can only be applied to individual settings properties; it is invalid to apply this attribute to an entire application settings class.
Different settings providers may have different requirements or limitations on the use of the . For example, the does not require this attribute, and will override any value provided by this attribute if there are any values—default or user-modified— already present in the data store.
requires that the default value can be represented as a string. As a result, settings using XML serialization cannot have a default value specified by means of this attribute. Some providers may choose to support multiple serialization schemes which can be specified at compile time using the .
The default values specified by this attribute are stored as plain text in the resultant compiled .exe or .dll file. Therefore these default values are inherently insecure.
Specifies the default value for an application settings property.
The supplied string must be a value that is compatible with the available serialization mechanism associated with the property type. For example, if the property is of type , then a of "Azure" would be valid.
The default values specified by this attribute are stored as plain text in the resultant compiled .exe or .dll file. Therefore these default values are inherently insecure.
Initializes an instance of the class.
A that represents the default value for the property.
To be added.
The property is set in the constructor.
Setting providers may support multiple serialization schemes that can be specified with the .
Gets the default value for the application settings property.