@ECHO OFF SETLOCAL SET RUNTIME_PATH=%1 set RUNTIME_PATH=%RUNTIME_PATH:/=\% IF DEFINED RUNTIME_PATH ( echo Using %RUNTIME_PATH% as the test runtime folder.) ELSE ( echo Please specify a test runtime folder using the RUNTIME_PATH parameter goto ShowUsage ) set EXECUTION_DIR=%~dp0 echo Executing in %EXECUTION_DIR% :: ========================= BEGIN Test Execution ============================= echo Running tests... Start time: %TIME% echo Command(s): [[TestRunCommandsEcho]] pushd %EXECUTION_DIR% [[TestRunCommands]] popd echo Finished running tests. End time=%TIME%, Exit code = %ERRORLEVEL% EXIT /B %ERRORLEVEL% :: ========================= END Test Execution ================================= :ShowUsage echo. echo Usage: echo. echo %0 {runtime path} echo. echo Parameters: echo runtime path : (Mandatory) Root path containing the full test runtime necessary for test execution. EXIT /B -1