// // BaseDataListTest.cs // - Unit tests for System.Web.UI.WebControls.BaseDataList // // Author: // Sebastien Pouliot <sebastien@ximian.com> // // Copyright (C) 2005 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.ComponentModel; using System.IO; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using NUnit.Framework; namespace MonoTests.System.Web.UI.WebControls { public class TestBaseDataList : BaseDataList { private bool dataBindingCalled; public TestBaseDataList () : base () { } public string Tag { get { return base.TagName; } } public StateBag StateBag { get { return base.ViewState; } } public bool IsDataBoundByDataSourceId { get { return base.IsBoundUsingDataSourceID; } } public bool IsInitialized { get { return base.Initialized; } } public bool RequiresDataBind { get { return base.RequiresDataBinding; } } public DataSourceSelectArguments Arguments { get { return base.SelectArguments; } } public void Add (object o) { base.AddParsedSubObject (o); } public string Render () { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter (); sw.NewLine = "\n"; HtmlTextWriter writer = new HtmlTextWriter (sw); base.Render (writer); return writer.InnerWriter.ToString (); } protected override void CreateControlHierarchy (bool useDataSource) { } protected override void PrepareControlHierarchy () { } public void DoSelectedIndexChanged (EventArgs e) { OnSelectedIndexChanged (e); } public DataSourceSelectArguments CreateArguments () { return base.CreateDataSourceSelectArguments (); } public IEnumerable Data () { return base.GetData (); } public void DataBindBool (bool raise) { DataBind (raise); } public void Ensure () { base.EnsureDataBound (); } public bool DataBindingCalled { get { return dataBindingCalled; } set { dataBindingCalled = value; } } protected override void OnDataBinding (EventArgs e) { dataBindingCalled = true; base.OnDataBinding (e); } private bool dataPropertyChangedCalled; private bool dataSourceViewChangedCalled; private bool initCalled; private bool loadCalled; private bool preRenderCalled; public bool DataPropertyChangedCalled { get { return dataPropertyChangedCalled; } set { dataPropertyChangedCalled = value; } } protected override void OnDataPropertyChanged () { dataPropertyChangedCalled = true; base.OnDataPropertyChanged (); } public bool DataSourceViewChangedCalled { get { return dataSourceViewChangedCalled; } set { dataSourceViewChangedCalled = value; } } protected override void OnDataSourceViewChanged (object sender, EventArgs e) { dataSourceViewChangedCalled = true; base.OnDataSourceViewChanged (sender, e); } public void BaseOnDataSourceViewChanged (object sender, EventArgs e) { base.OnDataSourceViewChanged (sender, e); } public bool InitCalled { get { return initCalled; } set { initCalled = value; } } protected internal override void OnInit (EventArgs e) { initCalled = true; base.OnInit (e); } public void BaseOnInit (EventArgs e) { base.OnInit (e); } public bool LoadCalled { get { return loadCalled; } set { loadCalled = value; } } protected internal override void OnLoad (EventArgs e) { loadCalled = true; base.OnLoad (e); } public void BaseOnLoad (EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad (e); } public bool PreRenderCalled { get { return preRenderCalled; } set { preRenderCalled = value; } } protected internal override void OnPreRender (EventArgs e) { preRenderCalled = true; base.OnPreRender (e); } public void BaseOnPreRender (EventArgs e) { base.OnPreRender (e); } } public class TestDataSource : IListSource { private ArrayList list; public TestDataSource (ArrayList al) { list = al; } public bool ContainsListCollection { get { return true; } } public IList GetList () { return list; } } public class Test2DataSource : WebControl, IDataSource { public DataSourceView GetView (string viewName) { return new Test2DataSourceView (this, String.Empty); } public ICollection GetViewNames () { return null; } public event EventHandler DataSourceChanged; } public class Test2DataSourceView : DataSourceView { public Test2DataSourceView (IDataSource owner, string viewName) : base (owner, viewName) { } protected internal override IEnumerable ExecuteSelect (DataSourceSelectArguments arguments) { ArrayList al = new ArrayList (3); for (int i=0; i < 3; i++) al.Add (i+1); return al; } } [TestFixture] public class BaseDataListTest { private HtmlTextWriter GetWriter () { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter (); sw.NewLine = "\n"; return new HtmlTextWriter (sw); } // IEnumerable (and IList) based private IEnumerable GetData (int n) { ArrayList al = new ArrayList (); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { al.Add (i.ToString ()); } return (IEnumerable) al; } // IListSource based private TestDataSource GetDataSource (int n) { return new TestDataSource ((ArrayList)GetData (n)); } [Test] public void DefaultProperties () { TestBaseDataList bdl = new TestBaseDataList (); Assert.AreEqual ("span", bdl.Tag, "TagName"); Assert.AreEqual (0, bdl.Attributes.Count, "Attributes.Count-1"); Assert.AreEqual (0, bdl.StateBag.Count, "ViewState.Count-1"); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, bdl.Caption, "Caption"); Assert.AreEqual (TableCaptionAlign.NotSet, bdl.CaptionAlign, "CaptionAlign"); Assert.AreEqual (-1, bdl.CellPadding, "CellPadding"); Assert.AreEqual (0, bdl.CellSpacing, "CellSpacing"); Assert.AreEqual (0, bdl.Controls.Count, "Controls.Count"); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, bdl.DataKeyField, "DataKeyField"); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, bdl.DataMember, "DataMember"); Assert.IsNull (bdl.DataSource, "DataSource"); Assert.AreEqual (GridLines.Both, bdl.GridLines, "GridLines"); Assert.AreEqual (HorizontalAlign.NotSet, bdl.HorizontalAlign, "HorizontalAlign"); Assert.IsFalse (bdl.UseAccessibleHeader, "UseAccessibleHeader"); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, bdl.DataSourceID, "DataSourceID"); Assert.AreEqual (0, bdl.Attributes.Count, "Attributes.Count-2"); Assert.AreEqual (0, bdl.StateBag.Count, "ViewState.Count-2"); Assert.AreEqual (0, bdl.DataKeys.Count, "DataKeys.Count"); Assert.AreEqual (0, bdl.Attributes.Count, "Attributes.Count-3"); // triggered by DataKeys, which makes DataKeysArray store its value. Assert.AreEqual (1, bdl.StateBag.Count, "ViewState.Count-3"); Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ArrayList), bdl.StateBag ["DataKeys"].GetType (), "ViewState.Value-1"); } [Test] public void NullProperties () { TestBaseDataList bdl = new TestBaseDataList (); Assert.AreEqual (0, bdl.Attributes.Count, "Attributes.Count-1"); Assert.AreEqual (0, bdl.StateBag.Count, "ViewState.Count-1"); bdl.Caption = null; Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, bdl.Caption, "Caption"); bdl.CaptionAlign = TableCaptionAlign.NotSet; Assert.AreEqual (TableCaptionAlign.NotSet, bdl.CaptionAlign, "CaptionAlign"); Assert.AreEqual (1, bdl.StateBag.Count, "ViewState.Count-2"); // many properties can't be set without causing a InvalidCastException bdl.DataKeyField = null; Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, bdl.DataKeyField, "DataKeyField"); bdl.DataMember = null; Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, bdl.DataMember, "DataMember"); bdl.DataSource = null; Assert.IsNull (bdl.DataSource, "DataSource"); bdl.UseAccessibleHeader = false; Assert.IsFalse (bdl.UseAccessibleHeader, "UseAccessibleHeader"); bdl.DataSourceID = String.Empty; Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, bdl.DataSourceID, "DataSourceID"); Assert.AreEqual (3, bdl.StateBag.Count, "ViewState.Count-3"); Assert.AreEqual (0, bdl.Attributes.Count, "Attributes.Count-2"); } [Test] public void CleanProperties () { TestBaseDataList bdl = new TestBaseDataList (); bdl.Caption = "Mono"; Assert.AreEqual ("Mono", bdl.Caption, "Caption"); bdl.CaptionAlign = TableCaptionAlign.Top; Assert.AreEqual (TableCaptionAlign.Top, bdl.CaptionAlign, "CaptionAlign"); // many properties can't be set without causing a InvalidCastException bdl.DataKeyField = "key"; Assert.AreEqual ("key", bdl.DataKeyField, "DataKeyField"); bdl.DataMember = "member"; Assert.AreEqual ("member", bdl.DataMember, "DataMember"); bdl.DataSource = GetData (2); Assert.IsNotNull (bdl.DataSource, "DataSource"); bdl.UseAccessibleHeader = true; Assert.IsTrue (bdl.UseAccessibleHeader, "UseAccessibleHeader"); Assert.AreEqual (0, bdl.Attributes.Count, "Attributes.Count-1"); Assert.AreEqual (5, bdl.StateBag.Count, "ViewState.Count-1"); bdl.Caption = null; Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, bdl.Caption, "-Caption"); bdl.CaptionAlign = TableCaptionAlign.NotSet; Assert.AreEqual (TableCaptionAlign.NotSet, bdl.CaptionAlign, "-CaptionAlign"); // many properties can't be set without causing a InvalidCastException bdl.DataKeyField = null; Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, bdl.DataKeyField, "-DataKeyField"); bdl.DataMember = null; Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, bdl.DataMember, "-DataMember"); bdl.DataSource = null; Assert.IsNull (bdl.DataSource, "-DataSource"); bdl.UseAccessibleHeader = false; Assert.IsFalse (bdl.UseAccessibleHeader, "-UseAccessibleHeader"); Assert.AreEqual (0, bdl.Attributes.Count, "Attributes.Count-2"); // CaptionAlign and UseAccessibleHeader aren't removed Assert.AreEqual (2, bdl.StateBag.Count, "ViewState.Count-2"); } [Test] public void TableCaption () { TestBaseDataList bdl = new TestBaseDataList (); foreach (TableCaptionAlign tca in Enum.GetValues (typeof (TableCaptionAlign))) { bdl.CaptionAlign = tca; } } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentOutOfRangeException))] public void TableCaption_Int32MaxValue () { TestBaseDataList bdl = new TestBaseDataList (); bdl.CaptionAlign = (TableCaptionAlign)Int32.MaxValue; } [Test] public void DataSource_IEnumerable () { TestBaseDataList bdl = new TestBaseDataList (); bdl.DataSource = GetData (2); Assert.IsNotNull (bdl.DataSource, "DataSource"); } [Test] public void DataSource_IListSource () { TestBaseDataList bdl = new TestBaseDataList (); bdl.DataSource = GetDataSource (3); Assert.IsNotNull (bdl.DataSource, "DataSource"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] public void DataSource_Other () { TestBaseDataList bdl = new TestBaseDataList (); bdl.DataSource = new object (); } // CreateControlStyle isn't overriden so we can't assign it's properties [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidCastException))] public void CellPadding_InvalidCastException () { TestBaseDataList bdl = new TestBaseDataList (); Assert.AreEqual (-1, bdl.CellPadding, "CellPadding"); bdl.CellPadding = -1; } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidCastException))] public void CellSpacing_InvalidCastException () { TestBaseDataList bdl = new TestBaseDataList (); Assert.AreEqual (0, bdl.CellSpacing, "CellSpacing"); bdl.CellSpacing = 0; } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidCastException))] public void GridLines_InvalidCastException () { TestBaseDataList bdl = new TestBaseDataList (); Assert.AreEqual (GridLines.Both, bdl.GridLines, "GridLines"); bdl.GridLines = GridLines.Both; } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidCastException))] public void HorizontalAlign_InvalidCastException () { TestBaseDataList bdl = new TestBaseDataList (); Assert.AreEqual (HorizontalAlign.NotSet, bdl.HorizontalAlign, "HorizontalAlign"); bdl.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.NotSet; } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (NullReferenceException))] public void IsBindableType_Null () { BaseDataList.IsBindableType (null); } [Test] public void AddParsedSubObject () { TestBaseDataList bdl = new TestBaseDataList (); bdl.Add (null); bdl.Add (new LiteralControl ("mono")); bdl.Add (new DataListItem (0, ListItemType.Item)); bdl.Add (String.Empty); bdl.Add (new Control ()); Assert.AreEqual (0, bdl.Controls.Count, "Controls"); Assert.AreEqual (0, bdl.StateBag.Count, "StateBag"); } [Test] public void Render_Empty () { TestBaseDataList bdl = new TestBaseDataList (); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, bdl.Render ()); } [Test] public void Render () { TestBaseDataList bdl = new TestBaseDataList (); bdl.DataSource = GetDataSource (3); bdl.DataBind (); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, bdl.Render ()); } private bool selectedIndexChangedEvent; private void SelectedIndexChangedHandler (object sender, EventArgs e) { selectedIndexChangedEvent = true; } [Test] public void Events () { TestBaseDataList bdl = new TestBaseDataList (); selectedIndexChangedEvent = false; bdl.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler (SelectedIndexChangedHandler); bdl.DoSelectedIndexChanged (new EventArgs ()); Assert.IsTrue (selectedIndexChangedEvent, "selectedIndexChangedEvent"); } [Test] public void OnDataBinding () { // does DataBind calls base.OnDataBinding (like most sample do) // or does it call the overriden OnDataBinding (which seems logical) TestBaseDataList bdl = new TestBaseDataList (); Assert.IsFalse (bdl.DataBindingCalled, "Before DataBind"); bdl.DataSource = GetDataSource (3); bdl.DataBind (); Assert.IsTrue (bdl.DataBindingCalled, "After DataBind"); } [Test] public void DataSourceID () { TestBaseDataList bdl = new TestBaseDataList (); Assert.IsFalse (bdl.IsDataBoundByDataSourceId, "IsBoundUsingDataSourceID-1"); bdl.DataSourceID = "mono"; Assert.IsTrue (bdl.IsDataBoundByDataSourceId, "IsBoundUsingDataSourceID-2"); bdl.DataBind (); Assert.IsTrue (bdl.IsDataBoundByDataSourceId, "IsBoundUsingDataSourceID-3"); } [Test] // LAMESPEC ??? [ExpectedException (typeof (HttpException))] [ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))] public void DataSourceID_WithDataSource () { Page p = new Page (); TestBaseDataList bdl = new TestBaseDataList (); bdl.Page = p; bdl.DataSource = GetDataSource (1); Test2DataSource ds = new Test2DataSource (); ds.ID = "mono"; ds.Page = p; p.Controls.Add (ds); p.Controls.Add (bdl); bdl.DataSourceID = "mono"; Assert.IsNotNull (bdl.Data (), "GetData"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (HttpException))] [Ignore ("LAMESPEC -and/or- bad test")] public void DataSource_WithDataSourceID () { Test2DataSource ds = new Test2DataSource (); ds.ID = "mono"; TestBaseDataList bdl = new TestBaseDataList (); Page p = new Page (); bdl.Page = p; ds.Page = p; p.Controls.Add (ds); p.Controls.Add (bdl); bdl.DataSourceID = "mono"; Assert.IsNotNull (bdl.Data (), "GetData"); bdl.DataSource = GetDataSource (1); bdl.DataBind (); } [Test] public void EnsureDataBound_WithoutDataSourceID () { TestBaseDataList bdl = new TestBaseDataList (); Assert.IsFalse (bdl.DataBindingCalled, "Before EnsureDataBound"); bdl.Ensure (); Assert.IsFalse (bdl.DataBindingCalled, "After EnsureDataBound"); } [Test] public void EnsureDataBound_WithDataSourceID () { XmlDataSource ds = new XmlDataSource (); ds.Data = ""; ds.ID = "mono"; TestBaseDataList bdl = new TestBaseDataList (); Page p = new Page (); bdl.Page = p; p.Controls.Add (ds); p.Controls.Add (bdl); bdl.DataSourceID = "mono"; Assert.IsFalse (bdl.DataBindingCalled, "Before EnsureDataBound"); bdl.Ensure (); Assert.IsFalse (bdl.DataBindingCalled, "After EnsureDataBound"); bdl.BaseOnLoad (EventArgs.Empty); bdl.Ensure (); Assert.IsTrue (bdl.DataBindingCalled, "After BaseOnLoad|RequiresDataBinding"); } [Test] public void GetData () { Test2DataSource ds = new Test2DataSource (); ds.ID = "mono"; TestBaseDataList bdl = new TestBaseDataList (); Page p = new Page (); bdl.Page = p; ds.Page = p; p.Controls.Add (ds); p.Controls.Add (bdl); bdl.DataSourceID = "mono"; Assert.IsNotNull (bdl.Data (), "GetData"); } [Test] public void GetData_WithoutDataSourceID () { TestBaseDataList bdl = new TestBaseDataList (); Assert.IsNull (bdl.Data (), "GetData"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (HttpException))] public void GetData_WithUnexistingDataSourceID () { TestBaseDataList bdl = new TestBaseDataList (); bdl.Page = new Page (); bdl.DataSourceID = "mono"; bdl.Data (); } [Test] public void OnDataBinding_True () { TestBaseDataList bdl = new TestBaseDataList (); Assert.IsFalse (bdl.DataBindingCalled, "Before DataBind"); bdl.DataSource = GetDataSource (3); bdl.DataBindBool (true); Assert.IsTrue (bdl.DataBindingCalled, "After DataBind"); } [Test] public void OnDataBinding_False () { TestBaseDataList bdl = new TestBaseDataList (); Assert.IsFalse (bdl.DataBindingCalled, "Before DataBind"); bdl.DataSource = GetDataSource (3); bdl.DataBindBool (false); Assert.IsFalse (bdl.DataBindingCalled, "After DataBind"); } [Test] public void OnDataPropertyChanged () { TestBaseDataList bdl = new TestBaseDataList (); bdl.DataPropertyChangedCalled = false; bdl.DataMember = String.Empty; Assert.IsTrue (bdl.DataPropertyChangedCalled, "OnDataPropertyChanged-DataMember"); Assert.IsFalse (bdl.IsInitialized, "Initialized-DataMember"); bdl.DataPropertyChangedCalled = false; bdl.DataSource = null; Assert.IsTrue (bdl.DataPropertyChangedCalled, "OnDataPropertyChanged-DataSource"); Assert.IsFalse (bdl.IsInitialized, "Initialized-DataSource"); bdl.DataPropertyChangedCalled = false; bdl.DataSourceID = String.Empty; Assert.IsTrue (bdl.DataPropertyChangedCalled, "OnDataPropertyChanged-DataSourceID"); Assert.IsFalse (bdl.IsInitialized, "Initialized-DataSourceID"); } [Test] public void OnInit () { TestBaseDataList bdl = new TestBaseDataList (); Assert.IsFalse (bdl.IsInitialized, "Initialized-1"); bdl.BaseOnInit (EventArgs.Empty); Assert.IsFalse (bdl.IsInitialized, "Initialized-2"); // OnInit doesn't set Initialized to true } [Test] public void OnDataSourceViewChanged () { TestBaseDataList bdl = new TestBaseDataList (); Assert.IsFalse (bdl.RequiresDataBind, "RequiresDataBind-1"); bdl.BaseOnDataSourceViewChanged (this, EventArgs.Empty); Assert.IsTrue (bdl.RequiresDataBind, "RequiresDataBind-2"); } [Test] public void OnLoad_WithoutPage () { TestBaseDataList bdl = new TestBaseDataList (); Assert.IsFalse (bdl.IsDataBoundByDataSourceId, "IsBoundUsingDataSourceID"); Assert.IsTrue (bdl.EnableViewState, "EnabledViewState"); Assert.IsNull (bdl.Page, "Page"); bdl.BaseOnLoad (EventArgs.Empty); Assert.IsTrue (bdl.IsInitialized, "IsInitialized"); Assert.IsFalse (bdl.RequiresDataBind, "RequiresDataBind"); } [Test] public void OnLoad_WithoutPageWithoutViewState () { TestBaseDataList bdl = new TestBaseDataList (); bdl.EnableViewState = false; Assert.IsFalse (bdl.IsDataBoundByDataSourceId, "IsBoundUsingDataSourceID"); Assert.IsFalse (bdl.EnableViewState, "EnabledViewState"); Assert.IsNull (bdl.Page, "Page"); bdl.BaseOnLoad (EventArgs.Empty); Assert.IsTrue (bdl.IsInitialized, "IsInitialized"); Assert.IsFalse (bdl.RequiresDataBind, "RequiresDataBind"); } [Test] public void OnLoad_WithPage () { TestBaseDataList bdl = new TestBaseDataList (); Page p = new Page (); bdl.Page = p; Assert.IsFalse (bdl.IsDataBoundByDataSourceId, "IsBoundUsingDataSourceID-2"); Assert.IsTrue (bdl.EnableViewState, "EnabledViewState-2"); Assert.IsFalse (bdl.Page.IsPostBack, "IsPostBack-2"); bdl.BaseOnLoad (EventArgs.Empty); Assert.IsTrue (bdl.IsInitialized, "IsInitialized-2"); Assert.IsTrue (bdl.RequiresDataBind, "RequiresDataBind-2"); } [Test] public void OnLoad_WithPageWithoutViewState () { TestBaseDataList bdl = new TestBaseDataList (); Page p = new Page (); bdl.Page = p; bdl.EnableViewState = false; Assert.IsFalse (bdl.IsDataBoundByDataSourceId, "IsBoundUsingDataSourceID"); Assert.IsFalse (bdl.EnableViewState, "EnabledViewState"); Assert.IsFalse (bdl.Page.IsPostBack, "IsPostBack"); bdl.BaseOnLoad (EventArgs.Empty); Assert.IsTrue (bdl.IsInitialized, "IsInitialized"); Assert.IsTrue (bdl.RequiresDataBind, "RequiresDataBind"); } [Test] public void OnLoad_WithDataSource () { XmlDataSource ds = new XmlDataSource (); ds.ID = "mono"; TestBaseDataList bdl = new TestBaseDataList (); Page p = new Page (); bdl.Page = p; p.Controls.Add (ds); p.Controls.Add (bdl); bdl.DataSourceID = "mono"; Assert.IsTrue (bdl.IsDataBoundByDataSourceId, "IsBoundUsingDataSourceID"); Assert.IsTrue (bdl.EnableViewState, "EnabledViewState"); Assert.IsFalse (bdl.Page.IsPostBack, "IsPostBack"); bdl.BaseOnLoad (EventArgs.Empty); Assert.IsTrue (bdl.IsInitialized, "IsInitialized"); Assert.IsTrue (bdl.RequiresDataBind, "RequiresDataBind"); } [Test] public void IsBindableType () { // documented Assert.IsTrue (BaseDataList.IsBindableType (typeof (bool)), "bool"); Assert.IsTrue (BaseDataList.IsBindableType (typeof (byte)), "byte"); Assert.IsTrue (BaseDataList.IsBindableType (typeof (sbyte)), "sbyte"); Assert.IsTrue (BaseDataList.IsBindableType (typeof (short)), "short"); Assert.IsTrue (BaseDataList.IsBindableType (typeof (ushort)), "ushort"); Assert.IsTrue (BaseDataList.IsBindableType (typeof (int)), "int"); Assert.IsTrue (BaseDataList.IsBindableType (typeof (uint)), "uint"); Assert.IsTrue (BaseDataList.IsBindableType (typeof (long)), "long"); Assert.IsTrue (BaseDataList.IsBindableType (typeof (ulong)), "ulong"); Assert.IsTrue (BaseDataList.IsBindableType (typeof (char)), "char"); Assert.IsTrue (BaseDataList.IsBindableType (typeof (double)), "double"); Assert.IsTrue (BaseDataList.IsBindableType (typeof (float)), "float"); Assert.IsTrue (BaseDataList.IsBindableType (typeof (DateTime)), "DateTime"); Assert.IsTrue (BaseDataList.IsBindableType (typeof (decimal)), "decimal"); Assert.IsTrue (BaseDataList.IsBindableType (typeof (string)), "string"); // and others (from TypeCode) Assert.IsFalse (BaseDataList.IsBindableType (typeof (object)), "object"); Assert.IsFalse (BaseDataList.IsBindableType (typeof (DBNull)), "DBNull"); // and junk Assert.IsFalse (BaseDataList.IsBindableType (this.GetType ()), "this"); } [Test] public void SupportsDisabledAttribute () { var ver40 = new Version (4, 0); var ver35 = new Version (3, 5); var p = new TestBaseDataList (); Assert.AreEqual (ver40, p.RenderingCompatibility, "#A1-1"); Assert.IsFalse (p.SupportsDisabledAttribute, "#A1-2"); p.RenderingCompatibility = new Version (3, 5); Assert.AreEqual (ver35, p.RenderingCompatibility, "#A2-1"); Assert.IsTrue (p.SupportsDisabledAttribute, "#A2-2"); } } }