#!/usr/bin/env bash wait_on_pids() { # Wait on the last processes for job in $1 do wait $job if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then TestsFailed=$(($TestsFailed+1)) fi done } usage() { echo "Runs .NET CoreFX tests on FreeBSD, Linux, NetBSD or OSX" echo "usage: run-test [options]" echo echo "Input sources:" echo " --coreclr-bins Location of root of the binaries directory" echo " containing the FreeBSD, Linux, NetBSD or OSX coreclr build" echo " default: /bin/Product/.x64." echo " --mscorlib-bins Location of the root binaries directory containing" echo " the FreeBSD, Linux, NetBSD or OSX mscorlib.dll" echo " default: /bin/Product/.x64." echo " --corefx-tests Location of the root binaries location containing" echo " the tests to run" echo " default: /bin/tests" echo " --corefx-native-bins Location of the FreeBSD, Linux, NetBSD or OSX native corefx binaries" echo " default: /bin/.x64." echo " --corefx-packages Location of the packages restored from NuGet." echo " default: /packages" echo " --testRelPath Relative path to test script" echo " Path is relative from the directory specified by project name" echo " default: default.netcoreapp1.1" echo echo "Flavor/OS options:" echo " --configurationGroup ConfigurationGroup to run (Debug/Release)" echo " default: Debug" echo " --os OS to run (FreeBSD, Linux, NetBSD or OSX)" echo " default: detect current OS" echo echo "Execution options:" echo " --sequential Run tests sequentially (default is to run in parallel)." echo " --restrict-proj Run test projects that match regex" echo " default: .* (all projects)" echo " --useServerGC Enable Server GC for this test run" echo " --test-dir Run tests only in the specified directory. Path is relative to the directory" echo " specified by --corefx-tests" echo " --test-dir-file Run tests only in the directories specified by the file at . Paths are" echo " listed one line, relative to the directory specified by --corefx-tests" echo echo "Runtime Code Coverage options:" echo " --coreclr-coverage Optional argument to get coreclr code coverage reports" echo " --coreclr-objs Location of root of the object directory" echo " containing the FreeBSD, Linux, NetBSD or OSX coreclr build" echo " default: /bin/obj/.x64. Location of root of the directory" echo " containing the coreclr source files" echo exit 1 } # Handle Ctrl-C. function handle_ctrl_c { local errorSource='handle_ctrl_c' echo "" echo "Cancelling test execution." exit $TestsFailed } # Register the Ctrl-C handler trap handle_ctrl_c INT ProjectRoot="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" # Location parameters # OS/ConfigurationGroup defaults ConfigurationGroup="Debug" OSName=$(uname -s) case $OSName in Darwin) OS=OSX ;; FreeBSD) OS=FreeBSD ;; Linux) OS=Linux ;; NetBSD) OS=NetBSD ;; *) echo "Unsupported OS $OSName detected, configuring as if for Linux" OS=Linux ;; esac # Misc defaults TestSelection=".*" TestsFailed=0 # TestRelPath default TestRelPath="default.netcoreapp1.1" ensure_binaries_are_present() { local LowerConfigurationGroup="$(echo $ConfigurationGroup | awk '{print tolower($0)}')" # Copy the CoreCLR native binaries if [ ! -d $CoreClrBins ] then echo "error: Coreclr $OS binaries not found at $CoreClrBins" exit 1 fi # Then the mscorlib from the upstream build. # TODO When the mscorlib flavors get properly changed then if [ ! -f $MscorlibBins/mscorlib.dll ] then echo "error: Mscorlib not found at $MscorlibBins" exit 1 fi # Then the native CoreFX binaries if [ ! -d $CoreFxNativeBins ] then echo "error: Corefx native binaries should be built (use build.sh native in root)" exit 1 fi } copy_test_overlay() { testDir=$1 link_files_in_directory "$CoreClrBins" "$testDir" link_files_in_directory "$CoreFxNativeBins" "$testDir" ln -f $MscorlibBins/mscorlib.dll $testDir/mscorlib.dll # If we have a native image for mscorlib, copy it as well. if [ -f $MscorlibBins/mscorlib.ni.dll ] then ln -f $MscorlibBins/mscorlib.ni.dll $testDir/mscorlib.ni.dll fi } # $1 is the source directory # $2 is the destination directory link_files_in_directory() { for path in `find $1 -maxdepth 1 -type f`; do fileName=`basename $path` ln -f $path "$2/$fileName" done } # $1 is the path of list file read_array() { local theArray=() while IFS='' read -r line || [ -n "$line" ]; do theArray[${#theArray[@]}]=$line done < "$1" echo ${theArray[@]} } run_selected_tests() { local selectedTests=() if [ -n "$TestDirFile" ]; then selectedTests=($(read_array "$TestDirFile")) fi if [ -n "$TestDir" ]; then selectedTests[${#selectedTests[@]}]="$TestDir" fi run_all_tests ${selectedTests[@]/#/$CoreFxTests/} } # $1 is the name of the platform folder (e.g Unix.AnyCPU.Debug) run_all_tests() { for testFolder in $@ do run_test $testFolder & pids="$pids $!" numberOfProcesses=$(($numberOfProcesses+1)) if [ "$numberOfProcesses" -ge $maxProcesses ]; then wait_on_pids "$pids" numberOfProcesses=0 pids="" fi done # Wait on the last processes wait_on_pids "$pids" pids="" } # $1 is the path to the test folder run_test() { testProject=`basename $1` # Check for project restrictions if [[ ! $testProject =~ $TestSelection ]]; then echo "Skipping $testProject" exit 0 fi dirName="$1/$TestRelPath" if [ ! -d "$dirName" ]; then echo "Nothing to test in $testProject" exit 0 fi copy_test_overlay $dirName pushd $dirName > /dev/null chmod +x ./RunTests.sh chmod +x ./corerun echo echo "Running tests in $dirName" echo "./RunTests.sh $CoreFxPackages" echo ./RunTests.sh "$CoreFxPackages" exitCode=$? if [ $exitCode -ne 0 ] then echo "error: One or more tests failed while running tests from '$fileNameWithoutExtension'. Exit code $exitCode." fi popd > /dev/null exit $exitCode } coreclr_code_coverage() { if [ ! "$OS" == "FreeBSD" ] && [ ! "$OS" == "Linux" ] && [ ! "$OS" == "NetBSD" ] && [ ! "$OS" == "OSX" ] then echo "error: Code Coverage not supported on $OS" exit 1 fi if [ "$CoreClrSrc" == "" ] then echo "error: Coreclr source files are required to generate code coverage reports" echo "Coreclr source files root path can be passed using '--coreclr-src' argument" exit 1 fi local coverageDir="$ProjectRoot/bin/Coverage" local toolsDir="$ProjectRoot/bin/Coverage/tools" local reportsDir="$ProjectRoot/bin/Coverage/reports" local packageName="unix-code-coverage-tools.1.0.0.nupkg" rm -rf $coverageDir mkdir -p $coverageDir mkdir -p $toolsDir mkdir -p $reportsDir pushd $toolsDir > /dev/null echo "Pulling down code coverage tools" which curl > /dev/null 2> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then wget -q -O $packageName https://www.myget.org/F/dotnet-buildtools/api/v2/package/unix-code-coverage-tools/1.0.0 else curl -sSL -o $packageName https://www.myget.org/F/dotnet-buildtools/api/v2/package/unix-code-coverage-tools/1.0.0 fi echo "Unzipping to $toolsDir" unzip -q -o $packageName # Invoke gcovr chmod a+rwx ./gcovr chmod a+rwx ./$OS/llvm-cov echo echo "Generating coreclr code coverage reports at $reportsDir/coreclr.html" echo "./gcovr $CoreClrObjs --gcov-executable=$toolsDir/$OS/llvm-cov -r $CoreClrSrc --html --html-details -o $reportsDir/coreclr.html" echo ./gcovr $CoreClrObjs --gcov-executable=$toolsDir/$OS/llvm-cov -r $CoreClrSrc --html --html-details -o $reportsDir/coreclr.html exitCode=$? popd > /dev/null exit $exitCode } # Parse arguments RunTestSequential=0 ((serverGC = 0)) while [[ $# > 0 ]] do opt="$1" case $opt in -h|--help) usage ;; --coreclr-bins) CoreClrBins=$2 ;; --mscorlib-bins) MscorlibBins=$2 ;; --corefx-tests) CoreFxTests=$2 ;; --corefx-native-bins) CoreFxNativeBins=$2 ;; --corefx-packages) CoreFxPackages=$2 ;; --restrict-proj) TestSelection=$2 ;; --configurationGroup) ConfigurationGroup=$2 ;; --os) OS=$2 ;; --coreclr-coverage) CoreClrCoverage=ON ;; --coreclr-objs) CoreClrObjs=$2 ;; --coreclr-src) CoreClrSrc=$2 ;; --sequential) RunTestSequential=1 ;; --useServerGC) ((serverGC = 1)) ;; --test-dir) TestDir=$2 ;; --test-dir-file) TestDirFile=$2 ;; --testRelPath) TestRelPath=$2 ;; --outerloop) OuterLoop="" ;; --IgnoreForCI) IgnoreForCI="-notrait category=IgnoreForCI" ;; *) ;; esac shift done # Compute paths to the binaries if they haven't already been computed if [ "$CoreClrBins" == "" ] then CoreClrBins="$ProjectRoot/bin/Product/$OS.x64.$ConfigurationGroup" fi if [ "$MscorlibBins" == "" ] then MscorlibBins="$ProjectRoot/bin/Product/$OS.x64.$ConfigurationGroup" fi if [ "$CoreFxTests" == "" ] then CoreFxTests="$ProjectRoot/bin/tests" fi if [ "$CoreFxNativeBins" == "" ] then CoreFxNativeBins="$ProjectRoot/bin/$OS.x64.$ConfigurationGroup/native" fi if [ "$CoreFxPackages" == "" ] then CoreFxPackages="$ProjectRoot/packages" fi # Check parameters up front for valid values: if [ ! "$ConfigurationGroup" == "Debug" ] && [ ! "$ConfigurationGroup" == "Release" ] then echo "error: ConfigurationGroup should be Debug or Release" exit 1 fi if [ ! "$OS" == "FreeBSD" ] && [ ! "$OS" == "Linux" ] && [ ! "$OS" == "NetBSD" ] && [ ! "$OS" == "OSX" ] then echo "error: OS should be FreeBSD, Linux, NetBSD or OSX" exit 1 fi if [ "$CoreClrObjs" == "" ] then CoreClrObjs="$ProjectRoot/bin/obj/$OS.x64.$ConfigurationGroup" fi # The CI system shares PR build job definitions between RC2 and master. In RC2, we expected # that CoreFxTests was the path to the root folder containing the tests for a specific platform # (since all tests were rooted under a path like tests/Linux.AnyCPU.$ConfigurationGroup). In # master, we instead want CoreFxTests to point at the root of the tests folder, since tests # are now split across tests/AnyOS.AnyCPU.$ConfigruationGroup, # tests/Unix.AnyCPU.$ConfigruationGroup and tests/$OS.AnyCPU.$ConfigurationGroup. # # Until we can split the CI definitions up, we need them to pass a platform specific folder (so # the jobs work on RC2), so here we detect that case and use the parent folder instead. if [[ `basename $CoreFxTests` =~ ^(Linux|OSX|FreeBSD|NetBSD) ]] then CoreFxTests=`dirname $CoreFxTests` fi export CORECLR_SERVER_GC="$serverGC" export PAL_OUTPUTDEBUGSTRING="1" if [ "$LANG" == "" ] then export LANG="en_US.UTF-8" fi ensure_binaries_are_present # Walk the directory tree rooted at src bin/tests/$OS.AnyCPU.$ConfigurationGroup/ TestsFailed=0 numberOfProcesses=0 if [ $RunTestSequential -eq 1 ] then maxProcesses=1; else if [ `uname` = "NetBSD" ]; then maxProcesses=$(($(getconf NPROCESSORS_ONLN)+1)) else maxProcesses=$(($(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)+1)) fi fi if [ -n "$TestDirFile" ] || [ -n "$TestDir" ] then run_selected_tests else run_all_tests "$CoreFxTests/AnyOS.AnyCPU.$ConfigurationGroup/"* run_all_tests "$CoreFxTests/Unix.AnyCPU.$ConfigurationGroup/"* run_all_tests "$CoreFxTests/$OS.AnyCPU.$ConfigurationGroup/"* fi if [ "$CoreClrCoverage" == "ON" ] then coreclr_code_coverage fi if [ "$TestsFailed" -gt 0 ] then echo "$TestsFailed test(s) failed" else echo "All tests passed." fi exit $TestsFailed