// // OciHandle.cs // // Part of managed C#/.NET library System.Data.OracleClient.dll // // Part of the Mono class libraries at // mcs/class/System.Data.OracleClient/System.Data.OracleClient.Oci // // Assembly: System.Data.OracleClient.dll // Namespace: System.Data.OracleClient.Oci // // Author: // Tim Coleman // Daniel Morgan // // Copyright (C) Tim Coleman, 2003 // Copyright (C) Daniel Morgan, 2005 // using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Globalization; namespace System.Data.OracleClient.Oci { internal abstract class OciHandle : IDisposable { #region Fields bool disposed = false; protected internal IntPtr handle = IntPtr.Zero; OciHandle parent = null; OciHandleType type; #endregion // Fields #region Constructors internal OciHandle (OciHandleType type, OciHandle parent, IntPtr newHandle) { this.type = type; this.parent = parent; this.handle = newHandle; } ~OciHandle () { Dispose (false); } #endregion // Constructors #region Properties internal OciHandle Parent { get { return parent; } } internal IntPtr Handle { get { return handle; } } internal OciHandleType HandleType { get { return type; } } #endregion // Properties #region Methods internal OciHandle Allocate (OciHandleType type) { int status = 0; IntPtr newHandle = IntPtr.Zero; if (type < OciHandleType.LobLocator) status = OciCalls.OCIHandleAlloc (this, out newHandle, type, 0, IntPtr.Zero); else status = OciCalls.OCIDescriptorAlloc (this, out newHandle, type, 0, IntPtr.Zero); if (status != 0 && status != 1) throw new Exception (String.Format ("Could not allocate new OCI Handle of type {0}", type)); switch (type) { case OciHandleType.Service: return new OciServiceHandle (this, newHandle); case OciHandleType.Error: return new OciErrorHandle (this, newHandle); case OciHandleType.Server: return new OciServerHandle (this, newHandle); case OciHandleType.Session: return new OciSessionHandle (this, newHandle); case OciHandleType.Statement: return new OciStatementHandle (this, newHandle); case OciHandleType.Transaction: return new OciTransactionHandle (this, newHandle); case OciHandleType.LobLocator: return new OciLobLocator (this, newHandle); case OciHandleType.RowId: return new OciRowIdDescriptor (this, newHandle); case OciHandleType.TimeStamp: return new OciDateTimeDescriptor (this, newHandle); case OciHandleType.IntervalDayToSecond: case OciHandleType.IntervalYearToMonth: return new OciIntervalDescriptor (this, type, newHandle); } return null; } protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing) { if (!disposed) { FreeHandle (); if (disposing) { parent = null; } disposed = true; } } public void Dispose () { Dispose (true); GC.SuppressFinalize (this); } protected virtual void FreeHandle () { if (type < OciHandleType.LobLocator) { switch (type) { case OciHandleType.Bind: case OciHandleType.Define: // Bind and Define handles are freed when Statement handle is disposed break; case OciHandleType.Environment: if (handle != IntPtr.Zero) { OciCalls.OCIHandleFree (handle, type); } break; default: if ( handle != IntPtr.Zero && parent != null && parent.Handle != IntPtr.Zero ) { OciCalls.OCIHandleFree (handle, type); } break; } handle = IntPtr.Zero; } } internal bool GetAttributeBool (OciAttributeType attrType, OciErrorHandle errorHandle) { return (GetAttributeInt32 (attrType, errorHandle) != 0); } internal sbyte GetAttributeSByte (OciAttributeType attrType, OciErrorHandle errorHandle) { int status = 0; sbyte output; status = OciCalls.OCIAttrGetSByte (Handle, HandleType, out output, IntPtr.Zero, attrType, errorHandle); if (status != 0) { OciErrorInfo info = errorHandle.HandleError (); throw new OracleException (info.ErrorCode, info.ErrorMessage); } return output; } internal byte GetAttributeByte (OciAttributeType attrType, OciErrorHandle errorHandle) { int status = 0; byte output; status = OciCalls.OCIAttrGetByte (Handle, HandleType, out output, IntPtr.Zero, attrType, errorHandle); if (status != 0) { OciErrorInfo info = errorHandle.HandleError (); throw new OracleException (info.ErrorCode, info.ErrorMessage); } return output; } internal ushort GetAttributeUInt16 (OciAttributeType attrType, OciErrorHandle errorHandle) { int status = 0; ushort output; status = OciCalls.OCIAttrGetUInt16 (Handle, HandleType, out output, IntPtr.Zero, attrType, errorHandle); if (status != 0) { OciErrorInfo info = errorHandle.HandleError (); throw new OracleException (info.ErrorCode, info.ErrorMessage); } return output; } internal int GetAttributeInt32 (OciAttributeType attrType, OciErrorHandle errorHandle) { int status = 0; int output; status = OciCalls.OCIAttrGetInt32 (Handle, HandleType, out output, IntPtr.Zero, attrType, errorHandle); if (status != 0) { OciErrorInfo info = OciErrorHandle.HandleError (errorHandle, status); throw new OracleException (info.ErrorCode, info.ErrorMessage); } return output; } [DllImport ("oci", EntryPoint = "OCIAttrGet")] internal static extern int OCIAttrGetRowIdDesc (IntPtr trgthndlp, [MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] OciHandleType trghndltyp, IntPtr attributep, ref uint sizep, [MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] OciAttributeType attrtype, IntPtr errhp); internal OciRowIdDescriptor GetAttributeRowIdDescriptor (OciErrorHandle errorHandle, OciHandle env) { OciRowIdDescriptor descriptor = null; IntPtr outputPtr = IntPtr.Zero; int outSize = 16; int status = 0; OciAttributeType attrType = OciAttributeType.RowId; outputPtr = OciCalls.AllocateClear (outSize); uint siz = (uint) outSize; status = OCIAttrGetRowIdDesc (Handle, HandleType, outputPtr, ref siz, attrType, errorHandle); if (status != 0) { OciErrorInfo info = errorHandle.HandleError (); throw new OracleException (info.ErrorCode, info.ErrorMessage); } if (outputPtr != IntPtr.Zero && siz > 0) { descriptor = (OciRowIdDescriptor) env.Allocate(OciHandleType.RowId); descriptor.SetHandle (outputPtr); } return descriptor; } internal IntPtr GetAttributeIntPtr (OciAttributeType attrType, OciErrorHandle errorHandle) { int status = 0; IntPtr output = IntPtr.Zero; status = OciCalls.OCIAttrGetIntPtr (Handle, HandleType, out output, IntPtr.Zero, attrType, errorHandle); if (status != 0) { OciErrorInfo info = errorHandle.HandleError (); throw new OracleException (info.ErrorCode, info.ErrorMessage); } return output; } internal string GetAttributeString (OciAttributeType attrType, OciErrorHandle errorHandle) { string output = String.Empty; IntPtr outputPtr = IntPtr.Zero; int outSize; int status = 0; status = OciCalls.OCIAttrGet (Handle, HandleType, out outputPtr, out outSize, attrType, errorHandle); if (status != 0) { OciErrorInfo info = errorHandle.HandleError (); throw new OracleException (info.ErrorCode, info.ErrorMessage); } if (outputPtr != IntPtr.Zero && outSize > 0) { object str = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi (outputPtr, outSize); if (str != null) output = String.Copy ((string) str); } return output; } internal void SetAttributeString (string attribute, OciAttributeType attrType, OciErrorHandle errorHandle) { int status = 0; status = OciCalls.OCIAttrSetString (Handle, HandleType, attribute, (uint) attribute.Length, attrType, errorHandle); if (status != 0) { OciErrorInfo info = errorHandle.HandleError (); throw new OracleException (info.ErrorCode, info.ErrorMessage); } } internal void SetHandle (IntPtr h) { handle = h; } #endregion // Methods #region Operators and Type Conversions public static implicit operator IntPtr (OciHandle h) { return h.Handle; } #endregion // Operators and Type Conversions } }