// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information. using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using Moq; using Xunit; using Assert = Microsoft.TestCommon.AssertEx; namespace System.Web.Mvc.Test { public class ReflectedActionDescriptorTest { private static readonly MethodInfo _int32EqualsIntMethod = typeof(int).GetMethod("Equals", new Type[] { typeof(int) }); [Fact] public void ConstructorSetsActionNameProperty() { // Arrange string name = "someName"; // Act ReflectedActionDescriptor ad = new ReflectedActionDescriptor(new Mock().Object, "someName", new Mock().Object, false /* validateMethod */); // Assert Assert.Equal(name, ad.ActionName); } [Fact] public void ConstructorSetsControllerDescriptorProperty() { // Arrange ControllerDescriptor cd = new Mock().Object; // Act ReflectedActionDescriptor ad = new ReflectedActionDescriptor(new Mock().Object, "someName", cd, false /* validateMethod */); // Assert Assert.Same(cd, ad.ControllerDescriptor); } [Fact] public void ConstructorSetsMethodInfoProperty() { // Arrange MethodInfo methodInfo = new Mock().Object; // Act ReflectedActionDescriptor ad = new ReflectedActionDescriptor(methodInfo, "someName", new Mock().Object, false /* validateMethod */); // Assert Assert.Same(methodInfo, ad.MethodInfo); } [Fact] public void ConstructorThrowsIfActionNameIsEmpty() { // Act & assert Assert.ThrowsArgumentNullOrEmpty( delegate { new ReflectedActionDescriptor(new Mock().Object, "", new Mock().Object); }, "actionName"); } [Fact] public void ConstructorThrowsIfActionNameIsNull() { // Act & assert Assert.ThrowsArgumentNullOrEmpty( delegate { new ReflectedActionDescriptor(new Mock().Object, null, new Mock().Object); }, "actionName"); } [Fact] public void ConstructorThrowsIfControllerDescriptorIsNull() { // Act & assert Assert.ThrowsArgumentNull( delegate { new ReflectedActionDescriptor(new Mock().Object, "someName", null); }, "controllerDescriptor"); } [Fact] public void ConstructorThrowsIfMethodInfoHasRefParameters() { // Arrange MethodInfo methodInfo = typeof(MyController).GetMethod("MethodHasRefParameter"); // Act & assert Assert.Throws( delegate { new ReflectedActionDescriptor(methodInfo, "someName", new Mock().Object); }, @"Cannot call action method 'Void MethodHasRefParameter(Int32 ByRef)' on controller 'System.Web.Mvc.Test.ReflectedActionDescriptorTest+MyController' because the parameter 'Int32& i' is passed by reference. Parameter name: methodInfo"); } [Fact] public void ConstructorThrowsIfMethodInfoHasOutParameters() { // Arrange MethodInfo methodInfo = typeof(MyController).GetMethod("MethodHasOutParameter"); // Act & assert Assert.Throws( delegate { new ReflectedActionDescriptor(methodInfo, "someName", new Mock().Object); }, @"Cannot call action method 'Void MethodHasOutParameter(Int32 ByRef)' on controller 'System.Web.Mvc.Test.ReflectedActionDescriptorTest+MyController' because the parameter 'Int32& i' is passed by reference. Parameter name: methodInfo"); } [Fact] public void ConstructorThrowsIfMethodInfoIsInstanceMethodOnNonControllerBaseType() { // Arrange MethodInfo methodInfo = typeof(string).GetMethod("Clone"); // Act & assert Assert.Throws( delegate { new ReflectedActionDescriptor(methodInfo, "someName", new Mock().Object); }, @"Cannot create a descriptor for instance method 'System.Object Clone()' on type 'System.String' because the type does not derive from ControllerBase. Parameter name: methodInfo"); } [Fact] public void ConstructorThrowsIfMethodIsStatic() { // Arrange MethodInfo methodInfo = typeof(MyController).GetMethod("StaticMethod"); // Act & assert Assert.Throws( delegate { new ReflectedActionDescriptor(methodInfo, "someName", new Mock().Object); }, @"Cannot call action method 'Void StaticMethod()' on controller 'System.Web.Mvc.Test.ReflectedActionDescriptorTest+MyController' because the action method is a static method. Parameter name: methodInfo"); } [Fact] public void ConstructorThrowsIfMethodInfoIsNull() { // Act & assert Assert.ThrowsArgumentNull( delegate { new ReflectedActionDescriptor(null, "someName", new Mock().Object); }, "methodInfo"); } [Fact] public void ConstructorThrowsIfMethodInfoIsOpenGenericType() { // Arrange MethodInfo methodInfo = typeof(MyController).GetMethod("OpenGenericMethod"); // Act & assert Assert.Throws( delegate { new ReflectedActionDescriptor(methodInfo, "someName", new Mock().Object); }, @"Cannot call action method 'Void OpenGenericMethod[T]()' on controller 'System.Web.Mvc.Test.ReflectedActionDescriptorTest+MyController' because the action method is a generic method. Parameter name: methodInfo"); } [Fact] public void ExecuteCallsMethodInfoOnSuccess() { // Arrange Mock mockControllerContext = new Mock(); mockControllerContext.Setup(c => c.Controller).Returns(new ConcatController()); Dictionary parameters = new Dictionary() { { "a", "hello " }, { "b", "world" } }; ReflectedActionDescriptor ad = GetActionDescriptor(typeof(ConcatController).GetMethod("Concat")); // Act object result = ad.Execute(mockControllerContext.Object, parameters); // Assert Assert.Equal("hello world", result); } [Fact] public void ExecuteThrowsIfControllerContextIsNull() { // Arrange ReflectedActionDescriptor ad = GetActionDescriptor(); // Act & assert Assert.ThrowsArgumentNull( delegate { ad.Execute(null, new Dictionary()); }, "controllerContext"); } [Fact] public void ExecuteThrowsIfParametersContainsNullForNonNullableParameter() { // Arrange ReflectedActionDescriptor ad = GetActionDescriptor(_int32EqualsIntMethod); Dictionary parameters = new Dictionary() { { "obj", null } }; // Act & assert Assert.Throws( delegate { ad.Execute(new Mock().Object, parameters); }, @"The parameters dictionary contains a null entry for parameter 'obj' of non-nullable type 'System.Int32' for method 'Boolean Equals(Int32)' in 'System.Int32'. An optional parameter must be a reference type, a nullable type, or be declared as an optional parameter. Parameter name: parameters"); } [Fact] public void ExecuteThrowsIfParametersContainsValueOfWrongTypeForParameter() { // Arrange ReflectedActionDescriptor ad = GetActionDescriptor(_int32EqualsIntMethod); Dictionary parameters = new Dictionary() { { "obj", "notAnInteger" } }; // Act & assert Assert.Throws( delegate { ad.Execute(new Mock().Object, parameters); }, @"The parameters dictionary contains an invalid entry for parameter 'obj' for method 'Boolean Equals(Int32)' in 'System.Int32'. The dictionary contains a value of type 'System.String', but the parameter requires a value of type 'System.Int32'. Parameter name: parameters"); } [Fact] public void ExecuteThrowsIfParametersIsMissingAValue() { // Arrange ReflectedActionDescriptor ad = GetActionDescriptor(_int32EqualsIntMethod); Dictionary parameters = new Dictionary(); // Act & assert Assert.Throws( delegate { ad.Execute(new Mock().Object, parameters); }, @"The parameters dictionary does not contain an entry for parameter 'obj' of type 'System.Int32' for method 'Boolean Equals(Int32)' in 'System.Int32'. The dictionary must contain an entry for each parameter, including parameters that have null values. Parameter name: parameters"); } [Fact] public void ExecuteThrowsIfParametersIsNull() { // Arrange ReflectedActionDescriptor ad = GetActionDescriptor(); // Act & assert Assert.ThrowsArgumentNull( delegate { ad.Execute(new Mock().Object, null); }, "parameters"); } [Fact] public void GetCustomAttributesCallsMethodInfoGetCustomAttributes() { // Arrange object[] expected = new object[0]; Mock mockMethod = new Mock(); mockMethod.Setup(mi => mi.GetCustomAttributes(true)).Returns(expected); ReflectedActionDescriptor ad = GetActionDescriptor(mockMethod.Object); // Act object[] returned = ad.GetCustomAttributes(true); // Assert Assert.Same(expected, returned); } [Fact] public void GetCustomAttributesWithAttributeTypeCallsMethodInfoGetCustomAttributes() { // Arrange object[] expected = new object[0]; Mock mockMethod = new Mock(); mockMethod.Setup(mi => mi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ObsoleteAttribute), true)).Returns(expected); ReflectedActionDescriptor ad = GetActionDescriptor(mockMethod.Object); // Act object[] returned = ad.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ObsoleteAttribute), true); // Assert Assert.Same(expected, returned); } [Fact] public void GetParametersWrapsParameterInfos() { // Arrange ParameterInfo pInfo0 = typeof(ConcatController).GetMethod("Concat").GetParameters()[0]; ParameterInfo pInfo1 = typeof(ConcatController).GetMethod("Concat").GetParameters()[1]; ReflectedActionDescriptor ad = GetActionDescriptor(typeof(ConcatController).GetMethod("Concat")); // Act ParameterDescriptor[] pDescsFirstCall = ad.GetParameters(); ParameterDescriptor[] pDescsSecondCall = ad.GetParameters(); // Assert Assert.NotSame(pDescsFirstCall, pDescsSecondCall); Assert.True(pDescsFirstCall.SequenceEqual(pDescsSecondCall)); Assert.Equal(2, pDescsFirstCall.Length); ReflectedParameterDescriptor pDesc0 = pDescsFirstCall[0] as ReflectedParameterDescriptor; ReflectedParameterDescriptor pDesc1 = pDescsFirstCall[1] as ReflectedParameterDescriptor; Assert.NotNull(pDesc0); Assert.Same(ad, pDesc0.ActionDescriptor); Assert.Same(pInfo0, pDesc0.ParameterInfo); Assert.NotNull(pDesc1); Assert.Same(ad, pDesc1.ActionDescriptor); Assert.Same(pInfo1, pDesc1.ParameterInfo); } [Fact] public void GetSelectorsWrapsSelectorAttributes() { // Arrange ControllerContext controllerContext = new Mock().Object; Mock mockMethod = new Mock(); Mock mockAttr = new Mock(); mockAttr.Setup(attr => attr.IsValidForRequest(controllerContext, mockMethod.Object)).Returns(true).Verifiable(); mockMethod.Setup(m => m.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ActionMethodSelectorAttribute), true)).Returns(new ActionMethodSelectorAttribute[] { mockAttr.Object }); ReflectedActionDescriptor ad = GetActionDescriptor(mockMethod.Object); // Act ICollection selectors = ad.GetSelectors(); bool executedSuccessfully = selectors.All(s => s(controllerContext)); // Assert Assert.Single(selectors); Assert.True(executedSuccessfully); mockAttr.Verify(); } [Fact] public void IsDefinedCallsMethodInfoIsDefined() { // Arrange Mock mockMethod = new Mock(); mockMethod.Setup(mi => mi.IsDefined(typeof(ObsoleteAttribute), true)).Returns(true); ReflectedActionDescriptor ad = GetActionDescriptor(mockMethod.Object); // Act bool isDefined = ad.IsDefined(typeof(ObsoleteAttribute), true); // Assert Assert.True(isDefined); } [Fact] public void TryCreateDescriptorReturnsDescriptorOnSuccess() { // Arrange MethodInfo methodInfo = typeof(MyController).GetMethod("GoodActionMethod"); ControllerDescriptor cd = new Mock().Object; // Act ReflectedActionDescriptor ad = ReflectedActionDescriptor.TryCreateDescriptor(methodInfo, "someName", cd); // Assert Assert.NotNull(ad); Assert.Same(methodInfo, ad.MethodInfo); Assert.Equal("someName", ad.ActionName); Assert.Same(cd, ad.ControllerDescriptor); } [Fact] public void TryCreateDescriptorReturnsNullOnFailure() { // Arrange MethodInfo methodInfo = typeof(MyController).GetMethod("OpenGenericMethod"); ControllerDescriptor cd = new Mock().Object; // Act ReflectedActionDescriptor ad = ReflectedActionDescriptor.TryCreateDescriptor(methodInfo, "someName", cd); // Assert Assert.Null(ad); } private static ReflectedActionDescriptor GetActionDescriptor() { return GetActionDescriptor(new Mock().Object); } private static ReflectedActionDescriptor GetActionDescriptor(MethodInfo methodInfo) { return new ReflectedActionDescriptor(methodInfo, "someName", new Mock().Object, false /* validateMethod */) { DispatcherCache = new ActionMethodDispatcherCache() }; } private class ConcatController : Controller { public string Concat(string a, string b) { return a + b; } } [OutputCache(VaryByParam = "Class")] private class OverriddenAttributeController : Controller { [OutputCache(VaryByParam = "Method")] public void SomeMethod() { } } [KeyedActionFilter(Key = "BaseClass", Order = 0)] [KeyedAuthorizationFilter(Key = "BaseClass", Order = 0)] [KeyedExceptionFilter(Key = "BaseClass", Order = 0)] private class GetMemberChainController : Controller { [KeyedActionFilter(Key = "BaseMethod", Order = 0)] [KeyedAuthorizationFilter(Key = "BaseMethod", Order = 0)] public virtual void SomeVirtual() { } } [KeyedActionFilter(Key = "DerivedClass", Order = 1)] private class GetMemberChainDerivedController : GetMemberChainController { } [KeyedActionFilter(Key = "SubderivedClass", Order = 2)] private class GetMemberChainSubderivedController : GetMemberChainDerivedController { [KeyedActionFilter(Key = "SubderivedMethod", Order = 2)] public override void SomeVirtual() { } } private abstract class KeyedFilterAttribute : FilterAttribute { public string Key { get; set; } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method, Inherited = true, AllowMultiple = true)] private class KeyedAuthorizationFilterAttribute : KeyedFilterAttribute, IAuthorizationFilter { public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method, Inherited = true, AllowMultiple = true)] private class KeyedExceptionFilterAttribute : KeyedFilterAttribute, IExceptionFilter { public void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method, Inherited = true, AllowMultiple = true)] private class KeyedActionFilterAttribute : KeyedFilterAttribute, IActionFilter, IResultFilter { public void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void OnResultExecuting(ResultExecutingContext filterContext) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void OnResultExecuted(ResultExecutedContext filterContext) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } private class MyController : Controller { public void GoodActionMethod() { } public static void StaticMethod() { } public void OpenGenericMethod() { } public void MethodHasOutParameter(out int i) { i = 0; } public void MethodHasRefParameter(ref int i) { } } } }