using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Xml.Linq; using Mono.Cecil; using Mono.Documentation.Framework; namespace mdoc.Test { public class BasicTests { protected Dictionary moduleCash = new Dictionary(); protected Dictionary typesCash = new Dictionary(); protected TypeDefinition GetType(string filepath, string classname) { if (typesCash.ContainsKey(classname)) return typesCash[classname]; if (!moduleCash.ContainsKey(filepath)) { var fullpath = Path.Combine (Path.GetDirectoryName (this.GetType ().Module.Assembly.Location), filepath); var resolver = new DefaultAssemblyResolver (); var testAssemblyPath = Path.GetDirectoryName (this.GetType ().Module.Assembly.Location); resolver.AddSearchDirectory (testAssemblyPath); ReaderParameters p = new ReaderParameters () { AssemblyResolver = resolver }; var readModule = ModuleDefinition.ReadModule(fullpath, p); moduleCash.Add(filepath, readModule); } var module = moduleCash[filepath]; var types = module.GetTypes(); var testclass = types .SingleOrDefault(t => t.FullName == classname); if (testclass == null) { throw new Exception($"Test was unable to find type {classname}"); } var typeDef = testclass.Resolve(); typesCash.Add(classname, typeDef); return typeDef; } protected virtual TypeDefinition GetType(Type type) { var moduleName = type.Module.FullyQualifiedName; return GetType(moduleName, type.FullName); } protected static XDocument ReadXDocument(string xml) { using (TextReader stringReader = new StringReader(xml)) { return XDocument.Load(stringReader); } } protected static string NormalizeXml(string xml) { return ReadXDocument(xml).ToString(); } protected MethodDefinition GetMethod(TypeDefinition testclass, Func query) { var methods = testclass.Methods; var member = methods.FirstOrDefault(query)?.Resolve(); if (member == null) throw new Exception("Did not find the member in the test class"); return member; } protected MethodDefinition GetMethod(Type type, Func query) { return GetMethod(GetType(type), query); } protected MethodDefinition GetMethod(Type type, string name) { return GetMethod(GetType(type), i => i.Name == name); } } }