();

		public void RemoveItemsByName (string itemName)
			if (itemName == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("itemName");

			throw new NotImplementedException ();

		[MonoTODO ("Not tested")]
		public void RemovePropertyGroup (BuildPropertyGroup propertyGroupToRemove)
			if (propertyGroupToRemove == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("propertyGroupToRemove");

			groupingCollection.Remove (propertyGroupToRemove);
			MarkProjectAsDirty ();
		// NOTE: does not modify imported projects
		public void RemovePropertyGroupsWithMatchingCondition (string matchCondition)
			throw new NotImplementedException ();

		public void ResetBuildStatus ()
			// hack to allow built targets to be removed
			building = true;
			Reevaluate ();
			building = false;

		public void Save (string projectFileName)
			Save (projectFileName, Encoding.Default);
			isDirty = false;

		[MonoTODO ("Ignores encoding")]
		public void Save (string projectFileName, Encoding encoding)
			xmlDocument.Save (projectFileName);
			isDirty = false;

		public void Save (TextWriter textWriter)
			xmlDocument.Save (textWriter);
			isDirty = false;

		public void SetImportedProperty (string propertyName,
						 string propertyValue,
						 string condition,
						 Project importProject)
			SetImportedProperty (propertyName, propertyValue, condition, importProject,

		public void SetImportedProperty (string propertyName,
						 string propertyValue,
						 string condition,
						 Project importedProject,
						 PropertyPosition position)
			SetImportedProperty (propertyName, propertyValue, condition, importedProject,
				PropertyPosition.UseExistingOrCreateAfterLastPropertyGroup, false);

		public void SetImportedProperty (string propertyName,
						 string propertyValue,
						 string condition,
						 Project importedProject,
						 PropertyPosition position,
						 bool treatPropertyValueAsLiteral)
			throw new NotImplementedException ();

		public void SetProjectExtensions (string id, string content)
			if (id == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("id");
			if (content == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("content");

			XmlNode projectExtensions, node;

			projectExtensions = xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode ("/tns:Project/tns:ProjectExtensions", XmlNamespaceManager);
			if (projectExtensions == null) {
				projectExtensions = xmlDocument.CreateElement ("ProjectExtensions", XmlNamespace);
				xmlDocument.DocumentElement.AppendChild (projectExtensions);

				node = xmlDocument.CreateElement (id, XmlNamespace);
				node.InnerXml = content;
				projectExtensions.AppendChild (node);
			} else {
				node = xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode (String.Format ("/tns:Project/tns:ProjectExtensions/tns:{0}", id), XmlNamespaceManager);

				if (node == null) {
					node = xmlDocument.CreateElement (id, XmlNamespace);
					projectExtensions.AppendChild (node);
				node.InnerXml = content;

			MarkProjectAsDirty ();
		public void SetProperty (string propertyName,
					 string propertyValue)
			SetProperty (propertyName, propertyValue, "true",
				PropertyPosition.UseExistingOrCreateAfterLastPropertyGroup, false);

		public void SetProperty (string propertyName,
					 string propertyValue,
					 string condition)
			SetProperty (propertyName, propertyValue, condition,

		public void SetProperty (string propertyName,
					 string propertyValue,
					 string condition,
					 PropertyPosition position)
			SetProperty (propertyName, propertyValue, condition,
				PropertyPosition.UseExistingOrCreateAfterLastPropertyGroup, false);

		public void SetProperty (string propertyName,
					 string propertyValue,
					 string condition,
					 PropertyPosition position,
					 bool treatPropertyValueAsLiteral)
			throw new NotImplementedException ();

		internal void Unload ()
			unloaded = true;

		internal void CheckUnloaded ()
			if (unloaded)
				throw new InvalidOperationException ("This project object has been unloaded from the MSBuild engine and is no longer valid.");

		internal void NeedToReevaluate ()
			needToReevaluate = true;
		// Does the actual loading.
		void DoLoad (TextReader textReader)
			try {
				ParentEngine.RemoveLoadedProject (this);
				xmlDocument.Load (textReader);

				if (xmlDocument.DocumentElement.Name == "VisualStudioProject")
					throw new InvalidProjectFileException (String.Format (
							"Project file '{0}' is a VS2003 project, which is not " +
							"supported by xbuild. You need to convert it to msbuild " +
							"format to build with xbuild.", fullFileName));

				if (SchemaFile != null) {
					xmlDocument.Schemas.Add (XmlSchema.Read (
								new StreamReader (SchemaFile), ValidationCallBack));
					xmlDocument.Validate (ValidationCallBack);

				if (xmlDocument.DocumentElement.Name != "Project") {
					throw new InvalidProjectFileException (String.Format (
						"The element <{0}> is unrecognized, or not supported in this context.", xmlDocument.DocumentElement.Name));
				if (xmlDocument.DocumentElement.GetAttribute ("xmlns") != ns) {
					throw new InvalidProjectFileException (
						@"The default XML namespace of the project must be the MSBuild XML namespace." + 
						" If the project is authored in the MSBuild 2003 format, please add " +
						"xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003\" to the <Project> element. " +
						"If the project has been authored in the old 1.0 or 1.2 format, please convert it to MSBuild 2003 format.  ");
				ProcessXml ();
				ParentEngine.AddLoadedProject (this);
			} catch (Exception e) {
				throw new InvalidProjectFileException (String.Format ("{0}: {1}",
							fullFileName, e.Message), e);
			} finally {
				if (textReader != null)
					textReader.Close ();

		void Reevaluate ()
			ProcessXml ();

		void ProcessXml ()
			groupingCollection = new GroupingCollection (this);
			imports = new ImportCollection (groupingCollection);
			usingTasks = new UsingTaskCollection (this);
			itemGroups = new BuildItemGroupCollection (groupingCollection);
			propertyGroups = new BuildPropertyGroupCollection (groupingCollection);
			targets = new TargetCollection (this);
			last_item_group_containing = new Dictionary <string, BuildItemGroup> ();
			string effective_tools_version = GetToolsVersionToUse (false);
			taskDatabase = new TaskDatabase ();
			taskDatabase.CopyTasks (ParentEngine.GetDefaultTasks (effective_tools_version));

			initialTargets = new List<string> ();
			defaultTargets = new string [0];
			PrepareForEvaluate (effective_tools_version);
			ProcessElements (xmlDocument.DocumentElement, null);
			isDirty = false;
			Evaluate ();

		void ProcessProjectAttributes (XmlAttributeCollection attributes)
			foreach (XmlAttribute attr in attributes) {
				switch (attr.Name) {
				case "InitialTargets":
					initialTargets.AddRange (attr.Value.Split (
									new char [] {';', ' '},
				case "DefaultTargets":
					// first non-empty DefaultTargets found is used
					if (defaultTargets == null || defaultTargets.Length == 0)
						defaultTargets = attr.Value.Split (new char [] {';', ' '},
					EvaluatedProperties.AddProperty (new BuildProperty ("MSBuildProjectDefaultTargets",
								DefaultTargets, PropertyType.Reserved));

		internal void ProcessElements (XmlElement rootElement, ImportedProject ip)
			ProcessProjectAttributes (rootElement.Attributes);
			foreach (XmlNode xn in rootElement.ChildNodes) {
				if (xn is XmlElement) {
					XmlElement xe = (XmlElement) xn;
					switch (xe.Name) {
					case "ProjectExtensions":
						AddProjectExtensions (xe);
					case "Warning":
					case "Message":
					case "Error":
						AddMessage (xe);
					case "Target":
						AddTarget (xe, ip);
					case "UsingTask":
						AddUsingTask (xe, ip);
					case "Import":
						AddImport (xe, ip, true);
					case "ImportGroup":
						AddImportGroup (xe, ip, true);
					case "ItemGroup":
						AddItemGroup (xe, ip);
					case "PropertyGroup":
						AddPropertyGroup (xe, ip);
					case  "Choose":
						AddChoose (xe, ip);
					case "ItemDefinitionGroup":
						AddItemDefinitionGroup (xe);
						var pf = ip == null ? null : string.Format (" '{0}'", ip.FullFileName);
						throw new InvalidProjectFileException (String.Format ("Invalid element '{0}' in project file{1}.", xe.Name, pf));
		void PrepareForEvaluate (string effective_tools_version)
			evaluatedItems = new BuildItemGroup (null, this, null, true);
			evaluatedItemsIgnoringCondition = new BuildItemGroup (null, this, null, true);
			evaluatedItemsByName = new Dictionary <string, BuildItemGroup> (StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
			evaluatedItemsByNameIgnoringCondition = new Dictionary <string, BuildItemGroup> (StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
			if (building && current_settings == BuildSettings.None)
				RemoveBuiltTargets ();

			InitializeProperties (effective_tools_version);

		void Evaluate ()
			groupingCollection.Evaluate ();

			//FIXME: UsingTasks aren't really evaluated. (shouldn't use expressions or anything)
			foreach (UsingTask usingTask in UsingTasks)
				usingTask.Evaluate ();

		// Removes entries of all earlier built targets for this project
		void RemoveBuiltTargets ()
			ParentEngine.ClearBuiltTargetsForProject (this);

		void InitializeProperties (string effective_tools_version)
			BuildProperty bp;

			evaluatedProperties = new BuildPropertyGroup (null, null, null, true);
			conditionedProperties = new Dictionary<string, List<string>> ();

			foreach (BuildProperty gp in GlobalProperties) {
				bp = new BuildProperty (gp.Name, gp.Value, PropertyType.Global);
				evaluatedProperties.AddProperty (bp);
			foreach (BuildProperty gp in GlobalProperties)
				ParentEngine.GlobalProperties.AddProperty (gp);

			// add properties that we dont have from parent engine's
			// global properties
			foreach (BuildProperty gp in ParentEngine.GlobalProperties) {
				if (evaluatedProperties [gp.Name] == null) {
					bp = new BuildProperty (gp.Name, gp.Value, PropertyType.Global);
					evaluatedProperties.AddProperty (bp);

			foreach (DictionaryEntry de in Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables ()) {
				bp = new BuildProperty ((string) de.Key, (string) de.Value, PropertyType.Environment);
				evaluatedProperties.AddProperty (bp);

			evaluatedProperties.AddProperty (new BuildProperty ("MSBuildProjectFile", Path.GetFileName (fullFileName),
			evaluatedProperties.AddProperty (new BuildProperty ("MSBuildProjectFullPath", fullFileName, PropertyType.Reserved));
			evaluatedProperties.AddProperty (new BuildProperty ("MSBuildProjectName",
						Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (fullFileName),
			evaluatedProperties.AddProperty (new BuildProperty ("MSBuildProjectExtension",
						Path.GetExtension (fullFileName),

			string toolsPath = parentEngine.Toolsets [effective_tools_version].ToolsPath;
			if (toolsPath == null)
				throw new Exception (String.Format ("Invalid tools version '{0}', no tools path set for this.", effective_tools_version));
			evaluatedProperties.AddProperty (new BuildProperty ("MSBuildBinPath", toolsPath, PropertyType.Reserved));
			evaluatedProperties.AddProperty (new BuildProperty ("MSBuildToolsPath", toolsPath, PropertyType.Reserved));
			evaluatedProperties.AddProperty (new BuildProperty ("MSBuildToolsRoot", Path.GetDirectoryName (toolsPath), PropertyType.Reserved));
			evaluatedProperties.AddProperty (new BuildProperty ("MSBuildToolsVersion", effective_tools_version, PropertyType.Reserved));
			SetExtensionsPathProperties (DefaultExtensionsPath);
			evaluatedProperties.AddProperty (new BuildProperty ("MSBuildProjectDefaultTargets", DefaultTargets, PropertyType.Reserved));
			evaluatedProperties.AddProperty (new BuildProperty ("OS", OS, PropertyType.Environment));
#if XBUILD_12
			// see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/hh162058(v=vs.120).aspx
			if (effective_tools_version == "12.0" || effective_tools_version == "14.0") {
				evaluatedProperties.AddProperty (new BuildProperty ("MSBuildToolsPath32", toolsPath, PropertyType.Reserved));

				var frameworkToolsPath = ToolLocationHelper.GetPathToDotNetFramework (TargetDotNetFrameworkVersion.Version451);

				evaluatedProperties.AddProperty (new BuildProperty ("MSBuildFrameworkToolsPath", frameworkToolsPath, PropertyType.Reserved));
				evaluatedProperties.AddProperty (new BuildProperty ("MSBuildFrameworkToolsPath32", frameworkToolsPath, PropertyType.Reserved));
			// FIXME: make some internal method that will work like GetDirectoryName but output String.Empty on null/String.Empty
			string projectDir;
			if (FullFileName == String.Empty)
				projectDir = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
				projectDir = Path.GetDirectoryName (FullFileName);

			evaluatedProperties.AddProperty (new BuildProperty ("MSBuildProjectDirectory", projectDir, PropertyType.Reserved));

			if (this_file_property_stack.Count > 0)
				// Just re-inited the properties, but according to the stack,
				// we should have a MSBuild*This* property set
				SetMSBuildThisFileProperties (this_file_property_stack.Peek ());

		internal void SetExtensionsPathProperties (string extn_path)
			if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (extn_path)) {
				evaluatedProperties.AddProperty (new BuildProperty ("MSBuildExtensionsPath", extn_path, PropertyType.Reserved));
				evaluatedProperties.AddProperty (new BuildProperty ("MSBuildExtensionsPath32", extn_path, PropertyType.Reserved));
				evaluatedProperties.AddProperty (new BuildProperty ("MSBuildExtensionsPath64", extn_path, PropertyType.Reserved));

		// precedence:
		// ToolsVersion property
		// ToolsVersion attribute on the project
		// parentEngine's DefaultToolsVersion
		string GetToolsVersionToUse (bool emitWarning)
			if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (ToolsVersion))
				return ToolsVersion;

#if XBUILD_14
			return "14.0";
#elif XBUILD_12
			return "12.0";
			if (!HasToolsVersionAttribute)
				return parentEngine.DefaultToolsVersion;

			if (parentEngine.Toolsets [DefaultToolsVersion] == null) {
				if (emitWarning)
					LogWarning (FullFileName, "Project has unknown ToolsVersion '{0}'. Using the default tools version '{1}' instead.",
						DefaultToolsVersion, parentEngine.DefaultToolsVersion);
				return parentEngine.DefaultToolsVersion;

			return DefaultToolsVersion;
		void AddProjectExtensions (XmlElement xmlElement)
		void AddMessage (XmlElement xmlElement)
		void AddTarget (XmlElement xmlElement, ImportedProject importedProject)
			Target target = new Target (xmlElement, this, importedProject);
			targets.AddTarget (target);
			if (firstTargetName == null)
				firstTargetName = target.Name;
		void AddUsingTask (XmlElement xmlElement, ImportedProject importedProject)
			UsingTask usingTask;

			usingTask = new UsingTask (xmlElement, this, importedProject);
			UsingTasks.Add (usingTask);

		void AddImport (XmlElement xmlElement, ImportedProject importingProject, bool evaluate_properties)
			// eval all the properties etc till the import
			if (evaluate_properties) {
				groupingCollection.Evaluate (EvaluationType.Property | EvaluationType.Choose);
			try {
				PushThisFileProperty (importingProject != null ? importingProject.FullFileName : FullFileName);

				string project_attribute = xmlElement.GetAttribute ("Project");
				if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (project_attribute))
					throw new InvalidProjectFileException ("The required attribute \"Project\" is missing from element <Import>.");

				Import.ForEachExtensionPathTillFound (xmlElement, this, importingProject,
					(importPath, from_source_msg) => AddSingleImport (xmlElement, importPath, importingProject, from_source_msg));
			} finally {
				PopThisFileProperty ();

		void AddImportGroup (XmlElement xmlElement, ImportedProject importedProject, bool evaluate_properties)
			// eval all the properties etc till the import group
			if (evaluate_properties) {
				groupingCollection.Evaluate (EvaluationType.Property | EvaluationType.Choose);
			string condition_attribute = xmlElement.GetAttribute ("Condition");
			if (!ConditionParser.ParseAndEvaluate (condition_attribute, this))
			foreach (XmlNode xn in xmlElement.ChildNodes) {
				if (xn is XmlElement) {
					XmlElement xe = (XmlElement) xn;
					switch (xe.Name) {
					case "Import":
						AddImport (xe, importedProject, evaluate_properties);
						throw new InvalidProjectFileException(String.Format("Invalid element '{0}' inside ImportGroup in project file '{1}'.", xe.Name, importedProject.FullFileName));

		void AddItemDefinitionGroup (XmlElement xmlElement)
			string condition_attribute = xmlElement.GetAttribute ("Condition");
			if (!ConditionParser.ParseAndEvaluate (condition_attribute, this))

			foreach (XmlNode xn in xmlElement.ChildNodes) {
				// TODO: Add all nodes to some internal dictionary?

		bool AddSingleImport (XmlElement xmlElement, string projectPath, ImportedProject importingProject, string from_source_msg)
			Import import = new Import (xmlElement, projectPath, this, importingProject);
			if (!ConditionParser.ParseAndEvaluate (import.Condition, this)) {
				ParentEngine.LogMessage (MessageImportance.Low,
						"Not importing project '{0}' as the condition '{1}' is false",
						import.ProjectPath, import.Condition);
				return false;

			Import existingImport;
			if (Imports.TryGetImport (import, out existingImport)) {
				if (importingProject == null)
					LogWarning (fullFileName,
							"Cannot import project '{0}' again. It was already imported by " +
							"'{1}'. Ignoring.",
							projectPath, existingImport.ContainedInProjectFileName);
					LogWarning (importingProject != null ? importingProject.FullFileName : fullFileName,
						"A circular reference was found involving the import of '{0}'. " +
						"It was earlier imported by '{1}'. Only " +
						"the first import of this file will be used, ignoring others.",
						import.EvaluatedProjectPath, existingImport.ContainedInProjectFileName);

				return true;

			if (String.Compare (fullFileName, import.EvaluatedProjectPath) == 0) {
				LogWarning (importingProject != null ? importingProject.FullFileName : fullFileName,
						"The main project file was imported here, which creates a circular " +
						"reference. Ignoring this import.");

				return true;

			if (project_load_settings != ProjectLoadSettings.IgnoreMissingImports &&
			    !import.CheckEvaluatedProjectPathExists ())
				return false;

			Imports.Add (import);
			string importingFile = importingProject != null ? importingProject.FullFileName : FullFileName;
			ParentEngine.LogMessage (MessageImportance.Low,
					"{0}: Importing project {1} {2}",
					importingFile, import.EvaluatedProjectPath, from_source_msg);

			import.Evaluate (project_load_settings == ProjectLoadSettings.IgnoreMissingImports);
			return true;

		void AddItemGroup (XmlElement xmlElement, ImportedProject importedProject)
			BuildItemGroup big = new BuildItemGroup (xmlElement, this, importedProject, false);
			ItemGroups.Add (big);
		void AddPropertyGroup (XmlElement xmlElement, ImportedProject importedProject)
			BuildPropertyGroup bpg = new BuildPropertyGroup (xmlElement, this, importedProject, false);
			PropertyGroups.Add (bpg);
		void AddChoose (XmlElement xmlElement, ImportedProject importedProject)
			BuildChoose bc = new BuildChoose (xmlElement, this, importedProject);
			groupingCollection.Add (bc);
		static void ValidationCallBack (object sender, ValidationEventArgs e)
			Console.WriteLine ("Validation Error: {0}", e.Message);
		public bool BuildEnabled {
			get {
				return buildEnabled;
			set {
				buildEnabled = value;

		public Encoding Encoding {
			get { return encoding; }

		public string DefaultTargets {
			get {
				return String.Join ("; ", defaultTargets);
			set {
				xmlDocument.DocumentElement.SetAttribute ("DefaultTargets", value);
				if (value != null)
					defaultTargets = value.Split (new char [] {';', ' '},

		public BuildItemGroup EvaluatedItems {
			get {
				if (needToReevaluate) {
					needToReevaluate = false;
					Reevaluate ();
				return evaluatedItems;

		public BuildItemGroup EvaluatedItemsIgnoringCondition {
			get {
				if (needToReevaluate) {
					needToReevaluate = false;
					Reevaluate ();
				return evaluatedItemsIgnoringCondition;
		internal IDictionary <string, BuildItemGroup> EvaluatedItemsByName {
			get {
				// FIXME: do we need to do this here?
				if (needToReevaluate) {
					needToReevaluate = false;
					Reevaluate ();
				return evaluatedItemsByName;

		internal IEnumerable EvaluatedItemsByNameAsDictionaryEntries {
			get {
				if (EvaluatedItemsByName.Count == 0)
					yield break;

				foreach (KeyValuePair<string, BuildItemGroup> pair in EvaluatedItemsByName) {
					foreach (BuildItem bi in pair.Value)
						yield return new DictionaryEntry (pair.Key, bi.ConvertToITaskItem (null, ExpressionOptions.ExpandItemRefs));

		internal IDictionary <string, BuildItemGroup> EvaluatedItemsByNameIgnoringCondition {
			get {
				// FIXME: do we need to do this here?
				if (needToReevaluate) {
					needToReevaluate = false;
					Reevaluate ();
				return evaluatedItemsByNameIgnoringCondition;

		// For batching implementation
		Dictionary<string, BuildItemGroup> perBatchItemsByName;
		Dictionary<string, BuildItemGroup> commonItemsByName;

		struct Batch {
			public Dictionary<string, BuildItemGroup> perBatchItemsByName;
			public Dictionary<string, BuildItemGroup> commonItemsByName;

			public Batch (Dictionary<string, BuildItemGroup> perBatchItemsByName, Dictionary<string, BuildItemGroup> commonItemsByName)
				this.perBatchItemsByName = perBatchItemsByName;
				this.commonItemsByName = commonItemsByName;

		Stack<Batch> Batches {
			get { return batches; }

		internal void PushBatch (Dictionary<string, BuildItemGroup> perBatchItemsByName, Dictionary<string, BuildItemGroup> commonItemsByName)
			batches.Push (new Batch (perBatchItemsByName, commonItemsByName));
			SetBatchedItems (perBatchItemsByName, commonItemsByName);

		internal void PopBatch ()
			batches.Pop ();
			if (batches.Count > 0) {
				Batch b = batches.Peek ();
				SetBatchedItems (b.perBatchItemsByName, b.commonItemsByName);
			} else {
				SetBatchedItems (null, null);

		void SetBatchedItems (Dictionary<string, BuildItemGroup> perBatchItemsByName, Dictionary<string, BuildItemGroup> commonItemsByName)
			this.perBatchItemsByName = perBatchItemsByName;
			this.commonItemsByName = commonItemsByName;

		// Honors batching
		internal bool TryGetEvaluatedItemByNameBatched (string itemName, out BuildItemGroup group)
			if (perBatchItemsByName != null && perBatchItemsByName.TryGetValue (itemName, out group))
				return true;

			if (commonItemsByName != null && commonItemsByName.TryGetValue (itemName, out group))
				return true;

			group = null;
			return EvaluatedItemsByName.TryGetValue (itemName, out group);

		internal string GetMetadataBatched (string itemName, string metadataName)
			BuildItemGroup group = null;
			if (itemName == null) {
				//unqualified, all items in a batch(bucket) have the
				//same metadata values
				group = GetFirst<BuildItemGroup> (perBatchItemsByName.Values);
				if (group == null)
					group = GetFirst<BuildItemGroup> (commonItemsByName.Values);
			} else {
				TryGetEvaluatedItemByNameBatched (itemName, out group);

			if (group != null) {
				foreach (BuildItem item in group) {
					if (item.HasMetadata (metadataName))
						return item.GetEvaluatedMetadata (metadataName);
			return String.Empty;

		internal IEnumerable<BuildItemGroup> GetAllItemGroups ()
			if (perBatchItemsByName == null && commonItemsByName == null)
				foreach (BuildItemGroup group in EvaluatedItemsByName.Values)
					yield return group;

			if (perBatchItemsByName != null)
				foreach (BuildItemGroup group in perBatchItemsByName.Values)
					yield return group;

			if (commonItemsByName != null)
				foreach (BuildItemGroup group in commonItemsByName.Values)
					yield return group;

		T GetFirst<T> (ICollection<T> list)
			if (list == null)
				return default (T);

			foreach (T t in list)
				return t;

			return default (T);

		internal string ThisFileFullPath {
			get { return this_file_property_stack.Peek (); }

		// Used for MSBuild*This* set of properties
		internal void PushThisFileProperty (string full_filename)
			string last_file = this_file_property_stack.Count == 0 ? String.Empty : this_file_property_stack.Peek ();
			this_file_property_stack.Push (full_filename);
			if (last_file != full_filename)
				// first time, or different from previous one
				SetMSBuildThisFileProperties (full_filename);

		internal void PopThisFileProperty ()
			string last_file = this_file_property_stack.Pop ();
			if (this_file_property_stack.Count > 0 && last_file != this_file_property_stack.Peek ())
				SetMSBuildThisFileProperties (this_file_property_stack.Peek ());

		void SetMSBuildThisFileProperties (string full_filename)
			if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (full_filename))

			evaluatedProperties.AddProperty (new BuildProperty ("MSBuildThisFile", Path.GetFileName (full_filename), PropertyType.Reserved));
			evaluatedProperties.AddProperty (new BuildProperty ("MSBuildThisFileFullPath", full_filename, PropertyType.Reserved));
			evaluatedProperties.AddProperty (new BuildProperty ("MSBuildThisFileName", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (full_filename), PropertyType.Reserved));
			evaluatedProperties.AddProperty (new BuildProperty ("MSBuildThisFileExtension", Path.GetExtension (full_filename), PropertyType.Reserved));

			string project_dir = Path.GetDirectoryName (full_filename) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
			evaluatedProperties.AddProperty (new BuildProperty ("MSBuildThisFileDirectory", project_dir, PropertyType.Reserved));
			evaluatedProperties.AddProperty (new BuildProperty ("MSBuildThisFileDirectoryNoRoot",
						project_dir.Substring (Path.GetPathRoot (project_dir).Length),

		internal void LogWarning (string filename, string message, params object[] messageArgs)
			BuildWarningEventArgs bwea = new BuildWarningEventArgs (
				null, null, filename, 0, 0, 0, 0, String.Format (message, messageArgs),
				null, null);
			ParentEngine.EventSource.FireWarningRaised (this, bwea);

		internal void LogError (string filename, string message,
				     params object[] messageArgs)
			BuildErrorEventArgs beea = new BuildErrorEventArgs (
				null, null, filename, 0, 0, 0, 0, String.Format (message, messageArgs),
				null, null);
			ParentEngine.EventSource.FireErrorRaised (this, beea);

		internal static string DefaultExtensionsPath {
			get {
				if (extensions_path == null) {
					// NOTE: code from mcs/tools/gacutil/driver.cs
					PropertyInfo gac = typeof (System.Environment).GetProperty (
							"GacPath", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);

					if (gac != null) {
						MethodInfo get_gac = gac.GetGetMethod (true);
						string gac_path = (string) get_gac.Invoke (null, null);
						extensions_path = Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (
									gac_path, Path.Combine ("..", "xbuild")));
				return extensions_path;

		public BuildPropertyGroup EvaluatedProperties {
			get {
				if (needToReevaluate) {
					needToReevaluate = false;
					Reevaluate ();
				return evaluatedProperties;

		internal IEnumerable EvaluatedPropertiesAsDictionaryEntries {
			get {
				foreach (BuildProperty bp in EvaluatedProperties)
					yield return new DictionaryEntry (bp.Name, bp.Value);

		public string FullFileName {
			get { return fullFileName; }
			set { fullFileName = value; }

		public BuildPropertyGroup GlobalProperties {
			get { return globalProperties; }
			set {
				if (value == null)
					throw new ArgumentNullException ("value");
				if (value.FromXml)
					throw new InvalidOperationException ("GlobalProperties can not be set to persisted property group.");
				globalProperties = value;

		public bool IsDirty {
			get { return isDirty; }

		public bool IsValidated {
			get { return isValidated; }
			set { isValidated = value; }

		public BuildItemGroupCollection ItemGroups {
			get { return itemGroups; }
		public ImportCollection Imports {
			get { return imports; }
		public string InitialTargets {
			get {
				return String.Join ("; ", initialTargets.ToArray ());
			set {
				initialTargets.Clear ();
				xmlDocument.DocumentElement.SetAttribute ("InitialTargets", value);
				if (value != null)
					initialTargets.AddRange (value.Split (
								new char [] {';', ' '}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries));

		public Engine ParentEngine {
			get { return parentEngine; }

		public BuildPropertyGroupCollection PropertyGroups {
			get { return propertyGroups; }

		public string SchemaFile {
			get { return schemaFile; }
			set { schemaFile = value; }

		public TargetCollection Targets {
			get { return targets; }

		public DateTime TimeOfLastDirty {
			get { return timeOfLastDirty; }
		public UsingTaskCollection UsingTasks {
			get { return usingTasks; }

		public string Xml {
			get { return xmlDocument.InnerXml; }

		// corresponds to the xml attribute
		public string DefaultToolsVersion {
			get {
				if (xmlDocument != null)
					return xmlDocument.DocumentElement.GetAttribute ("ToolsVersion");
				return null;
			set {
				if (xmlDocument != null)
					xmlDocument.DocumentElement.SetAttribute ("ToolsVersion", value);

		public bool HasToolsVersionAttribute {
			get {
				return xmlDocument != null && xmlDocument.DocumentElement.HasAttribute ("ToolsVersion");

		public string ToolsVersion {
			get; internal set;

		internal Dictionary <string, BuildItemGroup> LastItemGroupContaining {
			get { return last_item_group_containing; }
		internal ProjectLoadSettings ProjectLoadSettings {
			get { return project_load_settings; }
			set { project_load_settings = value; }

		internal static XmlNamespaceManager XmlNamespaceManager {
			get {
				if (manager == null) {
					manager = new XmlNamespaceManager (new NameTable ());
					manager.AddNamespace ("tns", ns);
				return manager;
		internal TaskDatabase TaskDatabase {
			get { return taskDatabase; }
		internal XmlDocument XmlDocument {
			get { return xmlDocument; }
		internal static string XmlNamespace {
			get { return ns; }

		static string OS {
			get {
				PlatformID pid = Environment.OSVersion.Platform;
				switch ((int)pid) {
				case 128:
				case 4:
					return "Unix";
				case 6:
					return "OSX";
					return "Windows_NT";
