//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // [....] // [....] //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace System.Data.Common { using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Data.Common; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; public class DbConnectionStringBuilder : System.Collections.IDictionary, ICustomTypeDescriptor { // keyword->value currently listed in the connection string private Dictionary _currentValues; // cached connectionstring to avoid constant rebuilding // and to return a user's connectionstring as is until editing occurs private string _connectionString = ""; private PropertyDescriptorCollection _propertyDescriptors; private bool _browsableConnectionString = true; private readonly bool UseOdbcRules; private static int _objectTypeCount; // Bid counter internal readonly int _objectID = System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref _objectTypeCount); public DbConnectionStringBuilder() { } public DbConnectionStringBuilder(bool useOdbcRules) { UseOdbcRules = useOdbcRules; } private ICollection Collection { get { return (ICollection)CurrentValues; } } private IDictionary Dictionary { get { return (IDictionary)CurrentValues; } } private Dictionary CurrentValues { get { Dictionary values = _currentValues; if (null == values) { values = new Dictionary(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); _currentValues = values; } return values; } } object System.Collections.IDictionary.this[object keyword] { // delegate to this[string keyword] get { return this[ObjectToString(keyword)]; } set { this[ObjectToString(keyword)] = value; } } [Browsable(false)] public virtual object this[string keyword] { get { Bid.Trace(" %d#, keyword='%ls'\n", ObjectID, keyword); ADP.CheckArgumentNull(keyword, "keyword"); object value; if (CurrentValues.TryGetValue(keyword, out value)) { return value; } throw ADP.KeywordNotSupported(keyword); } set { ADP.CheckArgumentNull(keyword, "keyword"); bool flag = false; if (null != value) { string keyvalue = DbConnectionStringBuilderUtil.ConvertToString(value); DbConnectionOptions.ValidateKeyValuePair(keyword, keyvalue); flag = CurrentValues.ContainsKey(keyword); // store keyword/value pair CurrentValues[keyword] = keyvalue; } else { flag = Remove(keyword); } _connectionString = null; if (flag) { _propertyDescriptors = null; } } } [Browsable(false)] [DesignOnly(true)] [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] [EditorBrowsableAttribute(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public bool BrowsableConnectionString { get { return _browsableConnectionString; } set { _browsableConnectionString = value; _propertyDescriptors = null; } } [RefreshPropertiesAttribute(RefreshProperties.All)] [ResCategoryAttribute(Res.DataCategory_Data)] [ResDescriptionAttribute(Res.DbConnectionString_ConnectionString)] public string ConnectionString { get { Bid.Trace(" %d#\n", ObjectID); string connectionString = _connectionString; if (null == connectionString) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); foreach(string keyword in Keys) { object value; if (ShouldSerialize(keyword) && TryGetValue(keyword, out value)) { string keyvalue = (null != value) ? Convert.ToString(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : (string)null; AppendKeyValuePair(builder, keyword, keyvalue, UseOdbcRules); } } connectionString = builder.ToString(); _connectionString = connectionString; } return connectionString; } set { Bid.Trace(" %d#\n", ObjectID); DbConnectionOptions constr = new DbConnectionOptions(value, null, UseOdbcRules); string originalValue = ConnectionString; Clear(); try { for(NameValuePair pair = constr.KeyChain; null != pair; pair = pair.Next) { if (null != pair.Value) { this[pair.Name] = pair.Value; } else { Remove(pair.Name); } } _connectionString = null; } catch(ArgumentException) { // restore original string ConnectionString = originalValue; _connectionString = originalValue; throw; } } } [Browsable(false)] public virtual int Count { get { return CurrentValues.Count; } } [Browsable(false)] public bool IsReadOnly { get { return false; } } [Browsable(false)] public virtual bool IsFixedSize { get { return false; } } bool System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized { get { return Collection.IsSynchronized; } } [Browsable(false)] public virtual ICollection Keys { get { Bid.Trace(" %d#\n", ObjectID); return Dictionary.Keys; } } internal int ObjectID { get { return _objectID; } } object System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot { get { return Collection.SyncRoot; } } [Browsable(false)] public virtual ICollection Values { get { Bid.Trace(" %d#\n", ObjectID); System.Collections.Generic.ICollection keys = (System.Collections.Generic.ICollection)Keys; System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator keylist = keys.GetEnumerator(); object[] values = new object[keys.Count]; for(int i = 0; i < values.Length; ++i) { keylist.MoveNext(); values[i] = this[keylist.Current]; Debug.Assert(null != values[i], "null value " + keylist.Current); } return new System.Data.Common.ReadOnlyCollection(values); } } void System.Collections.IDictionary.Add(object keyword, object value) { Add(ObjectToString(keyword), value); } public void Add(string keyword, object value) { this[keyword] = value; } public static void AppendKeyValuePair(StringBuilder builder, string keyword, string value) { DbConnectionOptions.AppendKeyValuePairBuilder(builder, keyword, value, false); } public static void AppendKeyValuePair(StringBuilder builder, string keyword, string value, bool useOdbcRules) { DbConnectionOptions.AppendKeyValuePairBuilder(builder, keyword, value, useOdbcRules); } public virtual void Clear() { Bid.Trace("\n"); _connectionString = ""; _propertyDescriptors = null; CurrentValues.Clear(); } protected internal void ClearPropertyDescriptors() { _propertyDescriptors = null; } // does the keyword exist as a strongly typed keyword or as a stored value bool System.Collections.IDictionary.Contains(object keyword) { return ContainsKey(ObjectToString(keyword)); } public virtual bool ContainsKey(string keyword) { ADP.CheckArgumentNull(keyword, "keyword"); return CurrentValues.ContainsKey(keyword); } void ICollection.CopyTo(Array array, int index) { Bid.Trace(" %d#\n", ObjectID); Collection.CopyTo(array, index); } public virtual bool EquivalentTo(DbConnectionStringBuilder connectionStringBuilder) { ADP.CheckArgumentNull(connectionStringBuilder, "connectionStringBuilder"); Bid.Trace(" %d#, connectionStringBuilder=%d#\n", ObjectID, connectionStringBuilder.ObjectID); if ((GetType() != connectionStringBuilder.GetType()) || (CurrentValues.Count != connectionStringBuilder.CurrentValues.Count)) { return false; } object value; foreach(KeyValuePair entry in CurrentValues) { if (!connectionStringBuilder.CurrentValues.TryGetValue(entry.Key, out value) || !entry.Value.Equals(value)) { return false; } } return true; } IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { Bid.Trace(" %d#\n", ObjectID); return Collection.GetEnumerator(); } IDictionaryEnumerator System.Collections.IDictionary.GetEnumerator() { Bid.Trace(" %d#\n", ObjectID); return Dictionary.GetEnumerator(); } [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2208:InstantiateArgumentExceptionsCorrectly", Justification = "See Dev11 bug 875012")] private string ObjectToString(object keyword) { try { return (string)keyword; } catch(InvalidCastException) { // throw new ArgumentException("keyword", "not a string"); } } void System.Collections.IDictionary.Remove(object keyword) { Remove(ObjectToString(keyword)); } public virtual bool Remove(string keyword) { Bid.Trace(" %d#, keyword='%ls'\n", ObjectID, keyword); ADP.CheckArgumentNull(keyword, "keyword"); if (CurrentValues.Remove(keyword)) { _connectionString = null; _propertyDescriptors = null; return true; } return false; } // does the keyword exist as a stored value or something that should always be persisted public virtual bool ShouldSerialize(string keyword) { ADP.CheckArgumentNull(keyword, "keyword"); return CurrentValues.ContainsKey(keyword); } public override string ToString() { return ConnectionString; } public virtual bool TryGetValue(string keyword, out object value) { ADP.CheckArgumentNull(keyword, "keyword"); return CurrentValues.TryGetValue(keyword, out value); } internal Attribute[] GetAttributesFromCollection(AttributeCollection collection) { Attribute[] attributes = new Attribute[collection.Count]; collection.CopyTo(attributes, 0); return attributes; } private PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties() { PropertyDescriptorCollection propertyDescriptors = _propertyDescriptors; if (null == propertyDescriptors) { IntPtr hscp; Bid.ScopeEnter(out hscp, " %d#", ObjectID); try { Hashtable descriptors = new Hashtable(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); GetProperties(descriptors); PropertyDescriptor[] properties = new PropertyDescriptor[descriptors.Count]; descriptors.Values.CopyTo(properties, 0); propertyDescriptors = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(properties); _propertyDescriptors = propertyDescriptors; } finally { Bid.ScopeLeave(ref hscp); } } return propertyDescriptors; } protected virtual void GetProperties(Hashtable propertyDescriptors) { IntPtr hscp; Bid.ScopeEnter(out hscp, " %d#", ObjectID); try { // show all strongly typed properties (not already added) // except ConnectionString iff BrowsableConnectionString Attribute[] attributes; foreach(PropertyDescriptor reflected in TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(this, true)) { if (ADP.ConnectionString != reflected.Name) { string displayName = reflected.DisplayName; if (!propertyDescriptors.ContainsKey(displayName)) { attributes = GetAttributesFromCollection(reflected.Attributes); PropertyDescriptor descriptor = new DbConnectionStringBuilderDescriptor(reflected.Name, reflected.ComponentType, reflected.PropertyType, reflected.IsReadOnly, attributes); propertyDescriptors[displayName] = descriptor; } // else added by derived class first } else if (BrowsableConnectionString) { propertyDescriptors[ADP.ConnectionString] = reflected; } else { propertyDescriptors.Remove(ADP.ConnectionString); } } // all keywords in Keys list that do not have strongly typed property, ODBC case // ignore 'Workaround Oracle Bug 914652' via IsFixedSize if (!IsFixedSize) { attributes = null; foreach(string keyword in Keys) { if (!propertyDescriptors.ContainsKey(keyword)) { object value = this[keyword]; Type vtype; if (null != value) { vtype = value.GetType(); if (typeof(string) == vtype) { int tmp1; if (Int32.TryParse((string)value, out tmp1)) { vtype = typeof(Int32); } else { bool tmp2; if (Boolean.TryParse((string)value, out tmp2)) { vtype = typeof(Boolean); } } } } else { vtype = typeof(string); } Attribute[] useAttributes = attributes; if (StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Equals(DbConnectionStringKeywords.Password, keyword) || StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Equals(DbConnectionStringSynonyms.Pwd, keyword)) { useAttributes = new Attribute[] { BrowsableAttribute.Yes, PasswordPropertyTextAttribute.Yes, new ResCategoryAttribute(Res.DataCategory_Security), RefreshPropertiesAttribute.All, }; } else if (null == attributes) { attributes = new Attribute[] { BrowsableAttribute.Yes, RefreshPropertiesAttribute.All, }; useAttributes = attributes; } PropertyDescriptor descriptor = new DbConnectionStringBuilderDescriptor(keyword, this.GetType(), vtype, false, useAttributes); propertyDescriptors[keyword] = descriptor; } } } } finally { Bid.ScopeLeave(ref hscp); } } private PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties(Attribute[] attributes) { PropertyDescriptorCollection propertyDescriptors = GetProperties(); if ((null == attributes) || (0 == attributes.Length)) { // Basic case has no filtering return propertyDescriptors; } // Create an array that is guaranteed to hold all attributes PropertyDescriptor[] propertiesArray = new PropertyDescriptor[propertyDescriptors.Count]; // Create an index to reference into this array int index = 0; // Iterate over each property foreach (PropertyDescriptor property in propertyDescriptors) { // Identify if this property's attributes match the specification bool match = true; foreach (Attribute attribute in attributes) { Attribute attr = property.Attributes[attribute.GetType()]; if ((attr == null && !attribute.IsDefaultAttribute()) || !attr.Match(attribute)) { match = false; break; } } // If this property matches, add it to the array if (match) { propertiesArray[index] = property; index++; } } // Create a new array that only contains the filtered properties PropertyDescriptor[] filteredPropertiesArray = new PropertyDescriptor[index]; Array.Copy(propertiesArray, filteredPropertiesArray, index); return new PropertyDescriptorCollection(filteredPropertiesArray); } string ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetClassName() { return TypeDescriptor.GetClassName(this, true); } string ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetComponentName() { return TypeDescriptor.GetComponentName(this, true); } AttributeCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetAttributes() { return TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(this, true); } object ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEditor(Type editorBaseType) { return TypeDescriptor.GetEditor(this, editorBaseType, true); } TypeConverter ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetConverter() { return TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(this, true); } PropertyDescriptor ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetDefaultProperty() { return TypeDescriptor.GetDefaultProperty(this, true); } PropertyDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetProperties() { return GetProperties(); } PropertyDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Attribute[] attributes) { return GetProperties(attributes); } EventDescriptor ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetDefaultEvent() { return TypeDescriptor.GetDefaultEvent(this, true); } EventDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEvents() { return TypeDescriptor.GetEvents(this, true); } EventDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEvents(Attribute[] attributes) { return TypeDescriptor.GetEvents(this, attributes, true); } object ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetPropertyOwner(PropertyDescriptor pd) { return this; } } }