// // System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocolTest.cs // // Author: // Gert Driesen // // (C) 2007 Gert Driesen // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Text; using System.Web.Services; using System.Web.Services.Description; using System.Web.Services.Protocols; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Serialization; using NUnit.Framework; using MonoTests.Helpers; namespace MonoTests.System.Web.Services.Protocols { [TestFixture] public class SoapHttpClientProtocolTest { [Ignore ("this kind of connection oriented tests got non-working after some Windows updates in .NET 2.0 (1.1 still works).")] [Test] // bug #79988 public void OutParametersTest () { IPEndPoint localEP = new IPEndPoint (IPAddress.Loopback, 5000); using (SocketResponder sr = new SocketResponder (localEP, s => OutParametersResponse (s))) { FooService service = new FooService (); service.Url = "http://" + IPAddress.Loopback.ToString () + ":5000/"; int a; bool b; Elem [] e = service.Req ("x", out a, out b); Assert.IsNull (e, "#A1"); Assert.AreEqual (0, a, "#A2"); Assert.IsFalse (b, "#A3"); service.Dispose (); } } [Ignore ("this kind of connection oriented tests got non-working after some Windows updates in .NET 2.0 (1.1 still works).")] [Test] // bug #81886 public void FaultTest () { IPEndPoint localEP = new IPEndPoint (IPAddress.Loopback, 5000); using (SocketResponder sr = new SocketResponder (localEP, s => FaultResponse_Qualified (s))) { FooService service = new FooService (); service.Url = "http://" + IPAddress.Loopback.ToString () + ":5000/"; try { service.Run (); Assert.Fail ("#A1"); } catch (SoapException ex) { Assert.AreEqual ("Mono Web Service", ex.Actor, "#A2"); Assert.AreEqual (SoapException.ServerFaultCode, ex.Code, "#A3"); Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Detail, "#A4"); Assert.AreEqual ("detail", ex.Detail.LocalName, "#A5"); Assert.AreEqual ("http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/", ex.Detail.NamespaceURI, "#A6"); XmlNamespaceManager nsMgr = new XmlNamespaceManager (ex.Detail.OwnerDocument.NameTable); nsMgr.AddNamespace ("se", "http://www.mono-project/System"); XmlElement systemError = (XmlElement) ex.Detail.SelectSingleNode ( "se:systemerror", nsMgr); Assert.IsNotNull (systemError, "#A7"); Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#A8"); Assert.AreEqual ("Failure processing request.", ex.Message, "#A9"); } service.Dispose (); } using (SocketResponder sr = new SocketResponder (localEP, s => FaultResponse_Unqualified (s))) { FooService service = new FooService (); service.Url = "http://" + IPAddress.Loopback.ToString () + ":5000/"; try { service.Run (); Assert.Fail ("#B1"); } catch (SoapException ex) { Assert.AreEqual ("Mono Web Service", ex.Actor, "#B2"); Assert.AreEqual (SoapException.ServerFaultCode, ex.Code, "#B3"); Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Detail, "#B4"); Assert.AreEqual ("detail", ex.Detail.LocalName, "#B5"); Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, ex.Detail.NamespaceURI, "#B6"); XmlNamespaceManager nsMgr = new XmlNamespaceManager (ex.Detail.OwnerDocument.NameTable); nsMgr.AddNamespace ("se", "http://www.mono-project/System"); XmlElement systemError = (XmlElement) ex.Detail.SelectSingleNode ( "se:systemerror", nsMgr); Assert.IsNotNull (systemError, "#B7"); Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#B8"); Assert.AreEqual ("Failure processing request.", ex.Message, "#B9"); } service.Dispose (); } } static byte [] FaultResponse_Qualified (Socket socket) { string responseContent = "" + " " + " " + " soap:Server" + " Failure processing request." + " Mono Web Service" + " " + " " + " 5000" + " Invalid credentials." + " " + " " + " " + " " + ""; StringWriter sw = new StringWriter (); sw.WriteLine ("HTTP/1.1 200 OK"); sw.WriteLine ("Content-Type: text/xml"); sw.WriteLine ("Content-Length: " + responseContent.Length); sw.WriteLine (); sw.Write (responseContent); sw.Flush (); return Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (sw.ToString ()); } static byte [] FaultResponse_Unqualified (Socket socket) { string responseContent = "" + " " + " " + " soap:Server" + " Failure processing request." + " Mono Web Service" + " " + " " + " 5000" + " Invalid credentials." + " " + " " + " " + " " + ""; StringWriter sw = new StringWriter (); sw.WriteLine ("HTTP/1.1 200 OK"); sw.WriteLine ("Content-Type: text/xml"); sw.WriteLine ("Content-Length: " + responseContent.Length); sw.WriteLine (); sw.Write (responseContent); sw.Flush (); return Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (sw.ToString ()); } static byte [] OutParametersResponse (Socket socket) { string responseContent = "" + " " + " " + " ERERE" + " " + " " + ""; StringWriter sw = new StringWriter (); sw.WriteLine ("HTTP/1.1 200 OK"); sw.WriteLine ("Content-Type: text/xml"); sw.WriteLine ("Content-Length: " + responseContent.Length); sw.WriteLine (); sw.Write (responseContent); sw.Flush (); return Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (sw.ToString ()); } [WebServiceBindingAttribute (Name = "Foo", Namespace = "urn:foo")] public class FooService : SoapHttpClientProtocol { [SoapDocumentMethodAttribute ("", RequestElementName = "Req", RequestNamespace = "urn:foo", ResponseNamespace = "urn:foo", Use = SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle = SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped)] [return: XmlElementAttribute ("Hits")] public Elem [] Req ([XmlAttributeAttribute ()] string arg, [XmlAttributeAttribute ()] out int status, [XmlAttributeAttribute ()] [XmlIgnoreAttribute ()] out bool statusSpecified) { object [] results = this.Invoke ("Req", new object [] { arg }); status = ((int) (results [1])); statusSpecified = ((bool) (results [2])); return ((Elem []) (results [0])); } [SoapDocumentMethodAttribute ("", RequestElementName = "Run", RequestNamespace = "urn:foo", ResponseNamespace = "urn:foo", Use = SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle = SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped)] [return: XmlElementAttribute ("Hits")] public Elem Run () { this.Invoke ("Run", new object [0]); return new Elem (); } } [SerializableAttribute ()] public class Elem { private string attrField; [XmlAttributeAttribute ()] public string attr { get { return this.attrField; } set { this.attrField = value; } } } public class RequestHeader : SoapHeader { } public class ResponseHeader : SoapHeader { } [WebServiceBindingAttribute(Name = "ServiceWithHeaders", Namespace = "https://example.com")] public class ServiceWithHeaders : SoapHttpClientProtocol { public RequestHeader RequestHeader { get; set; } public ResponseHeader ResponseHeader { get; set; } [SoapHeaderAttribute("ResponseHeader", Direction = SoapHeaderDirection.Out)] [SoapHeaderAttribute("RequestHeader")] [SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("", RequestNamespace = "https://example.com", ResponseNamespace = "https://example.com", Use = SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle = SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped)] public int method1() { return 0; } [SoapHeaderAttribute("ResponseHeader", Direction = SoapHeaderDirection.Out)] [SoapHeaderAttribute("RequestHeader")] [SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("", RequestNamespace = "https://example.com", ResponseNamespace = "https://example.com", Use = SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle = SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped)] public int method2() { return 0; } } [Test] // Covers #41564 public void ServiceWithHeader () { var service = new ServiceWithHeaders (); Assert.IsNotNull (service); // Should not throw an exception // XAMMAC specific bug } } }