//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // [....] // [....] //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Data.Common; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution; namespace System.Data.Odbc { sealed internal class OdbcConnectionHandle : OdbcHandle { private HandleState _handleState; private enum HandleState { Allocated = 0, Connected = 1, Transacted = 2, TransactionInProgress = 3, } internal OdbcConnectionHandle(OdbcConnection connection, OdbcConnectionString constr, OdbcEnvironmentHandle environmentHandle) : base(ODBC32.SQL_HANDLE.DBC, environmentHandle) { if(null == connection) { throw ADP.ArgumentNull("connection"); } if(null == constr) { throw ADP.ArgumentNull("constr"); } ODBC32.RetCode retcode; //Set connection timeout (only before open). //Note: We use login timeout since its odbc 1.0 option, instead of using //connectiontimeout (which affects other things besides just login) and its //a odbc 3.0 feature. The ConnectionTimeout on the managed providers represents //the login timeout, nothing more. int connectionTimeout = connection.ConnectionTimeout; retcode = SetConnectionAttribute2(ODBC32.SQL_ATTR.LOGIN_TIMEOUT, (IntPtr)connectionTimeout, (Int32)ODBC32.SQL_IS.UINTEGER); string connectionString = constr.UsersConnectionString(false); // Connect to the driver. (Using the connection string supplied) //Note: The driver doesn't filter out the password in the returned connection string //so their is no need for us to obtain the returned connection string // Prepare to handle a ThreadAbort Exception between SQLDriverConnectW and update of the state variables retcode = Connect(connectionString); connection.HandleError(this, retcode); } private ODBC32.RetCode AutoCommitOff() { ODBC32.RetCode retcode; Debug.Assert(HandleState.Connected <= _handleState, "AutoCommitOff while in wrong state?"); // Avoid runtime injected errors in the following block. // must call SQLSetConnectAttrW and set _handleState RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions(); try {} finally { retcode = UnsafeNativeMethods.SQLSetConnectAttrW(this, ODBC32.SQL_ATTR.AUTOCOMMIT, ODBC32.SQL_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF, (Int32)ODBC32.SQL_IS.UINTEGER); switch(retcode) { case ODBC32.RetCode.SUCCESS: case ODBC32.RetCode.SUCCESS_WITH_INFO: _handleState = HandleState.Transacted; break; } } ODBC.TraceODBC(3, "SQLSetConnectAttrW", retcode); return retcode; } internal ODBC32.RetCode BeginTransaction(ref IsolationLevel isolevel) { ODBC32.RetCode retcode = ODBC32.RetCode.SUCCESS; ODBC32.SQL_ATTR isolationAttribute; if(IsolationLevel.Unspecified != isolevel) { ODBC32.SQL_TRANSACTION sql_iso; switch(isolevel) { case IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted: sql_iso = ODBC32.SQL_TRANSACTION.READ_UNCOMMITTED; isolationAttribute = ODBC32.SQL_ATTR.TXN_ISOLATION; break; case IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted: sql_iso = ODBC32.SQL_TRANSACTION.READ_COMMITTED; isolationAttribute = ODBC32.SQL_ATTR.TXN_ISOLATION; break; case IsolationLevel.RepeatableRead: sql_iso = ODBC32.SQL_TRANSACTION.REPEATABLE_READ; isolationAttribute = ODBC32.SQL_ATTR.TXN_ISOLATION; break; case IsolationLevel.Serializable: sql_iso = ODBC32.SQL_TRANSACTION.SERIALIZABLE; isolationAttribute = ODBC32.SQL_ATTR.TXN_ISOLATION; break; case IsolationLevel.Snapshot: sql_iso = ODBC32.SQL_TRANSACTION.SNAPSHOT; // VSDD 414121: Snapshot isolation level must be set through SQL_COPT_SS_TXN_ISOLATION (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms131709.aspx) isolationAttribute = ODBC32.SQL_ATTR.SQL_COPT_SS_TXN_ISOLATION; break; case IsolationLevel.Chaos: throw ODBC.NotSupportedIsolationLevel(isolevel); default: throw ADP.InvalidIsolationLevel(isolevel); } //Set the isolation level (unless its unspecified) retcode = SetConnectionAttribute2(isolationAttribute, (IntPtr)sql_iso, (Int32)ODBC32.SQL_IS.INTEGER); //Note: The Driver can return success_with_info to indicate it "rolled" the //isolevel to the next higher value. If this is the case, we need to requery //the value if th euser asks for it... //We also still propagate the info, since it could be other info as well... if(ODBC32.RetCode.SUCCESS_WITH_INFO == retcode) { isolevel = IsolationLevel.Unspecified; } } switch(retcode) { case ODBC32.RetCode.SUCCESS: case ODBC32.RetCode.SUCCESS_WITH_INFO: //Turn off auto-commit (which basically starts the transaction) retcode = AutoCommitOff(); _handleState = HandleState.TransactionInProgress; break; } return retcode; } internal ODBC32.RetCode CompleteTransaction(short transactionOperation) { bool mustRelease = false; RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions(); try { DangerousAddRef(ref mustRelease); ODBC32.RetCode retcode = CompleteTransaction(transactionOperation, base.handle); return retcode; } finally { if (mustRelease) { DangerousRelease(); } } } [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.MayFail)] private ODBC32.RetCode CompleteTransaction(short transactionOperation, IntPtr handle) { // must only call this code from ReleaseHandle or DangerousAddRef region ODBC32.RetCode retcode = ODBC32.RetCode.SUCCESS; // using ConstrainedRegions to make the native ODBC call and change the _handleState RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions(); try { } finally { if (HandleState.TransactionInProgress == _handleState) { retcode = UnsafeNativeMethods.SQLEndTran(HandleType, handle, transactionOperation); if((ODBC32.RetCode.SUCCESS == retcode) || (ODBC32.RetCode.SUCCESS_WITH_INFO == retcode)) { _handleState = HandleState.Transacted; } Bid.TraceSqlReturn(" %08X{SQLRETURN}\n", retcode); } if (HandleState.Transacted == _handleState) { // AutoCommitOn retcode = UnsafeNativeMethods.SQLSetConnectAttrW(handle, ODBC32.SQL_ATTR.AUTOCOMMIT, ODBC32.SQL_AUTOCOMMIT_ON, (Int32)ODBC32.SQL_IS.UINTEGER); _handleState = HandleState.Connected; Bid.TraceSqlReturn(" %08X{SQLRETURN}\n", retcode); } } //Overactive assert which fires if handle was allocated - but failed to connect to the server //it can more legitmately fire if transaction failed to rollback - but there isn't much we can do in that situation //Debug.Assert((HandleState.Connected == _handleState) || (HandleState.TransactionInProgress == _handleState), "not expected HandleState.Connected"); return retcode; } private ODBC32.RetCode Connect(string connectionString) { Debug.Assert(HandleState.Allocated == _handleState, "SQLDriverConnect while in wrong state?"); ODBC32.RetCode retcode; // Avoid runtime injected errors in the following block. RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions(); try {} finally { short cbActualSize; retcode = UnsafeNativeMethods.SQLDriverConnectW(this, ADP.PtrZero, connectionString, ODBC32.SQL_NTS, ADP.PtrZero, 0, out cbActualSize, (short)ODBC32.SQL_DRIVER.NOPROMPT); switch(retcode) { case ODBC32.RetCode.SUCCESS: case ODBC32.RetCode.SUCCESS_WITH_INFO: _handleState = HandleState.Connected; break; } } ODBC.TraceODBC(3, "SQLDriverConnectW", retcode); return retcode; } override protected bool ReleaseHandle() { // NOTE: The SafeHandle class guarantees this will be called exactly once and is non-interrutible. ODBC32.RetCode retcode; // must call complete the transaction rollback, change handle state, and disconnect the connection retcode = CompleteTransaction(ODBC32.SQL_ROLLBACK, handle); if ((HandleState.Connected == _handleState) || (HandleState.TransactionInProgress == _handleState)) { retcode = UnsafeNativeMethods.SQLDisconnect(handle); _handleState = HandleState.Allocated; Bid.TraceSqlReturn(" %08X{SQLRETURN}\n", retcode); } Debug.Assert(HandleState.Allocated == _handleState, "not expected HandleState.Allocated"); return base.ReleaseHandle(); } internal ODBC32.RetCode GetConnectionAttribute(ODBC32.SQL_ATTR attribute, byte[] buffer, out int cbActual) { ODBC32.RetCode retcode = UnsafeNativeMethods.SQLGetConnectAttrW(this, attribute, buffer, buffer.Length, out cbActual); Bid.Trace(" SQLRETURN=%d, Attribute=%d, BufferLength=%d, StringLength=%d\n", (int)retcode, (int)attribute, buffer.Length, (int)cbActual); return retcode; } internal ODBC32.RetCode GetFunctions(ODBC32.SQL_API fFunction, out Int16 fExists) { ODBC32.RetCode retcode = UnsafeNativeMethods.SQLGetFunctions(this, fFunction, out fExists); ODBC.TraceODBC(3, "SQLGetFunctions", retcode); return retcode; } internal ODBC32.RetCode GetInfo2(ODBC32.SQL_INFO info, byte[] buffer, out short cbActual) { ODBC32.RetCode retcode = UnsafeNativeMethods.SQLGetInfoW(this, info, buffer, checked((short)buffer.Length), out cbActual); Bid.Trace(" SQLRETURN=%d, InfoType=%d, BufferLength=%d, StringLength=%d\n", (int)retcode, (int)info, buffer.Length, (int)cbActual); return retcode; } internal ODBC32.RetCode GetInfo1(ODBC32.SQL_INFO info, byte[] buffer) { ODBC32.RetCode retcode = UnsafeNativeMethods.SQLGetInfoW(this, info, buffer, checked((short)buffer.Length), ADP.PtrZero); Bid.Trace(" SQLRETURN=%d, InfoType=%d, BufferLength=%d\n", (int)retcode, (int)info, buffer.Length); return retcode; } internal ODBC32.RetCode SetConnectionAttribute2(ODBC32.SQL_ATTR attribute, IntPtr value, Int32 length) { ODBC32.RetCode retcode = UnsafeNativeMethods.SQLSetConnectAttrW(this, attribute, value, length); ODBC.TraceODBC(3, "SQLSetConnectAttrW", retcode); return retcode; } internal ODBC32.RetCode SetConnectionAttribute3(ODBC32.SQL_ATTR attribute, string buffer, Int32 length) { ODBC32.RetCode retcode = UnsafeNativeMethods.SQLSetConnectAttrW(this, attribute, buffer, length); Bid.Trace(" SQLRETURN=%d, Attribute=%d, BufferLength=%d\n", (int)retcode, (int)attribute, buffer.Length); return retcode; } internal ODBC32.RetCode SetConnectionAttribute4(ODBC32.SQL_ATTR attribute, System.Transactions.IDtcTransaction transaction, Int32 length) { ODBC32.RetCode retcode = UnsafeNativeMethods.SQLSetConnectAttrW(this, attribute, transaction, length); ODBC.TraceODBC(3, "SQLSetConnectAttrW", retcode); return retcode; } } }