// // Tests for System.Web.UI.WebControls.EditCommandColumn.cs // // Author: // Peter Dennis Bartok (pbartok@novell.com) // // // Copyright (C) 2005 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using NUnit.Framework; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Data; using System.IO; using System.Globalization; using System.Text; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using MonoTests.stand_alone.WebHarness; using MonoTests.SystemWeb.Framework; namespace MonoTests.System.Web.UI.WebControls { [TestFixture] public class EditCommandColumnTest { private class DataGridTest : DataGrid { public ArrayList CreateColumns (PagedDataSource data_source, bool use_data_source) { return CreateColumnSet (data_source, use_data_source); } public void CreateControls (bool use_data_source) { CreateControlHierarchy (use_data_source); } } [Test] public void Defaults () { EditCommandColumn e; e = new EditCommandColumn(); Assert.AreEqual(ButtonColumnType.LinkButton, e.ButtonType, "D1"); Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, e.CancelText, "D2"); Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, e.EditText, "D3"); Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, e.UpdateText, "D4"); Assert.AreEqual (true, e.CausesValidation, "CausesValidation"); Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, e.ValidationGroup, "ValidationGroup"); } [Test] public void Properties () { EditCommandColumn e; e = new EditCommandColumn(); e.ButtonType = ButtonColumnType.PushButton; Assert.AreEqual(ButtonColumnType.PushButton, e.ButtonType, "P1"); e.CancelText = "Cancel this!"; Assert.AreEqual("Cancel this!", e.CancelText, "D2"); e.EditText = "Edit me good"; Assert.AreEqual("Edit me good", e.EditText, "D3"); e.UpdateText = "Update? What update?"; Assert.AreEqual("Update? What update?", e.UpdateText, "D4"); e.CausesValidation = false; Assert.AreEqual (false, e.CausesValidation, "CausesValidation"); e.ValidationGroup = "test"; Assert.AreEqual ("test", e.ValidationGroup, "ValidationGroup"); } private string ControlMarkup(Control c) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter (); HtmlTextWriter tw = new CleanHtmlTextWriter (sw); c.RenderControl (tw); return sw.ToString (); } private void ShowControlsRecursive (Control c, int depth) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter (); HtmlTextWriter tw = new CleanHtmlTextWriter (sw); c.RenderControl (tw); Console.WriteLine (sw.ToString ()); Console.WriteLine (c); foreach (Control child in c.Controls) ShowControlsRecursive (child, depth + 5); } [Test] public void InitializeCell () { string origHtml = "<table><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>one</td><td>two</td><td>three</td></tr><tr><td><a>Edit</a></td><td><input name=\"sucker$ctl02$ctl00\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Bearbeiten\" /></td><td>1</td><td>2</td><td>3</td></tr><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table>"; DataGridTest p = new DataGridTest (); DataTable table = new DataTable (); EditCommandColumn e; string markup; e = new EditCommandColumn(); e.ButtonType = ButtonColumnType.LinkButton; e.CancelText = "Cancel"; e.EditText = "Edit"; e.UpdateText = "Update"; table.Columns.Add (new DataColumn ("one", typeof (string))); table.Columns.Add (new DataColumn ("two", typeof (string))); table.Columns.Add (new DataColumn ("three", typeof (string))); table.Rows.Add (new object [] { "1", "2", "3" }); p.DataSource = new DataView (table); p.Columns.Add(e); e = new EditCommandColumn(); e.ButtonType = ButtonColumnType.PushButton; e.CancelText = "Abbrechen"; e.EditText = "Bearbeiten"; e.UpdateText = "Refresh"; p.Columns.Add(e); // This will trigger EditCommandColumn.InitializeCell, without any EditItem set, tests the EditText render p.CreateControls (true); p.ID = "sucker"; Assert.AreEqual (2, p.Columns.Count, "I1"); markup = ControlMarkup(p.Controls[0]); markup = markup.Replace("\t", ""); markup = markup.Replace ("\r", ""); markup = markup.Replace ("\n", ""); HtmlDiff.AssertAreEqual (origHtml, markup, "I2"); //ShowControlsRecursive (p.Controls [0], 1); } [Test] public void ThisIsADGTest () { string origHtml = "<table id=\"sucker_tbl\"><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>one</td><td>two</td><td>three</td></tr><tr><td><a>Edit</a></td><td><input name=\"sucker$ctl02$ctl00\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Bearbeiten\" /></td><td>1</td><td>2</td><td>3</td></tr><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table>"; DataGridTest p = new DataGridTest (); DataTable table = new DataTable (); EditCommandColumn e; string markup; e = new EditCommandColumn(); e.ButtonType = ButtonColumnType.LinkButton; e.CancelText = "Cancel"; e.EditText = "Edit"; e.UpdateText = "Update"; table.Columns.Add (new DataColumn ("one", typeof (string))); table.Columns.Add (new DataColumn ("two", typeof (string))); table.Columns.Add (new DataColumn ("three", typeof (string))); table.Rows.Add (new object [] { "1", "2", "3" }); p.DataSource = new DataView (table); p.Columns.Add(e); e = new EditCommandColumn(); e.ButtonType = ButtonColumnType.PushButton; e.CancelText = "Abbrechen"; e.EditText = "Bearbeiten"; e.UpdateText = "Refresh"; p.Columns.Add(e); p.CreateControls (true); // This is the test we want to run: setting the ID of the table created by // the datagrid overrides the using the ID of the datagrid itself and uses // the table ClientID instead. p.ID = "sucker"; p.Controls [0].ID = "tbl"; Assert.AreEqual (2, p.Columns.Count, "I1"); markup = ControlMarkup(p.Controls[0]); markup = markup.Replace("\t", ""); markup = markup.Replace ("\r", ""); markup = markup.Replace ("\n", ""); HtmlDiff.AssertAreEqual (origHtml, markup, "I2"); } static void GetHierarchy (ControlCollection coll, int level, StringBuilder sb) { foreach (Control c in coll) { sb.AppendFormat ("{0}{1}\n", new string (' ', 2 * level), c.GetType ()); GetHierarchy (c.Controls, level + 1, sb); } } [Test] public void InitializeEditCell () { string origHtml = "<table><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>one</td><td>two</td><td>three</td></tr><tr><td><a>Update</a> <a>Cancel</a></td><td><input name=\"sucker$ctl02$ctl00\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Refresh\" /> <input name=\"sucker$ctl02$ctl01\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Abbrechen\" /></td><td><input name=\"sucker$ctl02$ctl02\" type=\"text\" value=\"1\" /></td><td><input name=\"sucker$ctl02$ctl03\" type=\"text\" value=\"2\" /></td><td><input name=\"sucker$ctl02$ctl04\" type=\"text\" value=\"3\" /></td></tr><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table>"; DataGridTest p = new DataGridTest (); DataTable table = new DataTable (); EditCommandColumn e; string markup; e = new EditCommandColumn(); e.ButtonType = ButtonColumnType.LinkButton; e.CancelText = "Cancel"; e.EditText = "Edit"; e.UpdateText = "Update"; table.Columns.Add (new DataColumn ("one", typeof (string))); table.Columns.Add (new DataColumn ("two", typeof (string))); table.Columns.Add (new DataColumn ("three", typeof (string))); table.Rows.Add (new object [] { "1", "2", "3" }); p.DataSource = new DataView (table); p.Columns.Add(e); e = new EditCommandColumn(); e.ButtonType = ButtonColumnType.PushButton; e.CancelText = "Abbrechen"; e.EditText = "Bearbeiten"; e.UpdateText = "Refresh"; p.Columns.Add(e); // Force the ListItemType to be EditItem so we can test rendering the UpdateText/CancelText render p.EditItemIndex = 0; // This will trigger EditCommandColumn.InitializeCell p.CreateControls (true); p.ID = "sucker"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); GetHierarchy (p.Controls, 0, sb); string h = sb.ToString (); int x = h.IndexOf (".TextBox"); // These are from the BoundColumns Assert.IsTrue (x != -1, "textbox1"); x = h.IndexOf (".TextBox", x + 1); Assert.IsTrue (x != -1, "textbox2"); x = h.IndexOf (".TextBox", x + 1); Assert.IsTrue (x != -1, "textbox3"); x = h.IndexOf (".TextBox", x + 1); Assert.IsTrue (x == -1, "textbox-end"); markup = ControlMarkup (p.Controls[0]); markup = markup.Replace ("\t", ""); markup = markup.Replace ("\r", ""); markup = markup.Replace ("\n", ""); //Console.WriteLine("Markup:>{0}<", markup); Assert.AreEqual (2, p.Columns.Count, "I1"); HtmlDiff.AssertAreEqual (origHtml, markup, "I2"); } [Test] [Ignore("Unfinished")] public void InitializeReadOnlyEditCell () { DataGridTest p = new DataGridTest (); DataTable table = new DataTable (); EditCommandColumn e; string markup; e = new EditCommandColumn (); e.ButtonType = ButtonColumnType.LinkButton; e.CancelText = "Cancel"; e.EditText = "Edit"; e.UpdateText = "Update"; table.Columns.Add (new DataColumn ("one", typeof (string))); table.Columns.Add (new DataColumn ("two", typeof (string))); table.Columns.Add (new DataColumn ("three", typeof (string))); table.Rows.Add (new object[] { "1", "2", "3" }); p.DataSource = new DataView (table); p.Columns.Add (e); e = new EditCommandColumn (); e.ButtonType = ButtonColumnType.PushButton; e.CancelText = "Abbrechen"; e.EditText = "Bearbeiten"; e.UpdateText = "Refresh"; p.Columns.Add (e); // Force the ListItemType to be EditItem so we can test rendering the UpdateText/CancelText render p.EditItemIndex = 0; // This will trigger EditCommandColumn.InitializeCell p.CreateControls (true); p.ID = "sucker"; markup = ControlMarkup (p.Controls[0]); markup = markup.Replace ("\t", ""); markup = markup.Replace ("\r", ""); markup = markup.Replace ("\n", ""); Assert.AreEqual (2, p.Columns.Count, "I1"); Assert.AreEqual ( "<table border=\"0\" id=\"sucker\"><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>one</td><td>two</td><td>three</td>" + "</tr><tr><td><a>Update</a> <a>Cancel</a></td><td><input name type=\"submit\" value=\"Refresh\" /> " + "<input name value=\"Abbrechen\" type=\"submit\" /></td>" + "<td><input name=\"_ctl2:_ctl0\" type=\"text\" value=\"1\" /></td>" + "<td><input name=\"_ctl2:_ctl1\" type=\"text\" value=\"2\" /></td>" + "<td><input name=\"_ctl2:_ctl2\" type=\"text\" value=\"3\" /></td>" + "</tr><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td>" + "</tr></table>", markup, "I2"); } [Test] [Category ("NunitWeb")] public void Validation_ValidatingValid () { WebTest t = new WebTest (); PageDelegates pd = new PageDelegates (); pd.Load = Validation_Load; pd.PreRender = Validation_PreRender; t.Invoker = new PageInvoker (pd); t.UserData = "ValidatingValid"; string html = t.Run (); FormRequest fr = new FormRequest (t.Response, "form1"); fr.Controls.Add ("__EVENTTARGET"); fr.Controls.Add ("__EVENTARGUMENT"); fr.Controls ["__EVENTTARGET"].Value = (string) t.UserData; fr.Controls ["__EVENTARGUMENT"].Value = ""; t.Request = fr; t.UserData = "ValidatingValid"; html = t.Run (); } [Test] [Category ("NunitWeb")] [Ignore ("Possibly incorrectly constructed test - conflicts with fix for bug #471305")] public void Validation_ValidatingInvalid () { WebTest t = new WebTest (); PageDelegates pd = new PageDelegates (); pd.Load = Validation_Load; pd.PreRender = Validation_PreRender; t.Invoker = new PageInvoker (pd); t.UserData = "ValidatingInvalid"; string html = t.Run (); FormRequest fr = new FormRequest (t.Response, "form1"); fr.Controls.Add ("__EVENTTARGET"); fr.Controls.Add ("__EVENTARGUMENT"); fr.Controls ["__EVENTTARGET"].Value = (string)t.UserData; fr.Controls ["__EVENTARGUMENT"].Value = ""; t.Request = fr; t.UserData = "ValidatingInvalid"; html = t.Run (); } [Test] [Category ("NunitWeb")] public void Validation_NotValidatingInvalid () { WebTest t = new WebTest (); PageDelegates pd = new PageDelegates (); pd.Load = Validation_Load; pd.PreRender = Validation_PreRender; t.Invoker = new PageInvoker (pd); t.UserData = "NotValidatingInvalid"; string html = t.Run (); FormRequest fr = new FormRequest (t.Response, "form1"); fr.Controls.Add ("__EVENTTARGET"); fr.Controls.Add ("__EVENTARGUMENT"); fr.Controls ["__EVENTTARGET"].Value = (string) t.UserData; fr.Controls ["__EVENTARGUMENT"].Value = ""; t.Request = fr; t.UserData = "NotValidatingInvalid"; html = t.Run (); } [Test] [Category ("NunitWeb")] [Ignore ("Possibly incorrectly constructed test - conflicts with fix for bug #471305")] public void Validation_ValidationGroupIncluded () { WebTest t = new WebTest (); PageDelegates pd = new PageDelegates (); pd.Load = Validation_Load; pd.PreRender = Validation_PreRender; t.Invoker = new PageInvoker (pd); t.UserData = "ValidationGroupIncluded"; string html = t.Run (); FormRequest fr = new FormRequest (t.Response, "form1"); fr.Controls.Add ("__EVENTTARGET"); fr.Controls.Add ("__EVENTARGUMENT"); fr.Controls ["__EVENTTARGET"].Value = (string) t.UserData; fr.Controls ["__EVENTARGUMENT"].Value = ""; t.Request = fr; t.UserData = "ValidationGroupIncluded"; html = t.Run (); } [Test] [Category ("NunitWeb")] public void Validation_ValidationGroupNotIncluded () { WebTest t = new WebTest (); PageDelegates pd = new PageDelegates (); pd.Load = Validation_Load; pd.PreRender = Validation_PreRender; t.Invoker = new PageInvoker (pd); t.UserData = "ValidationGroupNotIncluded"; string html = t.Run (); FormRequest fr = new FormRequest (t.Response, "form1"); fr.Controls.Add ("__EVENTTARGET"); fr.Controls.Add ("__EVENTARGUMENT"); fr.Controls ["__EVENTTARGET"].Value = (string) t.UserData; fr.Controls ["__EVENTARGUMENT"].Value = ""; t.Request = fr; t.UserData = "ValidationGroupNotIncluded"; html = t.Run (); } public static void Validation_Load (Page p) { string testType = (string)WebTest.CurrentTest.UserData; DataGridTest dg = new DataGridTest (); dg.ID = "mygrid"; EditCommandColumn e; e = new EditCommandColumn (); e.ButtonType = ButtonColumnType.LinkButton; e.CancelText = "Cancel"; e.EditText = "Edit"; e.UpdateText = "Update"; switch (testType) { case "ValidatingValid": case "ValidatingInvalid": case "ValidationGroupIncluded": case "ValidationGroupNotIncluded": e.CausesValidation = true; break; case "NotValidatingInvalid": e.CausesValidation = false; break; } switch (testType) { case "ValidationGroupIncluded": case "ValidationGroupNotIncluded": e.ValidationGroup = "Group1"; break; default: e.ValidationGroup = ""; break; } dg.Columns.Add (e); TextBox tb = new TextBox (); tb.ID = "Text1"; switch (testType) { case "ValidatingValid": tb.Text = "111"; break; case "ValidatingInvalid": case "NotValidatingInvalid": case "ValidationGroupIncluded": case "ValidationGroupNotIncluded": tb.Text = ""; break; } RequiredFieldValidator v = new RequiredFieldValidator (); v.ControlToValidate = "Text1"; switch (testType) { case "ValidationGroupIncluded": v.ValidationGroup = "Group1"; break; case "ValidationGroupNotIncluded": v.ValidationGroup = "NotGroup1"; break; default: v.ValidationGroup = ""; break; } TemplateColumn tc = new TemplateColumn (); tc.EditItemTemplate = new ValidatingEditTemplate (tb, v); dg.Columns.Add (tc); ObjectDataSource ods = new ObjectDataSource ("MyObjectDS", "Select"); ods.UpdateMethod = "Update"; ods.DataObjectTypeName = "MyObjectDS"; ods.ID = "MyDS"; p.Form.Controls.Add (ods); dg.DataSource = ods; //dg.DataKeyField = "i"; //DataTable table = new DataTable (); //table.Columns.Add (new DataColumn ("one", typeof (string))); //table.Columns.Add (new DataColumn ("two", typeof (string))); //table.Columns.Add (new DataColumn ("three", typeof (string))); //table.Rows.Add (new object [] { "1", "2", "3" }); //dg.DataSource = new DataView (table); dg.EditItemIndex = 0; p.Form.Controls.Add (dg); dg.DataBind (); if (!p.IsPostBack) { WebTest.CurrentTest.UserData = dg.Items [0].Cells [0].Controls [0].UniqueID; } } public static void Validation_PreRender (Page p) { string testType = (string) WebTest.CurrentTest.UserData; if (p.IsPostBack) { switch (testType) { case "ValidatingValid": case "ValidationGroupNotIncluded": Assert.AreEqual (true, p.IsValid, "ValidatingValid"); break; case "ValidatingInvalid": case "ValidationGroupIncluded": Assert.AreEqual (false, p.IsValid, "ValidatingInvalid"); break; case "NotValidatingInvalid": bool isValidated = true; try { if (p.IsValid) { Assert.Fail ("NotValidatingInvalid IsValid == true"); } } catch (HttpException httpException) { isValidated = false; } Assert.AreEqual(false, isValidated, "NotValidatingInvalid"); break; } } } public class ValidatingEditTemplate : ITemplate { public ValidatingEditTemplate (params Control [] templateControls) { this.templateControls = new Control[templateControls.Length]; templateControls.CopyTo (this.templateControls, 0); } #region ITemplate Members public void InstantiateIn (Control container) { foreach (Control c in templateControls) { container.Controls.Add (c); } } #endregion private Control[] templateControls; } } } #region MyObjectDS public class MyObjectDS { public MyObjectDS () { _i = 0; } public MyObjectDS (int value) { _i = value; } private int _i; public int i { get { return _i; } set { _i = value; } } static MyObjectDS [] myData = null; public static IList Select () { if (myData == null) { myData = new MyObjectDS [] { new MyObjectDS (1), new MyObjectDS (2), new MyObjectDS (3) }; } return myData; } public static void Update (MyObjectDS instance) { } } #endregion