System System.ValueType System.IEquatable<System.Net.Sockets.UdpReceiveResult> To be added. Presents UDP receive result information from a call to the method. Constructor To be added. Initializes a new instance of the class. A buffer for data to receive in the UDP packet. The remote endpoint of the UDP packet. Property System.Byte[] To be added. To be added. Gets a buffer with the data received in the UDP packet. Method System.Boolean To be added. Returns a value that indicates whether this instance is equal to a specified object. Returns . true if is an instance of and equals the value of the instance; otherwise, false. The object to compare with this instance. Method System.Boolean To be added. Returns a value that indicates whether this instance is equal to a specified object. Returns . true if is an instance of and equals the value of the instance; otherwise, false. The object to compare with this instance. Method System.Int32 To be added. Returns the hash code for this instance. Returns . The hash code. Method System.Boolean To be added. Tests whether two specified instances are equivalent. Returns . true if and are equal; otherwise, false. The instance that is to the left of the equality operator. The instance that is to the right of the equality operator. Method System.Boolean To be added. Tests whether two specified instances are not equal. Returns . true if and are unequal; otherwise, false. The instance that is to the left of the not equal operator. The instance that is to the right of the not equal operator. Property System.Net.IPEndPoint To be added. To be added. Gets the remote endpoint from which the UDP packet was received.