// // Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol.Tds70.cs // // Author: // Tim Coleman (tim@timcoleman.com) // Diego Caravana (diego@toth.it) // Sebastien Pouliot (sebastien@ximian.com) // Daniel Morgan (danielmorgan@verizon.net) // Gert Driesen (drieseng@users.sourceforge.net) // Veerapuram Varadhan (vvaradhan@novell.com) // // Copyright (C) 2002 Tim Coleman // Portions (C) 2003 Motus Technologies Inc. (http://www.motus.com) // Portions (C) 2003 Daniel Morgan // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Globalization; using System.Text; using System.Security; using Mono.Security.Protocol.Ntlm; namespace Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol { public class Tds70 : Tds { #region Fields //public readonly static TdsVersion Version = TdsVersion.tds70; static readonly decimal SMALLMONEY_MIN = -214748.3648m; static readonly decimal SMALLMONEY_MAX = 214748.3647m; #endregion // Fields #region Constructors [Obsolete ("Use the constructor that receives a lifetime parameter")] public Tds70 (string server, int port) : this (server, port, 512, 15, 0) { } [Obsolete ("Use the constructor that receives a lifetime parameter")] public Tds70 (string server, int port, int packetSize, int timeout) : this (server, port, packetSize, timeout, 0, TdsVersion.tds70) { } [Obsolete ("Use the constructor that receives a lifetime parameter")] public Tds70 (string server, int port, int packetSize, int timeout, TdsVersion version) : this (server, port, packetSize, timeout, 0, version) { } public Tds70 (string server, int port, int lifetime) : this (server, port, 512, 15, lifetime) { } public Tds70 (string server, int port, int packetSize, int timeout, int lifeTime) : base (server, port, packetSize, timeout, lifeTime, TdsVersion.tds70) { } public Tds70 (string server, int port, int packetSize, int timeout, int lifeTime, TdsVersion version) : base (server, port, packetSize, timeout, lifeTime, version) { } #endregion // Constructors #region Properties protected virtual byte[] ClientVersion { get { return new byte[] {0x00, 0x0, 0x0, 0x70};} } // Default precision is 28 for a 7.0 server. Unless and // otherwise the server is started with /p option - which would be 38 protected virtual byte Precision { get { return 28; } } #endregion // Properties #region Methods protected string BuildExec (string sql) { string esql = sql.Replace ("'", "''"); // escape single quote if (Parameters != null && Parameters.Count > 0) return BuildProcedureCall (String.Format ("sp_executesql N'{0}', N'{1}', ", esql, BuildPreparedParameters ())); else return BuildProcedureCall (String.Format ("sp_executesql N'{0}'", esql)); } private string BuildParameters () { if (Parameters == null || Parameters.Count == 0) return String.Empty; StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder (); foreach (TdsMetaParameter p in Parameters) { string parameterName = p.ParameterName; if (parameterName [0] == '@') { parameterName = parameterName.Substring (1); } if (p.Direction != TdsParameterDirection.ReturnValue) { if (result.Length > 0) result.Append (", "); if (p.Direction == TdsParameterDirection.InputOutput) result.AppendFormat ("@{0}={0} output", parameterName); else result.Append (FormatParameter (p)); } } return result.ToString (); } private string BuildPreparedParameters () { StringBuilder parms = new StringBuilder (); foreach (TdsMetaParameter p in Parameters) { if (parms.Length > 0) parms.Append (", "); // Set default precision according to the TdsVersion // Current default is 29 for Tds80 if (p.TypeName == "decimal") p.Precision = (p.Precision !=0 ? p.Precision : (byte) Precision); parms.Append (p.Prepare ()); if (p.Direction == TdsParameterDirection.Output) parms.Append (" output"); } return parms.ToString (); } private string BuildPreparedQuery (string id) { return BuildProcedureCall (String.Format ("sp_execute {0},", id)); } private string BuildProcedureCall (string procedure) { string exec = String.Empty; StringBuilder declare = new StringBuilder (); StringBuilder select = new StringBuilder (); StringBuilder set = new StringBuilder (); int count = 0; if (Parameters != null) { foreach (TdsMetaParameter p in Parameters) { string parameterName = p.ParameterName; if (parameterName [0] == '@') { parameterName = parameterName.Substring (1); } if (p.Direction != TdsParameterDirection.Input) { if (count == 0) select.Append ("select "); else select.Append (", "); select.Append ("@" + parameterName); if (p.TypeName == "decimal") p.Precision = (p.Precision !=0 ? p.Precision : (byte) Precision); declare.Append (String.Format ("declare {0}\n", p.Prepare ())); if (p.Direction != TdsParameterDirection.ReturnValue) { if (p.Direction == TdsParameterDirection.InputOutput) set.Append (String.Format ("set {0}\n", FormatParameter(p))); else set.Append (String.Format ("set @{0}=NULL\n", parameterName)); } count++; } if (p.Direction == TdsParameterDirection.ReturnValue) exec = "@" + parameterName + "="; } } exec = "exec " + exec; return String.Format ("{0}{1}{2}{3} {4}\n{5}", declare.ToString (), set.ToString (), exec, procedure, BuildParameters (), select.ToString ()); } public override bool Connect (TdsConnectionParameters connectionParameters) { if (IsConnected) throw new InvalidOperationException ("The connection is already open."); connectionParms = connectionParameters; SetLanguage (connectionParameters.Language); SetCharset ("utf-8"); byte[] empty = new byte[0]; short authLen = 0; byte pad = (byte) 0; byte[] domainMagic = { 6, 0x7d, 0x0f, 0xfd, 0xff, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xe0, 0x83, 0x0, 0x0, 0x68, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x09, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00 }; byte[] sqlserverMagic = { 6, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xe0, 0x03, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 }; byte[] magic = null; if (connectionParameters.DomainLogin) magic = domainMagic; else magic = sqlserverMagic; string username = connectionParameters.User; string domain = null; int idx = username.IndexOf ("\\"); if (idx != -1) { domain = username.Substring (0, idx); username = username.Substring (idx + 1); connectionParameters.DefaultDomain = domain; connectionParameters.User = username; } else { domain = Environment.UserDomainName; connectionParameters.DefaultDomain = domain; } short partialPacketSize = (short) (86 + ( connectionParameters.Hostname.Length + connectionParameters.ApplicationName.Length + DataSource.Length + connectionParameters.LibraryName.Length + Language.Length + connectionParameters.Database.Length + connectionParameters.AttachDBFileName.Length) * 2); if (connectionParameters.DomainLogin) { authLen = ((short) (32 + (connectionParameters.Hostname.Length + domain.Length))); partialPacketSize += authLen; } else partialPacketSize += ((short) ((username.Length + connectionParameters.Password.Length) * 2)); int totalPacketSize = partialPacketSize; Comm.StartPacket (TdsPacketType.Logon70); Comm.Append (totalPacketSize); //Comm.Append (empty, 3, pad); //byte[] version = {0x00, 0x0, 0x0, 0x71}; //Console.WriteLine ("Version: {0}", ClientVersion[3]); Comm.Append (ClientVersion); // TDS Version 7 Comm.Append ((int)this.PacketSize); // Set the Block Size Comm.Append (empty, 3, pad); Comm.Append (magic); short curPos = 86; // Hostname Comm.Append (curPos); Comm.Append ((short) connectionParameters.Hostname.Length); curPos += (short) (connectionParameters.Hostname.Length * 2); if (connectionParameters.DomainLogin) { Comm.Append((short)0); Comm.Append((short)0); Comm.Append((short)0); Comm.Append((short)0); } else { // Username Comm.Append (curPos); Comm.Append ((short) username.Length); curPos += ((short) (username.Length * 2)); // Password Comm.Append (curPos); Comm.Append ((short) connectionParameters.Password.Length); curPos += (short) (connectionParameters.Password.Length * 2); } // AppName Comm.Append (curPos); Comm.Append ((short) connectionParameters.ApplicationName.Length); curPos += (short) (connectionParameters.ApplicationName.Length * 2); // Server Name Comm.Append (curPos); Comm.Append ((short) DataSource.Length); curPos += (short) (DataSource.Length * 2); // Unknown Comm.Append ((short) curPos); Comm.Append ((short) 0); // Library Name Comm.Append (curPos); Comm.Append ((short) connectionParameters.LibraryName.Length); curPos += (short) (connectionParameters.LibraryName.Length * 2); // Language Comm.Append (curPos); Comm.Append ((short) Language.Length); curPos += (short) (Language.Length * 2); // Database Comm.Append (curPos); Comm.Append ((short) connectionParameters.Database.Length); curPos += (short) (connectionParameters.Database.Length * 2); // MAC Address Comm.Append((byte) 0); Comm.Append((byte) 0); Comm.Append((byte) 0); Comm.Append((byte) 0); Comm.Append((byte) 0); Comm.Append((byte) 0); // Authentication Stuff Comm.Append ((short) curPos); if (connectionParameters.DomainLogin) { Comm.Append ((short) authLen); curPos += (short) authLen; } else Comm.Append ((short) 0); // Unknown Comm.Append (curPos); Comm.Append ((short)( connectionParameters.AttachDBFileName.Length)); curPos += (short)(connectionParameters.AttachDBFileName.Length*2); // Connection Parameters Comm.Append (connectionParameters.Hostname); if (!connectionParameters.DomainLogin) { // SQL Server Authentication Comm.Append (connectionParameters.User); string scrambledPwd = EncryptPassword (connectionParameters.Password); Comm.Append (scrambledPwd); } Comm.Append (connectionParameters.ApplicationName); Comm.Append (DataSource); Comm.Append (connectionParameters.LibraryName); Comm.Append (Language); Comm.Append (connectionParameters.Database); if (connectionParameters.DomainLogin) { // the rest of the packet is NTLMSSP authentication Type1Message msg = new Type1Message (); msg.Domain = domain; msg.Host = connectionParameters.Hostname; msg.Flags = NtlmFlags.NegotiateUnicode | NtlmFlags.NegotiateNtlm | NtlmFlags.NegotiateDomainSupplied | NtlmFlags.NegotiateWorkstationSupplied | NtlmFlags.NegotiateAlwaysSign; // 0xb201 Comm.Append (msg.GetBytes ()); } Comm.Append (connectionParameters.AttachDBFileName); Comm.SendPacket (); MoreResults = true; SkipToEnd (); return IsConnected; } private static string EncryptPassword (SecureString secPass) { int xormask = 0x5a5a; int len = secPass.Length; char[] chars = new char[len]; string pass = GetPlainPassword(secPass); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { int c = ((int) (pass[i])) ^ xormask; int m1 = (c >> 4) & 0x0f0f; int m2 = (c << 4) & 0xf0f0; chars[i] = (char) (m1 | m2); } return new String (chars); } public override bool Reset () { // Check validity of the connection - a false removes // the connection from the pool // NOTE: MS implementation will throw a connection-reset error as it will // try to use the same connection if (!Comm.IsConnected ()) return false; // Set "reset-connection" bit for the next message packet Comm.ResetConnection = true; base.Reset (); return true; } public override void ExecPrepared (string commandText, TdsMetaParameterCollection parameters, int timeout, bool wantResults) { Parameters = parameters; ExecuteQuery (BuildPreparedQuery (commandText), timeout, wantResults); } public override void ExecProc (string commandText, TdsMetaParameterCollection parameters, int timeout, bool wantResults) { Parameters = parameters; ExecRPC (commandText, parameters, timeout, wantResults); } private void WriteRpcParameterInfo (TdsMetaParameterCollection parameters) { if (parameters != null) { foreach (TdsMetaParameter param in parameters) { if (param.Direction == TdsParameterDirection.ReturnValue) continue; string pname = param.ParameterName; if (pname != null && pname.Length > 0 && pname [0] == '@') { Comm.Append ( (byte) pname.Length); Comm.Append (pname); } else { Comm.Append ( (byte) (pname.Length + 1)); Comm.Append ("@" + pname); } short status = 0; // unused if (param.Direction != TdsParameterDirection.Input) status |= 0x01; // output Comm.Append ( (byte) status); WriteParameterInfo (param); } } } private void WritePreparedParameterInfo (TdsMetaParameterCollection parameters) { if (parameters == null) return; string param = BuildPreparedParameters (); Comm.Append ((byte) 0x00); // no param meta data name Comm.Append ((byte) 0x00); // no status flags // Type_info - parameter info WriteParameterInfo (new TdsMetaParameter ("prep_params", param.Length > 4000 ? "ntext" : "nvarchar", param)); } protected void ExecRPC (TdsRpcProcId rpcId, string sql, TdsMetaParameterCollection parameters, int timeout, bool wantResults) { // clean up InitExec (); Comm.StartPacket (TdsPacketType.RPC); Comm.Append ((ushort) 0xFFFF); Comm.Append ((ushort) rpcId); Comm.Append ((short) 0x02); // no meta data Comm.Append ((byte) 0x00); // no param meta data name Comm.Append ((byte) 0x00); // no status flags // Convert BigNVarChar values larger than 4000 chars to nvarchar(max) // Need to do this here so WritePreparedParameterInfo emit the // correct data type foreach (TdsMetaParameter param2 in parameters) { var colType = param2.GetMetaType (); if (colType == TdsColumnType.BigNVarChar) { int size = param2.GetActualSize (); if ((size >> 1) > 4000) param2.Size = -1; } } // Write sql as a parameter value - UCS2 TdsMetaParameter param = new TdsMetaParameter ("sql", sql.Length > 4000 ? "ntext":"nvarchar", sql); WriteParameterInfo (param); // Write Parameter infos - name and type WritePreparedParameterInfo (parameters); // Write parameter/value info WriteRpcParameterInfo (parameters); Comm.SendPacket (); CheckForData (timeout); if (!wantResults) SkipToEnd (); } protected override void ExecRPC (string rpcName, TdsMetaParameterCollection parameters, int timeout, bool wantResults) { // clean up InitExec (); Comm.StartPacket (TdsPacketType.RPC); Comm.Append ( (short) rpcName.Length); Comm.Append (rpcName); Comm.Append ( (short) 0); //no meta data WriteRpcParameterInfo (parameters); Comm.SendPacket (); CheckForData (timeout); if (!wantResults) SkipToEnd (); } private void WriteParameterInfo (TdsMetaParameter param) { /* Ms.net send non-nullable datatypes as nullable and allows setting null values to int/float etc.. So, using Nullable form of type for all data */ param.IsNullable = true; TdsColumnType colType = param.GetMetaType (); param.IsNullable = false; bool partLenType = false; int size = param.Size; if (size < 1) { if (size < 0) partLenType = true; size = param.GetActualSize (); } /* * If the value is null, not setting the size to 0 will cause varchar * fields to get inserted as an empty string rather than an null. */ if (colType != TdsColumnType.IntN && colType != TdsColumnType.DateTimeN) { if (param.Value == null || param.Value == DBNull.Value) size = 0; } // Change colType according to the following table /* * Original Type Maxlen New Type * * NVarChar 4000 UCS2 NText * BigVarChar 8000 ASCII Text * BigVarBinary 8000 bytes Image * */ TdsColumnType origColType = colType; if (colType == TdsColumnType.BigNVarChar) { // param.GetActualSize() returns len*2 if (size == param.Size) size <<= 1; if ((size >> 1) > 4000) colType = TdsColumnType.NText; } else if (colType == TdsColumnType.BigVarChar) { if (size > 8000) colType = TdsColumnType.Text; } else if (colType == TdsColumnType.BigVarBinary) { if (size > 8000) colType = TdsColumnType.Image; } else if (colType == TdsColumnType.DateTime2 || colType == TdsColumnType.DateTimeOffset) { // HACK: Wire-level DateTime{2,Offset} // require TDS 7.3, which this driver // does not implement correctly--so we // serialize to ASCII instead. colType = TdsColumnType.Char; } // Calculation of TypeInfo field /* * orig size value TypeInfo field * * >= 0 <= Maxlen origColType + content len * > Maxlen NewType as per above table + content len * -1 origColType + USHORTMAXLEN (0xFFFF) + content len (TDS 9) * */ // Write updated colType, iff partLenType == false if (TdsVersion > TdsVersion.tds81 && partLenType) { Comm.Append ((byte)origColType); Comm.Append ((short)-1); } else if (ServerTdsVersion > TdsVersion.tds70 && origColType == TdsColumnType.Decimal) { Comm.Append ((byte)TdsColumnType.Numeric); } else { Comm.Append ((byte)colType); } if (IsLargeType (colType)) Comm.Append ((short)size); // Parameter size passed in SqlParameter else if (IsBlobType (colType)) Comm.Append (size); // Parameter size passed in SqlParameter else Comm.Append ((byte)size); // Precision and Scale are non-zero for only decimal/numeric if ( param.TypeName == "decimal" || param.TypeName == "numeric") { Comm.Append ((param.Precision !=0 ) ? param.Precision : Precision); Comm.Append (param.Scale); // Convert the decimal value according to Scale if (param.Value != null && param.Value != DBNull.Value && ((decimal)param.Value) != Decimal.MaxValue && ((decimal)param.Value) != Decimal.MinValue && ((decimal)param.Value) != long.MaxValue && ((decimal)param.Value) != long.MinValue && ((decimal)param.Value) != ulong.MaxValue && ((decimal)param.Value) != ulong.MinValue) { long expo = (long)new Decimal (System.Math.Pow (10, (double)param.Scale)); long pVal = (long)(((decimal)param.Value) * expo); param.Value = pVal; } } /* VARADHAN: TDS 8 Debugging */ /* if (Collation != null) { Console.WriteLine ("Collation is not null"); Console.WriteLine ("Column Type: {0}", colType); Console.WriteLine ("Collation bytes: {0} {1} {2} {3} {4}", Collation[0], Collation[1], Collation[2], Collation[3], Collation[4]); } else { Console.WriteLine ("Collation is null"); } */ // Tds > 7.0 uses collation if (Collation != null && (colType == TdsColumnType.BigChar || colType == TdsColumnType.BigNVarChar || colType == TdsColumnType.BigVarChar || colType == TdsColumnType.NChar || colType == TdsColumnType.NVarChar || colType == TdsColumnType.Text || colType == TdsColumnType.NText)) Comm.Append (Collation); // LAMESPEC: size should be 0xFFFF for any bigvarchar, bignvarchar and bigvarbinary // types if param value is NULL if ((colType == TdsColumnType.BigVarChar || colType == TdsColumnType.BigNVarChar || colType == TdsColumnType.BigVarBinary || colType == TdsColumnType.Image) && (param.Value == null || param.Value == DBNull.Value)) size = -1; else size = param.GetActualSize (); if (IsLargeType (colType)) Comm.Append ((short)size); else if (IsBlobType (colType)) Comm.Append (size); else Comm.Append ((byte)size); if (size > 0) { switch (param.TypeName) { case "money" : { // 4 == SqlMoney::MoneyFormat.NumberDecimalDigits Decimal val = Decimal.Round ((decimal) param.Value, 4); int[] arr = Decimal.GetBits (val); if (val >= 0) { Comm.Append (arr[1]); Comm.Append (arr[0]); } else { Comm.Append (~arr[1]); Comm.Append (~arr[0] + 1); } break; } case "smallmoney": { // 4 == SqlMoney::MoneyFormat.NumberDecimalDigits Decimal val = Decimal.Round ((decimal) param.Value, 4); if (val < SMALLMONEY_MIN || val > SMALLMONEY_MAX) throw new OverflowException (string.Format ( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Value '{0}' is not valid for SmallMoney." + " Must be between {1:N4} and {2:N4}.", val, SMALLMONEY_MIN, SMALLMONEY_MAX)); int[] arr = Decimal.GetBits (val); int sign = (val>0 ? 1: -1); Comm.Append (sign * arr[0]); break; } case "datetime": Comm.Append ((DateTime)param.Value, 8); break; case "smalldatetime": Comm.Append ((DateTime)param.Value, 4); break; case "varchar" : case "nvarchar" : case "char" : case "nchar" : case "text" : case "ntext" : case "datetime2": case "datetimeoffset": byte [] tmp = param.GetBytes (); Comm.Append (tmp); break; case "uniqueidentifier" : Comm.Append (((Guid)param.Value).ToByteArray()); break; default : Comm.Append (param.Value); break; } } return; } public override void Execute (string commandText, TdsMetaParameterCollection parameters, int timeout, bool wantResults) { Parameters = parameters; string sql = commandText; if (wantResults || (Parameters != null && Parameters.Count > 0)) sql = BuildExec (commandText); ExecuteQuery (sql, timeout, wantResults); } private string FormatParameter (TdsMetaParameter parameter) { string parameterName = parameter.ParameterName; if (parameterName [0] == '@') { parameterName = parameterName.Substring (1); } if (parameter.Direction == TdsParameterDirection.Output) return String.Format ("@{0}=@{0} output", parameterName); if (parameter.Value == null || parameter.Value == DBNull.Value) return String.Format ("@{0}=NULL", parameterName); string value = null; switch (parameter.TypeName) { case "smalldatetime": case "datetime": DateTime d = Convert.ToDateTime (parameter.Value); value = String.Format (base.Locale, "'{0:MMM dd yyyy hh:mm:ss.fff tt}'", d); break; case "bigint": case "decimal": case "float": case "int": case "money": case "real": case "smallint": case "smallmoney": case "tinyint": object paramValue = parameter.Value; Type paramType = paramValue.GetType (); if (paramType.IsEnum) paramValue = Convert.ChangeType (paramValue, Type.GetTypeCode (paramType)); value = paramValue.ToString (); break; case "nvarchar": case "nchar": value = String.Format ("N'{0}'", parameter.Value.ToString ().Replace ("'", "''")); break; case "uniqueidentifier": value = String.Format ("'{0}'", ((Guid) parameter.Value).ToString (string.Empty)); break; case "bit": if (parameter.Value.GetType () == typeof (bool)) value = (((bool) parameter.Value) ? "0x1" : "0x0"); else value = parameter.Value.ToString (); break; case "image": case "binary": case "varbinary": byte[] byteArray = (byte[]) parameter.Value; // In 1.0 profile, BitConverter.ToString() throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException when passed a 0-length // array, so handle that as a special case. if (byteArray.Length == 0) value = "0x"; else value = String.Format ("0x{0}", BitConverter.ToString (byteArray).Replace ("-", string.Empty).ToLower ()); break; default: value = String.Format ("'{0}'", parameter.Value.ToString ().Replace ("'", "''")); break; } return "@" + parameterName + "=" + value; } public override string Prepare (string commandText, TdsMetaParameterCollection parameters) { Parameters = parameters; TdsMetaParameterCollection parms = new TdsMetaParameterCollection (); // Tested with MS SQL 2008 RC2 Express and MS SQL 2012 Express: // You may pass either -1 or 0, but not null as initial value of @Handle, // which is an output parameter. TdsMetaParameter parm = new TdsMetaParameter ("@Handle", "int", -1); parm.Direction = TdsParameterDirection.Output; parms.Add (parm); parms.Add (new TdsMetaParameter ("@VarDecl", "nvarchar", BuildPreparedParameters ())); parms.Add (new TdsMetaParameter ("@Query", "nvarchar", commandText)); ExecProc ("sp_prepare", parms, 0, true); SkipToEnd (); return OutputParameters[0].ToString () ; //if (ColumnValues == null || ColumnValues [0] == null || ColumnValues [0] == DBNull.Value) // throw new TdsInternalException (); //return string.Empty; //return ColumnValues [0].ToString (); } protected override void ProcessColumnInfo () { int numColumns = Comm.GetTdsShort (); for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; i += 1) { byte[] flagData = new byte[4]; for (int j = 0; j < 4; j += 1) flagData[j] = Comm.GetByte (); bool nullable = (flagData[2] & 0x01) > 0; //bool caseSensitive = (flagData[2] & 0x02) > 0; bool writable = (flagData[2] & 0x0c) > 0; bool autoIncrement = (flagData[2] & 0x10) > 0; bool isIdentity = (flagData[2] & 0x10) > 0; TdsColumnType columnType = (TdsColumnType) ((Comm.GetByte () & 0xff)); byte xColumnType = 0; if (IsLargeType (columnType)) { xColumnType = (byte) columnType; if (columnType != TdsColumnType.NChar) columnType -= 128; } int columnSize; string tableName = null; if (IsBlobType (columnType)) { columnSize = Comm.GetTdsInt (); tableName = Comm.GetString (Comm.GetTdsShort ()); } else if (IsFixedSizeColumn (columnType)) { columnSize = LookupBufferSize (columnType); } else if (IsLargeType ((TdsColumnType) xColumnType)) { columnSize = Comm.GetTdsShort (); } else { columnSize = Comm.GetByte () & 0xff; } if (IsWideType ((TdsColumnType) columnType)) columnSize /= 2; byte precision = 0; byte scale = 0; if (columnType == TdsColumnType.Decimal || columnType == TdsColumnType.Numeric) { precision = Comm.GetByte (); scale = Comm.GetByte (); } else { precision = GetPrecision (columnType, columnSize); scale = GetScale (columnType, columnSize); } string columnName = Comm.GetString (Comm.GetByte ()); TdsDataColumn col = new TdsDataColumn (); Columns.Add (col); col.ColumnType = columnType; col.ColumnName = columnName; col.IsAutoIncrement = autoIncrement; col.IsIdentity = isIdentity; col.ColumnSize = columnSize; col.NumericPrecision = precision; col.NumericScale = scale; col.IsReadOnly = !writable; col.AllowDBNull = nullable; col.BaseTableName = tableName; col.DataTypeName = Enum.GetName (typeof (TdsColumnType), xColumnType); } } public override void Unprepare (string statementId) { TdsMetaParameterCollection parms = new TdsMetaParameterCollection (); parms.Add (new TdsMetaParameter ("@P1", "int", Int32.Parse (statementId))); ExecProc ("sp_unprepare", parms, 0, false); } protected override bool IsValidRowCount (byte status, byte op) { if ((status & (byte)0x10) == 0 || op == (byte)0xc1) return false; return true; } protected override void ProcessReturnStatus () { int result = Comm.GetTdsInt (); if (Parameters != null) { foreach (TdsMetaParameter param in Parameters) { if (param.Direction == TdsParameterDirection.ReturnValue) { param.Value = result; break; } } } } byte GetScale (TdsColumnType type, int columnSize) { switch (type) { case TdsColumnType.DateTime: return 0x03; case TdsColumnType.DateTime4: return 0x00; case TdsColumnType.DateTimeN: switch (columnSize) { case 4: return 0x00; case 8: return 0x03; } break; default: return 0xff; } throw new NotSupportedException (string.Format ( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Fixed scale not defined for column " + "type '{0}' with size {1}.", type, columnSize)); } byte GetPrecision (TdsColumnType type, int columnSize) { switch (type) { case TdsColumnType.Binary: return 0xff; case TdsColumnType.Bit: return 0xff; case TdsColumnType.Char: return 0xff; case TdsColumnType.DateTime: return 0x17; case TdsColumnType.DateTime4: return 0x10; case TdsColumnType.DateTimeN: switch (columnSize) { case 4: return 0x10; case 8: return 0x17; } break; case TdsColumnType.Real: return 0x07; case TdsColumnType.Float8: return 0x0f; case TdsColumnType.FloatN: switch (columnSize) { case 4: return 0x07; case 8: return 0x0f; } break; case TdsColumnType.Image: return 0xff; case TdsColumnType.Int1: return 0x03; case TdsColumnType.Int2: return 0x05; case TdsColumnType.Int4: return 0x0a; case TdsColumnType.IntN: switch (columnSize) { case 1: return 0x03; case 2: return 0x05; case 4: return 0x0a; } break; case TdsColumnType.Void: return 0x01; case TdsColumnType.Text: return 0xff; case TdsColumnType.UniqueIdentifier: return 0xff; case TdsColumnType.VarBinary: return 0xff; case TdsColumnType.VarChar: return 0xff; case TdsColumnType.Money: return 19; case TdsColumnType.NText: return 0xff; case TdsColumnType.NVarChar: return 0xff; case TdsColumnType.BitN: return 0xff; case TdsColumnType.MoneyN: switch (columnSize) { case 4: return 0x0a; case 8: return 0x13; } break; case TdsColumnType.Money4: return 0x0a; case TdsColumnType.NChar: return 0xff; case TdsColumnType.BigBinary: return 0xff; case TdsColumnType.BigVarBinary: return 0xff; case TdsColumnType.BigVarChar: return 0xff; case TdsColumnType.BigNVarChar: return 0xff; case TdsColumnType.BigChar: return 0xff; case TdsColumnType.SmallMoney: return 0x0a; case TdsColumnType.Variant: return 0xff; case TdsColumnType.BigInt: return 0xff; } throw new NotSupportedException (string.Format ( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Fixed precision not defined for column " + "type '{0}' with size {1}.", type, columnSize)); } #endregion // Methods #region Asynchronous Methods public override IAsyncResult BeginExecuteNonQuery (string cmdText, TdsMetaParameterCollection parameters, AsyncCallback callback, object state) { Parameters = parameters; string sql = cmdText; if (Parameters != null && Parameters.Count > 0) sql = BuildExec (cmdText); IAsyncResult ar = BeginExecuteQueryInternal (sql, false, callback, state); return ar; } public override void EndExecuteNonQuery (IAsyncResult ar) { EndExecuteQueryInternal (ar); } public override IAsyncResult BeginExecuteQuery (string cmdText, TdsMetaParameterCollection parameters, AsyncCallback callback, object state) { Parameters = parameters; string sql = cmdText; if (Parameters != null && Parameters.Count > 0) sql = BuildExec (cmdText); IAsyncResult ar = BeginExecuteQueryInternal (sql, true, callback, state); return ar; } public override void EndExecuteQuery (IAsyncResult ar) { EndExecuteQueryInternal (ar); } public override IAsyncResult BeginExecuteProcedure (string prolog, string epilog, string cmdText, bool IsNonQuery, TdsMetaParameterCollection parameters, AsyncCallback callback, object state) { Parameters = parameters; string pcall = BuildProcedureCall (cmdText); string sql = String.Format ("{0};{1};{2};", prolog, pcall, epilog); IAsyncResult ar = BeginExecuteQueryInternal (sql, !IsNonQuery, callback, state); return ar; } public override void EndExecuteProcedure (IAsyncResult ar) { EndExecuteQueryInternal (ar); } #endregion // Asynchronous Methods } }