System.ServiceModel System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement To be added. Represents an XML element that configures the security for a basic HTTP service. Constructor To be added. Initializes a new instance of the class. Property System.Configuration.ConfigurationProperty("message", Options=System.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None) System.ServiceModel.Configuration.BasicHttpMessageSecurityElement To be added. To be added. Gets an XML element that configures the message security for a basic HTTP service. Property System.Configuration.ConfigurationProperty("mode", DefaultValue=Mono.Cecil.CustomAttributeArgument, Options=System.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None) System.ServiceModel.BasicHttpSecurityMode To be added. To be added. Gets or sets an XML element that specifies the security mode for a basic HTTP service. Property System.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyCollection To be added. To be added. To be added. Property System.Configuration.ConfigurationProperty("transport", Options=System.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None) System.ServiceModel.Configuration.HttpTransportSecurityElement To be added. To be added. Gets an XML element that specifies the transport for a basic HTTP service.