function(add_lldb_library name) # only supported parameters to this macro are the optional # MODULE;SHARED;STATIC library type and source files cmake_parse_arguments(PARAM "MODULE;SHARED;STATIC;OBJECT;PLUGIN" "" "EXTRA_CXXFLAGS;DEPENDS;LINK_LIBS;LINK_COMPONENTS" ${ARGN}) llvm_process_sources(srcs ${PARAM_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}) list(APPEND LLVM_LINK_COMPONENTS ${PARAM_LINK_COMPONENTS}) if(PARAM_PLUGIN) set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY LLDB_PLUGINS ${name}) endif() if (MSVC_IDE OR XCODE) string(REGEX MATCHALL "/[^/]+" split_path ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) list(GET split_path -1 dir) file(GLOB_RECURSE headers ../../include/lldb${dir}/*.h) set(srcs ${srcs} ${headers}) endif() if (PARAM_MODULE) set(libkind MODULE) elseif (PARAM_SHARED) set(libkind SHARED) elseif (PARAM_OBJECT) set(libkind OBJECT) else () # PARAM_STATIC or library type unspecified. BUILD_SHARED_LIBS # does not control the kind of libraries created for LLDB, # only whether or not they link to shared/static LLVM/Clang # libraries. set(libkind STATIC) endif() #PIC not needed on Win # FIXME: Setting CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS here is a no-op, use target_compile_options # or omit this logic instead. if (NOT WIN32) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fPIC") endif() if (PARAM_OBJECT) add_library(${name} ${libkind} ${srcs}) else() llvm_add_library(${name} ${libkind} ${srcs} LINK_LIBS ${PARAM_LINK_LIBS} DEPENDS ${PARAM_DEPENDS}) if (NOT LLVM_INSTALL_TOOLCHAIN_ONLY OR ${name} STREQUAL "liblldb") if (PARAM_SHARED) set(out_dir lib${LLVM_LIBDIR_SUFFIX}) if(${name} STREQUAL "liblldb" AND LLDB_BUILD_FRAMEWORK) set(out_dir ${LLDB_FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR}) endif() install(TARGETS ${name} COMPONENT ${name} RUNTIME DESTINATION bin LIBRARY DESTINATION ${out_dir} ARCHIVE DESTINATION ${out_dir}) else() install(TARGETS ${name} COMPONENT ${name} LIBRARY DESTINATION lib${LLVM_LIBDIR_SUFFIX} ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib${LLVM_LIBDIR_SUFFIX}) endif() if (NOT CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES) add_llvm_install_targets(install-${name} DEPENDS ${name} COMPONENT ${name}) endif() endif() endif() # Hack: only some LLDB libraries depend on the clang autogenerated headers, # but it is simple enough to make all of LLDB depend on some of those # headers without negatively impacting much of anything. add_dependencies(${name} clang-tablegen-targets) # Add in any extra C++ compilation flags for this library. target_compile_options(${name} PRIVATE ${PARAM_EXTRA_CXXFLAGS}) set_target_properties(${name} PROPERTIES FOLDER "lldb libraries") endfunction(add_lldb_library) function(add_lldb_executable name) cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "INCLUDE_IN_FRAMEWORK;GENERATE_INSTALL" "" "LINK_LIBS;LINK_COMPONENTS" ${ARGN} ) list(APPEND LLVM_LINK_COMPONENTS ${ARG_LINK_COMPONENTS}) add_llvm_executable(${name} ${ARG_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}) target_link_libraries(${name} PRIVATE ${ARG_LINK_LIBS}) set_target_properties(${name} PROPERTIES FOLDER "lldb executables") if(LLDB_BUILD_FRAMEWORK) if(ARG_INCLUDE_IN_FRAMEWORK) if(NOT IOS) set(resource_dir "/Resources") set(resource_dots "../") endif() string(REGEX REPLACE "[^/]+" ".." _dots ${LLDB_FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR}) set_target_properties(${name} PROPERTIES RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY $${resource_dir} BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH On INSTALL_RPATH "@loader_path/../../../${resource_dots}${_dots}/${LLDB_FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR}") # For things inside the framework we don't need functional install targets # because CMake copies the resources and headers from the build directory. # But we still need this target to exist in order to use the # LLVM_DISTRIBUTION_COMPONENTS build option. We also need the # install-liblldb target to depend on this tool, so that it gets put into # the Resources directory before the framework is installed. if(ARG_GENERATE_INSTALL) add_custom_target(install-${name} DEPENDS ${name}) add_dependencies(install-liblldb ${name}) add_custom_target(install-${name}-stripped DEPENDS ${name}) add_dependencies(install-liblldb-stripped ${name}) endif() else() set_target_properties(${name} PROPERTIES BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH On INSTALL_RPATH "@loader_path/../${LLDB_FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR}") endif() endif() if(ARG_GENERATE_INSTALL AND NOT (ARG_INCLUDE_IN_FRAMEWORK AND LLDB_BUILD_FRAMEWORK )) install(TARGETS ${name} COMPONENT ${name} RUNTIME DESTINATION bin) if (NOT CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES) add_llvm_install_targets(install-${name} DEPENDS ${name} COMPONENT ${name}) endif() endif() if(ARG_INCLUDE_IN_FRAMEWORK AND LLDB_BUILD_FRAMEWORK) add_llvm_tool_symlink(${name} ${name} ALWAYS_GENERATE SKIP_INSTALL OUTPUT_DIR ${LLVM_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_INTDIR}) endif() endfunction(add_lldb_executable) function(add_lldb_tool name) add_lldb_executable(${name} GENERATE_INSTALL ${ARGN}) endfunction() # Support appending linker flags to an existing target. # This will preserve the existing linker flags on the # target, if there are any. function(lldb_append_link_flags target_name new_link_flags) # Retrieve existing linker flags. get_target_property(current_link_flags ${target_name} LINK_FLAGS) # If we had any linker flags, include them first in the new linker flags. if(current_link_flags) set(new_link_flags "${current_link_flags} ${new_link_flags}") endif() # Now set them onto the target. set_target_properties(${target_name} PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS ${new_link_flags}) endfunction()